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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1925)
(HNEWS 1ST EIDR Klamath Fishermen Have Bad Luck Sun. Wednesday, .Tunn 3, 1925. I n ' II I I1TV i Kl""" Irout fUWn I I r IK 1 1 "J,, 1,10 u"""r ' 4J 1 illll 1 Hpraaue ovr Sunday ret I Ino'r, priirnor of hle- ,n Agricultural cm i tome tlmo In Klum ,1 (iiniiiKir, 'writing tt, Wllll'h lUT P" loriliiud llreminlnn, rrlvo In Klamath , in mm-ml another ,'lnliy fur Ilia purpoae jr data un llio nin th roiiniy. irnr. In company (', AppU'KUt! who euh mid lilKtorlun, r, pinna to spend Hi., tititit y visiting llnliily l"hi'(I upon mt to luvo on J una will rat Tuli' lu". n""r road, which u lo ,y iliii Imllana. They day In lliul vli'lnlly. rrlll, wIhto Ihoy will util- t duy. Juua 12, the b, around the inuricln aln liy wuy of the Id, tlxltltiK historical mini diirliiK the Ma- r will rum ill n t m'n who In- I'" nt the. remrrii.rf ,....... Jlun th. proverl.1.1 "fisherman1. .n.ri 8. ,.urrln ,ad Ily were one of the moat hopeful parti, who braved lh .hower. nil un.hlne dur th day and limped back , ,, ,hroU(h , regular deluxe which converted the road, over Illy mountain to a ouag mire. Currln. who I. ,ra cut. tonu-r to l.l !. ,t ,.,, t0 lelllnic flah tiTl,. U rr w to muddy that the fl.h couldn1! aee the hook, but nrorthelea. he caught a (well mem fr the family which were cn0Kc-, over the camp fire, and ha brought a lot of nice flh home. One of the members of the futility told a dlffiirent atotry. It seems they hud kippered herring for lunch and the humlful brought home hud to bo atretrhed to make (he six-Inch limit and that Currln'a cat flnlahed them. Other Klamath people who drove to the upper Rprague river were. Mr. and Mrs. Claud II. Davis and aon Hex; I'aul Datum and Harry Mnasnar. On the return trip Paul bullon, the proud owner of a new Oldn. accidentally kicked hla awltch off, then he trudged five mllea through the mud back to Heat I y, where he got a mechanic to come back and ihow hlra how to turn it on. Pace Ffytf Local Briefs Kroiu Ijirellu Mr. and Mn W. W. Kordney, Lorella merchanta. wore attending to mattera of bu!-! nea In Klamath Fulla yeaterday. KtMcl-t II,,,,,,. UKe Walker, who haa been In Willow., Calif., for the paat week on bualneaa la expected home today. VlaltliiK IWnU Mra. Hex Mc Millan, of Iiunsmulr, la vlaltlng at the home of her parenta, Mr. and Mra. C. C. Low, en Conger Ave. thla week. Mra. McMillan expecta to re turn to her home next Saturday, ac companied by her mother, who will make a week1, vlalt with her. To Vblt Hero Mr. and Mra. El don Cofer came In from Portland Saturday evening to apend a two wceka' vacation with Mr. Cofer'e parenta, Mr. and Mra. W. D. Co fp and family ijnd other relatives, of thla city. lilt (If Town Visitor George Ager waa in town on buslneaa yoa terday afternoon from hie home on the Keno road. the party will go to illn. where they will rlltr, where 500 foot urn writing will hold Lrltlng fur I'rufoaaor Krcim (Mo cliff where apt-mi tho morning, lo Timber mountain ly, returning by way in i ;ive, unit through ii. On tho return to ., I'mfeKmir Horner will puna through tho avo, 15 mllea from in iliu luva Iwda. ,iyn' vlHlt ahould pro- - liurner will, an material tor hla ar- oriral spot, of Klum- ".Captain Applegate Tells How Lake Of Woods First Named On ItualuoM Hera Prank Mc Cormack who Uvea on the highway three mllea from Klamath Palla on the. weat aide of the Upper Klamath lake, waa In town yester day on bualneaa. ' . VWt In Mr. and Mra. Jeaaa Drew and family were city bualnera visitor here yeaterday. In City For Time Mr. and Mra. Thomaa Oarrett are in Klamath Fulla on business and pleasure tor a few daya. S From llllilerhraiiil Mr. and Mra. Jack liortia, of Hllderbrand, were transacting bualneaa at the county aeat yesterday. Valley VUhora i-Mra. Jesse Walk er and her daughter Mra. Oacar Campbell, of Langell valley, were shipping with Klamath Falls mer chanta yeaterday. In Town YcstiTday Mr. and Mra. H. H. Hhorthlll were Klamath Fulla bualneaa visiters" from Lor ella yeaterday. i The Kill Annual Rale of Pro creiM at Moe'a spell. O-l'-P-O-K. r-l'-.N'-l-T-Y. Vimr eerly, atore opens 0 a. m. Friday, June Stlt alv. in One of tho most Interesting taloa that Captain O. C. Applegate of Modoc war fume, haa to toll, and ha haa many by the way, la how l.nke of the Woods obtained Ita name. At thla particular tlmo. when Lake of the Wooda la occupying the thoughts of muny for the aummor, tho manner In which the resort ob tained Its uunio may be of Interest. It waa In tho year 1870. Early ous morning, Csptaln Applegate. with only four or five acouta, waa attempting to find a way from Ashlund to Pelican (lay, In order 1j avoid the roundabout way through the mountaina. They followed what turned out to be the Dead Indian road, and In the gray dawn came upon a beautiful body of water They were tlrvd and near 1 cxhaus- tlon. All during the early morn ing houra they had fought their way through dense thlcketa of lodge pole ' pines, and their uniforms were torn, They ancnt the nxt day at the lake, where later they built a cabin. In the woods, aa they found tho luko. tho bodV of water should bear Unit name, and Captain Applegate. in an off-hand mannar remarked to his BcoiiU. "a lake of the woods. Aud to It has remnlned, "Lako of the Woods," one of the atlrac- II.. .nnl. In Vlnntnlh rnnnlV muni', Willi Pearson, which was In and full of Tlgor, riders and hnrsos. In ino cnntuHt, Sundown man up on (!ooae il by Alvln Jiukson on '"ti Fnllhfiil (Monroe I wlih Muck Penraon 'harlle Hood won tho lllll wcnm! plnco on J. J. !!ed leather on Freck- nille blooded lmrno next event,- mid waa mla Dare, Waldo Jon- I'ond plnco went to tnry IMinrd up, and El wood, Jny up. 'It won the half-mile , with Commodore- he hnlf-ni I lo pony race took first place- with yard free-for-all foot by Wilbur Crlm. with '' Crlm, aecond. Jack l prlr.o-flghter. gave "ne let of Inughtor In "orse. Tho nttondnnce p'-a as usual, owing to llier. m MEN ORGANIZING Of tlln eln,.lnlnnl ....!. I - . .. . n ai nui -1,1 last nU-1,1 .i .i,ik r'n reprnaontlng the eleetrlcul pnnlrnrrnra ha I e Present, aa well as inienanpe men of the M Plana u,... t,.i . , "CIO IttlU IU r Brniia n .1,1111., fraft n. ta,., I nvw un a more 1 MR-ecllnn. It la hoped " nnproclnta the n . " iruooamen " Uahlll., their In 2'erence 0f .hop own- - ""I oe canoa H. T are id is calculated tofl nioro it. . "'"rougn under- - "nera and their m ,:.:;nd .mo', p- . '-.ii.jr. ce signed In Town On liusliuwi Dr. J. C. Klnp. of Portland, a stockholder with fieray Iirothcra In the recla mation and development of Wocus marsh, six miles northwest of Klamath Falls, arrived here last night and will spend several weeks going over the local properties. At Mih-'s r Annual Kale of I'niKnus you will find priocn, quan title anil iiimlllUn to suit you. Ho kIiih t-rlilny, June Bill ailv. J! "No Interest Thla used ' one $50. Terms (8.00 cash J 5 per month. No Interest. 607 Main . Earl Shepherd Co. Paint now, pay later. For partlc- oias. i-iioiio KODAK FINISHING g Hour Service The Peasley'i 1 nnnnalte Court Honae UOTEL ASTOR EVERY ROOM b PRIVATE TOILET 50!S Bath. N. Oo to Shopping Dismct and IT-ai FREE GARAGE Tariff Iron, $!. Send Away For your piano if you can not find what you want near home, but FIRST BE SURE your home merchant does not carry it. As a special value in a bet ter than Mail Order Grade Piano we offer the style C Gulbranaen at $295 . on the thirty payment plan. Get out any Mail Order Catalogue, read the discripK tions carefully, compare the price nnd. terms, then come in. : to the Earl Shepherd Store, 1 see this Gulbransen, , 'hear its -tone, investigate ', its "back bolt" construction and the "double guarantee" and per- .i sonal delivery into your home. Then,' if we, as your lo:al piano merchant, are not pro gressive enough to carry what you want, Send Away , Earl Shepherd Co. 507 Main St." Phone 282 Klamath Falls, Oregon. You Can Buy Economy Now! If you ran your car on foiir flat tires it wouldn't last long would it? For it is the pneumatic tire that makes your automobile possible. ' Now, imagine four more big resilient air cushions between the road and chassis Generousairspacesthatcan'tbunctMre -and that absorb every road shock That's what Gruss Air Springs will give you. ..'.. . ':' Imagine the comfort of GrOss Equipment on your car think of the economy ! We sell Gruss Air Springs. You need them. W. D. MILLER ' Agent.' Phone 293. 6th and Commercial St Complete Pontofflce Service During Bhopplng Houra Wednesday Special .-'. j';--.JULL!i.i'-'-lKl-aig,ajJ3 (J K LAM AIM jlV ALL $1 Hose Offering Balboa Hose 13 Colors , Hi? . : f,-iiuu . This hose is a special buy of the season's fashionable colors, sizes 8V2 to 10 inclusive; in 13 different colors sunburn, silyer,;; ' ' French nude peach, flesh, blonde, banana'.i )latk, gravel, airdale, white light fawn, tan ; bark, harvest, platinum and rose biege. This is a silk and mercerized hose, full fash- " ioned, reinforced heel, toe and top. A won-1''" derfully fine attractive hose with a delight-'1'" ' ful sheen. V ' ,1 'v , y,ii rj ! 1 : Wednesday Special, June 3,- pair , $1.00- Allen A Novelty Hose $1.00 These come In the smart and atylish croaa dye patterns in blue biscuit, dark beaver, orchid and Jadelte. . A novelty hose that Is very desirable. The pair $1.00 Topsy Novelty Hoee $1.39 This hOBe comes in 12 different shades, with - harmonious complimentary atrlpes, something refreshing and exceptionally chic, for the smart dressing woman. These have ravel atop tops. The pair $1.39 l!u'. Assorted Children' Hose 25c to $1 A large assortment of children's antf lnJAfJ' fants' hose in a great variety of colors pat terns and weaves. These are regular stock hose, but as a Wednesday special, less 20 per cent of regular price. Fillaneed Novelty Hose . ...... .$1 5 These are the chic cross dye patterns In the light shades of green and camel. D cldedly the thing In fashionable footwear. The pair ..:.:..$ta5 Misaea Novelty Hose ... 50c . Something especially smart and dressy for little misses and girls, in a mercerized sport hose, golf style with colored roll tops. Sizes 6V to 9, in French tan, camel biege and cordovan. The pair , , r 50c urn. PSilw8"S" Amy Tarn Fir .Clhiaiuiltaifflqm'vCbmff - .3 Thursday Specials Bungalow and Slip Over Aprons All Sizes Up to 50 Lot No. 1 95c Light weight ginghams, in plain colors and checks, all sizes, mostly plain trimmed with st'ralcht lines. Thursday OSc Lot No. 2 $1.19 Bib aprons of fast color chambray, hem stitching, a variety of colors, trimmed with cretonne, very attractive. Thursday ....$1.10 Lot No. 3 $1.29 Only a few, of dark blue percale trim med with white bias tape and buttons, very serviceable. For Thursday $1.20 1 Lot No. 4 $1.49 New arrival of popular styles in checks of black and white, blue and white, red and white ginghams, nice big hem, neat collars and braid ties. Thursday $1.40 Lot No. 5 $1.79 These are exceptionally chic and dressy In Calbrunle ginghama and fast color cham bray of good weight, well embroidered with different lowers. Thursday $1.70 Lot No. 6 67c i Slip-over aprons, all sites, in a wide va riety of colors and patterns, of percale In medium weight. Thursday 67c Misses Dainty Frocks, Girls jWash and Play Suits. Giria Wash Dresses . :..:.I......$3.43 1 Wash dresses, something every girl needs' .' ' and mothers , are calling for. In English broadcloth, blue and white, lemon yellow 1 " 'and. white daintily trimmed in white and '" jcolors; also, suiting in India orange and'" meadow green,, 'in prettily trimmed modes.' ' V These are exceptional value and very deslr-l. able any time .-....$3.48 hi Priacilla Prints ....$3.69 v Something unusual in quality and mod-)-, ' erale price, new and very chic for the young-.'i:) misses of more year's, beautifully trlmmedT In applique and complimentary colors $3.00, : - Play Dresses i-$1.69 ' Saves mother lots of sewing, worry and time, washable and durable ginghams In cadet blue, tan and green combinations, ' smartly trimmed '-00 Imiii.iii.iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil KLAMATH '"'""'illllUlllllllllllllllllllll FALLS r 'Tfcl3 Shoe Pcpartment, Downstairs