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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1941)
"pack two THE NEWS AND THE HERALD. KLAMATH FAI.I5. OREflON Tunis 4, 194 CONFERS WITH y (Continued from Page One) present but the marshal was not. Br LOUIS P. LOCHNER ' BERLIN. June S IO Ger many will give France a free , hand to repel any attempts by England or other powers on her sovereignty, authorized German ' sources intimated today without flatly saying so. The question arose in con- nm-tinn with Rritish lutvu ti. 1 mands for the seizure of Syria ... ... Asked whether Germany I could afford to let England take this French mandate, these sources Said We don t cross bridges before j we come to them, ror the , present we have Marshal Pe tain's and Admiral Darlan's ' statements that they will de fend all their territory. "Germany, although victor, is ready to concede this sacred right and duty of every nation . to the French themselves. "Whether and in what man--ner France may desire to throw onto the scales the weight of German-French relationships de veloped in the course of the past year is something one can not discuss theoretically. Only a r practical case can show." Authorized sources declined . to throw further light on yes Tr, , ; ana eui.u .uiinmjuiu a uic Brenner rass. . "It is the custom for the two statesmen both before and after all major events to meet in that spirit of solidarity which already has become historic to take stock of the past and check over plans for the future, ' was asserted. Th-Mr tnl1r m I rich in content.1 Roger Williams founded Provi dence, R. I., July 4. 1636. CARD OF THANKS ' We wish to thank our friends ! for their manv acts of kindness and lovely floral offerings ex- i noui; wti Kumitb. i tended during our bereavement,' i-hj. j the loss of our beloved son and:NHAj; 7u",;.!n,.,''V,,,;'!;,'4; i brother Loyd. We wish to espe-! wiiini-tt. "i: Vi..i?T. iwi"t.wi; un'j Typographical union. -' Mr. and Mrs. David Cox Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Cherry i Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Phillip E. j Winkelman ! Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Clark. ' COMPLETE Summer Band Classes Chas. R. Stan field - Director I Altamont Junior High Gym CLASSES START WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4TH AND CONTINUE EACH WEDNESDAY FOR 10 WEEKS 9 10 A.M. Beginning Cornets, Trombones. Bari tones, Basses 10 11 Ail. Beginning Clarinets. Saxophones and Flutes 11 12 A.M. Beginning Band Ensemble, including Drums 1 2 P-11- Advanced Cornets. Trombones. Baritones and Basses 2 3 PAL Advanced Reeds. Clarinets. Saxophones and Flutes 3 P-M- Advanced Band. Full Ensemble 4 P.M. Drums and Baton Classes Klamath Union CLASSES START THURSDAY, JUNE STH Thursday, Jun 5th First Day 9 10 A.M. Beginning Clarinets, Saxophones and Flutes 10 11 A.M. Beginning Cornets and Horns in Eb and F 11 12 A.M. Beginning Basses 1 2 P.M. Intermediate Flutes 2 3 P.M. Intermediate and Eb 3 4 P.M. Intermediate Basses 4 3 P.M. Beginning Drums Friday, June 6th u A.M. Advanced Clarinets, Saxophones and Flutes 10 11 A.M. Advanced and Eb 11 12 A.M. Advanced Basses 1 2:30 P.M. Beginning Instruments ensemble. Dana 2:30 i P.M. Intermediate ensemble, full band 4 P.M. Intermediate and Advanced Drums Advanced Band ensemble to be held either Thursday or Friday evening, day to be selected by Mr. Stan field. All classes to continue on same hour and day each week but may be changed if necessary. All string instruments are called for first meeting in music room at the high school, Monday. June 9th nt 1 p. m. Classes will then be formed . and hours arranged. "IT ISNT WHAT YOUR MUSIC BUT WHAT MUSIC CHILD THAT A Good Siari on Any Instrument Is Half the Job He'll Preside This is Lh Jacobs, who will prttsta ai in annual matting lo1 ,n Klamath county chamber i t..i j . . . I Willard hotel Jun 10. WUliam t . "I'-f" bua wui am in ipMnr. r-ratiosa may b mad now at hmb ' eomm.rc. Portland Produce rrtnu. a' v ii. in r.-hni. m to end strikes hampering de-wri.-M. 4u- io cit...; a fcn5c production. In the absence bittekfat - Hr,t ,.i.t.. ,..-m , of any official statement on this of . of i -vr rmt orfit. uiitrtri in point, some legislators were of wiuimun, of .is orr mil . Ki.t... 40 , i the opinion that the bill would lb.: iirx rout- d.j coimm punu, ic : authorize the taking over of lew: Kttnd quftlit-.. r und.r firt. 1 ..-.t. . i. ,,,Hj . . rHK.FSB ivllinc rk to rurtl.Mid rruil-rt: Tillsm. l.-ipkt. tV lh.: lo.-.. ioL. a. t.o.h. Tiiiuanw.. ' " j Evics - i-mo.- to prortucr,: a. Urt.. biclxrr for eat--: tartou. Sc h!i,r. bister for .-.; trtou. 5c h-T. t m vTKV vk ats snmr ptw t- ntx, n KOCMttrj MW4 K.. tt but.). m. i t. iw ib.. ii iivt -. t.iiift, fniMT. lfviuc: IteM. thin is-iV; hw;. sprint bitittj. i:e lh. ; i-c lt.; i rtittrf . IS-l-V IK.: cnirfr co , t livk poi ltev Bujin prim: No. cm.- ijKrTi bmVr. 14 io ! ( I 16c; trm ua.r ih i:c: 3 to 4 lb W; ruAI 1 crtlorNl h"B over i lb- crtl-rl h--n over ! trs tar: VehnrtM r JS .-1.1 ra urt, -1 over 3-i iba.. I tan;T.l,Scb.'I'1", ""'j onions'- otrVi Dnr,r.. rr-Jir s i-i.. nc.wi.- t-niaoi ki iirfrr. i-w . Pr ber i. b.: mi. siii. 1 wAT'n3 i."s.? KSfTl i-i p- lh. t-if h-- i"it' IT lilt. OrtT-n r-ti-.ri wniaai. S! Sir Ib. : t ftrrfc..( raecr. Z&3Zc lb.; cruttbredft. M-Jc:lh. About two-thirds of the cattle. calves and hogs received at the 65 major livestock markets in 1940 were driven in by truck. SCHEDULE High School Trombones, Baritones and Clarinets, Saxophones and Cornets and Horns in F Trombones, Baritones and Sacond Day Cornets and Horns in F Trombones, Baritones and full CHILD WILL DO WITH WILL DO FOR YOUR COUNTS." of Learning PROPERTY BILL MODfFlCAT ON EYED BY F.R. (Continued From Page One) war department's legislation was Senator Whcclt r (D-Mont.). who has fought a number of the ad ministration's defense progrum measures. "Under this bill," he told re porters, "the president could lake over all the property in ' New York. Montana or any other slate and convert the states into game preserves) or bird refuges." Wheeler foresaw "a major tlRht -. on Ul(. ie)!lsalion , thf !5,natc. and several members of tile house military committee were cool to the proposal. Strikes Eyd The proposed legislation, it was disclosed, had received ad vance approval from the presi dent, the navy and the office of production management. There was considerable gen eral interest as to whether the broad powers might be invoked In addition to permitting the president to take over for any period any type of property oeicnso. the legislation al,o OefcnsC. the would authorize tl.e chief cxecu- , frt ,h..,M 41.mMM I v- wr of the requisitioned PrODcrly. Sn War Keasur Chairman George (D-Ga.) of uie w"8 loreign reiauons com- j mittce and Chairman Reynolds, flD-NC.) of the senate military 1 committee reserved judemont , oa the bill for the time being. I but ueorge said some senators might make the argument that provided full war powers and ! inus snouia not be enacted un- less nation were at war. George said the measure : might be designed to prevent production stoppages resulting trom labor disputes, but added i ne did not know how effective it might prove in that field. j neynoias saia ne would place the legislation Del ore his com-' ..... .1 ... ... . . uiitice tins wees, ana chairman Slav (D-NVYi nt th. h., -..ii.' tarv- committee said h u,.mi,i ! "rvrwwttta a4inn - May said he thought Uie : president "has enoueh nower a, ! it is" hm ariHoH -u ...Mk hold h's opinion on the bill for ! a time. Democratic Leader Mc , Cormack of Massachusetts said I he would do everything in his power to hasten action if the measure were reported to the noU5e ' c i Th t, . , ! in th h. k i stack' alleged communist and a"ter Robert Pat,Crfa.yiUm0no'f'CU'1' ?ng "war efarv h wri " suPPoru'd Slac he ' V P,S 'pr0pOSKl KOOd ,radl: unim po1'- Sneaker Ravb, th . : "CS-" sa,d Briti8l-S' "' 1,l,05cd he proposed bad po..- "is inadeouate m m-. nf. I C e, ' w. . - - ! o. nidt ne urm-a seamen to tions encountered as a result of 1 Join the Marine Workers Indus the existing emergency." : trial union, an alleged commun "Broader authority is deemed : ist-dominated union, essential." Patterson declared. I Bridges said longshoremen got The legislation provides for no support from the Interna "fair compensation" to those ' tional Seamen s union and that whose property is requisitioned, j unorganized seamen were rc Among other things, Patterson fused initiation into the ISU dur wrotc that it would permit the mg the 1934 strike. As a conse government to: quence, he said he advocated Acquire "from recalcitrant tncir joining the MWIU. owners" defense supplies, mate- rials and equipment needed for 1D . . the manufacture of defense Kented Man items. Seek to "stabilize price, and prevent profiteering and hoard- inc " Use nart of . : plant when use of the whole Samuel Urunimcl, who claims ; wnicii ne married Mis. rcppin plant was not necessary to na- n" w'fe rented him to another ' ln J"38. tional defense. woman for $10,000, today was Last vear. however, the sec Take over plants for the pur- den'ed h's elaim to half the 011d Mrs- Brummel obtained an pose of manufacturing articles t "rental fee." annulment of her marriage to not usually produced by them I Acting Superior Judge Harry Brummcl on grounds that the Acquire contracts and con- Sewell granted a divorce to Mexican divorce obtained by tract rights as distinguished Wrs- Lillian Brummcl, and rul-: hls Ilr,t W1'e was illegal, from finished articles. td ,h-' $'0,000 winch Brummcl ; ; "Force comnliance with de-: fense needs from corporations and plants under foreign own- ershin or eontrnl " According to latest figures, the average wages of factory work-j crs in automobile, body and arts plants have advanced to ap- proximately $38.13, weekly. ' TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY i WOMAN for general housework on ranch. Two adults and two children. Must be neat, good j cook, neierence. fnone Mer rill 3412. 6-5 INTERSTATE BUSINESS COL LEGE trains you for positions In business or government. Enroll now. 432 Main. 8-3 FOR RENT Newly decorated 4-room house. Water and lights furnished. $20. 1662 Manzanita. 6-3 CLEAN 3-room furnished du plex. Adults. 2023 Darrow. A V v , I li---lP--(4-at-4Nl-i-W- VNM(),--fiMV..i S-mboltc of British victory over Italians in east Africa is tills toppling stone fusees, bring tugged down by a tractor al Kismayu, Italian Somaliland, before group of appreciative soldiers. FBI UB (Continued from Pajic One uo you consider your union a public organization . .: di inct's rxpinincci ne motiRiu & Dllbtic nrL'ani7tinti u. ltn open to the public and run bv a fate. federal or local govern- I wouldn t consider the FBI a public org amotion. said Bridces. "Don't compare the FBI with 1 your orgaiuzation,'' i-aid Del Guercio. i "1 wouldn't want to.'' said ' Bridnes Del Guercio said he wanted the record to show he resented that answer. "The FBI." said Del Guercio, "is part ol our government." Bridges gave his version of I three points brought out by the I .vviinin-iu m previous it-su-1 mony. They were: ' l Ti.,1 n.i...... ...j j u,,ui" ; workers to read the "Western' w orker." communist organ. "It lias always been our ex- ( p-r'encc." said Bridges, "that labor "mo' "Pect lair treat-( i"1'"' 'rom the daily news- papers- APart from Ulc Policies ?.dv(aU;d b' . "lc " D a ' 1 y i Worker " or "Western Worker," they run the stories ol 1 a b o r j pretty stramlit as a rule. That U-ac mi- nniu pn-i.-nn 4,.r ..r.,.,.r . t. Z. . ' J T "' "' workers to read the paper. 2. That he supported Walter n: j ci nt T, JL $10,000 Fee LOS ANGELES. June 3 (UP) ' claimed was community proper- belonged entirely to the wife. "The astounding claim made by the husband that in effect he was rented bv hi wife tn ' $10,000 and that therefore he another woman for the sum of is entitled to a share of the proceeds defeats itself upon the very threshold of the litigation . . . Judge Sewell commented. "To base such a claim upon an alleged state of facts which HIT NO r..f 1 M V HIT NO. 2 1T tit ltfV xSTinnsomi "v (Lm JoeimcCREfl J "MORTAL STORM" hnm Alt 7:M and 10:M "BANJO ON MY KNCJE" Shown Al t:M P. PLUS: "WtcMInK Leaning Tower of Fascism Beck From Africa , !'., , " t L;S EU'.l Nobody should kick because Dr. Mar. Cushman. above, is going to take it easy. In tile flint place she's iO, and in the second pUce licr medical practice for the l;ist 11 year hns been in Portuciip.e Vc.t Africa. She just rrlurncd to U. S. on the S. S. SilKjnry. Uwnuclvc. contrary lo puulic policy u, good mora.; and ' common decency would dc- W"ve h.m ot the aid ol any toun ol equity and the couA ouiU be impelled to leave Hie parlies exactly as it finds liieiu.' in his testimony, ui uiiuml said that .Mrs. ivurma 1'cppii a cuuiuy employe, came tu ms wile and said sue had laiieu in love with him and wanted tu "borrow Brummei lur a year and would pay !lu,00(l for the loau ut Mrs. Uruniincl s hus band. i lliummel said when his wile (told him of the proposal she promised if he agrcea to be loaned out as proposed by Mrs. Pcppm, he could have one half of tnc ilU.UOU fee. Brummcl related he agreed and Mrs. Brummcl obtained a Mexican divorce, fulluwing tnirty-iive per cent oi an mo tor vehicles in New England are owned by residents, 1n communi ties having populations between 2500 and 25,000. The average retail price of gasoline on March 1 was 12.27 cents a gallon. In Rome on the same date the retail price was 05 cents a gallon. l-ooking lor Bargains' to tho Classified page Turn NOW Shows at T in I . M. A Pit Smith Novtlty I I- - . ,i-.-J rj . v. i S 'ft J . 1 I H ' I Uwr-,J fz-m . t-. sf.f'i (Continued trom rage One) crs and operators to Insure im I mediate resumption of produe 1 tion. i A. T. Wynii, secretary of the Metal Trades council lure, said more men wuuld return to work j tumorrow: that insufficient dis tribution of the council s recom mendation had been given to insure full forces today. WASHINGTON. June 3 ItfV Officials of the International Woodworkers of America (CIO) and members of the tlefense med iation board recessed their con ference today until tomorrow morning. The union lenders had been summoned by the board lo dis cuss the board's request that an apiieal for adoption of recom mendations for settlement of the northwest lumbt-r strike lie submitted to the union member ship. The closed session was recess ed, officials said, because C. A. Dykstra. cliairmiiu, had to at- ; tend a meeting of another board panel. I The Woodworkers union was I represented by O. M. Orion, i president nnd four other of j finals. ' The hoard stimmnm-d Orttm after, an official saitl. telegrams ' from him had not given a satis factory response to the board's request that Its appeal be . brought to the attention of the union membership. It is estimated that taxes ac cruing to the federal, state and local governments from motor vehicle ownership and use in- creased by $140.(100.000 in 1040 ns the total reached the all-time high record. TODAY ON THE STAGE AND SCREEN D.lhl Color Travel Hollywood Steps Out Color Cartoon Csnin Sktchs Hunting Dotys Universal Nws Shows 2:00 - :50 . 9:00 Features 2:55 7:45 9:64 Jay Clark 2:40 - 9:00 JOAN BENNETT fA RANffl0TT0NjrVl ?i-1 t0,w., H wwwwSSS4wwl Flying Club for Girls Planned or Klamarh Airport Organization of a flying club for girls Is being undertaken here, with a membership of 2U sought. The plan is for the club to buy a Piper cub plane, accord ing to Dorothea Itexroad, Who Is actively interwted in the new organization. "We feel that 111 best way j lur stria to gci a ureaa in Icurning to fly is for us to or ganize our awn club and own our own plane," Said Miss llex rond. "There is a growing In terest everywhere aiming wom en in flying." No girl under lfl years of ag others interested should call Max Guiley at the mumclal niriMrt. Yes, Baseball's Part of Duty For Firemen LOS ANGKI.ES. June 3 A') Fireman William II. Keller had quite ( problem. On leave to recuperate Irom an Injury sul fered on duty, Keller played bast-bull. He broke a leg. Did he break his leg In line of duty? Was ho entitled to con tinue his leave of absence on pay: Yea. ruled City Attorney Kay Cheaebro to both queries. The reason: The fire commission suggest ed year ago that firemen, whenever possible, should cn- igage In activities which keep them physically fit. Chctcbro's opinion tutted. Marrying Parsons Also Find Boom PORTLAND, June 3 W1 The general business Increase affected even the marrying par sons here in May. issued 208 marriage licenses, topping all months since May of 1913 when 333 licenses were J granted. Last May 223 were j British offirlal circles would no issued. And the boom continues In rrnment sotin requested Germat June, fur 127 applications al- "protection" of all French col ready are on file, indicating al0"1"1 possessions. Including Syn: I possible new record. 1 nd Lebanon In the mlddl. Oklohoman Grows Cotton in Oregon i OAKRIDGE. June 3 i) Think nothing of It If you hear the catchy strains of "Dixie" in these parts Mrs. John Archer is growing cotton In her garden. Alone with neantlts nrl fsnrv Oklahoinan, says. "Anything that can fvnw in any ottier state can grow in Ore gun," she insists. A BIG 3 UNIT SHOW 0n scre" ' 7in . . . Ita'l wwwrfvl 9 mm Itmtimtows ImHHM HUTCHMMN WIIIUwl TRACY O'DttlSCOU Uar iUCHANAN Lov Tv.rH J '7 1 .t7.i Trlk Nl ft wrT w cjf JAY CLARKE JNTERNAIIONaIIV CELEBRATED MENTAIIST AFFIRRINO MATINEI -nil IflUHT GERMANS MAY IM POINTS OE ADM (Continued on Page Two) fled nlwervera tonight suggrstei tha Hi current wall of nfflrln Hritlnh silence was a hlghl; significant sign. The middle east headquarter In Cairo announced only tha tliere was "no change in th lliitlr,nM nn all 4V..I. i. may join th. club, but nHAK omitted mention of oper. turns In lrai, Syria or the eal ern MiHliterranean. In enniu-rtlmi with the po nihility that a llrltish ninvemrn into Syria already had started observers here said that snch silence In the past almost v variably was to mean th something big was In progrcv Authoritative sources had th Invariable ri-ply. "no confirm lion" for Turkish and other n ports that German forces ttr nvtvlng Into Syria by sea am al. It was recalled that Foreigi Swretary Eden recently tni parliament the middle nut coff mand had been given full an thnrlty to take any steps neee sary tn prevent the German from getting a (uolliolri lo men ace the Suez canal. The implications were eli-a that action might already be li progress. Quilifird observers predlctei that In any event the cahine Keller was doing Just that. ! might sotm declare Syria to b "enemy -ttccupieii territory." Some sources said there was i possibility that the German would demand that Turkey nx her frontiers for passage of ni land forces, tiniler tlireat i wide-sealt air attack and in vasion if she should refine. They suggested that the on Irntatinus manner of the Get man "tourist" infiltration an The Multnomah county clerk j ,,., n)ovr, ,,, Syrin mUht , perhaps intended to alarm lur kev thoroughly in advance. There were Indication thu IfJIIliail (llllllitl tlllll-B notllM 11, be surprised If the Vichy gov . rrnment sotin requested Germat east. The United Slates coast guan was created by an act of con gress In 17110. CARD Or THANKS We wish to thank our friend fur their many acts of kindnwJ and lovely floral offerings ex squash, the cu.ton is frnwim tended during our bereavement readily. Mrs. Archer, a former I ,,,c 1 ' our beloved wife am mother. Evelyn McLaughlin. Mr. O. K. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sleep and Sons. starts THURSDAY TWO FOR THE ZOO COLOR CARTOON LATEST NEWS Answering your questions on Morrioge Business, Etc. ' 4