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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1925)
f Imath NEWS T-trrri Notices TlllJCATION t ihr InlorU. f Mkovlew, Or. i 19:6. rahr given net ,, 0r Mi-rrlll. Ore- turrnilM-r 82. 1933, s llolllivueau r.n- fur rurm unit anil 15. Section a lunK HE, Wll- has f HrO Dotira mike Thraa Year Hill claim to the, rlbed, before C. It. Ilia County tourt, , Oregon, on Ilia 'ntt. ' til ines witnesses: i I 0( Maun, lira. ,'r, of Morrill, Ora. , of Morrill. Ora. cf Malta. Ora. ' F. P. LtOHT. lleglater. It VI IH.It'ATIOJf of the miiTUir, . Le tt Lakevlew, Ora. I, 19". hereby nlfan that mpler, or uawa. nn June a. ina, L Homestead Entry !"()l, No. Uizu, ror jo, Township 8S., Illnmette Miirldlan, . of Intuntkm ta tar Proof, to Mlab- Da Ian -above dea- C. u. DeLap, Clerk Court, at Klamath on the 16th day of hps witnesses: at Rocky Point, ht Rocky Point. Ore. monns, of Kooky of Klamath Falli, v. p. LtOHT, Register. It I'l ULU'ATIOX of I ! Interior, at Uikevlow, Ore hereby . Riven thaU c. of Dixon, Call- ho. on July -1.1, mmlrad Enlry Art n. oiuu.1. for HW4 11. Tnnni 4 IS., rillainelte Morkllun. en of Intention to par Proof, to estnb the land above dos C. It. DoLap, Clerk Court, at Klnmath on the lSlh day of mra as witnesses: Kd Klrhardson, Mr. klson,, all of Dorrla, F P. LtOHT. JtcRlnlor. MMONH TT CorRT OK THE OltMiON KOK THK V KLAMATH. ell. Plaintiff vs. Wil li, Defendant.' t ild well. Defondant. of the Stat of Ore- reby required to ap- liwer the complaint baa In tha above en- or before Thursday. of June, 1926, and If answer, for wunt klalstlff will apply to tae relief prayed for atnt, to-wlt: for a. rou on the grounded Inhuman treatment Indignities, rendering hole, burdensome and tor the absolute ous- fcntrol of Bonnie I. plnor of tba aga of that she ba declared aer of the following Pronertv InpateH and lie City of Klninatk; or Klamath and )fon: Lota one and fortv-thraa. Inelnrtlna hereon In Bums Vista the City of Klamath free from any right. t, curtosr right or med by you. F""ni is served upon ftlon once each week five weeks,, pursuant "i Honorable A. L. M. of the above an- do and entered on 5- Date of first pub t to ba ' Anrll 30. iVNTNfl iiun n w ' "orneya for Plaintiff. rest Office and Buai Addreaa I 901.909. Hart TtlltlHInv Vl.m. Falla. vi.m.ii! f.. Oreenw 21,28-j4,U . ;'T COURT OF THK INTY nu"' M"iUh., Plaintiff,1 vi.' Ooninfji m-s Mtonetletta Made ' f '" Guaranteed. RANDALL f St. Phone B7T.W r- . i Be Ours I ( -V - - " 1 1 7 (i-' ! The large lint has a picturesque appeal, but (or everyday use the trim little hat is more practical. At top is one of satin with turn ed up brim and silver nallhcads for trimming. Natural Panama forms brim of second ccutcr) with Uffctn crown criss-crossed with braid. While a scarf of grosgrain ribbon is wound smart round thr straw turban be Ruel C. Rml'.h, Defendant. To Ruel C. Smith. Defendant. In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above en titled suit on or before July 2. 11125, that being the last day of the time proscribed In the order for publication of this summons, and if you fall to so answer or other wise appear, plaintiff will apply to the court for tho relli-f prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: for a o cree of this court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and awarding to plaintiff the care and custory of Helen Smith, the minor issue of "aid marriage, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equit- UbThls summons l published for WOOD is down to SUMMER PRICES Phone in Your Ordent Our supply is large and the blocks are good and dry. BUY EARLY, get a few loads each month on these cheap prices, and your fuel bill will always be light. Pevton & Co 601 Main Phone 63S SCANDINAVIAN ROOMS Are Now Open. - Stricly- up-to-Date. Room. From $6.00 Upr t Your Glass Troubles tyindow Plat and Windshield GiaMS Suh, Door and Cabinet Work. iE GLASS HOUSE mdpin- Phone 477-W once a weak for tlx weak! by or- ui me iiiworaiiie A. L. Leavitt, JurtKo of the ahova entitled court uiuue anq entered on May 19, 1926. Data of first publication of this summons la May 11. 126. . n. c. onoEanKCK. Attorney for Plaintiff. Klnmath Fall, M21-28 Jl,ll,18,25 Jjya Oregon. SIMMONS IN THK ClltCI'IT COIIIT OP THE HTATK OF OKKOON Foil THIS iui .vrv OF KLAMATH. Ella 0. Ballard, Plaintiff va. Pearl C. liallurd, Defendant. ' To Pearl C. Dallard. Defondant. In tba name of tha State of Ore Ron, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint inert aminal you In tba above en titled ault, on or before Thursday tha 11th day of June, 1925, and If you fall so to anawer. for want thereof, tha plaintiff will apply to tba court for tha relief prayed for la bar complaint, to-wlt: for a divorce from you on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment and peraoaal Indignities. renderlnR ber lire miserable, burdensome and un happy. . una summons la served npon you by publication once each week for alx auccesslve weeks, pursnant to order from Honorable A. L. jrder from Honor.hl. A. I. Leavitt, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on April 29, 1925. Date of first publication hereof to be April 80, 1926. ' H. M. MANNING. Attorney for Plaintiff. Whose Poet Office and Busi ness Address la 201-202-208 Hart Building, Klam ath Falls, Oregon. A30 M7, 14, 21, 27 J4.ll NOTICE OF AXM'Afj ' MKKTINO SCHOOL Notice Is hereby given to the legal rotors of School District of Klam ath County, State of Oregon, that the Annual School Meeting of suld District will be held at. Various School Houses; to bpgln at the hour of 2.: 00 o'clock P. M. on the third Monday of June, being the 16th day of June, A D. 1926. - Thla meeting is called for the purposo of electing one County School Director from the southern tone, to serve for three years: One Dirctor from Central zone, to aerve for three yeara; One Director from Northern zone to serve for two yeara; One Director from Western zone to serve for one year, and the transaction of business usual at auHi meeting Dated this first day of June, 1925. Atlost: - ; . VERA OFFIELD, District Clork. FRANCIS J. HOWNE, Chairman Board of Directors. J2.3.6.10 NOTICE OF ANNUAL SIKKTING SCHOOL Notice Is hereby given to the legal votora of School District. No. 1. of Klnmath County, State of Oregon, that the Annual School Meeting of said District will be held at Cen tral School; to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. on the third Mon day of June, being the 15th day of Juno, A. u. 1325. Thla meeting is called for the purpose of electing one new director and conducting any other business which may legally come before it and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. Dated thla first day of June, 1925. Attest: IDA B. MOMYER, , . District Clerk. C. H. UNDERWOOD, Chairman Board of Directors. J2-12 inc. NOTICE OF BOND SALE Sealed proposals will be received by the Common Council of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, for the purchase of Sixth Sewer Deficit Im provement Bonds aggregating Nine Thousand thirty-seven and 16-100, Dollars ($9,037.16)- to' provide J runds ror tne payment oi me ue- ll . A.-naan. n, 1m -tltA (tAnstrill.- I tion of the Sixth Sewer Unit and authorized by Ordinance of the City of Klamath Falls, No. 668. Proposals to purchase sucn pongs . E. h. ELLIOTT i Attorney At Law : Address S-S Hngarman Bldg. ToL 120 Office. Home B2i-t Office Honrs V a. to 5:80 a LUMBER FOR SALE CHEAP Boards ; Dimension ;; Sidling , . Lath Moyldings In fact practically all items for construc tion or repair work. Drive out and look it over. PELICAN BAY, LUMBER CO. Thursday, June 11. 1925. will bo received by the undurslKO- ed up In and Including the . 16th day ff Juoe, at tba hour of 8 o'clock p. ni., and opened at a reRular meeting; of the Common Council Immediately threafter, said bonda to bo dated February J6tb, 1926, and In amounts of 85001 duo ten (10) yeara after date of issue. Optional at any coupon date on and, after one year, and will bear Inter-' est at the rate of not more than 6 per annum, payable aeml-anntully, principal and Interest payulito at the office of the City Treasurer at Klamatb Falls, Oregon, or at tha Oregon Flacal Agency in New York City, New York. Proposals to pur chase must ba ' unconditional and accompanied by certified check In the amount of f of the proposal. By order of tne Common Coun cil this 26th day of May. 1926. LEM L. OAGHAlifcN. Police Judge. , Of the City of Klamatb Falla, Ora. J4-14 inc. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of the Tntrrlor U. S. Land Office at -Lakevlew, Ore. May 28, 1925. Notice la hereby given that Otto . nu ""' fi"mJ " "regon, woo. on marco 28, 1923, made Reclamation Home stead Entry, No. 011996, for Farm Unit "J" or Lou 9 and 16, Section 13, Township 418., Range HE., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of tba County Court, at Klamath Falla, Orgon, on the 6th day of July, 1925. Claimant namea aa witnesses: ' Jean McAuliffe, of Merrill, Ore. Joe Zumpfe. of MallnOre. Oscar Hammer, of Merrill, Ore. Ross Brown, of Merrill Road, Klamath Fals, Ore. Mr. Thomas, Secy, Klamath Irri gation District. ' F. P. LIGHT, M31 J30 inc. Register. NOTICE FOtt PUBLICATION . Department of tho Interior U. 8. Land Office at Lakevlew,' Ore. May 6, 1925. Notice Is hereby given that Wil liam OrvlUe Smyth, of H!Idebrand Ore., who on June 18, 1920, made Stock Raising Homestead Entry No. 09986, for SNW4, SW. Sec. 28. SftNEU.SEtt. Sec. 29, NU NEU, Sec. 82, and NHNWK, Sec. 33, Township- 37S, Range 11E., Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to makr Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the " land above described, before J. O.. Hamaker, V. 8. Commission er, at Bonanza, . Oregon, on the 13th day of June, 1925 Claimant namea as witnesses S. K. Hartzler, Willis Hoover, Peter A. Johnson and T. A. Rob erta, all of HUdebrand, Oregon. f. P. LIGHT, M10 J13inc. . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Lake view, Ore., . - -May 11,- 1926. - i -Notice la hereby given that Frank Zumpfe, of Malln, Oregon, who, on November 12, 1921, made Reclamation Homestead Entry, No. 011823, for Farm Unit ''D '- -or lot 2 and SW VINE 14. Section 21, Township 41S., Range 12E., Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. R. DeLap, Clerk of the County Court, at Klamath Falls, - Oregon, on tha 15th day of June, 1925. Claimant names as witnesses: A. M. Thomas, Joseph Jacob, John Reber and Mrs. Anna Zumr, all of Malln, Oregon. : - F. P. LIGHT, M13 J13Inc. Register. GEOKUE R. KOHENQUllj -General Insurance " Room 4 Sugarman Bldg. 'A,, phone 820-W ' .' , Hour D to 0 Bat. Evenings .it ' Phone lOfl-J. - '. '' ' Boom 10, Loomta Bldg. DR. W. A. LEONARD v;f '1 Dentist -.'T Specialist in Extractions, Oral Surgery and Plaeaaos of the Month. DR. t. O. OOBUI '.,.". Classes Fitted and Grosuat .70 Hail StratA rboas ISS- . -' SouthweU SteuorierifCo. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICB WK INSTALL BOORKEEPIXG SYSTEMS eSM Main St, Phone eoa J. A. 4JOLDBMITH : . v - S10 Winters Bldg. v. :.vv'.' Sntts From SW.50 to f TO " r Classified Ads ' CIiABKIFIBI AD RATES 1 line 1 day .lot 1 line 2 days . 1 Una 8 daya 1 line 4 daya 16e 20e 26c 1 line 1 week .......l.30e 1 line 1 month . - 76c For Sale Real Estate FOR' SALE i room ' bouse with bath, furnished. Mills Addition. . 1 2,475. Small payment down, balance like rent. Phone 867-R. ; . . i . . , jn-12 FOR 6ALE 180 acres, Langell valley. NEK, Sec. 18, Townahtp ,40, Range 13. Located about mile west of Turner Springs, about 120 acres timber, balance cleared. Price 1 8 per acre. Will consider trade, Sacramento or Stockton, Calif, property.- Ad drees owner: E. W. Bergquest, 916 J St., Bacramento, Calif. -. J10-12 FOR SALE One lot In the town of Dorrls. Siskiyou Co., Calif., and one la Mt. Hebron. The person sending me tha best cash offer will get it, both or one. Jennie Morgan, R. R. No. 9, Box 946, Seattle, Wash. J9-16 FOR SALE Two room house on two lota 102x102 feet On cor ner. Total price $1400. Also corner lot across street, 61x102 feet, $250. Call 1901 E. St. J6tf FOR SALE Three room unfur nished bouse . -with basement; Box 463. . J4-11 FOR SALE-SIr room bungalow in Hot springs Addition, 739 Eldor ado Ave. Furnace, oak floors, etc; See W. S. Wiley, I. O. O. V, Bldg. - M19tf Lost LOSiy-One small bay " horse, " i .' years old. Branded TX on the left ithlgh. Send information to Box 63,-Bonanza, Ore. J10-11 LOST Three keya on ring, Tues day, night, presumably near Frank & King's tent show. , Leave at pi United. Cigar .Store; reward. ' ' ' ' J10-11. for Rent FOR RENT TWO' room ' f urnlsTied apartment.- Brannan -Apt. - 812 Oak St. ,. "- ' f J10-12' FOR RENT 3 room house, close in. 120. Inquire S. & S. Garage. FOR RENT Two" sleeping Tooma. Phone 428-M. J9.ll FOR RENT Large "front - bed. ' room. 303 Washington St. Phone 284-W. ' 39-ll FOR RENT Two 2 room apart ments, and one single room. Stove and bed In' each apartment, wa ter and wood furnished. ; $10.00 . .for. single' room: $15.00 for 2 room apartments. '813 Alameda St. J2,6,9,12 FOR RENT Boom In private dwell. ' 'ing.vC 324-Bo.' 6th St.' J5-12 A paper wnere an tne peopia nave opportunity to express themselves if they-1 desire that's Tha Klamatb News , - RealJEstate 4 ROOM MODERN home, large lot, 90 by 100, improved, will raise anything in vegetables, or nerries, a splendid buy on easy terms. Price 83,$00.ft?.v:- ' ' - NEW MODERN. Broom bungalow on Crescent Ma., ln good loca tloh. Price 84,500.- 11.000 down Tend monthly payinenta like rent. ; . -- i - ONE Of ,THE! pest' strictly, modern : 6 rooni domes' on 6th .St, Fur- ' nis'hed. , Oarage 'and mice yard. -Price $8,000. . LARGE TWO story house and two extra lots. : Garage.. A bargain in a home whwe you can raise everything. For sale on account of poor health. Price 84,200, on terms. vy . ' STRICTLY UP-TO-DATE I u 1 1 y equipped beauty parlor centrally located. Price 82,000. Half cash, terms on unpaid balance. 1 SMALL TRACT homes close In, from' one1 lo forty acre tracts. Prices reasonable. BEAUTIFUL 9 room home on good corner, itn desirable location. Gar age, nice yard. ''Price $9,000. Terms. ' j APT. HOUSE of 5 apts., four of - them furnished. ' Garage for 6 care. ' Price 18,600,' on terms. SPLENDID large business - lot on. Klamath Ave. Price 85,000. Terms. j' LOTS IN, MOST parts of the city for 10 per cent down and 86 equal ' payments on Unpaid balance. i TWO OF. THE BEST resident lots; In the city. rPrlce 11,200 each if tioW separately or both for 82,300.- 'MRS." KATE OWERBEIN 001 Llnccn St." '; Ffone 6SU-M FOR RENT Five room , partly furnished. Call Hotel. Phon 405. bouse, Empire J1J " 1 Wanted WANTED-Compelieae woman-' far housework and cooking. Mrs. J. N. Bedford. r ,. .JU-1J WANTED Salesman to sell high grade shoe direct from manu facturer to wearer. Box 101, Newa. ' .. J10-11 WANTED One 3 In. wsgon with 4 in. tires, for cash. Box (J Newa. v . , .' J5-J2 . WANTED Young man for- atreet sales. ' Guarantee. Circulation manager, Newa. J7tf WANTED Salesmen and saleswo men for high class investment. See' Mr. Swartwood. -' 124 So. Seventh street J4-11 For Sale Miscellaneous $3,500' will take the best paying ' ten room hotel in Klamath Falls. Located in the heart of the busi ness district. ' 111 health the rea son for selling. See W. J. Kerri gan for details, at 631 Main St., Klamath' Falls, Ore1. ' Jll-13 WANT A BARGAIN? See the '24 Bulck Six at-Powell and Dale Motor Co.', 8th and Klamath Ave. Phone 349. Sure will trade! -Jll-13 FOR SALE--HontA. WAernn. harness! ana euu aog. Aaaress cast am. and Railroad. J11-1Z" SAVE J 10,0 in buying a first class i Chevrolet touring direct from .the i owner. Car looks and runs like hew. Driven 7,100 miles. Price ' 8325. Call at 419 ' Nelson St. Two blocVs above Crescent Are. ' r - jstf ' FOR SALE 1924 Stnr-eoupe, first class condition, 1925 license, all accessories.' Priced: at -8526. Howie Motor Co. Phone 379. J617 Miscellaneous DANCING Classic dancing given children from five to - twelve years. Prices reasonable. For appointment phone 342-J. " J10 jyio PRIVATE ' ' TUTORING In all grade subjects. .Classes- begin June 15: Rates ' reasonable. Phone 226-R. , 31.No th St. ... ... i , J10-11 , PIANO TUNING Apply W. - H. Morgan, at the Earl Shepherd Co. '. J16- CHIMNEYS SWEPT, lawn mowers sharpened. Work guaranteed. Phone 56. ' . J16 - For cancer conditions see . . Dr. Jackson. Winter's Bldg. Phone 105-J J5 Jyb NO INTEREST -Our summer Phon ograph Sales Campaign la baaed on "No Interest" on any make of Phonograph and "better terms"." Wise buyers trade with Earl Shepherd Co., 507 Main at. . . i . " : M21 J29 C. A. WESTMAN; contractor ' and builder. Phone 881 or Inquire , at Scandinavian hall. M14 J14 fHB WAFFLE KITCHEN serves real cream waffles at all hours. 119 So. - 9th St A8tf TAXI Phone Large and small cars. .::WeStoLiBe. Better Service Try - - LORENZCO. :j '. First For Garden iosc. KODAK FINISHING In at out at 6 p. m.. The Peasley's Opposite Court House FRED BTJE8INQ 'j Real Estate, Reatals and I " Fire Insurance ' ' 1000 Main St. . Phone T4.W .' DR. PHILIP COLE ' General Practice of Deatistrr ' Open EVenlog by Apfolntment. Phone 0)- " '518 Main ' Over Sloe's1 Store ULru-iAruTAnqnnr.-i-i-iir 185 ' Page S'eren L rrrrr. - IT. : .... ' ' Klamath Lodge No lT-r-afata very Friday night; W. JB. Peck. N. 0.. . - : ; 4 i a'. Canton Crater No. t Meat vary Wednesday evening. Carl Ban dell. Commandant ' ' Land, 0. P. Ewanna Encampment No. 48 afeets every Tuesday -sight, A, By ' Prosperity Rebekah Ledge No. 104 Meets first and third Tbnro daya. Mrs. Viola Jones, N. O." ' . 1"J"""-JTV-isnrsfVVVVarVsiVVWl Bring Vs.' Your.- and ...; j,:, iw:- - We are la the Baarket Hides mat FaUa, aatd rH8 . the higneat xarket ptseav ii; w Uwis Grocery , , 223 S. 6th Phons 355 EVANS t'. Shoe 'Repairing !, M :': " l '-r r;ft..i ' Qood Work Right rrleet ' KJsaaath Falls, Ore. BrowneV ' Paint' Store 1029 Main Street. - - Phone 75 - " , ALAINE BEAUTY shoppe : : Open Tuesday, Tnnreday sad " : ejaturday ; erealngs. . -' -107 Bo. 7th St. "-''' Ftume 7M ' - ' rr - ..... " 2; PETERS Teacher of Violin ano .Piaso. Accredited by "he Bttreai f ojt EdncailonI . Thone ' 401-W "- Z ' MBS. NATE OTTBBBEUl Real Estate .....''j Ml Lincoln St. :" " Phoaa 680-al . -3- Attorney-at-Law . General practice Sata and Federal Courts-v Willits Bldg. DR. F. R. CODD.VBO - Osteopathle Phyaiclanjgargesa Phone S21 Office and Bea. , r '",' L O. O. p.' Temple ' . Klamath 1' Falls, Oregon Send it to the Lanndry ' V! . '. Union Lanndriesi . , . . FRENCH HAND " j! KLAMATH SUPERIOR ens' Ldry. Workers Union No. 8CM) BEND-KLAMATH FALLS ' . ' ' STAGE f " .Now Operating Daily Trips ' CENTRAL' AUTO SEBVTflW 1 108 80. 7th ' Phone 615-S " HIDES PELTS EHward B. Asaitirst 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Law -State and Federal Courts ' ' Suite No. 5, Loomls Bldg. ; . Phone 8J7-' ' ' 1 TRIANGLE The place to iv good eats. OPEN ALL NIGHT . . ess Mala .-'. .. rtta .' t. Phone SM I- '