The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, October 10, 1926, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page Four
Sunday, October 10. 1P2C
Studebaker Meander Up I
'Winding Road in Hi I
, With Fait Pickup
There l quite difference In 'the j
performance efficiency of a motor)
In high gear on bills mid heavy ,
pulling which all depends upon the.
way the cr la driven. Many drlr-j
era bout of taking auch a hill on'
hirt (ear, but they fait to alatel
whether or not they forced thej
car at the grade at high speed, j
In other words, taking running;
start at the hill, or made the grade'
at the ordinary driviug speed. Pull-!
Ing a hill in high gear after taking
a run at It and maintaining as high '
peed as possible and pulling the
name grade at slow speed calls fori
two entirely different kinda of mo-j
tor performance. I p. taking a run '
at the hill the motor has developed !
momentum to '.iie car that is of;
great assistance in negotiating thej
pnll. It Is at the alower speed that
the real test of power and motor
flexibility la brought out on a heavy ,
pull, explains Chester X. Weaver,
bead of the San Francisco Stude
baker distributing agency.
tVIn driving the new Studebaker
custom aedans around San Fran-
cixco. through traffic and over thej
hills, we have noticed a flexibility;
of' power that is remarkable fori
smoothness and quick acceleration ,
and fine performance on the hills,,
be"- says. . I
Over Twin Peaks
"In order to thoroughly test out . wherever
this motor flexibility and ability toi,lon,
The Dive of Death
? : n
Ace Tire Shop
Now Agency of
I It has been announced by V. 11.
t'Urk, manager of the Are Tire I
: Shop, that his company has taken !
j over the exclusive agency for the
11 and J tires. This tiro Is unci
of the best known makes In the!
1 east, and they are tunkiug their
, first appearance on 1he west coast '
; this year. The 11 J company :
j has been In the tire manufacturing j
! business since 1S92. when thej
. bicycle crate was nt Its hlKhtli, '
! snd they have licen making aulo
' mobile tires since 1902.
According to Mr. ("lurk his now-;
' ly acquired product. Is Insured i
. road haiard. This is a great ad-1
j vantage in a country where all
i the roads are not of the smoothest
j and whore there Is a grout deal of
hill climbing encountered even on
the shortest trip.
I The Ace Tire Shop will continue
to carry its usual stock of T. C. .
tires, besides doing vulcanizing and ,
retreading of tires.
t'AN Vol' TltlST IT?
There are times when Hie road
.Is good, and the moon Is in Ik In.
i and the engine purring, when the
1 difference between heuveu and earth
j Is the thickness of your brake
' lining.
we" (
99 ft a,
RIGID as a
steel building
: j..-..:rflS
Even automobiles may develop a tendency to nose dive. Pcatii
rode wkh this car when it left the road on a curve near Birmingham,
Ala., and plunged 30 feet into a railroad cut. The siitonwhilc stuck
on its neL while its driver was instantly killed.
In taking the battery out of the ,
car, or ptitliug it back, care should
be taken to keep it In a vertical no.
jiltion. Some sediment"- may be in
the bottom, nf the jury, and tii'piug
them may cause this sediment to
get between the plates uud so short j
circuit them.
The steel used in the
New Essex steel body is
of the same quality and
gauge used in cars cost
ing $4000 and upward.
400 So. 6th St.
Phone 638
stopped in its
rew lu Motor Knock
pull evenly and smoothly under a ..crankshaft. are balanced within rni,oo J
good load, one of the new custom onc.,enth of an ounce and sljttv.; ldUSCS 153160
broughams, which Is powered with ,. ,:. . ...ij ,
the famous big six motor. was ent:re,ner wlth one hBndred ,nd sixty. Pound In the engine is regu-
over the well known Twin Peaks
l:,r ami mnlln.inii. 1, 1. ... ,.
it. ; , r
irom nisi mm ion in the bearings.'
i lour tests in nxanuinriurinc
road in nign gear, not as a speea F,t,, ,ii.n.i.,n.
stunt, bnt driven at ordinary speed: to B ,0ierance of two a hlllf " ' irregular and occasional. It
and pulling at alow speed on the, tbousandths of an Inch." ' U n,"re likel' lo be ,lu ,0 Pre-ignl-
iion caustea uy tncaiuleiicent carbon I
lor front imperfect connections.
tarns and the steeper pitches. This
road has several sharp turns and
The real secret in-making tires
last is taking proper care of them.
j This involves keeping them fully
i inflated, preventing mineral oil and
gasoline from coming into contact
with them, keeping loads well "with
in their' rapacity, repairing tread
; cuts at once, and similar meas
I nres. . .
! When the oil gauge doen not reg-
! later and It is believed that the
the pounding is accompanied by oc-t
caiona! missing, especially if the
missing is more frequent when thej
car is running, is more apt to be
due to Imperfect electrlcul connec-1
The G & J lire
-none better made are now stocked in my shop,
are insured against road hazards
These Tires
115 So. 11th St.
pitches that give a car a good test;
In high-gear work, particularly!
when stunt driving is not resorted ,
to and where high speed is not
developed before hitting the grade.
."Everyone, la familiar with the
sharp turn at the flrehouse on this
road, as it is at this point that
many cars fall to negotiate the pull
in high geaT. The Big Six
Brougham was aent over this road
at ordinary driving speed, and on
reaching the turn the car was
throttled down so it was pulling in
high gear at a speed of ten miles crank ease Jas oil in it. disconnect
an hour. Rounding the turn, atep-the oil Iine- blowing it back toward
nlnz on th ccloratnr th. motor I the by-paths or Oil pump. This will
immediately began to pick up and;c'ar lin' ot n,r dirt or - ' So ou come frora Al,ierk- ":
oa reaching the top of the hill oni m ""' can be removed for ' Place where they make all the.
the laat pitch, before reaching thej tnorougn cleaning
top of the hill the speedometer was
registering 20 miles per hour.
Proves Flexibility ! Ted "Medical men tell
W. H. CLARK, M2r.
Phone 843-J
Young Mother (proudly) Seel
Baby is learning to walk!
Friend Oh. do you think it
i really worth while to teach him?
Practically nobody walks nowa
from joy-
"Yes. lint I would have you!
know that we other things besides'
cars in America. '
l know. I've ridden in them."
Manchester Kvening "News.'
nix m:w moktok slow
Io not rnn a new engjne or one!
that has jtist been overhuuU-d at a'
"Hounding the firehonse turn at the motor heart comes
this speed and then immediately riding."
picking up speed is a test that! Ned "Looks to me as if it were
speaks well for the flexibility power likely to be the result ot petting
of the Studebaker motor and shows, parties."
up to advantage the reserve power'
Ifjat 1, at the command of thc: Cover the distributor and coll to Inch speed Tor at Ivat BOO miles,
driver. i 'protect It from rain anil fog. Any The trillion of t lie moving parts
. "Power la one of the features that-moisture on either of these units creates beat which expands the
place the Studebaker rara In a dis-'01"? cause a short circuit and the. metal and frequently causes damage
llnctive position in the field ot engine will fall to start. ' difficult and expensive to repair.
American-made cars, as.
to the ratings ot the National Auto- r-
mobile Chamber of Commerce, there,
are only seven American cara equal!
to that of the Big Six Studebaker!
in power, 'but In comparing these
cars with Studebaker It should be
remembered that tbey sell from two
to four times the price of the
Studebaker. j
"Studebaker's development of
power is due to the engineering j
principles of the I.-head motor and i
the greatest care and precision lo
manufacturing the power plant
The smoothness and flexibility of
power are brought about through (
the nicety of balance practiced
throughout in the production of the
Studebaker motors.
Fitted Crankshafts
"As an example," concludes;
Weaver, "6f the extreme care used;
in assembly of the motor, thej
crankshafts are fitted to a par-j
tlcular crank case; the six connect
ing rods are accurately matched for
weight and selected to fl. that par
ticular crankshaft; pistons are!
weighed In sets to fit the engine
block selected; the engine is aa-i
aembled into a closely co-ordinated !
unit, which results In a smoothness'
and silence of operation that has(
much to do with the long life; the I
crankshaft Is machined on all sur-i
faces end Is dynamically as well as!
statically balanced. Dynamic bal-!
ance means overcoming the tend-!
ncy of the ends to "whip" or
"throw out." Static balance means
tbe crankshaft remains balanced
Used Buicks
1924 Touring $800
1923 Touring $650
1 923 Touring $575
All the above are in first class condi
tion and will give you more service than
any new car at the same price. We have
several other cars to pick from.
Buick Garage
Opposite White Pelican Hotel
An Important
to Every Car Owner
WE are rIuJ to nniiomue vc li.ivc bcvonie
distributors for I lie l.imom G Sc J line of auto
mobile tires.
Thousands of car owners in tliis city know tlic lout;,
established reputation of these tires.
In fact, so faithful has been the quality of O ex. J Tires
for nearly a quarter of a rcnturv, that they arc spoken
of everywhere as "C'kxhJ Old CJ 4 J."
It i known nmonu tire experts that G &. J Tires have
embodied all of the greatest improvements in tire build
ing since 190. In many cases they have led in ad
vancements ia ;lic injur try.
Today.G StJ Tires are made in llie most modern tire
factory In the world by the most modern ma nut actur
ing methods developed by science.
We are proud to stand behind a tire that ives the
motorist the exceptional service of O ei J. Mileage it
buiit into every tire in the line, which includes a tire
for every need.
The Oik J Balloon Cord shown at the left is a balloon
fire in the truest sense of the word. It is made ol a cord
fabric which is equalled in few tires for its ideal combin
ation of great strength and exceptional flexibility. Note
the wide, flat tread which reduces wear per square inch
and affords greater traction and anti-skid protection.
At the riiiht is shown the G & J Heavy Service Cord. Here li a
tire that is scientifically built to stand tip tinder severe service on
truck, buses and heavy paMenger cars. It In a tire that will give
tow cott operation wherever the going is hard.
Wc folly recommend in addition to the 15 Dnltonn and Heavy
Service Cord, the following! MG" Tread IliilliMin, f i 4k JCord., (; c.
JJOx V.i "O" 1 read Cords, ! & J 10 x nnd (; lies., I .id.
rici,G&.I licit and Grav Tube and G c J Heavy bcrvtccitcd Tubes.
Let ut help you to solve the ticc problem.
"The Q&J Balloon
A true tall'on fire, built
to render lone and emit
fnrtuble ervicr. ltMidrf
fiat tread gtvet longer
tvear, and better traction
and ntltkid protection
The "Cy-Trctul
A tire tf rare economy
lor the tar inner who
il'H not require tlic ex
ra arrvft- ( regular
i U j Killoon.. Ideal
frr I crd and other
liht tars.
.Q&J Heavy Service
Com I tres
Atiurance of lontf, unlnter
ruptcd tire aervice and I mo
cost tire aervice on trucks
buRMs and heavy paener
cntie In auclt tue it (k J
Heavy Service Curdt will
prove themtelves equal CO
any task set for them
NOTE 1 h- O J TPrr Company
to huild (Sieve I r tir. It hrta)n huilillrtc ajntomohtU ilro In
IW1 mnd in I'M1! prmliKnl (tic firaf rnr J t-utuitiubilc I if,
ti k ) Hndt fur Oormuily nJ Jeflrey.
QffJ"G" Tread
Cords or f ors
Ford Owners will, fiml
C) ci J (; Trca.l
Clllnchrr C'.nrJ Tires
Ideal. 'Iliey olfcr rcjl
rrnnnmv In tire service.
(Mnilc in ,10 x 3 and 30
X 3"i ilici.)