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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1925)
Uh news- I ID - Briefs , by per dauKniere. l,lrr"n ami i. vUltltiK in ins d,v, lhl week. rQ Thursday. Mra. Kluniatn ran., un- I Martin, hur niolhor. Kranclaro '"f I""-1" Ud hl. l'lfh liter. lUl-Mr. uikI Mr. iU son. f ....I .if IflWfl S fill! Ull w. L.liy, id remain fur Inn nn u i"ri"- -Mm. J- if, uf Mri. Howard II. M. MuunlllK. nr- Lih K.tlU last nlKlit In U t'rtiMW. ww-. I'dui'ii'T wl" remain Hi Willi nor uauiin nalnillT of Iho.ium- KIMllll-M!" Ann" l; Kb inul h Kails ilallliiK tor I ho Pt Wit, TUIria Ander- H. Anderson home lwion Chamberlain I out o( lown vlaltors kirrilay. spenoine; inn Jumri Musulre, Jr., Iwaa arqualnled when he rnlverally of Cal- Lberlaln la spending Klilnulll county. In- Ink with the I'ollcan i nipa ny. id Mrs. (ieorio J. ferlnK from a badly Urn lie tore the llRa- left hand In an ac- nlut- Joule I'arrlth. for , wan tuurrlud Rat- I it Lakevlow, to Sam Int that rlty. Trl Mr. Louie l.l children have re- iD weeks trip to Tortland. After vie. tier's relatives at La- contlnued their trip there they Tlaltcd Mr. I riK. met with an accident cauaed by lila playmate Irvine, to chop 1,1, mihot .ome word, but aft,,, TOinnon by una uf the lmu doctor., u WH, found tlmt the Utile f,.w warn mil hurt, and that they were utile to ruturn to their home with li I m. Til VMl llrn- lljrrv l.lf.. 13-year-old nephew of Mr. and Mra! John Llnfealy of no 9 i.i,i street arrived here on laal .ren ins;', train, from Kan Itemardlno, Calif., making; the trip alone. Hurry will inn Ko an Indefinite vlalt at the home. i Oil IIu.Iiu-mi llirf-Mr. un( Mril Ki Wallor, pioneer realdents of thlH county, hut who for aeverul year, have lived mi t.,mu n,.n,h ( allf.. are hi re on a plua.ure and business (rip. Thfy are Kuwts at mo noma of Mr. and Mra. Arthur llumuker, of till city. I roni ( IiIIinuIii Mr. and Mra. Claud Hill wore in town from Chll rquln yesterday. Mr. Hill la pro prietor of a poul room at t'hllo 1 ii In. Wednesday, June 10. 192. Revolution Sons'. Elect President I '"-'"'tW M.tNY TOlltlHTH IIEKK Among the southern vlaltora In' Klumaili Kali, to speud soma time ' to visit in the city and enjoy scenic1 pole of Klamath county, la a party j of California residents made up of i Mr. and Mrs. J. I', del Kau of Ui Angelea, C. J. tlardnvr, also uf Im A nuclei, and W. I.. Iceland, a rosl-j dent of Ban r ranclsco. The. party, arrived In . the lty last nlxlit and plan (6 remain' here for a short Unit before continuing norm. . ir New Showing ot Kid Dress Gloves Judge Harvey F. Remington,' Borhestcr, N. Y., is the new na-l tional president of tbe Sons of the Revolution riiliNiiln YMloni Mra. C. K Davla, Mrs. CurlU Holdrlck, and; Mra. John HnaalK, wlvea of buai-' neaa men of Chlloquln, were hop- pins; with Klamath Falls mer cbnuta yeatcrday. Ili-ro On llualnew Mr. and Mra. Hob Itoss were here on business from Chlloquln Monduy. Mr. Ross la owner of a (arete at Chlloquln. From lloiinnia V. C. Hechdoldl and son Claud, Ilunania sawmill men, were business isltors here yesterday. In Kloiiinlli Kalla Kd Millrown arrived from California recently anil may remain throughout tbe summer. A circulation rover inn tin- city 01 Klamath Kails and the county of Klamath thal'a the Klamath News. Closing Out Sale Clark's Casli Gro cery Store,: t corner 6th and East , Main St. Everything going 'at cost. Stock, and fixtures. Sale begins Mon day, June 15. Mi-ri'liHiit Violtor Edwin Oowen. Chlloquln merchant, was transact ing business here Monday. I Mr. and Mra. Wm. Ilamlly were In town irnoon from tholr rine drove. In 4'liy Turwlay Mr. and Mrs. 11 be 'i'ayior. proprietors of the hotel at Fort Klamath, were here yesterday on business. From KpruKuc Itlvrr Mr. and Mrs. Ray IMckett were city visi tors yesterday from Rprague River, where they are sturtlng tbe erec tion of a new hotel. Mr. Pickett haa bought tho pool room at Sprague River. They are already serving meals to- the public. ri GRAND OPENING TONIGHT ' REX BILLIARD PARLOR (Formerly M. H. Solo Parlor) (Ueneatb Pine Tree Theatre) Larry Fitzgerald Mark Hanna All new equipment 4 Pool Tables tlsltor Marshall Orr, Ir, was a business vls- rcunty scat yoatorday. Soutli Mrs. Stella daughter Vivian, left fur Yreka for an In- at the home ot Mr. rry Hlrhardson. :btrr Mra. John Tay- Klamiilh Falls yeator- her daughtor, neatrlco, 'ii teaching school in will spend her vaca- fiu this summer. The rn the Morrill road, i c'vli-w Maurice Miller. the I.akevlew bank, ninlia. a Lakovlew at buainess visitors In lis. fh KalUMr. and Mrs. Mn from the woods yes- thelr young son who pa, VJVi SS I - I Gray Tribes M H $1.50 N L.I iti4 ( Ply ' Cord Tire j $18.50 j LI Hub Tire Shop J fl ! If Q 1 Billiard Table 1 Large Snooker Table Open 7:30 a. m. until midniglijf';v..,:?!-.. Soft Drinks Tobaccos OPEN TONIGHT i A MUNSING 1 mid- Popular curment, bodice top, loose knee, knit lisle. Regulars ......'.......1,.:.....$1.35 Out-size $1.50 Mercerized ,' lisle knit unions in wanted summer, styles. Regulars $2.50 Out-sizes .....'. $2.75 Full run sizes of separate knit bloomer garments. . " $1.00 the pair. . Black knit bloomers;- in 'full run of sizes. Regulars .$1.50 -Out-size $1.75 01 t Popular! M ... - Belvadear nonlacing A corset of the clasp-around type if the new BeZcu&wi- ) non-lacing. Panels of the best elastic Does not ftand way from body at top. Doe not .how, seated or stand-"T ing. Deautiful, smooth back line. ... See them today.'jT . .Low-priceJ but GoMard-madf and Oosaard quality-' throughout. ' ' .'.,. . Relvadear Model $10 A' ....... .,- -r.( Other types and styles of Gossard . corsets are from' $2.50 to' $15.00." TheMysteridm''MysteHdr ' '-vn. , The slenderizing garment . which does that desirable" duty patiently, consistently . and in a pleasant way. ; Braaslerea and other Gossard apparel at- this -.popular corsetry, where experienced attendanta give pleasant and careful attention to every detail. ; Wrestling Finish Match Henry Burke. Middleweight Champion of the Pacific Coait, v. v rc.illrc thnt everv '! fxl you throw In eirbmc cm rcprc- Pirt of your hard money? h of this wiutc un-ry- The regular " Ice. ell the vear H. will miike a big F'okc In y,xir food ill not only nre- Ft waMc-it wait insure wholesome food at "mcs. E P r M r, . C'E Klamath Ice: & Storage Co. muR national astociation of ice "Npusm,ES Pete Buzukos .former Welterweight Champion of the World SEVERAL GOOD PRELIMINARIES MOOSE HALL Wednesday Night 8 p. m. " ' ' j Auspices Moose Lodge ' BENEFIT MATCH FOR KLAMATH FALLS BASEBALL TEAM fvi1 ; ' v i ' ' J i Complete PoBlofflre Serylco g, '-.'f "" . ,M fr ' J j ' '' '. : 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. , '.J.i .-.5 . . . .. . .. -.f ' ' i ' ' .1 spX , i aiaaa w " ' V fl (lib t Results Plus Stamina E That Compel Consideration i There is no car that so clearly compels first consideration as the Chrysler six By right of results delivered by no other car, by right of unparalleled economy, by right of wonderful roadabiliry made still more wonderful by effective stabilators, and by right of note- j worthy stamina. ! The remarkable dependability and . I endurance of the car are not matters of chance. jThey are,' of course, the result of the most painstaking effort and deter mined purpose. ' '- f Chrysler results are delivered unfail- '; ingly and with continued brilliance for y tens of thousands of miles, and it is that fact that accounts for the car's ever- growing popularity, almost as much as. : - the results themselves. .. :, . 4-- Let us demonstrate these results for you and expliin in greater detail why owners say the Chrysler Six is the best built car on the market today. . :. ; ; . , Tm TewrtfiK Car TfM Phaeton TJt Rawsiswr TH5dm $139$ 149$ 162S 1US The Royal Cop TTw Browf ham The Imbtrial Tfw CrtIiipsrridJ 206$ 219 All prices . . b, Detroit ttAfett to airmif govtmmtmt ttu. W tm Icatawtl to cxUnd tKccofivrtiianie of timavparymarrits. Ash about Chrytlcf'c l pian. viU7ur tuaun mna mptnor wnryner icrvica wwrymmMr Howie Motor Co. .V i V M 'I 'V;