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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1925)
, .MATH NEWS Ins' Kihts to , (oComeUpin i W Pnan' w'',," ' iDcnisn. n.vsci iin ,uurt , " 'game liti mi -...-r. aen- n. at Stmkune. md h. n,. v.n ' Ingliin will be ,,,! uf it,. t r 1 ! I i Indian, tribal council. .. i (f Jutuoa Wai-llw. o( .Tupeuieli, The Indiana claim 'that under. a' Woeli!, later llil, nuiMu,. . ' lr""r . wnla Walla bv the Biiftiu iu riii All Kim , M ,wv WM iiiuftc mm; wiPii us mama r.i.rMiimia. vd IU wllj tm upiurfiitr lir qIm d.' tr 'by rvprrDttttlr: of the. CAPITA! ARE IN etimulatlve anj blood bulli ng mo-, 'thickly jprod.ufe aaueeg ndi "l. Irinal preparation containing autrl-' therefore ''clgened. nos-pojablt II.. nrnn.ri .,.. kin...- In . f r.,nruflnn. ' ' ' I ' Minllna . fulled Btalra dl.iri. f ... to aaiu"" - - "" 1 UH u r I FELLOWS PREPARE FOR NO INTEREST i- .i i - . 1 1 .i i . br a iimueu penuu we orrer the latest w ready for Radio equipment Victrola Uble Model for $7.00 first payment and 00 per month. Iter we will ell you the Radio Panel you hjh thus you save the cost or a Radio cab let, battery compartment and a Loud tofaker. our choice may embrace Brown Mahoe- jpv. Genuine Satin Walnut or Antique biiart Uak. . . Uen to the clear natural tone of this M and you will take advantage of this rcat special offer. ' EARL SHEPHERD CO. Piano, Victrola, Radio. 507 Main St. I'ul.on vjiur old graj bonpel with lb blue rlbbona on It. old And we'll crank day.' ' Through I he1 rtelda of clover ' W will ride all over. '' " ' UIIMl'Mwe Uxim Wtre . , WABHINOTON. JUf . Drug eloree la Wa-afilagtoa aa Ih ef Baa; ol W aUUal ere" awtitaj; lata tb bualaaae of the hip aoakal Boot legger br eelUng otar ill eoaafat. lulhlf dlaguleffid 'Wle'ee' edd "Ifi ira. - - J Home oT Iheae" praperetioae mn of th. f.rnhlhif In i l.tiala ail lb i tie. .Vn''V?. Newe( Monde are 4a tlonal.le and j'nem U probable lo violate tbe la All llbkaha and Odd fellowa re rriiio(fd 10 keep the abof Hona . for e-r In tnlnd and pri'tl ap on j '.. ,tti abelree of a Hie old liiue, for It will be earn andlwltli'a one block of tbe ireaearr re aunic noit Tlioraday1 tight, alaj I iipartmtnt and the White Hoaae. T. at tin. inlobrallon of the foldettl One la a wall, "timla," which na tive propertlea combined' In a rare; preparations. old wine of known tonic value." It toaata IB par cent alcohol and a It "ounce bottle'"edeta"trr50.' ' ' Then for the llUle wife who baa dlfflcultr la cookloi br the Vdl-: atead act, tha drugglata .baa aherry lM. "aoaaonlsf." . U la.. made "up- tha hlgbeat- jtrade.of pure Cill-I tors la wine - coo ulnlni the naual aaaoaal of.aajt oaad la . aaaaoniak. I Uaoahaiaa. t pf. cent -alcohol. Laetj 1 A booater for Klamath eouotv tod .Klamath. Jlla and aaxrWcV-1- imate inauetrr inarein that'a ta.e. Klamatii tin.' LISTEniNE THROAT TABLETS ea.(.(aaorat,jeraoa ahould mlati'Ve" the ve l whloa, 4h'j Heaaratloa la to k IK. the bel plalalr aaya! L'.fotvaywttea anraoaaa.";. ': " . Siow. there are eotae peapla wno' )aa( don't llk-the tax re of-tnedl- vine, -'or'auch tbere-aj to-6e hid KLAMATH; iARTi : SHOP-:' I ,1 jpeclaJlr preoered tonlc alaa-eon-' ' Ulalng it per eent alcohol, which,' Hematitchinc 'Potii 130 koutfcr 3Teriti. 1 ;, -M-ti:. A 111 j : . am xiai aii am ixvt m. ax x a rasa a . lnveet)gatloB efao .,tbv -.aagkaka a-7-.' "a pleaaant. 1 .ur ar touaa proeecaUona will a'uhel!rutT Iblratj lavallda U foand;UB1, orenaratlona erohahlr d .n ma .1 rial'. . V. I s.l. drag- wedding l-'Ullilltt. Kvi-rv of Mr. and Mia. K. 'I. lull will lit? inm.hi-(l Into arrvKe to hau- 1 In' I'uu. all luiK'U with goldup thiiiiKlHs. lo the I U O K. bull I wllnri. oll of llio lllOHl uldi n wrddlng auuura will bi iiiirvvd at lu 01 luck that evening, j ' The bride will be dreaaed In bar; ifurKioua drcaa of flfiv vuara ago.; Tbo brldrgroon will look hie tii'Mt In hla beat. The ring reremoov will, he car ried out to a dot. I.el'a all be there, and afterwarda we'll aay: . Our golden wedding le over We bad the blggeat time. lovely decoratlona. ' And tbe muele waa iuat -flae. Couiun I keep from amlllng When the wedding aiarch waa played. Tbe bride looked. Oh, ao aweet In ber gown of pretty ahade. We bad a dandy aupper. And It waa good, you belt Be gorra. the golden wedding Waa tbe beat thing yet. rtrenglbaning, eppet!aiag--reconetruc- tlva and" wlne-llka food Marie." Labela are tlLtnfwi -.rr'.rt.anri. a ........ . .1 I . " ui loeee prepara l and ua trarl. n.rr,u e'.orel: era are entirely legal, bat are gold under ailsleadlaf advertising ao phraaed aa to make tha eaatomer' think ha la getting win or wblakcv which haa not been medicated to any noticeable extent. Many of tbeae preparatlona one. prohibition afflcial aald, taate like A jcjrdlug to the e-artun la "baaed on I tha old reliable furmala of malt fur uiilca aroundiaud bop.." Sr "OI.I" Tonka Alao there- la old "tonic" vhleh ir.ii.-a uai:i iona memariea 10 many atrala-ht win .1 rir.t k.t tt... aampiou. .,dr Uaioniera. It la "a traly wha taken la .y.mii. .nnM . 1 Luxlte ll'ne In all colore at .Bee' llegin'a 1-arilre Ready. toWpar Slore.i 1 1J Mu. 7th, oppoaife telephone of- . flie,.,:.. . M5- 'I A circulation covering tbe city o j Kaamalh Kalla and' tbe county a. ' nlamalh tbat'a the Klamath Newi 1 CLAUD H. DAVIS, FURNITURE . .V 1 ' .For May Gmdmtes . I Pleasirig Jewelry Ih electing' a. cominencement gift, why not eolhmemonite. the; eyeriby' a gift that will be most pleasing and - lerTnanent. Graduatio it a notable eTent in:your'86n.'a or -daughter' or young friend' lif emake " the gift a notable one too.- '- : " George L. MetzIKer : ' Let Gebre Do It" . ' , " . 622 Main St. - " -'A- 12c GOIEN:KMJST:BREAB.;l2c The Big LOAF of Q U Ask Your Grocer ALITY Pastries That Melt In r ! A .1 iV M. I Ait 1 vet Hi:.' A -'- .;- .v. -i... Your Mouth Wnen You Think Bread Ttok Goldeii Krust 'The Big Loaf of Qui THE Between Eighth and Ninth on Main St- rr t j. . n. fa r rM .!;.'. -"J: r-? i.' i J i.l'4-Vt "g"-' - ' 'SI ..if:. jtj iv lir jxgyt Phone Ul