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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1933)
August 20, im PAGE TWO THE KLAMATH NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Promoter Signs New Cities Mack Lillard Extendi Matchmaking Activi ties Wong Bock Cheung Leave for Hawaiian Island. Monro Fight for Stat Title. Red Headed Halfback Returns. Individual enttrprl hit es- Ubllshed Mark Lillard aa the leading promoter la Oregon collide Of Portland. Thia ex boxer baa built up aucb a following- In southern Oregon It ii possibl tor him to bring In the moat outstanding wrestlers and tighter appearing In the northwest. Lillard haa contracts In Mod ford, Roseburg and Klsmsth Fslla and within the next few dy he expect to add Marsh field to his Increasing string. Klamath Falls, sn excellent half-way point between tbe Portland, Seattle and San Francisco atblati centers, will remain as tbe headquarters, see Lillard cam to Klamath Falls directly tram Harshtleld where he built up record tor attendance. He was listed na tionally as drawing the largest audiences tor an city ths itse eg the Coo Bay eommunlw- Kow llsrshtleld I "title dissatisfied with its proleeslon al athletic and may ask Lill ard to return. The present pro moter may continue to handle the fight busineaa and Lillard will Introduce the wrestler every other week. Klamath Falls and Medtord probably will aland aa the two southern Oregon cities main taining weekly shows. Lillard expecte to alternate Roseburg and Slarshfleld exhibitions. . e Unfortunately, K 1 m t a Falls wrestling fan won't have aa opportunity to e Wong Bock Cheung again for some time. Wong left tor the Ha waiian Islands almost Immedi ately after his struggle with AI Karaslck In the Legion hall. He has pat himself under con tract for a long-time showing in Honolulu and then may go down to Australia and back sp Into the orient. Wong'a match with Karaslck. ao need to mention, waa one et bis most difficult ee the Pa cific coast. It's aot often in these day eC rough and tumble wrestling, two athlete struggle on hour without a (Ingle falL e Frankl Monroe, the most outstanding boxer produced for aom time In this district, will tight for the llght-heavywelgat championship of the state Fri day night. Tex Salkeld, Port land promoter, will bring Mon roe against Roy Ockley of Portland and a It. John's ar ena mala event. There la nothing official about these "state title bouts." bnt this one will be sufficient to prove that Monroe has risen rapidly In northwest boxing since he left Klsmsth Falls ssveral weeks sgo. He has conducted a success ful tonr of the northwest, win ning the majority of his matches by knockouts. Eugene Barrows, th red headed boy who played block ing back tor th Pelicans last season, has returned to Klsm sth Falls .ready tor another football season. Thl( young athlete, along with Norman Ta ber, the Pelican fullback, will be about tbe only two veterans in Les Avrlt's backflald. Barrows spent the summer at Lassen National park and will be in excellent condition when tbe first practice I called In about three weeks. The red-headed boy, handi capped last sesson by an In jury, may become a candidate for quarterback. This will be one position bsdly In need of candidates, for It will take an outstanding boy to replace Louis McAninch. Barrowa ap pears to have th necessary qualifications. STANDINGS By The Associated Press COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. 89 60 .597 88 61 .591 88 II .(85 88 S 69 80 IS 87 Sporting News Jg BOXING BASEBALL TENNIS GOLF RACING FISHING WRESTLING BRAVES PUSH TOWARD LEAD Boston Clips Another Half Game From Giant Margin Los Angeles Hollywood ,i i , Portland - Sacramento Oakland Missions Ssn Frsnclsco 61 Seattle (6 1 .557 .463 .41 .4119 .378 By KERBKRT W. BARKER Associated Pros Sports Writer Despite th snapping of their eight gam winning streak, th Boston Brave, sensations of th Nstlonsl league; had clipped an other halt-gam oft th New Tork Giants' lead and found themselTe six gams out ot tint place. ' With a crowd ot 40.000 urg ing them on, th Brave hung up their eighth successive win aa Tom Zacbary pitched a 7-0 shutout over the Cincinnati Rede In the first game ot a double header 8nnday bnt th Red cam beck te snare the second. 5-. Gtaats Lose Two Their even split still enabled th Brave to pick np a half a gam on th Giant who dropped th flrat gam to twin bill to Disxy Dean and th St. Louis Cardinals, 7-1, and then were lucky enough to get a 5-5 draw in the second battle, halted by darknesa after eight Innings. The veteran Zachary turned In ode ot hi moat Impressive per formances as he blanked th Reds with four hits while his teammates clubbed Paul Der ringer out ot the box with six-ran stuck in th fifth, Pinky Whitney' double being the big blow. Fred Frankhouse waa wild and Ineffective la the sec ond game and the Reds won fairly easy behind a 16-hit at tack In which Ernie Lombardi and Chick Hafey contributed four safeties apiece. Cabs, Robini Split Dean stopped the Giant with six hits and tanned six in the opening gam while his matea bombarded Hal Schumacher and Glenn Pencer for 11 safeties. one a homer by George Watkina. The Cards apparently had th second game won with a tour- ran rally In the eighth but Fred Fitxaimmons parked homer In the left field stands in the last hslt of the seme frame to give the leader a tie. A crowd of 50,000, biggest ot th National leagu season, aaw the double 0111. Brooklyn divided a double- header with the Chicago Cubs, bowing 2-0 to the two-hit Ditch ing of Gut Bush In the opener but winning the second, S-l on a 12-hit stuck on Bud Tinning and Leroy Herrmann. Benge neia tne (,-ubs In check wltn eight hit, well-spaced. Pitts burgh and Philadelphia enloyed an open date. Senator Move On Th American league situation remained unchanged as both ths wssuington Senators and New York Yankee split double-headers. leaving tbe Senator still eight game In front. A crowd of (0.000 saw the Senators bunch II hits with nine Cleveland errors to win th first game 14-1 as Earl White hill scattered nine Indian hit-. Clevelsnd drove Alvln Crowder 10 cover with a six-run outburst in the sixth Inning to take the second game, 6-3. Tom Brldgea held the Yanlteea to four hits as Detroit won the opener, 4-3 but the champions smashed out 2i hits, Including uiuv uuuoies, a triple nnd home run to take th second, 12-1 be fore crowd of 30,000. Red Ruffing nitcbed six hit hall tnr the Yankees. Al Simmon collected flra hits snd drove In six runs the Chicago White Sox took both games irom the Philadelphia Athletic, 6-3 and 9-8. Hla dou ble In th fifth Inning of tbe opener drove In two runs and gave the pale hose a laaii th never relinquished despite a pair i auma runs oy Mickey Coch rane. He drov In th winning run In ths second gam with single In th ninth. Th Boston Red Sox and St. Louis Browns split a doubla bill, th Red Sox taking th first same. 7-E mrA a. .... I nightcap, 5-3. Ges Winging Southward Over Oregon Country PORTLAND. Or., Aug. II (P) Th wild gees (re wing ing southward. Three large flock ot them ere seen Saturday, speeding to th soth over th Ver nonla country. Settler Hop ped work to watch th flight and shook their hearts solemn ly, declaring they never had leen ao arly migration. "Winter I hr," they saij. ANGELS WALLOP NOIAN OUTFJ AMERICAN LEAGUE W. - 81 42. - 72 49 . 66 62 - 60 61 - 62 66 - 69 66 - 61 71 - 46 81 NATIONAL LEAGUE Washington New York Cleveland Philadelphia Detroit Chicago Boston .I,, St. Louis Pet. 669 .595 .516 .492 .488 .472 .424 .362 Pet. .612 .667 .545 .53.1 .629 .424 .424 .179 An open-air swimming pool In London Issues colored rubber wristbands, which are varied ac cording to the time ot day; el tendanta are thua enabled t know It any bather la staying be rond his limit. New York . Boston ....... Chicago St. Louis Pittsburgh . Philadelphia Brooklyn Cincinnati . W. 71 46 68 64 67 66 66 57 63 66 60 68 60 68 47 77 Sitting In draft does not causa a cold; the chilling of toe body which the draft produces lowers th powers of resistance and germs which were hltbir to harmlcs. then produce their disastrous effects Three Electrocuted In Virginia Mishap UPI'KRVILLB, V., Aug. 28 W Seeking to attach an elec tric bulb to a wlr in the yard to continn a oroqu. me alter dark. Ernest Wolf, "prominent horseman, hi wife ,nd Fits Klncs were electrocuted her Isst night. . J'1" trying to Insert the bulb when he received th charge and Mr. and Mra. Wolf met death when they went to his aiUi Timber Contract Let At Bonanza BONANZA, Ore. L. A. Pnrln- ton halt con trii Ms.. i. . , ..vv ,v iant QUI abOUt 2.000.0UQ m Ar . W,l'r l,d """r holdings . ... me timber la being moved to th railroad at Dairy by several trucks. Purlnton la employing about 18 men and haa Mm.j .v.- I .L.' Uon,ni for boarding facilities, also aareln. --- " a tun vu transients. Our Indian population la stead ily growing; In 1866, there were 294,674 Indian hers, now thsrs r 140,000. Smith Captures Western Open 1 Golfing Title OLYMPIA FIELDS. 111.. Ant 18. yp) After a eight-year ab sence, MacDonald Smith, th old Scot, wa back on th weatern open golf championship throne today. Refusing to tad out (gainst ons ot th largest fields that aver sought th title, .th 43-year-old veteran, who makea hla living making cluba at Naihrllla, Tenn. nnd beating th younger genera tion in golf championships, won th western open crown with ease yesterday, finishing the 71 hole grind at Olymplt Fields with a 181 total that heat hta closest rival. Tommy Armour of Chicago, by six shots. The trophy and top money ot 1600 went to Mac after hla victory march. Yesterday's triumph wa the third line 1911 tor Msc, who has never been able to rout his Jinx and realise hla dream ot a British or American open cham pionship. He won hi first west ern ope title st Flossmoor, a tew miles north of here, 11 years ago with a medal card of 299 and In 1916 at the Youngstown Ohio, Country club with 281 ahots. Third In the championship test waa Abe Esplnosa ot Chi cago. 1918 champion, who ran second to Mae until the 13rd hole, winding np with third place money of 1200 with 189. Ar mour's prise money was 1300. Vet and Unknown Capture Honors At Ohio Shoot VANDALIA, Ohio, Aug. 18. (U.R) A veteran Texaa gunner and an "unknown" from Illinois Saturday became champions In th two final event ot tbe 34th Grand American trapshootlng tournament nere. E. F. Woodward, crack shot from Houston. Texas, won the open championship by breaking us out oi possible zoo targeta A few hours before E. C. Mc- Qnltty. Danville. III., cantnred th Tandalla open handicap with a score ot as out or a possible iuu irom tne 1 9-yard line. Six shooters tied tor second piace witn 198 in the onen championship, which drew 46 en trants. Tommy Lorett, 11-year-old Houston. Texas, vouth. waa awarded second place when he nrox loo conaecutiv clay in me snootoit. C. F. Morgan. Corning. Ohio finished third with 99 hlta in in anootorr. Michael Canterlno. New York city, finlahed second to McQuitty a ins osnuicap snoot, with 98 targets irom 17 yards. Only is were entered In the handicap event. completion of Saturday's sventa brought to a close a week la which close to 1.000 neraons cam here to participate In the worm series of trapshootlng. Charley Seaver Wins Golf Title PEBBLE BEACH. Calif., a... 18 Blond Charley Seaver, long-hitting, husky youngster rrom L,os Angeles, la California's new atst amateur golf cham pion. Th 13-year-old former i. leglan. who chased nam fi- r ford last year and dropped out of achool to erter buslnesa In his home town, captured th stste's most nrised aolflnr olum voatar. day as he defeated Dr. Cliff Baker of Portland. Ore.. 1-1 In the 86-hols final. A person who has filed his first pspers for naturalisation In tbe United States must be within 90 day, of getting his final papers to be ellgibl tor civil service examinations. Portland Presses Forward With Three Victories Over Seals Alaska, which the . United States bought from Russia for 17,200,000. haa produced 860u.- 000,000 worth of mineral since SO. By The Associated Frees " Crowding close behind, Los Angeles bstsmen bar taken to walloping th ball to hold t Coaat ieagu' top berth while they gained largely through the great work ot th Angel mound staff. Beaten 1-1 Saturday, th pace setters opened up with t bar rag of 46 has hlta Sunday to tax th season s freest-hltl m doubleheader from 8eattl 17 and 18-4. In th opener no Angel collected less thsn two nits and Jigger Stst got tour, including a bom run. Home Run Frequent In th second gam every Angel hit safely ascent O'Oraln. Jim Ogleaby, Gen Lillard and Tut Stalnback banged out four apiece, with Stalnback lit tin. two over the fence. Angel hurling waa ateady as usual, Outfielder-Pitcher Elmer Uudat giving but alx hlta In th opener and Buck Newaom limit ing the Angela to nine bio vs In the nightcap. Los Angeles took tne series 4-3. After taking an 1-1 trimming Irom Oakland Saturday, Holly wood recovered to win Sunday i twin bill 1-6 and 11-t. Vine Dlmagglo accounted for flv of th Star tallies la tie 10-innlng opener with a homer, double a-d single. Flv Osklsnd pitchers paraded to the -: In the second game. Ducks Win Three) Portland moved up to with in two games of Los Angeles ith a triple triumph over San Francisco during th wek-nd. The Beavera walked away with th Saturday game 9-6, and then nosed ont the Seala 7-6 in th 10-lnntng flrat game Sunday and 8-7 in the ahort nightcap. Iden tical looping Texaa leaguer -put over the winning Beaver runa In the final Inning of both Sunday game. Portlnd won th series 6-1. Th Mission showed some ot their early season fire s tbsy licked Sacramento three time In row. 13-1 Saturday, and 1 and 6-5 Sunday. Th victories gav th Reds their first series win in many weeks by 6-1 msrgln, and sent them past Ssn Francisco Into sixth place. WEATHER Th Cyclo-Stormagraph at Un derwood' Pharmacy reglatered quit a dip In barometric pres sor Sunday afternoon, but is back to th aummer level today. Brisk breeiea are apt to prevail tonight and condition are favor able for local showers in the mountains. Th Tyco recording ther mometer reglsterd maximum snd minimum temperatures today as followa: High, 76: Low, 47. Forecast for next 24 hours Generally fair and cool. Th United States reclamation aervice reports no precipitation for the 14 hours ending at 6 p. m. Sunday; 9.69 for the sea son; 12.09 normal; 11.44 last year. Th aeason's maximum, 103 lotnciai), on August 15, Iowa Speedster Wins Elgin Race ELGIN, III., Aug. 18. Up) Phil Shater of Dee Moines, Iowa, won th feature event of the Elgin national road racea Hatur- day- after he and Fred Frame. Los Angeles, crashed two laps irom ins iinisn line. orriclsla ruled that Shater had not fouled Fram. Driving Btilrk special. Sharer wneeied the 203 miles at an average ot 81:34 miles per hour Ex-State Engineer Gets Federal Post SALEM. Or.. Ant. mm Hoy A. Klein, formerly state highway engineer, has been ap pointee regional engineer In charge of federal road work under th president's relief em ployment plan. Hla headquarters win oe at ugnen, Utah. Klein haa been located at Portland with th federal work buraau rnr the pa.t several months. ft COSTS HO Tar AT famous ennwa. oot .i v .,af,lt tlani w ,Nati0nany Alt vouf st0? " 1.'sjXj.: . ail cars-"' eons oMIt flC Big Ex-Gridders in Main Event at Legion Hall Two of th heavleat men In th wrestling busineaa. Harry Kent ot Oregon Slat collog and Howard Cantonwlne of the Uni versity ot Iowa, will meet In a main event here thla week. Both men were leading foot ball player In their respective conferences aevtral years ago. Kent will weigh 240 pounds and la feet 4 Inchea tall. Canton wlne will check In at 136 pounds. His height Is feet I Inchea. Tsd Thy, wrist lock specialist, will tangle with Les Wolfe In th preliminary. Thy will be against a man ho usea the roll ing aclssors aa hla leading weapon. Angler Bitten by Blue Shark HKRMOSA BEACH, Cel., Aug 18. (IP) -Bitten by a 15-foot "blue" shark whleh he had land ed on hla fishing boat. Nathaniel C. Myrlrk, young telephone com pany executive, auffered painful Injury, It waa revvniedtoday. - The ahark, still threshlb when It waa brought aboard the boat, ripped open Myrlck'a arm aevering the main arteries and tearing th flesh apart th entire length ot his arm. Thirty-two atltcbea were taken. Filipino Fighter Drops N. Y. Bout BROOKLYN. N. T., Aug. 18 VP) Peter Hayes of Ueusouhurst acored a alx-round victory over Varies Milling of ths Philippine Islands In the feature bout Sat urday at Fugasy bowl. It waa a close battle, with milling Blowing up after a fu rious start. Both tighten scaled, 123 pounds. I HILT DEFEATS KLAMATH TH Northern Califomians Win 8 to 6 Over All-Stars Hilt, champion ot th Northern California baa a ball leagu. smashed th Klsmsth All-Stsra here Sunday afternoon, I to I The Callfornlnna took a two-run lead In th first Inning and won tne gem in a last inning rally A wild pitch In the opening Inning and two errora In the sec oud gave Hilt four runs before the Stars settled down. When th Klamath tenra tightened up however, Hilt waa unahl to score again nntll th ninth, Th Callfornlnns crossed ths plate twlc in the ninth when a bad throw let In two runners It was sufficient to start a rally bringing la anothsr pair ot Ut iles. Klamath scored In th fifth Inning when Haley reached first on an error. Cody alngled to bring home Haley. Welch scored two men In the sixth Inning with a triple. Haley and Klger scored the other rnns. Ths summary! R, H. E. Hilt 6 11 I Stars 114 fipetirs snd Trlnca; Gohruian and Klgsr. Franhie Monroe Fights On Friday Fran Mr Monroe, leading light weight of Klamath county, will meet Hoy Ockley ot Portland for the state title Friday night. Till mntrh will he held at Portland. Portland Team Wins Pennant in State Loop rOllTI.AND. Or., Aug. 1 WoHer a Federals of I'orlland won llielr second consecutive Oregon Stale league baseball crown yesterday as they arured 9 to 0 victory over the Scliappa nine, also of Portland, i rer i way Charles, hurling fur th vic tors, allowed but flv scattered hlta s he pitched his tvsm to th till. Ktigetie spotted Salem six runs In th second Inning nd then ram on to win 14 lo I while Ham Olson, ll-yeer-old school boy, pitching fur Albany, shut out th Mend Elks 4 to 0, show ing but to hits In the other leasn contests. Scores: It. H. 9 in ,a ... 0 6 R. II. , 14 14 IS R. H. Albany -a - 4 II Bend - 0 1 Federal Schappa Eugens Salem More Pheasants To Be Released Wednesday morning 150 ad ditional Chine. phessnt will arrive In Klsmsth Fslls tor dis tribution by In Klamath Sports mnn'a association which haa al ready received a shipment of 300 from ths stst gsm com mission. The sportsmen's association I distributing th rooster lit varl- oua aectlona of the county and Is retaining th hen In pens at Moor park until th aeason Is closed. Itoosters in th previ ous shipment were released Sev ern 1 daya ago nd 160 will be released from th shipment Wednesday morning. Baseball '. AMl;HIC.N II. II. I New York 1 4 Detroit i 10 Allen, Macrayden and Dickey, Sorrell snd llayworth. a H I Philadelphia . ' 14 Chicago - I 10 Caul, Telsrson and Cochran; Jones and Sullivan. Boston at aX Lout postponed; wel grounda, Washington al Cleveland, post poned, rain (doublelioador to morrow ) , NATIONAL (rirst Gam) n. it. . Pittsburgh II I Philadelphia Ill I Swill. Cbaguoo and Grace; El liott. Ilerly. I. Iika and Davis. Second gam: It. H. B. Pittsburgh , - 111 I'lillailelphl - lit French and I'lrlntch; llolley, Ragland and Davis, R. H. I. Cincinnati Ill llosion Oil l.uco, and Lombardi; Brandt nd Spohrer. Chicago at Brooklyn, postpon ed, rain. Leveque High In Rifle Club Shoot C. A. I.evtqua waa high man In th Sunday shoot of Hi Ps li ra n Itlfl club at the riinge at Modoc Point. Ills aror waa 111. Other scores were as followa: A. Jacnbson, 111; C. Knight, 113: Hay Tatlos. 101; Ur, La very, tut; W. H. Lamm. 101) U. Blshlo, 101; Bill Hickman. 19: J. M. Ward. 117: J. Hlmsl wrlgbt. 191; F. B. atcGe. 1111 Hay Wakeman. ls; F. S. Cramer, 170 and l'sta lleduurg, l(. mm mmwm PRICE :BEDUGH0E3S ' -EFFECTIVE TODAY! Gillette Blades BofA Blue and White Probak Blades Valet Auto Strop Blades Reduced to THIS drastic price reduction effective today enables every man to enjoy the comfort and satisfaction of shaving with the finest razor blades that can be produced. We positively guarantee quality will be maintained at the present high level. This an nouncement is your dealer's authority to sell you Gillette, Probak and Valet Auto Strop blades at the amazing low prices listed above. s WMMiNMr NOTE DEALERS You are authorized to ie!I at above prices immediately. Send ui today a record of your itock of Gillette, Probak and Valet blade a of the .opening of buiineg this morning; also name of your wholesaler. Ad justment in free merchandise en abling you to sell at these prices with a satisfactory prof it, will be made . promptly. No adjustment will be made if your report carries a postmark later than tomorrow. As a protection to all dealers the Gillette Company reserves the right to require proof of claim satisfactory to Gillette. Please post this price announcement on your store window. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. BOSTON. MASSACHUSETTS i