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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1925)
Thursday, May 28, 1025. THE OFFER EXPIRES Personals Mn. C. A. nairhclder, who has been lsitln with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wins, lelt yesterday for her home at Sunanvllle. Calif., 'accompanied by her sister-in-law. I Mrs. Win. Buthcheliier. and small i son. E. T. G Ivans, who with his lam iily, have been living at Salem for 1 the nnat vur. I here making prep- ants that have net been bringing in ;,, ,or movlnic to their ranch subscriptions every week and un- nomc near ,y lees these contestants bring in onej new subscription per week theyj Mr. and Mrs. Junior Daggett and will not remain an actlvo contest-1 family loft yestorday for Portland ... .nrf win nni iw nrii winner I to attend the funeral of Mrs. C. L. oi one of the valuable prises. Ac- Stevens, niece of Mrs. Daggett, who cording to the rules of the contest j passed away yesterday at her home in order to remain an active con- . ' testant one must bring in one, lYlCIrvllli or more new subscriptions per week for a term of six months, one year, three years, or six year!. . There are a number of contest- time between the two places. Wessels will speak In Merrill Sunday, May SI, at the 11 o'clock service and again at 8 p. m. Itev. This. C. Hulei will speak at Ml. takl Sunday morning and at Malln In the eveMng, 7:S0 p. in. Wessels will spend about tour, months in Merrill then return to Princeton where he will flulsh his seminary course. MERRILL, May J7. Mr. and i Mrs. M. A. Bowman were transact- Surely there ia no one contestant ing business in Klamath Falls Tues- that can not bring in at least one day. six months subscription per week. Mrs. Chas. E. Hulet attended the All contestants that do not qualify Welfare society at Malln Wednes and bring In their subscription . day. every week will be dropped from Mrs. Thomas Lynch has moved the list and 'ail to win one of : into the house which waa forroer tbe valuable priies. jly occupfed by Mr. and Mrs. Ray , Many contestants who call at the Merrill, contest, department are expressing jjrs. Etta Scoggins spent Wed new determination to put forth their esday visiting with Mrs. Frank beat efforts during this Important Graylael and family, period. Reports from contestants! jtr. and Mrs. George Wright in both the city and country and were shopping in Klamath Falls their friends, filled with the same : Tuesday. sort of enthusiasm, make one be-J lleve that the remainder of the race MERRILL CHURCH GETS l.OKKS WtMIDKX i.i:;s ELKHART. Ind.. May !7. Chaa. Davis, 1.1. riding In an autnmrblle tried to beat an express train to a crossing. Dc-th his legs wero cut off. They were wouden legs. Two years ago he Jost both natural limbs in a street car accident. Mistress: "Bridget, how long would you stay with us if I could not pay you?" Bridget: "As long as ye'd keep me, mum, If I couldn't cook." La Porte (Ind.) Herald. will be more spirited and exceed ingly close. ' - The "first period" of the contest comes to a close next Monday night, June 1st, at s o'clock. The present vote scale of 200,000 extra votes on every 1 .10 1n subscription collections will be in effect until that time then the schedule is very sharply reduced. . ,,The longer you delay In getting in "full awing" the less valuable your subscirption will be from a vote standpoint. And that la what you are after votes or should be after them If you expect to be one of the big prize winners. . . ?Each subscription - secured- by Monday night, whether new or old. earns' Just twice the number of ex tra votes by' then than It will earn during the last few days of the con test. AS ASSISTANT PASTOR 1 August H. Wessels, of Princeton, N. J., will arrive in Merrill some time Saturday, May 30, to take up the duties of assistant pastor in the Merrill Presbyterian church. Wessels comes direct from Prince- i ton to Merrill and has been chosen for this work because of his spe cial fitness for the type of church ! work that is being done on this field. He comes highly recommend ed and the church Is pleased with the prospects tot the future. . The Malln church was started as a mission point out from Merrill : and the church and community at Malln have grown rapidly and It is now necessary to give Malin more attention, so the two churches unit ed In asking Wessels to come as assistant for the summer. j i According to Rev. Chas. C. Hu- Strawberries for canning Thursday and Friday $2:00 per crate A circulation covering the city of , , ., ', , J tflamath Falls and the conri. .1 ,et- Paator ot tlle Merrill church, Klamath that's the Klamath Vni he and Mr. Wessels will divide the CLOSED SATURDAY Public Market phoxe mo ' iaa no. e.. srr f if , V 4(1 -v mm Teacher: "What ar . pauses, MaryT" Mary: "Tlmy grow on cats."' Cliurlntta IN. V.) News. " am II -1-1 King Boris (in uniform) Is bring congraiulsled above by rremler ikoff following his miraculous ascups ia a urprl- attac or (lutl rtewsroeii t Tian assassins. STOP Get I Habit J your car at Dumn. Newby' Grocery and Filliru S. c, main 5t. Good Shell Kns, Standard und Shells J SprinBri.'KI tire, .u.,1 tubes, frt-nh lin, fancy groceries l.erythiK you BN(, fJj l.llit fit llmlu,,li,.l.l Courts, Lilt or household. Low Prices, Quick Service and Treatment Frank & Kings COMEDIANS 5 in The Big WMt Ynl At 6th Street South and City Limits Jazz Orchestra Special Scenery Vaudeville Between Acts Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday The Great Swede Comedy Drama "Ole Olsen of the Movies" Prices 25c and 50 Cents Tent Well Heated Man to Watch Cars You Are Not Hard Fit With The Red Cross Sho Perhaps you think you ure "nurd to fit", you must trmlKe wearily from shop to .hop you fiucvfcd in findinp; comfortable shoes. Bui you ever tried THE RKD CROSS SHOE! Tha has established now standards of fit and to nmonif fashionable footwear. It is nude ow exclusive "Limit" lasts thi measurement! iff sands of feet wero averaged to Rive this last a? ard measurements, correct for every nornul Como in und select the most graceful J our display of THE RED CROSS SHOE tbo) Into a pair and see how comfortable they feel I to fit? Then try on any model of THE RED CX SHOE today. . '. . , WICKERSHAM ' Main 822 The day of deference to the martyrs and the heroes of our . past conflicts. The day when we want to give outward demonstration of our keeping their memories green. Their graves are our Mecca of commemoration our inspiration to great deeds and the inculation of patriotism to our pos terity. Let no grave go unattended We, the undersigned, deem it an American privilege to close for the day Saturday, May 30 Open Friday Evening PALACE MARKET HURRY CASH GROCERY FALLS GROCERY LEWIS GROCERY . PUBLIC MARKET HOUSTON & PHELPS SUNSET GROCERY ( STONE'S CASH STORES I : EXCLUSIVE AGENCY RF.D mORS SI'i I ' " . 1 WHITAKER'S GROCETERIA GLOVER'S JEWELRY STORE MILLER'S MARKET SANITARY MARKET TRULOVE'S MARKET LINCOLN MARKET . JENKEN'S GROCER SINCLAIR MARKER MAC'S CASH GROCER