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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1925)
fljMATH NEWS Saturday,- May 23. 1925. Page Fi ALL-STAR HIGH SCHOOL FULLBACK FROM CENTRALIA, WASH., TO ENTER KLAMATH HIGH AS SENIOR IN FALL Snappy Sporting Notes Sande Comes Back with Victory . f fRACAS WITH IA ON SUNDAY To Have Big Open- pay; Arrangement kg piaae the old pill straight on the entire lineup In Hun. . . i. ,.h .ha f'u 1 1 mr (I l n - pot In Ibfir nam , final effort to impound l ihi prcvrrhlal el!ow bind llr n"", neaves. rraoon they '' rkout "'' ,ot ln" imp lo ul 10 o'clock Sun- SAMMY OLSON WILL ATTEMPT TO .STAY WITH-THE TERRIBLE FIRPO GORMAN FOR TEN ROUNDS JUNE 2 Man Who Got Draw With Fred Fulton Doped To Win Over Galeiburg Swede; Two New Comer. Are Match ed In Next Boxing Card of 24 Rounds deteriorated much And once a box- learns the time he can't forget It. It'll 'Just like swimming to far a that goes. . Joe Coffman, who surprised the I'nal.le to .erure a return hout Surely he haun t with Hlramlin at leaHt for. since that time. present lllK Kwedo Olson haa er inen ncir to a mulch June 2 with Jim Plrpo riorman. of New York city. Jim Klrpo Gorman ore. aarnea puKlllllc name.. Jim loral fana hy laying- Jack Crlm low for Jim Fit.gibbons for In.tanrc; will meet a newcomer here, hull Klrpo fur the Bouth American alug-1 Init by the name of Johnny Carlson, ger and (lorman. well, just aay for Now to be frank Carlson la un Joe Gorman that ought to be food known here. But you can gambl enough. Hut what'. In s name? the promoters haven't the crust to There's Juat this much to II. I match a setun to Coffman lu.t The Olaon-Corman flitht should be couple of week after this rery bird '.'('buck" afa'rtln, a member of. the '. Washington state all-star football team I (at aesson and' a t a r fullback of Lentralla Wash.) high school will enter Klamath bltib acbool next fall, according to bis father, W. H. Martin, who has come to Klam ath Kalis recently to go Into business, Martin weighs around 170 pounds and' will be a sen ior next year. It Is a mighty encouraging outlook that Klamath high Is looking forward to next season. Several of the malnatays of last year's team will graduate this year but ' there la a wealth of green material which awaits only the eryetallsfng touch of Dwlght Krench'a expert coaching. ' In all probability the local high school will, ondsr French's wing, have a atlffer acbedule this year with Medford, Ashland and some of the dominant southern Oregon teams. Lack of proper coaching In past years haa prevented the locals from be ing a serious obstacle to the boys over on the other aide of the mountain. But with French great things are expected. king hundred iimi guou as tne tangle be-'Corfman has soaked Crim all over unertrd to make the Jour- tween Ktrambo and the Galeaburg , the ring. No sir. Klamath Fall. irrki and thereby swell the 'Swede. And fans couldn't ak for ; la getting to be quite a home for All c.f which speaks well much better than that. (good boxera. And Carlson. If he haa u!b Falls. Thla man (lorman presents news- the atuff In him. la going to go st all het up about the i'i'" "fi'ingi 01 a araw with Fred ter Coffman. merely to get In the Arrangemenla areiru"""- 1 "at aounas good. To be ncrure sn out of lri"'' 'h dippings were Just a little greet their trim "I". Indicating, oh. Bay. about year old. Hut drop In at the Scandinavian hall any e verging and l bdr fade t nd to non'a opener on the Yreka oundn. The mayor, said liable. will pitch the first )" bl Flrpo (lorman work out. j Habe LI gut foot good graces of Klamath Falls fans. Ajfother new one a fighting Irishman by reputation will trade blows with Wilbur Harrington. The curtain raiaer Is lllchard Scolt- Manifr Clover Is with bli hatting order and tew rhangea will probably Ed Clarke may be seen i the initial sack with the at Mathews shifted to the Xnrwest will probably It man while Clarke may the rlcanup assignment. Kiani-r to Yrrka la 101 The read are reported In rnnditlnn. LEAGUE -Sutherland fcnd I'tiers. Ft. 2 4 and II. K 7 1 I o Duty: i wme It. H. K 4 10 1 10 Faasell, Plummnr. and Singleton and Cook. Called filb, by agreement. It. II. E. 9 13 1 P' 8 IS 2 Itarhac, Hums, Meeker, and Tnbtn; Canfleld, Keat- Shea. It. II. E. 5 11 0 . 10 11 0 - Kunz, l)elaney and , I'nyne and Kandherg. 30,000 Wait FrjSeejSa,t'k Ho ,nto Second Place Through ureal raavo ureaKj winning Double bui Record, But He Fails j ,, ll tfrttirr of two wlnn ovrr Hrnt- tl. tHH, th Klllt laHkO lUH'H JuinM-( two plrtcii In tin !nciflc roiir.1 Ifnfcui HtMn(IliiKN an fouml f hrniHflvcM In wronil oNition, M-vrn iiml n halt nmnvn bliini1 tliia fjiMt-trnvrling Nnn KrniH'(fco Sea In. Sail iMkr vUinrlcH wrn takrn lliitMitch btnniK pitching of I'irrry, who lMhtr tlw ImtiaiiN 4 to 2, mill tliruiiKh ht'Hvy bitting, which-icnrut-rtfl m-vcn ruim to tlnlr op IMmrntN four In tin' Nrvrn-lmihiK nlfcht-i-Hp. I ' i San KranrlNco malntainiHl ltd Mi'ttdy parr hvn by turning back . Vernon, 7 to 6. All of tlii Scaiw' mnN ranin In the fifth and Nlxth innfngH, whin thry Htaftfl an an wiult on IVnnrr and Bryan. In lxN Anf'hif, the Aiifpi'lH rvcniNl tin Norim with Oakland by winning 10 to 3, bat allpped oat of ftrcond place by virtue of the ll"V doable win. Portland won from Sacramento 0 to . I Loses Battle e' i H 1 A o-v " PETER MOLYK ,r CAMIIKIIXiK. Man., May 22 1 I'aavo Nurml. Finland's great mid dle dintuncu runner, failed in his! attempt to break the world's: rcror( for the one mile run In a apei'lal race here Friday evening, j ItiiunltiK on the taut Harvard sta dium truck, the fleet Finn covered the dlatunce In 4 minutes IS 1-5 seconds which la 4 1-5 seconds Blower than the world murk he establiahed In Sweden In 1923. . More than 30.000 persons- were In the stadium to see the phantom j Finn In his. supreme American ef-i Oifort to set a mile record. Weather 1 1 conditions were not perfect for a fast race,' as a harsh breeie swept in from the west and retarded the I speed of the runners. j Nurml finished about 25 yards In front of Jimmy Connolly, former Intercollegiate mile champion, and ( one of three other contestants. Tom Clausen, of the Boaton Athletic as- snciatlon dropped out of the race at the half mile mark snd Bill Ilooley. of Huntington school. Bos-j ton, finished about 15 yards behind i Connolly. Heter slutyu. kuuwu in irtaeaso as ,he "Midnight Burular." was woirniled and captured after he had aiood off 200 policemen, three ul whom he wounded with bulled The shocting attracted a crowd 10.000 Many buralar'i are cbar. .i to Molyn. who waa captured sttei the most modern weapons of the Chicago Police Department were bronchi Into play. .Henna s neaay - for Britishers Pirates Take Fall Out of Their Arch Enemies, the Giants It. II. K. I 15 1 pin 7 13 1 la I'enner. Bryan. Old- Hannah; I'feffer, (Irlffln J0NAL LEAGUE R. H. E. 3 7 0 0 1 1 fin Jones and Hartnett: nd Margraves, Deberry. R. H. E. ISl 7 1 ( Pica Ithem Dik Ch,.,lall bml111; (lenewlch. KamD. d O-Nell, Blemer. R. H. E. h 1.1 t A IE A M Meadows. Aldrlfe and "'lulllan. Dean and Rnv- pv. Hartley. n h v. il . , , , 1 U X 'Phia . . . , I w '""DonohiiB and Wlngo: ""'. Vines, Pearce and American Association Indianapolis 6, Toledo 1. Milwaukee 7. Minneapolis 1. Louisville 9. Columbus 8. Kansas City 7, 8t. Paul 13. AMERICAN LEAGUE No games scheduled. Win, Siskiyou H'gl School Pemnimt SASTA. Calif.. May 22. Weed i H'"llyou county t. sniiin piayea nnre score of 6 to 2 N by ,llk ' 'ew 'Ither team. Una ... " "'"r" les v " 'cw hits being Jack Dempiey Cables For HU Boxing MitU NKW YORK. May 22- nmipsry has cabled to a sport tnff icikmIs company hero for some fighting equipment and rumors that the champion Intends to do aomo bovln in Kurope we thcrotiy strcrgrthmed. Deimpsey la now In ". Earle Sando Of Derby Fame Fail To Get In The Money At Belmont BF.1.MONT PARK RACE .., NKW YORK, May 22. Knrl Hande, mountl on Mrs. W K Vandcrblir gcUVng 8r a'.n. rnteil hr track V rt,,.' i.IHiK w-W't "trrirr " alLmfaH"! to ot in the mo-rj tho K-n"n ' lWlinont sprlmt m-t, " IMMI ,.tn.plltnn lmn.llcnp. K I, ltrtHTilnR on Jm"" ,er's Htln. won the race turn 1K tho Uhlo " " l" Cl !.on Bbn in K turky derby. A boostor for Klamtheof Klsmath Fall., "mats industry tberela tbt Klamath News, The Pirates .made, good their threat against the plants Friday by taking the second of their series! at the Polo Grounds, 6 to 5, driv ing McQuillan from the mound with five runs in the first inning. The victory Jammed the Pittsburgh team In closer to the Brooklyn Philadelphia tie for second place in the league standing, 'a position it has worked up lo from seventh place, which It held prior to Its east ern invasion. rtnh Hennlrlvn and .Philadelnhls Decision From Hoppe 08t n Friday's contest. Jones, a . ' ' rookie pitcher on ' the mound for the Cubs, held the Dodgers to, one hit. giving the Chicago team a 2 to 0 victory. The Phillies lost to Cincinnati. 11 to 2, the Reds piling up 20 hits off tour Philadelphia hurlers. The Cardinals won at Boston, 8 to 6. There were no games scheduled In the American league. Tommy Cello Wins A I.OS ANCKI-KS. May 22. Tom my Cello, of San Francisco won a referee's decision over Dick Hoppe, of Glendale, in their ten round bout at the Hollywood American Legion stadium here Friday night. In the semi-final K. O. Kelly knockedout Jimmy Marcus In the second round. 4? l 3 v When -Earl Sands, world's premier loskey, waa .. almost fatally cruahed by falllna horses during a race at Saratoga Springa N y . laat year, it was predicted be would never ride again. But the courage that brought him back from the gates of death was not broken. The first mount he accepted aa Mrs. William K. Vanderblll's crack "Sarazea belle.ed by many to be the best three-year-old on the American turf, fildlns with consummate skill at Havre de Grace. Md . Sands finished two and a half lengths ahead of "Big Blase" in th Newark Handicap, breaking the track record for the alx furlonga. IPM4N E B&OW N HasWaVSatafBaWU). in. lkwton llrave are going to play his legs when any Important neldV wml-pra team In t'lcToland July Ing business came no But that doesn't mean that: Bill Lamar, clonter eztraordin-. ' ary with the Toledo club before I Connie bought him. Is continuing: i his good work at bat and In the outfield. Bill waa listed as a Wi? 'failure when Connie grabbed biro. rJK0-Jh--' iNow, with Bing Miller. Welch and. Bancroft's tram Is going to leave-A' Simmons, the water-bucket bat the Natifinal league flat on its back. ;ter. Connie bas an outfield that can- carry its end In any kind of going.. These are joyful days for Connie; In Passing It might be well to , Mack. raise the question as to what part In addition to getting good pitch-1 Connie and son. Earl, is playing in ing out of Ed. Rommel!, Slim Har-,tne work of tne Maekmen to data, rlss and Sam Gray. Connie Mack lsjEarI WM wltn hi" dad last season having the supreme satisfaction ofla8 coach of pitchers and general knowing that his team bas at last attained, nearly ..the proper batting Ipuncb. And the defense of tbe team in mucn cleaner ana sieaay. ; Time was when the fielding of bandy man. Danny Murph), veteran of wars, was ..Connie's .other many aide. ' Young Carl oatufally didn't wan to j crowd the veteran pkn"nyj ?Thi Clcnna Collctt, former nation nl chnmpion woman golfer, now in England awniting the opening of the women's tourney there, apparently is ln-Vr beat form. Her play since her arrival there lias been brilliant. In a recent -forcsoroe with Joyce, Wctheredi. one of her opponents Miss Col- lctf bad no cause to be ashamed of her play as compar-d to Miss Wethered's. the Athletics was enough to keeni''ear Murphy is gone. - -Yoang 4lack : weak-bearted fans away from theinas assumed tbe burden.. He la-ojpV ball park. Some fielder could be!taln of ,ne team- Ira Thomas, once, counted on to throw away a ball j catcher for Connie's old machine,: la game most any moment with a weird Dack 88 coacn. but his main work te heave to some uncovered part of to Dut "'ire" into the team from the diamond. And too often he ' tne oachlng lines and assist the two.' heaved the ball there In the belief Jlsc" " lne strategy Doara stun, that by all that was true and holy Altogether the Athletics make in- so-neone should bo waitlna for the! terestlng material for fanning bees. Clean up week Is ovsr. Now Is the time to paint. Paint now and pay later. Ten monthly payments. See the plan on page 6, of the News, Sunday, May 24. M 22-23 PAINT NOW PAY LATER Look for particulars of such a plan on page 5, Klamath News. Sunday, May 24. IT22-2S t.fct Xlkfcll AM V. oV c. BERKELEY, Calif., May 22. Boys and girls who gain their edu cational equipment for life in Am erica's public schools are molded into cogs as if made to fit into a machine, according to Marinetta Louise Johnson. 'i Mrs. Johnson's lectures at the University of California attracted little outside attention until she be gan an attack upon what she terms the standard product. Jl'IKJE GAGHAUEN BUSY Through the activity of traffic officer Collins, Judge Gaghagen's court was busy yesterday disposing of traffic violation cases. Seven coming up for trial, aix receiving fines of one and two dollars, one man going free, and three who fail ed to show up will be looked up by tbe officers, tbe judge said. FAMOUS FANS By Hopp The BPRCfMM wortM6 mr KJt. i : -cv-vif vittu i . . -v Mpl) this "?fear. , IVIIIium ' V. Peabody has' aueT John Mctiraw and Francis X. Mc-. Quade ,for 806,666 Peabody says is 1 duo him for his efforts in inducing . Churles A. Mtoneham, third partner, throw. I've often wondered If Connie got all the insurance he wanted be fore he started back in 1915 to re build his team. The' surprises sprung by his several misfit outfits since then have been enough to weaken the heart of a bull moose (not the political kind.) galloway. Bishop,', jPykes ; and Poole are fielding 'welrC, They are fielding intelligently, They are- on: top of infield plays and go Into them with their heads up. Even Slim Harris, inadditlon ' to'to' bny a- cbntrolHng interest In tho finding himself as a pitcher, has Giants. It must be a tough job to seemed to pick up over night some peddle the Boston Braves or some. idea of - what it is to field the other tall-end club if an attorney pitcher's position. For years Slim j does (66,666 worth of talking to seemed unable to get together with peddle the Giants. I l Bob Ryan's Auto Top , Shop The Trading Place for Klamath's Most . Discerning Motorists. ' . . Phone 692 Or Call at 1315 Main Stv Mm m 1 Meats From Miller's Market Are the Very Best Every time a meal is served in which Miller's Meats comprise the main dish, we get another boost for quality, lusciousness and our bill says most economical, too MILLER'S MARKET 808 Main St. Phone 750 A