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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1925)
LATH NEWS Pag TKf) rADUATION PHOTOGRAPHS See This Year V Special H, S. STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS . QUALITY jr p PHOTOGRAPHS HCTUUE 1 WIIS ENLARGING AND TINTING Lpoite Court Houe 327 Main Street FRAMES Phone 39 , SOCIETY"; CLUBS - CHURCHES - LODGES By Lynn Zimmerman Phone 570 HIT! Our Service Is Making a Hit With Hundreds jOf Satisfied Customers Forget About Laundry Cares pr driver at your door means goodbye laundry blues. ; Phone 154. New Gity Laundry MIM. IIAI.DWIV IIOHTKKH AT HKItIKH OK TEAS A sorle of bridge teas were given this week by Mrs. Will Bald win at her boms on Riverside Drive. The Baldwin home we at tractively decorated with profus ion of tulips and feme. Dainty refreshment wore served each af ternoon. Mrs. Baldwin was assist ed by Mrs. Howard Pcrrln, Mrs. D. J. Zumwalt and Miss Maude Baldwin. Tuesday the first prise was given to Mrs. II, E. Hauger and the con solation prise to Mrs. C, II Knowles. Thursday afternoon Mrs. It. B. Geary won first prize, while "Mrs. II. W. Rrldgeford received the con solation prize. Saturday the first prize was cap tured by Mrs. W, E, Lamm, while the consolation prize was given to Mrs. (Juy Manning. Poor Eyesight Is a drain npon your nerves your health, and your dis position. Why suffer when the remedy lies In correctly fitted glasses. Ask any wearer . ot glasses. Our examination of the eyes Is very complete. We have and use the latest Instru ments known to Uio optical science, y DR.GOBLE Eyes Examined , ... QUICK SERVICE 709 Main Street Classes , , Frames Ground ' Repaired Eastern Star will meet In regular session, Tuesday evening. May 26 st 8 p. m.. In the Masonic hall. There will be, according to Mrs. Amelia Hanks, worthy , matron. work in the various degrees pf the order. Special music during the Initiatory work has been arranged. All visitors In the city from other chapters are cordially Invited to at tend. A. X. W, 11,111 TO MEET WEDNESDAY Mrs. It.ufua.S. Moore, of 120 eoutn mversme win be hostess to the Art Needle Work club Wednes day afternoon. May 27. ' MISS MARTINSON .- , COMPLIMENTED i Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Patterson were hosts at a delightful dinner party Friday ovenlng when they en tertained in honor of Miss Esther Martinson of the high school fac ulty. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. John Llnfesty, Miss Hazel Noble, Dr. L.V. Gass, Miss Martin son and the hosts. . PIONEER OREGOX WOMAX VIHITIXU HON Mrs. F. B. Walte, 'of Portland, mother of Fen Walte, of The Klam ath News, Is visiting at the home of her son on Nelson street. Mrs. Walte spent several weeks here last summer getting acquainted with her young grandson. Bill. . Mrs. F. B. Walte Is a daughter of Fen Sutherlln, a pioneer of the Roscburg country, who at the time of his death In 1900 was the heav iest Individual taxpayer In Douglas county. Save Time and Trouble Mrs. Busy Housewife EPORTS: Repeated reports have come in by busy housewives to the ef fect they are being bothered numerous times during the course of a busy day by solicitors and peddlers, insistent on showing their wares, knowing these women are busy and would rather purchase their goods from their home town merchant anyway. Pamath Falls Merchants Association, with the endorsement of the lamath County Chamber of Commerce, have undertaken to ais ibute. fo nfvk..r .mall and beautiful brass plate, as trans-. 7 V11UI fjV m,--- . . - filed below, to every housewife in Klamath Falls, and A Man Will Call on You to Ask Your Permission Kate PEDDLERS-AGENTS , NO ADMITTANCE WE TRADE WITH Horiie Merchants (Exact Size) To Tack This Plate on Y our Porch, Door or Steps - rixrR SUR E FACT ' Put in service, comfort and a modern city This lv. lnscrlNI by Klamath Fall. Merchants Association ; Endowed by Klamath Co urity Chamber of Commerce TEA CUP CIXB MEETS WITH MltH. UALSIGER Mrs. E. H. Balslger entertained for the members of the Tea Cup club Thursday afternoon. Assist ing Mrs. Balslger were: Mrs. Mot ile Belding, Mrs. E. M. Cbllcote, and Mrs, Lawrence K. Phelps. After short business meeting a social hoar was enjoyed and the follow ing program given: Vocal solo by Mrs. Glenn Kent; reading by Mrs. W. C. Van Emon and a saxaphone solo by Mrs. F. Hill Hunter. W. C. T. V. ENTERTAINS WITH SILVER TEA Entertaining with a sliver tea In honor ot Mother's Day the W. C. T. TJ. gave 'mo8t Interesting pro gram In conjunction at the M. E. church. Solo by Mrs. John H. Lin testy; reading by Louise Myers; reading by Mrs. Abbey; solo by Mrs. Saunders; reading 'by Mrs Hamilton; reading by Miss Anna Setzer; piano solo by Helen Abbey, and a talk by Mrs. W. P. Myers. GRADUATE NURSES TO MEET Mrs. E. H. Lawrence will enter tain the Graduate Nurses club Mon day evening at her home on Cres cent avenue. All graduate nurses are Invited to attend. DEAN OF MEX Iff GUEST AT DINNER .For, Dr. 0,. 0. Dubach, dean of men at the Oregon Agricultural col lege alumni and former students ot O. A. C. gathered at the White Peli can hotel on Friday night when a dinner was served In the dining room, . Dr. Dubach's visit at this time was of special Interest In view of the present conflict of opinions re garding the. two Institutions of higher learning In the state of Ore gon. It Is known that Dr. Dubach Is very close to the situation at the state college and Cave some inter esting facts for the Klamath Falls alumni. ... ' This is the first visit made to Klamath county by Prof. Dubach and a good representation ot Klam ath students attended the dinner. Percy Murray and Frank Moser were In charge of the dinner ar rangements. . " ' I"!"' ', ST, MARY'S ALTAR . "i SOCIETY MEETS St. Mary's Altar society met Tuesday afternoon in Lyceum hall with an unusually large attendance. The meeting was a most Interesting one and at the close of the busi ness meeting, refreshments were served by the hostesses ot the after noon, who were Mrs. Dan Colewell, Mrs. M. Lavenlck and Miss Berna dine Hannon, During the afternoon Mrs. Bert Igle gave a very interest ing paper on "How Woman Can Re-establish the Home." ' The ladles voted to contribute 110 from the Altar society funds on hand to the American Legion. J. P. Colahan was transacting business in Bonanza Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Flack us were visiting In Malin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0.. Smyth were transacting business in " Klamath Falls Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Spender, of Klamath Falls were visiting at T. P, Michael' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Kartell made a trip to Gold Mill Saturday. Mr. Baftell returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Bartell will visit for a short time there.. ")... at' the Joe Smith visited Sunday Hitter home. ' i T, A. Roberts Is slowly lmpror Ing, after a serious Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, of Gazelle, ; Calif:., - called at 7, 3P. Michael's "Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. JacE Horton were transacting business In Klamath Falls Monday. . . . S. K. Uartzler has been ielplng Emlle Egert finish sowing bis grain. Jos Smith and T. B. Bartell vers) Bonanza visitors Tuesday. SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER WHITE PELICAN HOTEL HARRY BORED anH his orchestra -will play Hunrig :';fj dinner hour.- r, j-ut&tt FAST MATRONS ' . TO MEET Mrs. L. 8. Willits and Mrs. Charles Martin will entertain for members of the Past Matrons' club, Aloha chapter Order of Eastern Star, on Friday afternoon at- the I home ot Mrs. Martin. . ..... FRIENDSHIP CLUB TO MEET SOON Members cf the Friendship club will meet at the home of Mrs. F. H. Cofer, 614 Tenth street. On Friday afternoon. This is the regular meeting of the club and a large turnout Is anticipated to make it one of the most successful of the spring. . II ' ' - ...... 4 .. rs ew Records far OLD . Bring In your old records, Vbes lion, Brunswick, or Victor, In exchange for new. We will allow 75c for four old record on die purchase of four new Brunswick Records. i This is a neW service ''to help renew your record library. Caih in on your old recordtv See i V today. , a , HILDERBRAND niLDEBRAND, May 23. Charles Drew, of the Klamath basin was transacting business In Yonna val ley Monday. New Brunswick Records' Everyday Q&B.CCo.ltSf TEACHERS TLAN ' , VACATIONS With the close of the schools In Klamath county, a number of the teachers are leaving this week' for the north, several planning to va cation In California and others to remain at their homes until the opening of the fall schools. Mrs. Eba Bennett, who will be principal of the Fairvlew school next year, will leave In the, this morning by motor for Bellingham, Wash., where she plans to attend the summer session of the Belling ham normal school. She will be ac- comnanied by her sister. Miss Ra- chael Cronqulst and Miss LeLalne West, Miss Cronqulst will . spend her summer vacation In Seattle and Portland, visiting with friends and relatives. She plans to re turn next year to teach In the Klamath schools. Miss LeLalne West, who will be In the party leaving this morn ing for the north, plans to remain in Portland with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. West, for the early summer months, vlsltjng later in Fresno and Berkeley with friends. Miss West will also teach in Klam ath schools next winter and Spring. Avard Whitman, a member of the ' high school faculty, will leave In the morning for Seattle to spend the summer with his 'parents, mis sionaries of China, who are in the United States for the summer. Mr. Whitman has accepted the. prlncl- palshlo ot the Phoenix high school and ho will visit there and In Med- ford for some time before leaving for Washington. Miss Elolse McPherson, who was music Instructress In the high school during the past 'winter, left Wednesday for Eugene, where she will visit with her former friends there. She will go to Portland in fortnight to spend the summer with her parents. ' a ' ALOHA CHAPTER TO MEET TUESDAY . Aloha, chapter, No 61, Order, of CURRmS FOR DRUGS. Portland and Klamath Falls. Ore.- Better Cookind Friends of your 'own with electric ranges will tell you that electric cooking with con trolled heat gives better results,'"and does h more cheaply. " Hundreds and hundreds of our subscribers revelling in this modern clean way of house keeping, have no untidy wood or coal fires to tend arid say it would be'eheap at twice the actual cost. Let us convince you of how surprisingly low the average bill runs from the current monthly statements in our books. Ask about the special combined rates for cooking and lighting at our local office. See the electric ranges today at your electrical dealer's. You can get one oh easy payments to be in ' stalled immediately. . k: k THE CALIFORNIA 6REGON POWER COMPANY tcMIPOKNIA OWEGO 1 POWER. COMPANY YOUR PAWNERS . IN PROGRESS