The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942, May 23, 1926, Page 4, Image 4

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An Independent Republican Newspaper Conducted in the Interests of All Klamath County: Without Guile. Subsidy or Perfidy
"Let ua have faith that
that faith let ut to the end
understand it." Abraham
For Klamath County
Constant Work Necessary for Whole Community
Klamath Falls and Klamath County are
not isolated entities, any more than the indi
viduals that make up their population. Just
as it is necessary for individuals to make
known their wants to each other in order to
have them satisfied, so it is necessary for
Klamath Falls and Klamath county to make
known to the state, the Pacific coast, and
the whole country what it has to sell and what
it wants.
Klamath County has timber, lots of it.
Klamath Ccunty has wonderful farm lands
awaiting settlement. . Klamath County has
scenery of more than unusual character.
Klamath County is undergoing a remarkable
development and offers great opportunities
to the newcomer who possesses constructive
enterprise. Klamath County has needs, too,
of capital, industries, public buildings, gov
ernmental aid of varioug kinds, as well as
settlers. These things are true, but they will
not do much good unless they are made
To make the voice of the city and county
articulate, to make known to the world what
we want in exchange, and to better concen
trate our own energies, all require organiza
tion. Such an organization is the chamber
of commerce. The annual report of its pres
ident, just made public, is sufficient proof
that the local chamber is fulfilling its mission.
Now For
Both Winners and Losers
Babies will be given a respite from poli
ticians' kisses, matrons will receive less fre
quent assurances of their youth and beauty
from aspiring candidates courting their favor
at the polls, and the voter's hand, weary and
limp from the many fervent political hand
clasps of the past few weeks, will be permit
ted to regain its normal size and appearance.
(The election is over, and we can all settle
down to real business until November ap
proaches. The new charter was swamped, so it is up
to the present city government to carry on. If
the spirit of co-operation for the good of the
city that has been recently manifested con
tinues, the city can thrive and prosper.
jTo the successful candidates The News
extends congratulations, with sincere hopes
that they will continue to live up to the prom
ises made in the primary campaign.
Speaking of the abolition of capital pun
ishment, the gangmen appear to have taken
over the function 'of the state anyway. Dur
ham Sun.
The right name for the new British prin
cess is worrying England, but it's a cinch it
isn't worrying the princess any. Indianapolis
right make might, and in
dare to do our duty at we
Smiling vtith Election Past
Its Apple
a. .
. 1 1 wi:w.
Pearls Before Swine
"Quick, sonny! Grab the seat
before the lady gets it!" And
sonny "grabbed."
Ducking under the elbow of
the weary woman turning in
gratitude toward prospective tem
porary relief for aching muscles
and ragged nerves, the youngster
plumped his elgbt or nine years
of sturdy solidity into the one
empty seat in -the crowded car.
And from this Ill-won point of
vantage he followed the example
of his mother and gazed stolidly
ahead, careless of years or sex
that should have entitled others
to the comfort he neither needed
nor deserved.
Like mother, like son! There
they sat, side by side, faces Im
passive save for the faint smirk
about their mouths that betrayed
their satisfaction iu the boy's dex
terity and their fellow traveler's
Maternal love should be and al
, most always is the most beautiful
thing in the world. But It over
shoots its mark when It fosters
selfiHhness, greed, indifference,
cruelty; it minuses its power
when 1t encourages the young ob
jects it its devotion to go into
training for hogs.
Hog is not a pretty word, but
that Is exactly what the mother
in question was raising her son
to be a "seat hog" with whom
we are all familiar and whom
we all so heartily detest.
Older grown, that dexterous
youth will be the man who In his
mad rush for the open door,
bowls over his less husky fel
lows; the man who will occupy
two seats 1n the car, one for
himself and one for his elbows;
the man who will hide behind
his newspaper from the lame, the
halt and the blind, fearful lent
public opinion, expresKeil in scorn
ful glances, might force him to
Unfortunately there are In our
midst certain swine, a strange
species nf creature who walk up
Blossom Time in
right on two feet and wear the
features and 'the habiliments of
And before these swlno the city
and the town casts it pearls
pearls in the form of public parks,
pavilions, piers and beaches.
Go with the crowd any holiday
afternoon to any recreation spot
and linger there until hey leave
and then look about you. You'll
see the ground literally "papered"
with comic sheets and pictorial
supplements. Banana peels, or
ange skins, peanut shucks, egg
shells all the "leftovers" of the
picnic (tho only legitimate Inst
resting place of which Is the gar
bage pall) strew the grass and
the sands. And you'll find your
disposition to linger in tho- cool
of evening vanishing, not alone
because so much beauty has be
come unsightly, but because it
has become unsanitary, sometimes
unsavory as well.
There are decent people In our
land, millions of them, and their,
pleasure Is more Mian marred, it'
is actually destroyed, by the gross
carelessness of those who are of
the species swine. In the major
ity, the decent people suffer be
cause of the unspeakable selfish
ness of the inferior few.
Dr. William Itnriiaday, director
of New York city's zoological
park, came out the other day and
most emphatically denounced the
"disorderly human beings", who
defile the public parks, an1 his
denunciation was well merited,
as any one who had seen line gar
den on a certain late Sunday
afternoon would have agreed.
What shall he done to those
offenders who take the merry out
of merry-making is up to the
courts to decide. Our business Is
wllh ourselves. At least we can
restrict our own actions when
they Infririge upon the rights of
others; ran get straight in our
own mluds the difference between
liberty and license; can refuse to
run Willi I he herd of swlno.
- X. , - Y r-i.VJ .l a - .v.-, HMrti' 1'!.. List
. .. k . . M .'.TT.r"-. YiV
Dinner Stories
The chairman of the gas com
pany was making a popular ad
dress. "Think of the good the gas
company hus done." ha cried. "If
I were permitted a pun, I would
say In tho words of the immortal
poet, 'Honor tho-llght brigade.1"
Voice of a nnsumer from tho
audience: "Oh, what a chargo
they made!"
A young lawyer, pleading his
first case, had been retained by
a farmer to prosecute a railway
company fur killing 24 hogs. Ho
wanted to Impress the Jury with
the magnitude of the injur)-.
"Twenty-four hogs, gentlemen.
Twenty-four; twice the numher
there are in the Jury box."
A visitor calling on nn Irishman
who had Ihe credit of being an
ardent partisan at political meet
ings said, "What's that. Mike,
that you have In the gluss rase?"
"Oh! that's the brick 1 got agin
my heud at the last election."
"Oh!, and what's that little ,
flower on the top of It for?" '
"Thai's the flower from the j
gravo of the man that threw It." j
When Ihe colored couple wore
being married by Ihe clergyman, j
and iho words, "love, honor and j
obey" wero spoken, tho brldo- I
groom interrupted:
"Head that again, null! Head It 1
once moh, so's de lady kin ketch
ile full solemn If oh de nieanln'.
I'se been married befoh."
AUICA, May 2:. (United News)
Ilcglstrutlon of voters to par-
ticlpate In the Tacna-Arica plebis
cite ordered by President Coolldgej
as arbitrator, was concluded Friday, j
The registration was held des
pite the official refusal of. Peru
to take uny part in Its management J
cr to approve It. It resulted In ,
the following figures, which are!
now virtually complete;
Total voters 6898 : voters In
Arha, 'SSfil: voters In Turna, 2645! I
oters rejected, 68. j
Ten iViys are now allowed for
any appeals ngulnst the manner In
which Ihe registration waa handled. j
Chilean newspapers in Ihe pleb
iscitary territory are opposing any
settlement except that which car
lies out tho original plan of Presi
dent Coolldge's award.
Snappy Folder
Now Broadcast
' Showing literary ability on the
part of the writer and attractively
letting forth farts of one of the!
recent sub-tllvlslous near Klamath'
Falls, th folder gollen nut by the
Allan McCuuili advertising agency
for Walton. Wright and company,
realtors, U winning attention. Ten
Ihuusnnd copies, printed by I lie W.
O. Bmlih prlut shop are being sent
all over the country. Following Is
part of the statement an til folder,
primed In orange ami black ou
eronm puper:
"Served by on main Hue Inter
state railroad and with on other
existing rail line and two proposed
lines converging in Its bonndarlrs,
Klamath Falls la the hub In this
"empire awukunlng."
"Klamath Falls' phenonoinenal
awakening and growth challenges
comp:trivn. Its score of saw niills.
employing many hundreds of men.
are. Increasing and constantly ex
panding; its half dixen huge hot
factories, runnlug one, two or three
hirts to supply the California fruit
box demand, bring Into Klamath
each year upwards of f IJ.uOO.OUU
to be distributed In pay rolls and
general prosperity; 'farming pursuits
are especially renuuieoitlve, since
the Immense Irrigation systems
eliminate I he risk of crop failure.
"Especially of Interest to home
seekers are th thriving churches nf
practlrally rvery denomination, and!
the comprehensive school system. In
which Klnmsth Fulls lukes purdnn
alile pride. A large new public
school building, adding In the six'
already In use. was dedicated hi
.March. 19:18.
"Klamath falls U fast adding
new and diversified Industries which
etabtllso and even up the payrull.
and absorb the slight soasonal slack
ening of tho lumber Industry. The
tremendous increase In population
assures profitable openings for busi
nesses and professions for a long
time to eonie. Because 'Klumalh
Falls' Is on the lips of thousands,
does not Imply thut this Is a sec
ond 'Florida.' For in Klamath, real
j Industrial opportunity awaits, not
I founded on speculative and real s-
late Inflations.
1 "Ideally located, with respect to
' access by train or auto, seven mln
i utes' ride from the Industrial or
business districts; gentle slope, of
fering unsurpassed view and ade
quate drainage; , completely served
by irrigation; soil la undeuiably the
beat mellow, sandy-loan to bu
found In the county: located near
the principal automobile ar'eary.
The Dulles-California highway,
which la rapidly becoming a closely
built-up revidenro and Industrial
Homudnln was opened In Jntiu
ary by tho Walton Wright com
H BATTLE. May 22. (United
Press) The waters of Cushman
dam will be released Monduy after-
I noon by President t'oolldge wllh a
huge key which James Mnsolf, Ta
coma high school boy has takcu
to Washington. f
Mosolf arrived there today, ac
cording to a special Washington dis
patch to the Seattle Times.
Young Mosolf is being whisked
about Washington ia a round of en
tertainment. NO ILL AFTER
Puts the Teeth to Sleep
There Is No Hurt
Is the dontal anesthetic lie
luxe. Sensitive nerves and
tender teeth bold no lorrors
for this wondor-fluld that is
robbing dentistry of Its pain.
When you are In need of
dentistry, and waut GOOD
dentistry comfortably done,
come to this office. Kxper
itneo for yourself Ihe wondor
ful satisfaction of having your
teeth extracted or repaired
this Incomparably modern
Examination Are Free
Kntranr Next to Pine Tree
i. Theatre. .
Phone 11H3.
Nation Watche. Experiment
in California of New
Method to Enforce
t fulled I'm, I Northern Callfor
nla today became the nation' 1
lug ground In a new plan for light
ening prohibition enforcement.
I'uder authorisation from Presi
dent t'uolldge. t'olonul Neil Uroen,
federal prohibitum administrator
for northern California and Nevada,
drufted Ihe tlrsl rough outline of a
plan for the enlargement of his en
forcement suuad by addition of
"dollur a year" ageuts.
(,-t Kollom
Adoption of Ihe plan by the rest
of the ceuntry depends upon Its
success In tills district.
The aiilliorliatlnii signed today by
('resident I'oolldga railed for In
auguration of Ihe plan throughout
Iha country. I'rotesis from vsrlous
senators was followed by announce
ment by Assistant Secretary of th
Troasury Andrews that tho plan
would first rerelvn a trial In nr
them California, llealltlng that the
purpose of the plan would be de
feated by ihe protesia It might in
cur, Colonel tiroen made cautious
advancement In his plan of pro
cedure, lkllar-a-Ycar
"I will appoint Ilia special agents
slowly, and only In localities where
th district attorneys or sheriffs
have specifically asked for them,"
bo declared. "I will appoint them
principally from the rank ot dep
uty sheriffs. ' I expect to her bo
difficulty." bo said, "la enlisting
their services."
The auxiliary force of "dollar-,-yesr"
agema la litis district will
number between 10 and 49 when
appointments have been completed.
Colonel Green, said.
Northern California was selected
for the trial due to the fact that
the plan was first suggested by Col
ouel Green.
II.W.I, iiMH
ITM.MAN, Wash.. May 11.
(Lulled I'ress) Washington State's
baseball team was defeated Batur
day by the Whitman nine la a fast
game on lingers flsld. The score
was 8 'to 5.
The cost of reliable hospital car la
maternity will be from 150. to II.
adv. 24
Department of the Interior,
IT. S. Land Office at Lakevlew. Ore.
April 28, 19:.
NOTICE la hereby given that Ned
Connolly, of Dorris, California, who,
on October 20, 124, made Home
stead Entry Act June , 12, No.
0.12320. for NWUNWH, Section
2, Township 4 IS., llange 7E.. Wtl.
Ismette Meridian, has filed pr. n
of Intention to make Three Year
Proof, lo estobllsh claim to tile
hind ubovo described, before Bart
C. Thomas, V. S. Commissioner,
at Klamath Falls. Oregon, on the
15th day nf June. 1920. '
Claimant namea as witnesses;
l)av, M. Sloits, r.rl Jnnrs,
Frank Mullen and Alfred O. Cum
mlngs. all of Dorris, California.
F. P. MOHT.,
A30 M.10 Inc. Iteglsler.
Office 6IS Mala M.
Khunath Falls, Ore.
' Phone 090;
Office Stage Depot.
Medford, Ore,
Phone Soo.
Br tb
nowAitn aniMES
Ashland Medford Portland
. Marsbfleld
Direct Connection at Junction
With Pickwick Stage
to All Point! Soma
See us. we handle.
Folders mailed on reaueat
HTOPOVKTt at any point on
Pickwick System,
Fare Klamath Falls to:
Ashland .-.......,.., I i ?&
Heddlng z' l:o
Racratnenlo 13 TO
Ban Francisco ,' ij'09
Ixm Angelet .................... j'g
Ban Diego , in ft.
Bun Joso Ti gi
K Centro ZZZ it'll
Leaving Time Medford. , 10.U
J. ra., 1:80 p. m.; Klamath FalU,
a, m., 1:00 and 1:45 p. m.
8 urn hcatori (teltuM husse