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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1925)
Editorial and Feature Page of Klamath : THE. KLAMATH NEWS Owned and Published by iCLAMATH NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY (Incorporated) Officers and Ulrertors: Nate OtierhHn. pmUnt) Btoh H. llurd. ricr-presldi-nt; IUn II. Sf.'vcnn. wsn'tary; Walter Stronach, treasurer, (con-lltcillnn the owners uf the .ni:re outstanding atock Issue). B. If. STEVENSON Managing Editor J. V.l McDONALD Editor WALTER WEST Business Manager Entered at the Postoffice at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as second-class matter. Published every morning except Monday. OL'ice 1. 0. O. F. Building. 102-122 So. Fifth St. ;? Telephone 877 Address all communications and make all remittances payable? to fhe Klamath News Publishing Company. In ordering change of address, subscriber should always give old as well as new address. Arabian Night's Entertainment Subscription Rates AH Subscriptions Payable in' Advance Delivered bv Carrier, per month ? Delivered by Carrier,' six months 2.50 Delivered by Carrier, one year . 5-00 Outside Klamath County 5.00 ,v Full leased wire, United News and United Press. (Longest in the world.) OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS ' "Let us have jaith that right makes might, ami in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as v.v understand if Abraham Lincoln PREPARE NOW TO PROTECT FORESTS " Leading Pacific Coast lumber men and Federal officials have been conferring in San Francisco for the purpose of working out plans designed to lessen the annual forest fire hazard. It is the first time that such a gathering has been called for the pur pose of co-ordinating forest fire prevention meas- t ...... . ures. V The chief forester of the United States and rep resentatives of various timber asso.cjatiGn.3 and, indi- i vidual lumbermen attended the'conftrenceSucn1 preventive measures as oil burners, instead of coal or wood engines for sawmills; equipment of mills with fire pumps and the constant cleaning up of in flammable material where timber cutting is going on were considered. To secure the maximum results in1 forest protec tion the public must realize that a large part of the responsibility for forest fires rests on its shoulders and campers and users of our forests and forest roads should use the greatest care in starting and putting out camp fires and in discarding matches, cigar and cigarette stubs and pipe ashes. 0 . THE EARNING CAPACITY OF ROADS ' J ' ZZ I - . ' b KLAMATH FALLS POST N AMERICAN LEGION U requested to attenQ the Elks' Flag Day Exercises in the Elks' Temple at 8 p.m. Sunday, June 14; F . R. OLDS, Commander ' ' DANCE AT WLUL-KSE Everybody is welcome and wilt n in tK. J with the best music on the coast. Saturdi'f W Juno 13. 1925. A dance that will be mien for years to come.' Cnmpfire and moon-lifbl i ing. Special prizes for the lucky one. Spend tho weekend nnd enjoy the bathinf, s ..-j I -: r. . i J uuti iMimniK. uvn l lurgi'i lo uring, along Jli outfits. On the Beautiful Dalles-California Hifia; MENU HINT Ilrfitkfuxt j Assorted Kruit Cooked Cereal with Top Milk Coffee Bran Muffins Luncheon Codfish Balls Spinach Ginger Bread Tea j Baked Rhubarb I Pinner Swedish Meat Loaf Relish Steamed Rice Buttered Beets Fruit Salad Demi-tasse j Ihe porch, and a heavy blanket huiiR ; over it makes an excellent wind or .huh Bhield fur Ihe baby's. bed. Himember that fresh 'ulr renew and purifies the blood . and is us necessary to growing children as proper food. ; ! A lutlo nmmonla In the bath will , keep the skin healthy, firm anil rosh looking. row to 'ton.Hyiit.7.t.Et'' i The words start In the number.-,! . sous res and run either across or down. (Inly one letter is placed l.l ; each white square. If the proper i words are found each combination of letters in the .white square i will form words. 1 hi key to ' puzzle the firs' word Is given In the drawing. Below ars key tv the other words. r The Department of Agriculture estimates that our country has between 450,000 and 475,000 miles of surfaced roads. The report calls attention to cer tain wrong ideas that are current about road im provement. "For the movement of every vehicle over a road, there is a certain cost, which is less if the road be im proved than if it be left in a state of nature. Logical ly, therefore, the limit that should be placed on ex penditures for road improvement is the amount that can be saved in vehicular operating costs. All roads should be improved to the maximum degree that their traffic justifies, but no road should be improv ed beyond, i( earning capacity." ?; Another mistaken idea is that there is such a thing as a permanent road. However, state high way departments now understand that all roads, re gardless of, tyj5e, gradually depreciate and wear out under the wheels of vehicles and action of the weather. - Asphaltic types of road construction are probably the most permanent. They are waterproof and being plastic readily , adhere to the earth's surface and do not crackiilfecause of their elastic characteristic they act as a cushion which absorbs the jarring ef fect produced by heavy motor vehicles moving at high speed. : ; : o . ... There is nothing naughty about some, magazines except their obvious effort to be. -r 1 -( Still, you can belong to the intelligentsia without dropping cigarette butts in a coffee cup. ., o .:- Among the intitutions now firmly established on a gold basis is politics. Watchfulness in keeping tho re Bread. Butter ,rKorator loor latched will suv. ice. To open tho door or rovei , unnecessarily should be avoided TODAY'S RECIPES j ro111 storage which Is actually low Swedish Loaf Take one and one-: Itniperatiiro and cold, Is neces quarter pounds of beef, one-half mr 'or 8afe preservation in pound veal, one-quarter pound pork , warm weather, ground together, one beaten egg. ' 1 three-quarter cup bread crumbs, pepper, salt, one and one-half cups milk, a little finely chopped onion (which has been fried In fat.) Tut gg, milk and bread crumbs together. All A ....! .... .. Let stand ten minutes to soften, put ' lhe Bt " ' ,, ' T.Th , Z In ground meat and work all to-l , , Wh,ch thB 'h"r,h aether. Ses.nn ...K ..... ' L f .todu "'" ' " 1'VK"-I. told and the onion. It must be kneaded 1 well to be good. Put molded loaf I TherB- " certain extremely ri, , in baking nan. with mnH f... i.ich,lr,h "' N" York whQft. Is hi- pan and a piece of butter on top of'?"""""1 "'e exclU8lv ; meat. When loaf is brown put In "el Sl"l"s- 1,119 day a l" ri' a little water and baste. Time quired for baking. 45 minutes. Running Across. I he flowers In the pic- called on the rector and announced that he would member. The like to become a rector, nonimlsfw! i Mixed Fruit Salad Ingredients ' "'"V'1 tr time, touched lightly ,, arc lettuce, two oranu'es rut in 'rluln dlffieiililcs. nnd. afier i... pieces, one banana, a few nut nieuts' tlmallnK 1111,1 s""i might not f..,-i and mayonnaise. Arrange lettuce on in,llle at home, Hiiegested that plates, put on each plato pieces ofilatter aBk Khlanco from above us orange and banana, then sprinkle j 10 tho "I1"1""! of tho Idea. i wun dressing. Sprinkle on nut i In a week Sum came back, meats. ; gloomy. three tal.ft,- "VM. ? C... ' ...v.. a.M.ut u now .' To dec. Color; tone. Also. A southern state. Ab- The highest title n rnlhcr 'how Olngorbrcad Take nuuuun uuiier. une-OH r ...... ., K .UK..,; ..... a. . one-halt cup molasses, one beaten j ' ' un ,l,,ne a"k A l-awd ' egg, one teaspoon cinnamon, one.;''!""'1 U' an(l ,le Uwd C said dat ' half teaspoon ginger, on... teaspoon d hK"n a lryln' to "f- ni" yo' i soda, one-half cup lukewarm water 1 ''h,lrch " l"nB IMumK CaI 11,. don't I i-ream, nutter or other shortening, Mny "how at nl ana sugar, add beaten Word 1. lure. Word B. Word 7. Word 8. Word a. brev.ated. Word 11. the navy. Running Down. Word 1. A tall garden flower "Inninn to the aster family. Word 2. Anger, -wrath. word A. In that manner. Word 4. Neuter pronoun cor responding t., "he" or "she." k Word G. A place for leantlnf Word B A thick, black, sticky liquid with a strontr smell. 7 lar present indicative of the verb Word 10. . Glover's Scholarship ContK Closes Monday, 6 p. m MisH Franccn Short makes, largest jainfn and wins the 1000 voU-8 for thia week, m the utore. " - I Mis Crocker utill holds her lead, bat wj able to do her real work this week on . sickness.. ' ' J Kenneth Col well of Morrill is crowdim! Crocker for first flacc. ' I Miss Marion West made a t'9d Bin.thi,i and holds her place as third. . .. Below is standinjr after Friday evtniMW Rlllh PrncUr Ilnmolh ' . ...--'' Kenneth Colwell, Merrill .... Marion West, Klamath Frances Short, Henley ... . ' ' ' GLOVER'S JEWELRY STORi Home of tho Big Street Clock , , . i im . . ' ' T 'III ' in viated. l-ong Island. Abbre- YESTKH )Avs PUZZLE ANSWIOKKI). Kg. then 1 ,,x nour, soda and1 1 n0 Prisoner, was being ,r,m Bplces. To the creamed mixture add '"mlned by counsel for the r(We first a little water then part of thc:,:uU"n hn tho Judge Interr ,., flour, continue till all flour and : "You suy y dined At n. Vntor nra ....., I It . t. Vf ... '! I . ,vi. i.iKf! in Hliu !nw " pan. " iiul II 1(1 you Dartftkn ,.ri "Hwhleak. your honor ho Hal,! .......r,.-,,,, . jn.ign- looked stern In taking the baby out of doors.!1""11' oalh " he said. especially in colder weather, one' Wr honor should watch that the sun does not a nlut"." snine in ins race, should shield IiIh face and head from the wind and '. ltl w THANKH uo sure inni nis leot are warm mat no is properly and dressed. "On he replied, "on i and We wish warmly friends for ,C . 1 ."lr . ' sympathy end kind. ' in. ........I r... . . Ing 4 ho recent Allowing the baby to sleep on nin'.Hrlngs received Fu...m u. twiuiiuh assures ncnlth f.. " 'empn of him. A clothos lino, hung across jjj1."' AN0 ni- HAY KUYKAIt, We Have MOVED c. , .1 in i' 1 v.t A H ''' xiiLU uui new f"". Bottling Factory I,, , A ' NEW PHONE No. 58 WHITE. PELICAN MlNi SPRINGS BOTTLING 715 SPRING ST. ... - ' fes ert With Klamath Ice ana 1 nt