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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1933)
KWS CLASSIFIED N Klamath News EWS COVERAGE I'll. Klumalb Nidi I rud 10 .er mcUU 11I klainaili county and ourihrrn I aliloruia. II liter la omvllilng Ui aril, rem or trade or II uu uunl oiimililug, U ralwl method la Ilia classified ads. Tli a Klamath ftrwa m errvlced by Asaoclat ed Preaa. (Jftilrit Pma, new. iCnterprls Aaaoelatliia aad Mrnaaahl t'ratur. Sjradfc cat. Csuatj covaraa by (tall wriurs aad oorrrapfirnleala. Vol. 8, No. 2C4 Price Five Centa. KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1933 l Every Morning Except Mondavi N The V Editorials the Days News lly HUNK JENKINS . Tllb) Untied Hint treasury, you have nmd In thla newspa per, la offering lor eala public a ball billion dollar laaue ol new government bonds, and lb news ilory lolling ol lha oiler contains thla comment: "It Dulntod out (proaum- hv tha treasury department) thai tha Issue will aorra a a taat ol tha administration's ability to lluanca Ita recovery operations through bonds. If tha Issue meotB a strong domaiid. direct currency lullutlon probably may ba consid ered unnocoaaary. If, on tba oth er band. It ahould fall, tba naad lor troaaury (unda might lorca tba admlnlatratlon to move Into direct Inllallon." a a THAT la to aay. tha government to ordar to llnanca 111 rocov ary program, baa to bava mora monoy than It can raise by taxa tion. If It can't U011U0W thla ri'unoy from Ita clllioni. It will alart tha presaee and PRINT It. GOVERNMENTS, yon aaa. are quite different from ordinary Individual!. Tbay figure out tha amount of money It will take to run them on tba acala of living they bare fanned. Then they levy tax to ralaa the money they need. If the lax won't ralaa the money, they lasua bonda. If the bonda won't aell. they Hart tba preaana and PRINT THE MONEY. aaa WE roort dnrlla of prlrata In dlrlduali can't work It that way. In time. Ilka those, wa figure out lha MINIMUM amount wa can got by on. Then wa go out and try to ralaa money enough to moot thla minimum figure. If wa can't ralaa tha money, wa cut down tha estimate and LIVE ON LESU. GOVKRNMKNTS don't do It that way. Everything consid ered, It much ballon If they did. But tha point la THEY DON'T. Wrtt COMPLAIN that (overn- - -'" """" " It la TRUE. Thoy are terribly ao. Rut la It really any wonder! a nl'T yourself In the placo of government. Suppoae that all yon had to do wae to figure out the amount of monoy you needed, or WANTED, lo run yon tor a year, and that all that waa then neccsiary waa to tell aomebody the amount and the monoy HAD TO COMB no Ifa or ands about It. Undor euch clrcamatancoa, you'd bo oxtravagant, too. Now wouldn't you? a a OUT lot'e get back to thla bull-- nesi of bonda and Inflation. What la the difference between the two methode? Just offhand. It doesn't appear that there la much difference. (Continued on Page Four) KVniXKKR KbMOVUO PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 13 (U.R) -City Engineer Oluf Lnurgnard wna removed from office todny by a vote of three to two by the city council. L. o. Apporson. for many yoari one of I.aur gaard s assistants, was appointed In hl atood, effective in 40 days. Will Rogers Says: BEVERLY HILLS, Oct. 13. Editor The Klamath News: Various group! have arlaen to sorter gnaw at the 0 1 d democratic party'a heels. Now 1 don't want to cauie undue worry at a time like this, but I do want to call your attention to another cloud In the sky. Since autumn weather has sct In, and the loaves have begun to full, yon can ae quite a few republicans that have been hiding In the treei, a fow more than last year. On the banks of the Wa bash the other day, Jim Wat son climbed right out on a sycamore limb In plain view (brnzonly mind you) and stnrted chirping. I discover ed Ambassador Edge out here yesterday traveling undor his own name (lor the first time In a year). All thla la not a good omen. And I think tha uprising should be put down Immediately, You know how Ignorant people are to Jolp aome fnds. Yours, CITY MAY ASK RETAIL STOiK FOR EXCISE TAX Mayor Mahoney to Press Proposed Ordinance At Meeting Monday Annual Revenue of Fifty Thousand Expected If Accepted by Council An ordinance Impoilng a grad uated excise lax on retail march anta doing a groia ealea business of more than 110,000 annually, will ba submitted to the clly council Monday night by Mayor W. E. Mahonoy. The proposed legislation will be Introduced aa au administra tion measure and the pretont outlook Is that It will be passed Immediately through first and aecond readings so that bearings may be bold on the following Monday night. October S. Other bearings may ba held If nec sa ury before the first ol the year, when the lax It paased goes Into effect. Revenue Estimated at 10,000 The proposed tax marka an other development in tba major's program of bolstering city fi nances by Indirect revenuea and the ordinance aa tentatively drawn provldea that the money collected from the merchanta will go Into tha general bond alnklng fund. Under the terms of the ordin ance, the tax will be levied on a percentage baala. with the rata graduated upward aa groaa aalea Increase. It beglna with a tax ol one-tenth of one per cent on aalea In exceaa of 110,000, and moves upwards In five brackets until a lax of 4 per cant la col lected oo grosa aalea In exceaa ol 11.000.000. If It la finally paased and levied, the tax la expected to produce more than S50.000. ttounrlltnrn Illx'Uaa I'laa What ,the ultimate attitude of lha elty council will be cannot ba told at thla time, but It Is understood that tha measure will have clear aalllng at the start In order to get It before the publlo and Into the hearing stage. Mayor Mahoney this week called the councllmen together (Continued on Page Three) Nation Opposed To Engaging in War Says F. D. R. WAHIIINfiTON. Oct. IS (U.R) The United Statea, aa a nation, la overwhelmingly opposed to en gaging In war, and bas no dealre to annex any neignoonng ioiti torlea such aa Cuba. President i ..-..I, tnnlsht In a speech delivered here and trans mitted to tne women a cuuiur enee on current problems, meet ing In New York City. Only peoples with Imperial istic ' deslros for territorial ex pansion and territorial domina tion endanger the world'a peace. Mr. Hnosevelt aald. Tttmlntr In education. tlO pleaded against "economic waste" in thla Iteia ana urgeu s "u mediate goal the restoration of "the useful funrtlona ol educa tion at least to their pre-depree- alon level." Ho emphasised the need for reducing costs of government (Continued on rage am Irish Republicans Will Be Deported BELFAST, Iroland, Oct. IS (U.R) Armed police and detoc tlvea In armored cara rdunded up and arrested S3 leadors In the Irish republican army In a aurprlse move today. Most of the republicans were routed out of bed, The SS will be probably de ported southward to tho Irish Free State, together with 13 others recently arrested In Dun gannon county. The authorities explained the roundup aa part of the governments campaign to "auppreaa lawlessness In Ulster." 25 Point Buck Shot by Hunter PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. IS (U.R) One of the largest deer ever shot In Oregon was bagged by Louis Lang, Portland nlmrod, near Burns. Lang brought the animal to Portland today. It weighed slightly loss than S00 pounds and bad 25 points. The huge buck has been the "applo" ol ninny hunters' eyes In central Oregon for yeara, but always eluded their bullets, Ex-Cuban President Cone from Canada MONTREAL, Oct. IS (U.R Gerardo Machndo, deposed presi dent of Cuba, has disappeared from his refuge bere, apparently In an effort to throw oft pos sible pursuit from revenge-seeking revolutionaries. It was learned today that he had left the Mount Royal hotel. Ills baggage waa shipped to an unannounced destination - two weoka ago. ziectsDebt ALLOWANCE VOIl PAYMENT LEFT FROM lll'IMJET HKC'OND TIME PARIS. Oct. 13 (U.R) Tba French government guve further Indication today that It haa no Intention ol resuming war dobt paymenta to tba United Btates aa It prepared to submit Its 1K84 budget to the llnanca committee of the chamber of deputlea. Tba aatlmatea for approprla tlona during the coming year set a new all time high In budgela lor the French republic but made no provision lor pay ment of war dobt Installments either to tha United mutes or Great Britain. The move waa not unexpected. France haa de faulted her war debt paymenta twice In tha laat year. The record breaking budget totals 60.000.00U francs (about I3.829.00O.000 at current ex change). It waa compiled to maintain a balr trigger balance, but obsurvers predicted a deficit between 6.000.000,000 to 8,000, 000,000 franca, despite tbta huge Hat of estlmatea. PART OF STRIKE Tenseness Eeased in Cot ton Picking Trouble, Some Workers Return flAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13 (U.R) Mediation tonight ended strikes of 3000 sardine flsber men and 600 Ion rh ho rem en. L'mnreu toward arbitration wan made In the strike of 10.000 cotton pickers of the San Joa quin valley. Two thousand striking let tur packers and trimmers at Salinas, however, refused point blank to accept a mediation plan. Ticket Watched Tenseness that brought blood shed in the MO. ooo, ooo Cali fornia cotton industry waa appre ciably eased, borne workers went In the fields. Strike pickets were watcht'd by officers, lessen In k their Inclination toward Tlo lunce. Councilman H. Q. Walker of Tulare submitted to Gov. James Holph. Jr., the state Nit A board and George Creel, district NKA director, a proposal that the federal Rovernmt'nt force abro gation oi cotton purchase con tract A committee of strikers, growers and businessmen will be formed rf possible tor a visit to the state capital. Crews Employed Consul Enrique Bravo of Mex ico, who protested the slaying of three Mexican pickers, went to Bnkersfleld presumably to investigate the death of one of the three In a fight at Arvln. Several crews of pickers were employed at the 60 cents scale In Merced county, where pick ing la just starting, but 120 (Continued on Page Six) Monmouth Downed I By S. O. N. 5. at Portland, 12 to 7 PORTLAND, Ore.. Oct. 13 (U.R) Two touchdowns In the open ing ml nut OS of the game before Lorry Wolfo'a Oregon Normal eleven warmed up gave Southern Oregon Normal school a 12-7 victory here tonight. Howell, giant Ashland end, snaggod a pass from Lancaster for the first acore. Lancostor plunged over a few minutos Inter from the four yard line for the second touchdown. Monmouth came back with a touchdown by Grnhnm on a short buck In the second quarter. Hovers converted. Lancaster and Elmer "The Great" Urown, both ex-Untverslty of Oregon half backs, led the Ashland attack. Truck Operator Charges Dismissed 8ALGM, Ore., Oct. 13 (U.R) Charges filed by state police, ngainst eight truck operators for full are to display plates of the public utilities commtfmton wore dismissed today by Justice of 1'cnce Overton at Woouhurn. Judge Overton held the law unconstitutional, declaring it places circuit judges, the attor ney general, district attorneys and stale police subservient to the public utilities commission. An opinion of the law Is ex pected from ( the supreme court Tuesday. High School Boys Injured in Rally COLTON, Calif., Oct. 18 (U.R) One youth was partly blinded and three otlwrs wounded today when a shotgun charge was fired Into a group of high school stu dents during a football rally. Police said a band of San Bernardino high school students attempted to tear down a wood pile at the Colton school grounds for a ceremony before the an nual game between the schools. Yes, They'll Be Married Together :f 'ty.;.rrst lt'a going to be orange blossoms aoon for Daisy and Violet! For when tha Hilton sisters, famed Siamese twins, arrlred in New York from a suite tour of England, nouncetnent was that they'd both about Christmas. Violet (left) la Dalsy'a husband, aha aald, la to leader. Weird Voodoo Story Related By C.C.C. Chief SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. M (IP) Lieut. Jamea A. McDonnell, who paaaed through here laat night on hie way east with a company of negro "tree troop ers," homeward bound, related a weird atory of Toodoo tom toms throbbing through the night air high In. the Cascade mountains. I'ndoubtedly It was the first time the cult of Toodoo. weir a and desperateritual of the Hai tian negroes, made Ita appear ance in the Pacific northweat It waa stamped out by Lieut. McDonnell, who recognized it from hie experlenceo In Haiti. - All aeemed to be going well until oiia night when the lleu ti'ifunt recognized the sound of the tomtoms off In the hills. He investigated and found a group of men. seated In a circle and swaying thotr painted bodiea in time, while they gnashed their teeth and ahouted unintelligible Incantationa to the great voodoo. "They mlgbt have sacrificed the blood of animals," he said, "but It did not get that tar." Giant Dirigible Continues West Toward New Home SHREVEPORT, La., Oct IS (U.R) The Macou. huge navy dirigible, flew acroaa the aouth wesl tonight on Ita flight from Lakehurat, N. J., to Its new home base at Sunnyvale, Calif. It waa reported bere at I p. m. that the airship had changed Ita courae to the northward to avoid a atorm area east of Mon roe. La., and waa heading for Dallas by way of Texarkana. The dirigible cruised south and westward acrosa the Caro lines, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi today after leaving Lakehurat last night. Weather reports received by radio at frequent Intervale re vealed the count of the flight. Canal Covering Program Backed By Service Clubs Virtually all service and civic organiaationa have aligned their forces In the fight for coverage of the government canal and resolutions outlining reasons (or this move circulated and spon sored by the Klamath League of Women Voters have been algned by these organlmttona and for warded to all of Oregon'a repre- aentntivea and aenatora. In con greas. Organizations aupportlng the petition for canal coverage are: (Continued on Page Six) Portland Applies For Armory Fund PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. IS (U.R) Application for 11.450,000 pub lic worka funds for construction of an armory In Portland waa algned today by the county com misslonera. Of the Bum sought, $436,000 would be an outright grant from the federal- government and 11,015,000 would be a loan. The present armory waa built In 1889. Football Oregon Frosb, 7; Oregon Slate Rooka, S. Oregon Normal, 7; 8. O. N. 8., IS. Roosevelt (Portland), IS; Benson Tech, 0. Detroit U., 14: W. J. 0. Albany, 7; Tillamook, 7. Hoseburg, it; Springfield, 7. Ontario, 0; Welser, 0. Henverton, 7; Banks, 6, Korcat Grove, 7; McMlnn vllle, 7. i '41 aa ahowa bere, their smiling an be married in a double ceremonr to marry an Engllab boxer, and ba Jack Lewis, Chicago orchestra TWO SUSPECTS NEAR CRESCENT Search Continues for 3 Maniacs; Police Here Have No Information CRESCENT LAKE, .Ore., Oct. IS (U.R) Two men wearing slip- pera, believed to be A. R. Car ter and Dean Welch, escaped maniacs, were being sought bere toaay. The fugitives left a freight train, hero Wednesday night, re cording to two negroea, who re ported the Incident to police. Welch'a sister Uvea at Mo wlch. near here, and officera be lieve the pair may be attempt ing to find ahelter at her house. An attempted robbery of the local pool hall Thursday night waa lata at tnetr door. Local atate police and deputy sheriff's officera had received no Information concerning the two suspected escaped lunatlca at Crescent Lake Friday evening. crescent Lake la In Klamatr county. Officers were In the northern part of the county on business mattera Wednesday but received no Information. SALEM, Oct. IS (Photo graphs of Dean Welch, 18, es caped patient ' of the atate ho (Continued on Page Six) Urschell Will Return to Texas Farm for Visit OKLAHOMA CITY. Oct. 13 (U.R) Charlea F. Urachel will return to the Paradise, Tex., farm where he waa kept, a blind folded prisoner of the George (Machine Gun) Kelly gang. But thla time tbe oil magnate will be the guest of Armon Shannon, the 22-year-old guard who "told the truth" at the triala of Harvey J. Bailey, Kelly and othera In , the kidnaping plot. Urachel, who paid 1200,000 for hia freedom, and Armon parted fast friends. Shannon in vited the oil man to come down and hunt quail. He aald he would. Search of Missing Judge Is Revived PORTLAND. Ore.. Oct. J 3 (U.R) Search for Judge Charles Marsh, former Umatilla county judge, missing aince October 26, 1932, waa revived tonight when detectives found bis car parked in a local garage. It had been there aince October 24, 1932. Certificate of title, hat and brief case found In the car were Identified as those of Marsh. Judge Marsh'a disappearance haa been an unaolved mystery for about a year. Ho left Port land about October 24 tor Pen dleton and waa bellevod to have had a considerable anm of money. Thomas Prepares For Rate Hearing SALEM, Ore., Oct. IS (U.R) Public Utilities Commissioner Charlea M. Thomas will go to Medford Monday to begin bear ings on ratea and methode of the California-Oregon Power com pany. After three or four daya at Medford, the hearing will be transferred to Klamath Falls, where further testimony will be taken. Englneera of the utilities department have been collecting data on the power company for several montha. ALLIES SEEK TO HOLD GERMANY IN ARMS PARLEY Immediate Adjournment Upon Opening Monday Expected by Nations Nazi Government Certain To Withdraw Unless Compromise Is Given GENEVA. Oct. IS (U.R) Im mediate adjournment of iu pre liminary disarmament conference when it reconvened next Monday to permit further private discus sions of the delicate arms control Issue waa considered probable In League of Nations Quarters to night. The delegates of the former al lied powers the United States, Great Britain and France sought desperately to prevent Germany's withdrawal from tbe arma parley Comnromiee Bought Aa reault, observers tonight were convinced that some sort of compromise would be offered to Germany, rather than a cut ana dried allied approval plan for a four year trial period of Inter national control of armamenta which Germany bitterly opposes The Germans openly admit that everything depends now on tne tone of the apeech which Sir John Simon, British foreign sec retary will make tomorrow whea the ateering committee of tbe-dia- armament conference reaumea ita sessiona. The United Press understood that Sir John bad changed hia original plan and would make the apeech In hia own name without attempting to ahow a united Franco - British - American front againat (jermany'a arma equality demands. Three Point Plan Furthermore, tbe premature revelation of the allied Intention to submit their now famoua "no rearmament" resolution against Germany to the conference Mon day had caused their delegation to drop this proposal. Instead. It waa believed Sir John will apeak fer4bam-taft, oatllning--the three power agreenmeut on: 1. A policy of no rearmament for a period of four yeara. 2. The necessity of a teat pe riod before actual disarmament commences. ' S. Institution of strict Inter national control of all arma. The Germane alao changed their tactics auddenly tonight and in steady of insisting that Germany (Continued on Page Six) Bonanza Bank Robber Given State Pardon Horace Nordstrom, who was returned to Klamath Falls from tbe state penitentiary to testify tor the atate at the trial of George Wolfe In connection with the robbery of the Bonanza bank, has received a conditional pardon from Governor Meier, according to an announcement from Sheriff L. L. Low, wbo waa notified to release Nordstrom from tbe county Jail, where he haa been confined for the past xour montna. Nordstrom waa aentenced to 10 yeara In the penitentiary tor nis anare in tne Dank robbery and he had aerved Just 22 (continued on Page Six) Prominent Chicago Business Men Face Federal Charges CHICAGO, Oct IS QJ.R) In- dlctmenta charging use of tbe maila to defraud were returned in federal court today against John W. Fowler and eight other men who are prominent In the business of Chicago and oiuer cities. Fowler Is chairman of the exec utive board of tha United States Gypsum corporation. He and other members of the corporation were accused of profiting illegally through aale oi I33U.000 worth of Blocks In the Security Investment Rust corporation. Five Coast Road Bridges Assured MARSHFIELD, Ore.. Oct IS (U.R) Definite promises the. five .proposed Coast highway bridgea would receive approval of the Oregon advisory committee of the fVA nave been given Ed Miller, secretary of the Coast Highway association, It waa revealed to day. The committee, Bert Haney, Dean Jamea H. Gilbert and Engi neer C. C. Hockley, have said they would recommend the bridgea for construction under the PWA, Miller aaid. 8KCOXD HI.XON TRIAL Lester Hixon. who dismissed his legal representative and de fended himself on a horse theft charge In circuit court this week, will . be prosecuted under an other Indictment, according to Deputy District Attorney D. E, Van "v'auor. Hlxon'a trial ended In a hung Jury. The grand jury returned three lndictmenta against him. Involving different boraea. Plane Crash Due to Bomb AUTHORITIES CERTAIN EX- PLOHION CAUSED BY SET PLAJi CHICAGO, Oct, 13 (UJ5 A high explosive caused the air plane crash which took aeven Uvea laat Tuesday night at Ches terton, Ind., according, to two official atatementa laaued to night. Theories of anarchy and mur der for revenge were auggeated In the Investigation of tbe mys tery. Inveatigatlona Revealed That aome sort of ' higb ex plosive foreign to the airplane caused the crash waa atated by officials of the United States department of justice and tbe United Air Linea. Melvin H. Purvis, department of justice agent, announced that detailed Investigations bad led him to a positive belief that aomething foreign to the air plane exploded. D. B. Colyer. vice president of United Air Llnea. Issued a state ment that bo waa convinced. (Continued on Page Six) NRA OFFICIALS DELAY DECISION Action on Two Most Ser ious Problems Post poned for More Data WASHINGTON, Oct 13 (U.R) Decisions on retail price fixing and non-cooperative Kentucky coal mine operators, two of tbe most serloua problema confront ing tho recovery program, were postponed today aa recovery offi cials moved cautiously to avoid dangeroua complications. Recovery Administrator Hugh S. Johnson, after announcing that be would reveal late in tbe day the attitude which tbe entire ad ministration would take .toward retaif price fixing,, reversed hia plana because of delay In re ceiving an important communi cation" and decided to wait a while before acting on the gen eral retail code. The retail gro cery code and retail drug code and otner agreements Involving atop lose provlslona. Threaten NRA The national labor board de layed until next week Ita de cision on what action to take againat nine Kentucky coal mine operators wbo Ignored sum monses to explain ehargea that they had discharged miners for (Continued oa Page Six) Diplomats Meet Over Germany's Beating Policy BERLIN. Oct. 13 (U.R) United States Ambassador William S. Dodd conferred with Count Con stantino von Keurath, Nazi for eign minister, for halt an hour tonight forcefully presenting secretary of State Cordell Hull's protest againat repeated beat ings of American citizens In Ger many. Ambassador Dodd intimated later that he probably would confer again with von Neurath In the next tew days. It was felt that the delicate problem grow ing out of the beatings was in the process of aolution. The American diplomat was received after von Neurath bad failed earlier In, the day to keep au appointment wttn mm. - Americana In the German cap ital had feared a "diplomatic in cident" mtht reault from fail ure to keep the appointment Ford Motor Plant Will Reopen Soon DETROIT. Oct IS (U.R) The Ford Motor company plant at Chester, Pa., which waa closed last month, following a walk out of 200 workers from the final assembly line, will be re opened next Monday, officials nere announced today. Approximately 1800 men are employed at the plant. All for mer workers have been notified they could return to their Jobs. Press Time ORKtiOX CITY, Ore., Oct. 18 (U.P lIh of Hurry Dun ran, 80, of K.tmtla was ell rlctiy rnuird by ating wild honey In tho mountains near his home, coroner's jury todny ruled. I-ONDOX, Saturday, Oct. 14 (U.R) The Morning lost todny aid that " Ho v let-Japanese war is Inevitable',' tn com menting on the Far Kastern situation and the disarmament conference at Genera, BATON NIC, N. J., Oct. 18 (U.R After taking on a huge cargo of oil, gasoline ' and beer, the Jacob It up port, flng nhlp of Rear Admiral Richard K. Uyrd's Antarctic exM-dl-tlon, sailed tonight for Houth Polar waters. LABOR VOTES TO BOYCOTT GOODS FROM GERMANY Union Federation Session Adjourns Following Action on Free Trade American Legion Offers Support A g a I n 8 1 In f 1 a t i o n, .Communism WASHINGTON, Oct 13 (UJ9 William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor, brought bis organization! an nual convention to a cloae to night with an ardent defense of labor'a right to strike. Hia closing statement waa carefully worded aa an answer to Recovery Administrator Hugh S. Johnson and other admlnia tration apeakera wbo had at tacked atrikea In tbe recovery period aa "economic sabotage." WASHINGTON. Oct. IS U. Five million membere of tha American Federation of Labor and affiliated unions were bound tonight by action of the federa tion convention to boycott goods made In Germany, Russia. China, Italy and other nationa opposing free trade union organization. The proposed boycott which originally was to have been di rected only against Germany, was extended to other nationa after the resolutions committee report ed it would be "unwise" to limit it to one government , One Votes Against Discussion of the boycott how ever, centered chiefly on trade nnlon situation created by Chan cellor Hitler of Germany. Presi dent William Green of the A. F. of L. urged the convention to adopt the report of tbe resolu tions committee but - added that be, personally, would have In cluded there In stronger criticism of the Hitler regime. Later Green aaid that though the reeolution covered all na tiona restricting labor organiza tions, the actual boycott, would Only one vote of tbe 600 dele gates attending tbe 53d annual (Continued on Page Six) ? Kelly Predicts Short Stay on Life Sentence KANSAS CITY. Mo., Oct IS fll.Pl Defiantlv nrollrtlniF K- would atay In prison "only aooui a ween. ' ueorge (Macbine Gun) Kelly arrived bere tonight from Oklahoma Oitv nn Tnfa wnv to Leavenworth prison where he win atari a me term for tbe kidnaping of Charles Urscbeh "I'm going to get right out," Kelly told Patrolman G. T. Wei gant who apoke to him through the barred windows of the ar mored car in wnicn eight fed eral agents guarded the prisoner. One of the guards distributed squares of paper which he aaid Kelly had autographed during the afternoon. All were obscene. Highway Secretary . Proposed by Texas BEAUMONT, Tex., Oct. IS (U.R) A resolution favoring crea tion of the post of "secretary of highways" in the cabinet of the president was adopted here to day at the closing session of the convention of the United States Good Roads association. Another resolution endorsed proposed beautification of high-' waya by tbe civilian conserva tions corps and the construction of airplane landnig fielda along principal highways. 2 Men Considered For Willamette SALEM, Ore., Oct. IS (U.R) Dr. M. Lyle- Spencer, former president of the University of Washington, and Dr.. Bruce Bax ter, dean of religious education at U. S. C are being considered- for president of Willamette university. The men have been contacted by the board ot regents, aeeklng a successor for Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, who Is retiring at tha end of this year. News Flashes VERA CRl'Z, Mex., Oct. 18 U.PJ The mayor and chief of police of Tlcrra Rlanca were killed todny when a mob of 150 pennants armed with pis tols and machetes stormed the municipal palace there seek ing to allegedly com munistic authorities. PARIS, Oct. 13 (U.R) Colo, nel and Mrs. Charles A. Lind bergh, now in England, plna to Tlnlt Paris shortly prior to returning to the In I ted Htnlcs, It was learned today. AZCSA, Calif., Oct. 18 (U.R) Parachute leaps saved the Uvea of an officer ami two en listed men today when the army bombing plane they were flying burst Into flames