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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1925)
?e Four Snnilay, May 10. !:!!. Ill vf'! I 111 Steel Upright Filing Cabinets lette a ca 1 1 m SEE In Battery Formatim Southwell Stationery Co. 626 V Main St. phone 602 SlolCrttCkc AGENCY' J Mill ACCUSIED i BF SLAYINO HIS FATHER SILENT Yet DepjH-terfJ They Pay for Themselves! The running hours of your automobile aren't the expensive hours. It's the hours your car spends in the shop that cost cost cost. Gruss Air Springs will keep your car out of the shop. They will cut your opera' ting expense to the very bone. Gruss Air Springs pay fcr themselves. On the basis of downright, provable economy you should equip vi:h Gruss Air Springs. -. AGENT 6ih & Commercial 1 tfr i MS SI MMMm kmmm 111 II L PIS ri I.i'2S k ; f FREDERICK CE.RIXT0 i t J;' '.ggv Thonc 2S3 i V Vi V ' llv flitted Fl s Wlr. ST. LOV1S. May . Nonchalant ly Allying all attempt is question jhtra, Kdward Pillion sits in a cell Inf the Clayton police station l n'ght the flrt prisoner mki'n In an attempt to solve the murder of his fatlt.-r. Dr. William A. Dil lon. I The father, a prominent surgeon was found slain on the campus at , Washington university more than a weeX ago. I Young Dillon, a sleek haired and fashionably dressed lad of li. was' arrested Friday night when author-: 1 Hie learned he was chief beneflc , lary In his father's Insurance. The police attempted to question him and he waved them aside with a .shrug. Police say he will be held Indefinitely, until he answers aev-. eral quite leading questions. j The principal questions the youth . who attempted to enter the unl-' verslty of Kansas on forged cre dits has been asked and which he refused to answer, were: "Whore were you on the nisht 'of April 30?" ; That was the nisht his father wa killed. The youth has answer ed the question with laiiKhs. evas ' ive replies and complete refusal, lie has inferred he might have been wi:h a girl that night, hut he will give no definite answer. Newspaper correspondents of In cal papers have already brought to OVER THOUSAND rooming house in Lawrence. Kas.. the night of the murder. Prosecuting Attorney Mueller of the county said this aftrenoon: "noy"s that's the man. I think that because Dillon will not answer any questions, even faintly connect-, ed with his father's murder. He's the smartest fellow I ever ques tioned." In one long grind of iii"siicm Ing young Dillon remarked: "If it comes to a question of, h:ini;ing for the death of my father. 1 then I'll talk." Dr. Dillon and his wife have been separated for several years. Ilood-liye. I.llmrtv'" ihouied Frederick Torino, of l!.si,m. World War veteran, as he n Hie st itue of Liberty through the bars of tua jail aboard the steamer which -i r ried him hack in It ' .uk in family. He was sent away beramt an uncle canceli. ,t nie h..n., .,..,., which he was p. rnmtcJ lu tuiel the United States. SEE TRACK MEET (Continued From Pace Oiip) Harrows, Merrill. .Merrill: 3rd. Distance. . " .A 'j III V t Seiberling CORD A 11 T J 1 TIRES 0- Service Are Made to Give a Maximum of You Can't Go Wrong If You Specify Seiberling Cords SEIBERLING CORDS ; 30x32f 4-ply i 30x3i2,6-pIy . i 33x5 8-dIv 32x42, 8-ply $12.50 $15.50 $40.00 $32.00 30x5' 8"p!y $37.20 32x6' S p!y $58.00 , PORTAGE CORDS (Seiberling Built) 30x3 $8.00 30x312 $9.50 30x312 cord $8.80 30x3'2 Oldfield g7 g5 30x3 chanse-over tire qq 2nd. T. Colwell, feet. Pole vault-First. K Jackson. Henley: Cml. K. Kigcr. Merrill: :ird. O. Ferguson. Ft. Klamath. Height 1" feet 2 Inches Hoys relay (half miYl M.Tril! high. Cilrls Invents: 50 yard dash--First. Julia K m. Malin: 2nd. Mary (lolier, Henley: 3rd. Lois Heseltlne. Time 6:1-5. Illrla accuracy throwing-First Lena Sargent, Ft. Klamath: 2nd. jhlva Moon, Ft. Klamath; 3rd. Fran ces Short. Henley. Distance throw First, flco Cray-l :-ael, Merrill: :ifi, Frances Short; Henley; 3rd. (Iladys Latta. Henley fiirls half mile relay. Malin high.! Lenna Sargent, Ft. Klamath.! Julia Kos. Merrill and Tleo (iray bael. Merrill all f(ert fr Individ-j ual high sores among high school! girls. The cuter me of the elementary I om petition is not definitely ,... ' '"tied. It u nuilerstood several in e!i.:ll)I..s were enlere,: l,y pr, l Kliimaih and witmers of the crarle afiocls will nt . announced pending investigation. to era See,,. f r,.,,.., , Mamalir Falls. ges the indiv "" cun for the most scored. "arre J. Kerrigan was offieial announcer f,,r lhe eventB uggis f Mfirrin offl(.iu er. ''idol. idual points BALSIGER MOTOR CO AUTHORIZEDFORDSAiJS AND SERVICE " Mother'. Day Response Big In Klamath Falls; j Local FlorisU Rushed Today is ".Mnih..." j...,. . - n uhv ann I In i J.cb of th. wester, LZ d the Klamath Flower ahop re that K,ama,h people have rl, LS'::!V Un,on. """ offered! y blBk 1 handreds of them rlty the operator, remarks. Each vear finds onr h. .... . ctl ri,, """" on Mothers' -ver .hr;,our;:r "y . . " "DP in r v n-oii :.7. ,h:' - """"iinren tlmf if. """" .1 II services. ,m ! local 'ii red 0 elm re), J will fe ,.y In their IVIITI. niKICTv,'''', !,. ' N'o. . ''n'ath Fan:"l!,r'- ' H-rehy given ', S"""'""'! i . '"ived ),v ,he , '", wl" be ro-i il.v, at hUr ""r of SI,id 'o and inc .a, tne Cl,y "all - maKlng ,lle M ""ii oi Firth fji.'r r ""i'rove- Hlreet ."'reet from pi-. Inclusive. e iL Jo"0.r80' Street, r"C proposed Inn.J er"cctlon" "'ale n'le,dh"'1,vm,nt to he "8 wading of (.id licet to the itahll-.hed grade. In a width of thirty four I It I (eel. wllh eonclele .Idew.ilks ( foil Wide on both aides of "I'd lltl pro illlen t throughout IM entire d stance, tile aiiio to he In all reupcrts acctirdlng to the plans of the City Knglneer Hi file with the Police Judge. ciil linproveiueut shall lie msde of concrete puvemeiit. reinfiirred concrete pavement. Warrenlte Itltu lllhlc pavement: Warrenlle llllullthle pavement with bituminous cnurrrla . haae, asphaltic concrete pavement i with rock bane, or same with aa . ihaltlc roncrete tiase. all nf said priiposed iniproremruta to he made, ! ogether with the material to he lied. In accordance with the aald I ohms, specifications and eNtlmatrn I the CHv Knilneer file In the no ..f the Tulle. Judit. of Mid, eitv lefcrenc. to hlch . hereby! in ,.i ieruidln fiirihvr detail, for!, watorlnli, I I ii it'tltii'a. and the Ilk. ri.ud improvement will he lB , .iiilr.iet mm, I Kl. . win om rm- celv.,1 lor each kind ! siiicKled above, and will be open, id lor roMsidnralloa by the Com. men Council on lhe said 1Mb, day of May. l2a, at the knur of I ft o'clock l. M. Illddar will be re iju red (o auhmlt blda on bleak prepared by the City Knilneer. aa lil,l will not be eonal.ere. nnleu so eubmltted. Illaaka for bids may he obtained (I Ik file w( lhe Police Judfe. The surreaaful blddaur vlll w. r,'in're, to nlve bond In a aa u fi.ed the l.i.w. " U ih,..1""" r. . ... f " .?. '"I for .'.'"'W "d 'o tusk. ' ml ' L a.. BIGGER mm -- - 'VSh) - - W9 WESTERN NIGHT! Let s Go The Days of Forty-Nine Revived Seem' Is Beleivin' At The Elks' Temple REMEMBER THE DATES May 14, 15, 16 f . Chrysler Alone rt-7e- -w--v ff 18 13 -Wax. vi v' M'JbwWAW J1V How hiuhly the public prirc, Clirv.!.., . economy and Chrvsler C,,rslcr 'n comfort at fiO ,;i "!xcanbeonven -ed nbi--rt. over ' Am Tie SrJun Two advanced feature contribute BiH ljv fo the (rcatcr aatisfaction enjovedh t-hrysler owners: a new type of iprinl niluiitirifi ulk : .1.... (a lb 1 -! i . at .triii)(a tun. w uri and parallel to the wheeli nd ll t.hrviler.Lockheedhydraulicfelf.egu!il four-wheel brake.. Owner, will tell you what thei ttf Vnryiler features mean in finer riding qu "e and greater security of control. Bui ccurate conception is really potiblewtlf vou ridt in the car. We are always ffi- ' HIVC Vnil fhlt AauuuS... ... tajf.J ii,t' ;n.i . . iai mi lot, " woo nil.:;. in iEjtr, " -m. HOWIE MOTORS CO.