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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1933)
September 21, 1933 THE KLAMATH NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 1 Want-Ads Bring Results Phone Yours to 1900 fir KJ0 Kate i 3c E lar word Mr day't nstrtloa. 10 20 par cent discount on idi running o a WMk. per Mnt discount on ad running on OlOOtU. All classified Ids r Insert ed lo bulb Tilt Klatuatb News and Evening Herald, al tha above rata, appearing to The Newt tlrtt Tlma limit for oltttlfleatloo in tba following dar'a pa part la (:00 P. M. Ada daalrad In lartad on tba aama flay at tob mlltad will btvt to run "Too Lata to Classify." Too-Late-to-Claselfy ada ara put In ona papar obit at tba aama raia aa quotad abort, and olaaalflad tor aueoaadlog Insertions. Loat and Pound STRAYED OR STOLEN Two cows, ona branded diamond on rltht rlbe. From Altamont Thursday afternoon. Notify M. O. Bataa. eara Pelican But Lumbar Co. 0800 LOBT Rad auada puna at post office. Reward. Mra. Cora Lyon, rnona ltiiw, .. LOBT Between Realty ana' Kla matb Falli. sack ot'laundrr Return tn Herald office. list. Ganerat Notice estimates on njr Job. large or amaii. rnona iut. , new. mas. . ISol RAUIO Behvicb or" an kinds. Wm Lona. 1401 Lookout Rt Phnna 1H26J. it.M 4 Feraonala BKI1T11A BUTIIEUT.IN Call Bmltta at Hotel Hall. 1181 RKAOING8 dally 611 Oak. 6e. Tirav! By Stag Shortest Route to PORTLAND $5.90 one way SEATTLE . $7.90 one way SPOKANE $14.00 one way Via Bend and Weplnltla Leave Greyhound Depot at 12:90 p. m. dally. Phona 1530. 6 Help Wantad, Male MEN WANTED for Rawlolgb Itoutea of 800 consumers In cities of Klamath rails. Mad ford and county of Laka. Re liable bustlar can start earning $26 weakly and Increase every month. Write Immediately Rawleigh Co.. Dent. OU-21-S, Onklnnd. Calif. 1185 7 Help Wanted, Female REFINED LADY, bo encum brances, age 15 to 40. to do housework and assist In store ana postoinca, for tingle man. H. K. Allen, Kirk, oro. libi LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE OMLV OMB WAV TO TVACH THAT KIO WEH PLAvCCl I'LL KetSP COTTIWQ OOWM OM WHAT t OIVB TH6KA TIU. CBT9 WI9C TO HERSELF' I OON'T HAVa TO OIVE eM A. CBKlT 7 IP I DOM'T WANT TO, ACCOROINQ TQ THS.T CONTRACT- J J If I ( THAT'S PUMMV- I 7 ' I ' EXPECTED HER TO HA.VB 1 1euJT A.WKIIE- A " . . A, PIT AMD STA.RT A, I H IBeS COME ON BIO ARGUMENT- SHE I DOU-ARS 'UWCLE- bvM- WHAT COOVD SHB 1 PiciuT- LOOK UP THAT HeP,'iTTD!,K0, WWRIM CONTtTaCtTi V 2MBE3TtKSl! I VOU GOING? KNOW WHAT A.M EVE ON ,HBR- J , , V TAiD- BUT. JT Is 1' .. (T 71 JUST TH1 SA.KAE. ff - ( ) - . N I'M GOIWG TO- i : TO TMAT C0NTRA.;T- 7 Help Wanted, Female WANTKl) Olrl tor general buuaework, must be eaperi enrad, Htnte wave expected and give r"(ereucea. V. O. Boa 17. Merrill, Ore. 111! WILL CIIVB room and board to middle-aged couple In exchange for housework, 498 N. 10th. 1111 B Situation Wanted YOUNG WOMAN wlabet bouse work Inaxood home, Keforen cea. Inquire saci White. 1187 EXPERIENCED cook will work In or out of town. Mra. C. F. K.let. formerly of Tiny Tarero, Talent, Or..' phone sDlWJ. I UK 11 Furnished Room FURNACE HEATED Bedroom In modera home. Pbone 918J. 1084 12 Room and Board UOOM AND BOARE -1791W. 1113 EXCELLENT board , and room reasonable.-garage, 217 Pine. Phone IIIH-M. 09J2 13 Furnished Apartment FOR KENT Furnished apart ments, our rooms and bath. Close In. 718 Jefferson. 0929 KOH HKNT Small modern apart ment lor one or two. Kiectnc rauge and heater, water and wood furnished, (If,. Phone (31. 1167 FURNISHED N. I "til apartmanta. 410 1168 14 Furnished Houtet DUPLEX, fire rooms and bath. Everything furnished. .Phone 80F8. Ill K. 9th. 0763 FOIt HUNT I rooms modern garuge, close In. Phone 288. . 1:13? IB Unfurnished Houaet WILL RENT 5-room modern un furnished house: new furnace; close In, 116. Phona 787. a -- ---l 1 8a To Eachang WILL TRADE I-room house, two lota, hot well, for beet cattle. Box 1880. News-Herald. 1830 WILL EXCHANGE) 6. room mod era house and three lots In Ashland for Improved acres ne near Klamath Fnlle. Inquire a xkhb. I 19 ' Automotive 'e)eiiWiiien,,,,esw HERE'S r THE CAR FOR : YOU! 1981 Ford T-l Coupt, rumble teat. 1918 Hudson Victoria, 1919 Hudson Coupe, rumble aeat. t , . t 1919 DeBoto Sedan. 1926 Dodge Coupe, t Armstrong Motor Co. 136 Mala Street. 1153 IF TOD have oonietning to aell bare changed your place of bualness. buy or aell farm pro duets or have anything to tell the public, the must economical and surest war of getting re sults la through the classified. Phone 1900 or write Is to the Newe-Herald Klamath Business Directory Convalescent Home) i .1.1 ... l,lth. l.lihlB Wal-r Climate. Conval.acant Home open to an patients, renter., ouaru ers. Reduced prices. 161 Gran ite street, Ashland. Doctor R. 1. HALL, M.D. PhyslclBB and Surgeon Maternity Caaea a Specialty Phont 796 310 Winters Bidg. Or. O. W. Weslllnd. Naturopathic Physician. Chronic, and nervous diseases a specialty. 311-213 L O. 0. F. Bid. Dress Shoppe Visit Torgler'a Upatalra Drew Uhoppt for attractive dreaset al reasonable prices. 731 Main St. Phona 682.1. 0510 Hcmatitcbing HEMSTITCHING. BUTTONS oof ared. dressmaking. Mrs. H M, Allender. 614 Walnut. 0176 19 Automotive USED CARS CHEAP Chevrolet Coupe, Dodge Pickup , Davit Pickup .t SO cash 160 135 Ford Truck, with compound gear . ......... $65 1929 Bulrk Coupe. 1939 Studebaker President Sedan. 1921 Studebaker Commander Su dan. 1939 Packard Bedcn. 1938 Oldt Coupe, Term Trades BUICK GARAGE ' 1330 Main. 1114 FOR SALE Chevy 1930 roadster. Phone 1928J, ovenlnge. 1329 20 Miscellaneous For Sale SACKS Farmers attention. We have used sacks for oats, barley ant) spuda. We buy pelts, wool hides and Junk. And we will treat you right. MAS Bag Co, 634 Market. Phone 1939. 06i! PINE AND FIR WOOD Phone 896-W. livi GOOD Colonial beating atova. 131 tjaiiiorma Ave. uzi FOR SALE Baby Grand radio. sacrifice. 12:2 Monclalre HI. 1334 FOR SALE Gray mohair ches terfield ana cuuir, z; to. Muln. 1184 20a Swap FOR BALE OR TRADE for pota toes: Beautiful thoroughbred saddle mnre. Phone 700. 0919 U Llveatock and Feed FOR SALE Wanner pigs: two- year-oiu rerrneron etanion. Dcltord Lang, Williamson River. 1168 22a Poultry For Sale STATE Blood Tested White Leg horns, Barred Hocks and Red Chicks. Nine Dollars 100 pre paid and guaranteed. J. R. Ma- una, aw. s.. uiciuo 01.. Portland. 0189 By Harold Gray . BUSINESS i r- WA.9K1'T QOITE SO r7 Qooo.THig rtl WEEK- HERE'S J I VOOR SHARE- yt I SEVEMTEEK1 t Mutio Z. Petere Piano, Violin. Phons 3188M. Optic 0 lasses fitted.' Soul Sanitarium. Second Hand Store Wt pay cash or trade tor used goods. 0. L. Hembree, 328 S. 6th. Turkish Bath Manage. Colonic Irrigation. Reg Istered Nana. 127 So. Seventh. Typewriter School Trained Mechanlo 14 Tear' Experience Adding Machine tnd Typewrittr Sales and Service 630 Main Pbone 842 23 Financial 3 AVE SAVE SAVE ON AUTO LOANS AND REFINANCING Loweat ratea and easiest terms Inveatlaaie and be convinced MOTOR INVESTffENT CO. 108 bo. 7th. Pb. 1141 3tete License M-104 $ I Salary Loans $ $ I TO 80 DULL A KB UN YOUR PLAIN NOTE No Interest deductions, you receive full amount applied for. 1 to months time. All loans confidential BTATB LOAN CO. OregoB Bank Buildlna. Entauce 120 N. 10th. Ph. 768 Lie by State 8-164 24 Butineaa Opportunitiea HAVE an attractive proposition. Will take 91500 to handle. . Earnings over 63,000 per year. New Invention. Box 1183. -ew-Herld. 11SS Neccnitie for Work WILL exchange painting or kal- eomluiua or automobile paint ing for rent of house. Boi 924 Newt-Herald. 0924 WILL GIVE school child room and board In exchange for wood and farm producta. Newt-lier- aio. boi 0840. osta WANT WORK I am a good band milker. Can do any Job in logging camp. Will furnish the polish and wash and polish your car at your garage or home, and make It look like new. Room 317. Baldwin hotel. 1087 MIDDLE-AGED man tnd wife want work on ranch. Man ex perienced In stock raising of all kinds, agriculture and Irriga tion of dry lands a specialty. Woman an experienced poultry raiser. Willing to work at any thing for necessities. 816 Ful ton. 0726 WOMAN wishes any kind of work except cooking. Call mornings at 3219 8. 9th. 1008 Stock Averages (Copyright 1118, Standard 8tatle tlea Company) to 10 to tt Indi a RR'a Or. Total Wednesday . SS I 414 T4 1 14.1 Prav. day 50.T Tt.t IT.I Week ago 7 61.9 14.5 sl.i Tsar ago . Il.t .t 11 1 0.l I years ago . 160.7 119.7 lit t 1S4.S High. 1931 101.1 St.t lil t 1(9 Low. 1911 41.1 111 tl.l 41.1 High. 1911 Tl.l 19 1 lilt til Low. till II I II I ll.l SI.S Bond Averages (Copyright US I, Btandard Statis tics Company) 10 10 80 60 Indl'a RR'i Ut's Total Wednesday 11.1 74.1 10 1 76.4 Prav. day 74.1 76.8 11.1 77.1 W.ek ago TS.4 79.0 III 71.0 Tsar ago 17.8 19.1 14.0 til I yeara ago . 14.1 .109.4 101.1 101.1 High. Illl . 77.1 14.1 ll.l II) Low, Illl II I li t 74.1 ll.l nigh, mi til tit ill ti.i Low. 1931 111 17.4 10.9 ll.l Labor Mediator For the NRA Tronblo-shooter for the Na tional Labor Board In settling -labor disputes for (lit NRA It Chnrlct n. Darncs, nbovo, whose latest successful Job of mediation was avortlng a stroet railway strike In Cleveland,) fei .'CEU.V National, Local Markets EGG SUPPLY SJ PORTLAND, BepL 20, (AP) -The great supplies of egga In eoolera and the lateness of the season create much apprehension among speculators In storage gooda bare and generally through the eountry. The latest federal report of holdings in 36 leading cltlea of the country auggest holdings with an aggregate of 6.891.301 caaet compared with 4,013,116 caaea for tbla tame period a year ago. The market for freeh eggs waa holding firm despite this weak ness in the cooler anppiy. in fact In spots premiums are re ported for egga that buyers gnow are strictly fresh. Market tor butter continued to reflect an eaay tone aa a re sult of continued liberal make aa well aa atorage withdrawals. Prices were generally unchanged tor both butter and butterfat locally. While the market for light weight hens remained slow, there waji added atrengtb suggested In the trade In springer stuff. These appear In short eupply aa compared with demand. - Wbile In spots there waa a rather easy feeling tor lambs and for beef, the market for country killed meat In general wae trifle better and practically without price changes. Thert waa a fajr volume of trading In the peach market and generally without price changea. Prices were a trifle easy In spots for small sired Elbertat and Halea. Wine Grapes Demanded First offerings of the aeason't Florida grapefruit crop wat re ported. All altes wert being listed ground 86 case. Greater auppllea of cauliflower were being offered nere witn both the home and northern stuff available. The local stock waa far the beat and sella gen erally about a dim higher than the northern. There la a fairly liberal gain In demand for wine grapes on the tracks her. Zlnfandela continue the chief offering with most sales around 70 centa lug. Mus cat were arriving slowly and are considered a trifle too high Kotea of wholesale trading: Freah halibut waa scarce. There was more salmon arriv ing from the coast Prices mix ed aa la quality. Tha shortage of crabs con tinned. Onion market was about tteady with no outside movement Mountain huckleberriea were telling well up to 12 cent pound but coast ttock wae alow with a dime hard to obtain. Tomatoea were ateady with prices unchanged. Suppliet fair ly liberal. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Sept 20. (AP) (U. S. Dep. Agr.) Hoga: 66, 000; governments 36,000; active. generally 15-26 centa - higher; packing sows fully 10-16 cent ud: good to choice 180-230 lb. 95.10-j.26. top 15.36; 240-290 lb. 34.60-5.10; better grade light lighta $4.76-6.00; most packing aowa 33.40-3.90; smooth lights 34.00 upward. Cattle: 10,000; strictly good and choice medium weight and weighty steers predominate in run. early sales to shippers strong to 15c higher, asking prices generally 15-Joe higher; 97.00 paid for 1366 lb. averages. that price bid on others held higher; beet light yearling steers 96.76. light heifers 96.35. cows and bulla strong, vealert 25-50C under Tuesday s average, market; mostly 16.00-7.00 with practical top 87.60, Blockers about ateady. Sheep: 8.000; buyers actively Interested in desirable fat lambs. undertone strong to mostly 36c higher with tellers asking more advance; early sales 7.00-7.26 choice natives and string desir able westerns held well above 97.60, theep tteady, common to choice native ewea around 81. Bo 3.50, best light weight quotabl around 13.76, yearlings scarce. BOSTON WOOL MARKET BOSTON. Sept 30, (AP)- (TJ. 8. Dept Agr.) Finer grade of territory wool are quite ac tive and pricea are strengthen Ing. Oood French combing 64's and tlntr territory wools in ori ginal bagt are bringing around 80 centa scoured basis. Short French combing staple of similar quality at 76-78 cents tcoured basil. Oraded strictly combing 68'a, 60's, VkV blood territory wool has been sold at slightly above 80 cents tcoured bails, tha range being 78-81 cents. Thtrt art over 237.000 churchet In tha United States communicant number over 47, 000,000. Over (17,018,000 torn of ooal were used tor various purpottt in tht United States In 1980. SHOW ABOVE 1332 CASH POTATO BUYERS , Fred Schwab Commission Co. nd , . I Stonebarger-Anderton Co, WAREHOUSE and OFFICE In TITLE LAKE Frost-proof potato storage tpace for rent. Will be glad to have yon see as or phona at at Tula Lake 0401 tor appointment Stock Market Quotations NEW YORK, Sept. 10, (Jit The ttock market atnmbltd nerv ously through obscur pathways today and, after a tenet oi tnarp slumps and mild rallies, again turned downward In the last few minute, of trading. Metals and rails led the final decline with losaet of 1 to or more polntt predominating. The close waa weak. Transfer! approximated 1,600,000 lharat. There waa little newt to Moti vate the err.tlc price movements, tlthough rumors of a "sound money" ttatement which might be issued from Washington did much to confuse the already mud dled traders. Galnt tagged around 1 to 1 cents a bushel, and cotton turned toft Other commodities were Inclined to east. Tht dollar dived to new deptbt In fortlgn ex change dealings, but came back substantially In the afternoon. High gradt bondt wtnt down with ttockt. Shares of U. 8. Smelting were off torn polnta, while decline of 1 to 4 polnta were suffered by Homestake. Alaska juneau. American Smelting. Cerro de Pas co and Dome Mints. Among the leading rail losers of 1 to around 6 points were union racnie, Nor folk ft Western, Ban la re, new York Central. Delaware & Hud- ton. Loultvllle tt Na.nvuie ana Baltimore tt Ohio. Other casual ties of 1 to 4 oolnta or more In cluded National Distillers, Allied Chemical. U. 8. Steel. Case.. Con solidated Oat. General Motors, American Telephone, American Can, Dupont Western Union and Weatlnghouae. Today't closing prices: Air Roductlon - 1081 Alaska Juneau 281 Al. Chem. Dye , ,i 140 American Can 94 (5 111 491 126 90 181 651 291 311 .179 87 241 161 26 161 761 221 441 471 141 271 21 67 89 11 4'fi J01 86! 191 (1 11! . 37! . 33 14! 101 358 411 111 141 641 141 24 30! 97 31 121 ' 14 22! 671 151 American Com!. Alcohol American ft For. Fow. American Smelt. 4 Ref. A. T. ft T. American Too. B. .... Anaconda Copper Atchison. T. S. F. Atlantic Ref. Baltimore tt Ohio Bendlx Aviation Bethlehem Steel ,, Borden Co. . Burr. Adding Machine California Pack Canada Pacific Case. J. I. Caterpillar Tractor . . Cbeaapeake ft Ohio Chrysler Motor . Col. G. ft. E.- Commercial Solvent Commonwealth Southern . Continental Can Corn Product Curtlta Wright - -. . Drug Inc.... Dupbnfft TJ N. . Eastman Kodak . Klec. Auto Lt El. Pow. ft Lt General Electric General Food. General Motors Gillette Raxor Gold Dust . Homestake Mining International Harvester . International Nickel I. T. ft T. - Johna Manville Kennecott Con. Cop. Kroger Grocery Llbbey-O-Ford Liggett ft Myers B . Liquid Carbide Lorlllard Tob. Co. . Monty Ward Nash Motor . National Biscuit National t)alry Product National Distillers National Pow. ft Lt . , , New York Central North America Pacific Gas ft Electric Packard Motor Penney, J. C. 1021 HI 44) 181 11! 41 49 331 17! 13! (0 81 31 81 S3 431 l It 3 ti 44 431 61 IS! 381 i 461 119 851 61 161 731 19 611 24 43 401 Penn. R. R. Phillips Pet. Public Service New Jersey . Pullman Co. Rtdio Corp. .... R. K. O. Rem. Rand Reynoldi Tob. B . Seart Roebuck 8 hell Union Southern Ptclflo Standard Brandt .. Standard Oil California Standard Oil New Jersey , Studebaker Co Texas Corp. Texaa Gulf Sulphur Trans-America Union Carbide Union Pacific United Aircraft United Corp. United Ga, Imp U. S. Indus. Alcohol U. S. Rubber U. S. Steel Vanadium West. Elec. ft Mfg. Woolworth Closing Curb Quotation! Cities Service 1! El. Bond ft Share . 171 Swift ft Co. ,, 98 GOLD PRICKS CP LONDON, Sept. 10, (AP) A eensational rise ot two shil lings In tbe price ot gold today brought lt to the highest figure ever known, 183 shillings nine ptnee a fine ounce, WASHINGTON'. Sept 20, (AP) The treasury today announced a pric of (32.28 an ounce for gold, an Increase of 64 cents ' over yesterday' quotation. INFLUENCES WHEAT CHICAGO, Sept 10, (AP) Uncertainty regarding Washing ton financial policies, together with tome acute weakness shown by tht cotton market mads grain price, thaky moat of tht tlmt today. On ttrong rally In wheat wat witnessed after boob, but a late telling flurry tumbled the mar ket backward afresh to almoat tbe day't low point The maxi mum decline for wheat today was IVi cent a bushel. Wheat closed unstable, 14-1 cents nnder yeaterday't finish, corn H-lKo down, oats K-l cent off, and provision unchang ed to It centa lower. CHICAGO WHEAT CHICAGO, Sept. 10, (API Wheat: No. 1, red 91; No. 1, hard 93U-96. Corn: No. 1. yellow 60VI; No. 1, white 60- biy,. oat: no. 1, whit 38 39. Rye: no tale. Barley: 46 81. Timothy aeed: (5.26-5.60 cwt Clover teed: (8.00-10.00 cwt Ltrd and bellies (6.00. PORTLAND ORAM PORTLAND. Sept 20, OP) vv neat- Open High Low Cloee May .83 .88 .88 .83 September ,73J .73 j .736 .736 December .78 .78 .771 .771 Cash Wheat No. 1 Big Bend bluestem .81 Dark hard winter, 11 .81 ; Dark hard winter, 11 .74 .72 .71 .71 Western whit Hard winter Northern spring .71 .70 Western red Oat. No. 1 whltt, (22.(0. Corn, No. 1 yellow. (14.60, Mlllrnn standard, (16.60. Today't car receipts: Wheat 48; barley, 6; flour, 13; oats, 4. BO. SAN FRANCISCO, BepL 10. (UP) Hogs: 800, Including 350 direct and 830 government pigs; several load Just arriving aot Included In total. Small tnpply Ilghtt a n d bntchert ttrong to 150 higher, consider ing quality and weight; load 166 lb. California (5.66 straight, good around 170-210 lb. quotable above (6.(6. Cattle: 100. Dull, not much Interest In medium quality steers; better gradea absent, nominally tteady; the ttock tteady; two loads Idaho steer on tale; medium grassy steers quotable aronnd (4-95; low good short and supplementary feds 15-15.60; long fed yearling eligible (6; good range cowa quoted to (3.60, few lot dairy type (2-(2.50. Sheep: 1250, Including 780 holdover. Slow, medium lambs weak to 25c lower for week to date, some bids off more; bet ter gradea scarce, quotabl ateady; two decka medium to good 67-71 lb. wooled Nevada lambs- (6.65, torted 41 head (5.15; largely medium thorn tnd wooled Caltiornlaa (5.50, torted; choice wooled quoted to (7; good thorn yearlings (5. Tht longest railway run Is from Riga to Vladivostok, (800 miles. HORIZONTAL 1 Who It the -famous murder trial attorney In ' tha picture? 14 Blackbird. 16 Unit 16 Ingenuous. 17 Pieces, out 18 Relating to node. 20 Notion. (1 Southeist 32 What was the most famoua trial case of the plctur2 man? 25 Railroad. 26 Enticement 27 Entreaty. 29 Branches ot learning. ' 30 Unoccupied 32 To deposit 33 English coin. 35 Nurse In Orient 37 Fastener. 38 Present tlma 40 Prolan water 41 Yon. 13 Second note. Answer to 44 Toward. 45 Preposition. 46 Black. 48 Tht pictured man hat been counsel on tht tide of tgalnst capital f (2 Fairy (4 Stage part 56 Heart (7 Worth. 68 Bast. 69 Edge of a bed. VERTICAL 1 Cock's comb. 1 v ........ Attorney lA'VII A,1T OMM S K T HIH- IpIa n 6 gB me mUicTbTt "RgjA qc a lIajSThH ejo VjTOPkl Pi AN E HffO UE RlftvE A I Sst8a T tgS V I L DSJn IS!" n e H R Q a o Sunitr-E D T IM d 51 a niRMp: e i ITvlPBfNUI lA&O NiElSI T lfclMnMiTlvgfelNo N ? 5 T 9 9 10 It tZ J Pg" 3 "Z?!-as " TO H IP 1 il' E P- mt Vfijm v? a 22 I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I Portland Produce PORTLAND. Sept 10. UPV Butter, print, extra lie: atand. arda llVte. Butterfat. Portland deliver-! A grade, 19c; farmer' door de livery, 17 per lb.j iwtet cream (t higher. Eggt, Ptclfle poultry nrod us ers' selling prices: Overslso, 18c; extra 16e; tttndardt 13c; me diums 13e; pullets 19c dosen. Buying price by wholetalera: Freah extras, lie dot.; firsts, 18c; mediums, 17o dog. hnd.r- grad 13c; pullet lie. Cheese, (1 scot Oregon Trip let lie loaf, lie pound. Brok en will pay Ha below quotation. Milk, contract price, 4 pet: Portland delivery, (1.75 cwt: B . gradt cream, 37 He lb. Country meats, telling price to retailers: Country killed hoga, beat butcher nnder 16 Lt, 8cj vealert 90-110 lbt 10-10" light and thin, 6-7c; heavy calves, 4-6c; spring lamb, loo lie lb; yearlings 4-5e lb; heavy ewe, l-lo lb; medium cow, 2-5c lb; canner cows, 1-te lbi bulls, 4H-6c lb. Mohair, buying price! 193S clip, 16s lb. Catcara bark, buying leic. 1933 peel, IMc Hops, nominal, 1911, ll-dOe, Lire poultry, Portland deliv ery: Buying price: colored fowls, 4 to ( lbt, lie; over lbt, 12c; tprlng pullets, 1 to IV lbt. 14c; roaatert, over lk lbs, 14c; leghorn fowls, over 3tt lbt, Sc; under I tt lbt, Tc; broil ers. K to 1 lbt, 16c; t lb and up, 14c; stags, le; rooster, 6c? Pekln duckt, 11c; colored dnck, (c; geeae, 8c lb. Onions. Walla Walla, (1.25 1.40 central. Potatoes, local white and red, (1.36-1.50; Yakima, (1.60-1. Cantaloupes Dlllard standard, (1.00-1.10; Yakima standards 60 80c 'erst; Tht Dalle. (0-80 crate. Wool, 1131 clip, Bomlnalf! Willamette valley. 11-150 lb eastern rtgon, 16-llt lb; teats era Idaho. 16-20 lb. ' Hay, buying price from pro-. ducer: Alfalfa No. 1, new crop. (17; clover. No. 1, (14; Willa mette valley timothy, (1( ast ern Oregon timothy, (1 (eta and grain, (II ton. Portland Livestock PORTLAND, Sept 10, Cattle, 100; calve, lt; weak. Bteera, common and medium, (8.00-6.15; vealera, good and choice, (6.00-7.60; other fuota tlont unchanged. Hog, 1,300; market practical ly 1 6c higher tor top and balk ot light bntchert. Lightweight good and choice, (4.75 to (6.60; medium weight good and choice. (4.86 to (6.(0; heavyweight good and choice, (4.40-to (5.00; other quotation! unchanged. Sheep, 800()merkt tteady. Lambs, good and choice, 16.6 to (6.76; common end medium, (3.75 to (5.36; yearling wethers, (2.50 to (4.60, Report from Indianapolis that tlx alligators have been caught in the White River sear there, though toot hadn't missed any. Maybe we'd better ge slow about thil repeal bualnet. The Statu ot Liberty tn New York harbor ia 160 feet high. Prerlon Pnxtle M Opposing counsel In the Dayton, Ten, eta of the pictured auat 18 Solitary. tlMaatur. ST Age II The pictured, man It en et U. a A. I moat noted 14 Transparent grtea mineral. 36 Having horn. 37 Man around whom tha. "Monkey 39 You and L 40 Pronoun. 42 Tree. 45 Dry. 47 Palm teat. 49 War flyer. 60 Exclamation. 61 Eye. 53 Silkworm. 66 South America, '. (7 Maryland. I Body ot water. 3 Farewell! 4 To lit dowa again. ( Half aa em. 6 Lukewarm. 1 To Invest (Chair. " I Form of "a," 10 Showtrtd. II To free 12 Above. It Fatigued. 18 Form ot no. 19 Mouth park 33 Passport Indorsement 14 Hodgepodge h j i In'-TOnV J i 5L tj 0