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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1925)
Paga Two Sunt! av. Juno 7, 1925. Renault Beaten By George Godfrey RECREATION PARK, SAN FRANCISCO, June 6. George Godfrey, negro heavyweight contender for Jack Dempsey's title, went one step nearer championship bout here thu afternoon when he took a ten- round decision from Jack Renault, the best boy . of his weight in Canada. Blocking Renault's vicious swings with fast work In the close-up fight lng, Godfrey gained a lead early In the fight which gave him an undis puted victory. The negro's best round was the fourth, when he had Renault on the canvas at the bell. Renault did most of his work aim ing at Godfrey's center. Blows to the head failed to check the black boy, who lowered his kinky dome and sailed into the attack. Both fighters were In excellent condition, and went the distance without slackening their pace, or tiring appreciably. Their clinches were frequent and gave them plenty of time to rest. In taking the decision Godfrey partially made up for two former bouts he lost to Renault, one by a knockout. "Now folks, bring on youah Demp sey," the negro said after the bout. The spectators, 20,000 strong, would hardly class either of the boys as fit material for a title fight on the strength of their showing today. Renault was backed to' win the fight, odds of 10 to 7 being laid in his favor, mostly on the strength of his former victories over the colored heavyweight. Shortstop SKKJ. SeU New League. Fielding MarK Michigan Wins Big , Ten Track Meet: SEOiSES DOJBRQ IIiMIIIMIsWsWsMssWT t bMOwi4sWBfissSassaBl I,', iim ukllou that ruunla. Or- ,, - - ,..iBlly ii find la ivcry branch CHIO KTtlHlM, llil.t MUVH, u i)(ir( w,m, ,nRn r woman sue Olilo, June .SII. Lilian ,r"'k",'r,L.1u,ig without It. Hut Ihwo ur lllclr hn-N to " coiifcreuctt ami !: mid.!"'"0""""- . . ...1. .....!...,. rn KclllMlU here till lion rn. ; ulniiliiir lhi u. I, !.. I'liUliMir l-!i,. you wltlmut - r U a valislils iuu lu handling ynutii' pitchers. l i I i. .... ii........ . m ' butting sprue. Blurted off to iMd 1 n w is rui!U:i J.' "it thu National lssua In home f i ho wiimiii HI ' ll'""- WUl'lllllill HUH Wl.lllll ' !' '"' Ohio Stale thinl villi :l The first of th- final events III i Iho lilK slu.lluiii a run nlf under j hroillng sun that sapped the vitality : of thu ntliU'tcH p.rii'iilllily. To-j u nr.u i hi. iiii,l,tl vt the mm't the I sun went under a c loud ulid a strong breeze sprang up from Iho south, and the athletes pepped up. Kour western conference and In tcrcollcKlute were broken. A Merman of Michigan Suite run un- 'der the record In the I2- srd dash, but his record was not ullowed because the wind was at his buck. Norlhrup, MichlKUii. hurled thol 'javelin to a new record of 201 jfeet 9 1-2 inches. Russell. Chicago, made a new 'record high Jump at six feet, six j Inches. The mighty lluMiard, Michigan I negro, was easily the Idol of the meet in setting a new broad Jump record of 25 feet 3 1-2 inches. Rchwarxe of Wisconsin put the shot to the new record of tS feet, 1 1-4 Inches. Illinois, doped to win the meet by a unrrow margin, flulshcd fifth with 2 1-2 points. Iowa was fourth with 29. Unit hut Is mull" .,1.1 in u In kick with I hu rime reiiulslle of a bull player. O'Kurrnll. long rated as one '' the greatest culihers III thu Nu-I tiiinul League, found himself traded hy the Cubs l tho Cardinals Klllnfer obtained oilier day beiaiiso another cun in r , UIMll Iiuiiik along with mora sniff In his n ri,nf ItlHIl WII "CatltlV". IIMI1K1''. , ... 1 ll.rlnelt I Tl rara between miiing. ami m oats I. .tin settln, u,u7 thu puce. Willi llurlnmt going llg wild at bat rrrell hod no chan,,, to break Into Dm gume. Mung.,r Klllefer gut a chuiice to grub Is. Ilelder ilowvrd Frlnsau fri)rl Cards Slid used flTornill ;0 n( young innii. The Cards In. Mike (lonialva In the deal, so Ihii ttm ().s tltll'i "It m.L 1 a rrva catch.ri (!. i. rH: the two big years ago, was: leagues tor unaslslud triple Play Just llurliielt, two recognised as a lirllllant young honors Mow stands three sit catcher. Last year he ruught two- whellinr ur hot titers Is any I ,,f thirds of the leam'a games. The vet- attai hud lu holding the. edge In such erun. however, was coliuteil on tOS inlilest has Ilut liem iletnruilnix, do his share some years yet, lie, but Iho race stands sven up si knows Nutlonal League batters and slald. Il7 T lb . ii trii tus, Charles Myer, New Orleans shortstop, who has been drawing attention of the big leagues with his scintillating fielding, recently set a Southern Association record and approached , the Jworl(i's) icvurd for fielding when he accepted 18 chance at short ut tfBOie, against Little Rock. ' COAST LEAGUE PORTLAND, June 8, Portland and San Francisco halved a double header here today; the Beavers win ning the first 3 to 1 and the Seals taking the second S to 4. The Seals von the second game in the ninth inning by socking out 2 homers, one by Agnew and another by Brower with one on. First game R. H. E. San Francisco 17 1 Portland 3 12 0 Batteries Pfeffer, Geary and Telle; Martin and Tobin. and Taylor; Blake, Bush, Klem and Hartnett. PITTSBURGH, June 6. Excep tional wildness of pitchers marked' the game here today between the Pirates and Phillies, the last of the! series. The Pirates won 9 to 3 i Fourteen bases on balls were Issued I during the contest, five of them by Hal Carlson in the first frame, really giving the Corsairs the decision. Score Philadelphia Pittsburgh , Batteries Carlson, I FAMOUS FANS TT nl t lies ir l lool Lad. II tst Kit loci hue ClOUCrl CkAT TO vtlt VAltt-V CWt TO AUTorettT fvUL VaeOi 40TTO HtuP Out rru - sH sorry fyHT ih ami 1 , fe-VOSHi 'IRexe Second game R. H. E. San Francisco 5 7 0 Portland ". 4 7 0 Batteries Mitchell and Agnew; Macker and Rowland. LOS ANGELES, June 6. Los An geles defeated the Indians this af ternoon 5 to 1 in the fourth game of the series. It was a pitchers' battle between Crandall and Naylor, he reently acquired Indian hurler. - "it- R. H. E. Los Angeles 5 10 0 Seattle 16 2 Batteries Crandall and Sand berg; Naylor, Dumovich, Fnssel and Daly. LOS ANGELES, June 6. Sacra mento took a 15-Inning baseball game from Vernon here today by a score of 8 to 7. The two teams made 114 trips to the plate, 90 put outs and 12 errors. Martin, Sen ator pitcher, held the Tigers ' to seven hits. bcore R. h. Sacramento 8 14 B vernon 7 7 7 Batteries Martin and M. Shea Christian, Penner, Bryan, Schang. OAKLAND, June 6. Oakland was slaughtered today by the Salt Lake Bees, 15 to 4, in a game in which the Invaders garnered 18 hits from the delivery of Kuni, -who held the mound for the whole route. Kunz was credited with allowing 14 of tne 15 runs. He delivered eight bases on balls. Score R. h. E. Salt Lake 15 18 2 Oakland 4 9 . 1 Batteries Stroud and Peters; Kunz and Byler. NATIONAL LEAGUE ST. LOUIS, June 6. Although making six errors, Rogers Hornsby'i Cards took a six to three victory from the New York Giants here this afternoon, Bcore R. jr. Now York 3 6 St. Louis 6 10 Batteries Barnes, Huntzlnger and Bnyder, Gowdy; Haines and O'Far-rell. . CHICAGO, June . Scoring eight runs In a wild sixth inning, the Brooklyn Robins put their game on tee here today and won handily from Chicago's skidding Cubs 12 lo 9. . Score . R. H. E. Brooklyn 12 18 3 Chicago , 9 10 3 I , Batteries Grimes, Hubbell, Gregg . r Kill It iAIKS KA( II SKASON' d - ..'.', . 1 , . (j?, j Y ' "' COLl'MBVS, Ohio, June . West- ... I I . . E rfj?. I I " ern conference athleth: directors and j S. '', v II, I I I J1 ( faculty representatives today adopt- ' I f v, il'i l !i L 5iWiJC i i ed a rule requiring that hereafter l.rgzwhAM I ! 'viyi i ' ll each big school must play at least I i 1L " ' K !''' SSb a . ,1 U. H. . season. jf,::V , 'S I M 'A 9 9 1 American AwociaUon jUSf- : ,V.- t&J-" H I Couch and Ilenline, Wilson; Ydo, Minneapolis, 6; Kansas City, e. . 'V W'JiBiLc. ' fM I K Knight and Gooch. Toledo, 2; Louisville. . J5 ' ' rS'i, ' Y"rA'H P Boston-Cincinnati postponed, rain (mbus, 12; Indianapolis. 4. lCNjlSri ' " '.. skL .. ' Al V 1 V and darkness. St. Paul, ID; Milwaukee. 3. pJViw-, ' W' is " I f I A booster for Klamath county O V Cft ' 'k ':. 'y . , I I A circulation covering the city 6t 1 nd KJamath Falls and every legit- I .... 1 . , . . I . i i ' '' ' N'Hirj 1 I Klamath Falls and the county of Im'ate Industry therein that's" ths mmmmmmtmmm, i .n mM , , . "...t ui - . v t l I, Klamath that's the Klamath News Klamath News. ' t IN OUR OFFICE ' . ' - BfiiNGINGUPBILL i hw wbe?tep. . . . Wait a minltte m scauwas - Jz Kcebwiniv J" . v( C5JSL wSeVI BILLY'S UNCLE . i -i". nuuj w-lwht I Wouu aut ll 1 1 - , . , TTZZX I I touiT iK . mv , -vmx .1 11 11 j r w 11,11 ; - ' ; n I ' ' " fess-