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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1925)
Page Two Wod nrs.lny, Juno 10. 10--r- ATTRACTED BY KLAMATH L h 'Bryan as He Is Today Hearing of the slehts and scene, of the KWinath-country, two vlsltlnjt gliriner. re in the oily from their home in Foster 'City,' .liqlijgan, on heir way back east, after beta; among those who Jorneyed to the oasis of Los Angeles at. the Na ttroal Shrlner's convention in thai city last week. Or perhaps it was the thrill of the fife and drum corps of the Cra ter Lake Shrine club. But R- w- Pierce in company with his on, A. R. Pierce, is look ing over the lumber Interests of Klamath county and inspecting the various mtjls in thK "rlcinity. They are also planning- to try their luck in Diamond -lake and -take home several ol ithe .famous trout that tire found in the clear cold waters. h When in Foster Oily. Michigan. with ,ibeir fe tucked away in moth balls trr the next annual conven tion. Mr. li'-rce and his son form a firm 0''dwoocf 'manuTactur ers win'.' chief interest is in birch, maple and all Wisconsin and ilichipm hardwoods. Fn3tcr City is loc.ifeil on the upper peninsula of Michigan. Jp71' A fv ;.-1 ' 5 f t 1 ft i - J I. ' , Y . , J V " I .1 v. f s V?3 5 I'phoUiHif iht the theory thai trr VrurJ of (if Of. of AVw 7Yfutff it truth, H illiam Jfnnift.;j Hrian, il iourinJ Iht country mobilizing tupport for the ttaml, preparatory to aiilinn the protecution in the trial of John T. Seopet, ncienee teacher, for violation of 7 ennettee t anti-erolution lau: This it the latrit photo v the 'Com moner, tluncing, htm at he it today. I.JIIIIGE BUILER-10 ! SPEAK FUG DAY has .. Hi" linlrniln and HH-n-t HAN Tit ANflHCO. June' A. ,lt , l. nii- li"-i.t .luring tli"Kl l ''Hi ft In Hi. will f l,u .,.Ur.-,,.. s Tli Jinl l t''' '"' ''"' Marvin will ,.r ,, .ilk I. In Th. I h- '""k "' """ , . ,r ........ f..r !! .l..v .rr . rl l,u "'' "l b. litu.r in... . Wrh 60 000i , r '' b ,m..t uf It ... two Mr.,.. I.IK..H. "! " """" '"" Pnuhbln. Ml.. n'riln il ilie i.iiii.ii."." ' 111 .. I.' th. otbn POLICE NAB ROBBFRS 3 HOURS AFTER JOB H." H. llullr! o Th.. P...I.J " '";-' ;..;l.s UUOIU.'d hl klUl.l""" " iKIai.ii.ih Kalln HIk l...lpe t.i bo III.' Mi.'i.k.r of 'be duy'ul ill" ' ''' iwrvL-es to be held In Ilie Klk teiu-( Am(,A Jut. 9 - Threo linur. 1 1.1... Ju.m 14 .t t p. ' Klumalh r(,,,.,.ri.., Wl.r r..... t.'.l ; Kalis i-.iks 111.. pianniiK im." . . h(,r irI,l, (I,,. mliliera vhtk 111 iiintly In a town r.u lull.', iiwny. Word wa r.'i'.'lveil ut poll... Iirniluuai l.'is here tlmt lwo in 11 ln hud I.i.iIk.I Hi" KlnnUh 1 proKtaiu on.' .if. th r' cMiiplei.' Ill Ihe of the ! - t In.U.k The flicker.' Is well knwu ihrniiKliiiut Ilie V'lilir.' .'. mill .'- pe.lirily In Oregon, when. It Berve. . Mfrrant ll sturo. Hi.' Jiibniii.n wrvl.e us stale aeuiitor for hia nee.ltl.1 term H(Ut(lll. nll, the t:,,ll Star roft drink I from Wuh.-o and II.mmI Kirer conn-1 Bmm mklni: iiImiiI 1100. had bern ties. Judge, Ilutler, .e.onll.ig to nrrt'Ktr.t on an Anlorh. I'tirtlaml Inn' one ut bis Intlmuto ( In'ut ll.inler. and were being relumed all. Fulls, is a polished sneaker and lo this city. Frank & King's Comedians days after a visit to the mills of:equa,ed on ,he surface southern Oregon. . LAVA BED CAVES whose intense heat caused the m?U-i.i:j familiar with the ravn or fa int i--.r -.t .nv n. millur willi thn Itii-ntfiin uf Ihn Invn ' . The two visiting lumbermen are oll turned the dripplng rook ,nt(,'bed. .' planning to return east within three; formations with colors un-1 : . Of the npal rnllpction nf rnrk am! fr,rni:i. earth. Brilliant reds, mngllng with .,, ... ,,, .nd water .h..h pale grays and shading into deep- he nas dillny , the 0ln er bliiw ana greens, catch each 1 storel ' . - . flicker of the rays from the light . and turn the cave into a paradise ! . of apparently presclous stones. j A booster for Klamath eonnt; Few persons, according to the anl Klamath Falls and every legit older residents of Klamath county. k.J, 1w7 "" " I. "See Oregon First" was one of the most perfect slogans ever sug gested, according to the opinion of Barney Chambers, who spent Sun day in the lava beds enjoying tire wonders of the beautiful caves in that section. On Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Chambers, children, C. I. Reckard Howard, the latter servin '.eft for the p.ivfta. Ther returned later Sunday :3ht after a most pro- fitter W3.S ETSVef iuaoie day. The first cave to be visited was the Bear's Paw cave, so named because at one time a hunter des ignated the cave by cutting off the at 7 -dock, rl xhJSv&ri their three f -J(fff t? . & and J. D. ' AlflMriSW ' "fJf.-'; g as guide . , . t$&-ty-- intended for hog feed 1 Eut it is being done today on every cow-owner's place where an inferior or half-worn-out cream paw of a bear he had killed, and ! separator is being used, or where the farmer is nailed it to the entrance of the cave. Other caves, visited Included the Ice caves and ' the Catacombs.- To Barney Chambers, the Cata combs proved the tnost Interesting. Descending into the cave, a site un equaled and indescribable was met when the guide threw the gleam of the magnesium light to the celling above. The cave,- when reached from the slant below the ground, is from 30 to 40 feet, wide, according to Chambers and the depth under ground reaches for more than BOO feet. The floor of the cave is as smooth as a table' and for more than a mile stretches back into the mountains, filled with crystal drip pings and the sharp protruding snags of melted rock, caused ty a fire of gas or oiU ' , Due to the nature 'of the fire, skimming by the wasteful "gravity" method. And it's a wholly unnecessary waste, too. Because a De Laval Cream Separator will soon save enough cream to pay for itself, and put a stop to all the waste of cream and time and labor for many years lo come. Hav- you hid your separator tested lately? Call u. up and we bring out a new De Laval and run your skim-milk throush il. We know that in many instances the new De Laval will get cream out of the skimmilk. We will be very glad to make such test free of charge. Tko E WHft Tent At 6th Street South and City Limits Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday The Swede Comedy Drama "HEN-PECKED OLE" Jazz Orchestra Twenty People Vaudeville Between Act Price 25c and 50 c. Plenty of Heat Man To Watch Car. J J. W. KERNS Farm Bureau Exchange. 6th and Broad. il A 3 X 557-J 1 An Enduring Difference Gliddcn Endurance Paint is made to endure, nnd t because through ydar'3 it" has measured up to its claims, it has earned a right to its name. Every can sold is backed with a guarantee of satisfaction. If, your property needs Glidden Paint, don't out ir. on, put it on. TCAHCEHNl r.-r..' 'Jr-ti "rim ? '.- t ' V ' COFER BROS. 6th & Klamath ' Phono 38 alrV)3 I 1 f - r Get out 0 Kadiola ' Super-Heterodyne oil into the o fine cowhide rjuj' real RadloliO IlettnodyatbtaW Iwidspealwtnfli' the larooui 1 ready lor iusqqI. wrdcari tone and i lormance! Convenient payment may U ammfrcl, Earl Shepherd Co. ;' Radio and Kadio Snpplie 4 507 Main St. ' 'Phone 5 Cnlinly comUU aufi ktUrtat t ., 19S Smt' iatW ) 11 You Can Buy Ecor Now! If you ran your car on four Hat tira-4 woulun t lost long would it.' I For it is the pneumatic tjre that tub j, , .your automobile possible , ,; ., i . Now, imarrfnc four more bie rcsiliaita cushions between the road and chassis-1 Generous air space tlwt wn't biinctttTt and that absorb every road shock . That's what Gr&ss Air Springs will g you. Imagine the comfort of Gruss Equipmfl ' on your car think of the economy! Wc sell Gruss Air Springs, You ad W. D MILLER Agent. Phbne 293. 6th and Commercial SU. 1 MsKtibtfsbiiflJi E XT RA o ri ( Each $30 In I; Thursday, votes iss Collections Turned 11th 9 P. M. ui InBs June I From June. 8th to Thursday. June 11th, 9 P. M., a Bonus of 1 AAA T7- -u in uDscnption ColleotihWc The Following Standing of Contestantalpres Up To Date ! Dotv St Rn M nn. . 1 Mr. J. F. Golds worthy, 802 Doty St 5,694,580 Mrs. Guy Satterlee, 933 Washington St 5,041,875 Mr. S. A. Masters, Algoma 3,781,900 Mist Bernice Dawson, R. D. 1, Klamath Falls 1,256,675 Mrs. A. D. Tilton, Pelican City 1,216,525 i t . 830,650 "c,la mth, 819 Jefferson St Joe t0l box 42, Klamath Fall. 812,625 vi.s. Lorclu porlert Kamalh Agency Mrs. Henrietta McReynolds, 10 & Pine Mrt- Luc!nd Hood, Chiloquin 693,525 674,925 593,375 William A. Hulet, Merrill .'. ; Miss Aileen B. Haley, Merrill Rt., Klamath Falli Mis. W. O. Hardberger, 1321 Oregon Ave. Harley Jackson. Chilonuin Helen Cornish, 1428 Worden Ave. ..r:r:rTrrt '570,1?? so ,;....' 1 a. 1 E M