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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1925)
4 T1KEI) BUSINESS MEN HAVE AN AWFUL TIME EXPLAINING THE "FOR THE SAKE OF ART PARTY BrLOCALSj W. E Uia wu '- r -i nii' '"'r arlaitar lay fros Mid P-n: ?' KANSA3 c'iTT. Sti April St -All for ih ike of 'in" ;i i-rJ -..srii r rtiri- J j. .-.- i -i. : .8 iii tii:r an ..ini:a;J tir.t,: ..rl. t.?TtlV d-0 ihff " Mr. .'.s Or aal Vrs O L Sir. and Mr. C. E H.t w-r ,- fraai "ort K:! r- :n. isc nu-io It u artLtlc - 1 n- '.:.- I.rn-c.. r. 1 ' ' UT.r the inlcrpn-tat: f - r rt'o -K.. 1 '"B .. . n......riki.'.:t 1'"'J1 SI fir frrf fc-- torr. 5 Sha;;:ag .-h !c J. o W;":t. hct.irid ji r:y " a ' h iJ- i. rl f-m t.j at t- On-... a - Air. lu r ; -;; - raj ct-ity sua Li?vr 4i- u tor ven! yean ?r.i-.?i! of la Like'itw Khoji Mr r.i J. O. Wffiiu isitt-.atM Pr-.- INDIANS OPPOSE AGLNCY KC?iTAL ..! I" a P. O. ELKS MEETS Thor&Jir eveamg- Tiif.iag stea lers weleos. E'.kj Teapie. Jrd A Mia. Cfcarltoa Curr-.n. Ex ahe Baler. Tom Deiatll. 5 f t HiLLJ' IN. .-:-".il A-r.l il The ::ii:a lai-ias ire o:s-J to tie rr.:a; aaa;3Bceat roeiv4 :.-:; tic J-;inr-rt! of t ;iir.or. tin the drpjrtxent bad piaesoi to bi:.4 oa ts K'.a:a mrTai!oa o,.:tr 4na la or-irt fj'i! -r. Ttf f bo;:u.l. tkk m to a tr-rt c:.r( n to b ca!!! T la tnbl rocecil. at a sar date la aro'nt tiii mot:: of E,' b:a iat for a hop:ta!. v:i ta !ad:ia ill's ii s:: s-.J-l. ai t?T ar ai! t.3 r ? ir,'-rT .''k -c' :a --r Kiii'.h J"i:'- or o:ir mr ;.:i. r.e la-.-rr:-..' - ,:.b.' are !-..a i::-i -i"-" ia:-re;r. T- iirr '' - en t.'4 boai. a.i. ani '.ae-r P" l:itarr fcria '. fjf V 5 TL prforxaac ai ia:rr;: br a i-ro.-f of t:k--r fa --iJ-(iirun Ja aboat lb 1:: " tooi. a.-ortiac ta ; of tie? irrauJ. Tb ttokw a kia Bt4r the sac of It ?rJo dab. tie id of it aaooaioer Tiara aal L-'.'Jt Sowe0 were tie c;ai a:iractoa. A-xri-zt to ci r!a: ':'-- Kfurs i - ari:?c-. ti ra'-s iu 5.Ta 15 tif i:n:n c; Crfi'ji :.-. :i t-x:.zt c! i.i to aaS r::r r.r! tl a t.:a jm a -tk-:J e! 52 - -ftrl l-r da; i . 10 S-:J aaJ orrr the ' ! !" ( y,.,t .:t fare a r.u. . t talir ltb aa .r !" o h' blotter. A ;a:iof ":d ta'a rrark lr o can look rc.4 if To M " womia took tbe famllr wal let, aad raihe4 to tbe italuo early thia ttoralBf lookiaf for her hai baad. After lerie the nature of lie raid be ehanred her mind. Vol .-13 keep t a hre li.r all 1 ta.-r " be a:d ai ii !f Tne cMt thur la :be :it!oa !- ta water con!-r a a o-!-..-a :-a' t ak-t i -tid br--- ' Vi Let Us Do Your Washing! French Hand Laua-lry caa handle roor famtlr wiih:c; best. We make thia a ir--ialtj aad are ejoipprJ to k:t yon neillei aernce We are bard oa dirt bat not oa clothet. Tbe finest piece are waibed cleanlr and acleir bj m. Let as call! The French Hand Laundry J DIO.V HKLP f 127 -Vo. 4Ul St, Pbone 490-I". British CaU U. S. Fleet Maneuvers a Threatening Move ROSEBURG POSSE J2 It Means a Lot It means much to you, and we know it. to have your office forms, booklets, fold er3, stationery and en closures printed right. It means just as much to have them printed at a right price. Phone 93 W.O.Smith Printing Company "Quality Printing" LOSTXiS. Apr.; !. Wir.:t -UTr, ria?j:s frcx a d-Mire u rt' tie Vc:te4 State ziore cr3:rr3 to a rbariii of aa o't-z- ir ts: fa tt eit ire acr:l el br Br.ti niTa! tiar-rti ta tb T.w. tiaearr wi:-h t;'.a:ii'e tbj e: la la it tick ca Hii:i. Naril tnea all 0Tr tbe wjrli are etiieiror."? to fo'Ijw tbe more o! the tsofera arsanii wb.fb i cirrr:s5 tb Atnr.caa fli? aoaje whre oa tbe Pacific. With riri o'orei p:a. BritUb litntr- a!tr c-iV.'.li'.t ar I'tittine the prob able tactics of the jnad flee: oa abicb the iaterest of aaral men ii concentrated. While interest and opinions regarding the significance of tie American naral geMnre rary according to he prejudices of the ob-Terrers British naril men are xtrroir'.y Interested because the.r f;ee: is tbe sole match for that of the United States. Three opinions as to rei! mein :cg of tie nock Atnericia war are advanced here. Ther are: 1 Tbe l'nitd States i Ukin? The iad in k"r.fS the PaciEic safe for the wiite race. 2 The neneuvef3 are a rehearsal of a pos:ibie offensive war in the event of trouble in the far east. J Big navv men in the United States piannej the maneuvers to demonstrate the weakness of Ha waiian defenses in order to compel congress to give the navy more cruiser?. Superiority to tbe Bri t:ih fleet would result if the latter strategy shouid succeed. COOLIDGE GIVES HIS VIEWPOINT IS HUNTING FOR ON BIG AFFAIRS A JAIL BREAKER April -r- WASHINGTON" U a c. piri;irie Preoieat Co:iir riewj on cor rect Q3eticas ai stated by tre Wh.te Kiase spoketxea today: P.asiia Whea Se-tretary Keiiop? :iat secretary of state thrre were rszors that there might be a chaste in the att.tade of the state department towards P.x.s:i. mi that in re; to several ,: i:os;-:r.i P.';. April :s --. p... 0 hraici br Sheriff Starrer. U .o3r ta rthe hills west of Keburit. In an effort to overtake R O. Harper, alias I-ee Duncan, who erap-d from the rosntr ail tcoSav. aft.-r batthnx :tb Iepjiy Sheriff S-!l Harder bad placed a dummy, made from his coat anl othr article nf ilothinr. in his b4 to deceive S-well. who was on hi rounds. V :b a "sap' made by piacine a The Netherlands government will improve a radio telegraph station to communicate with all part of Europe and will equip it for tele phone broadcasting. A brush that is revolved by a crank at the end of Its long handle has been Invented for cleaning electric HghU and their fixtures i high above floors. For the ntxt 10-DAYS-19 We are offurinj; SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL FOOTWEAR SEE OUR WINDOW THE "CORAL" as pictured here, repre sents one of the very latest styles in Tan Calfskin with patent lac; braid, featured in our large collection of authentic models, and is playing a conspicuous part in Spring styles. ia3.riei of that kind he lea: nv. ee n.m(Hrr of Drokeo Dlw of ,a... there was not any change at the lc oM ,0(1 ith stI.ack present time, more a a matter of the jliler . severe blow from be ordinary detaU of the fats. It niB , had aot any particular aignifi- Sewell. momentarily stunned by eloc'- the blow, and unarmed, grappled Sh:ppicg board row The pre!- with the ei-coni t. During the dent has made inquiry ai to wheth- subsequent struggle Sewell succeed er part of the board were to an- J in throwing fail prisoner to the pear in court in opposition to the fl'xjr of the Jail, but biindfd by rest of the board In the injunction blood from the deep cut in his hai. hearing against the board deci- was unaWe to continue the fight, sion to sell five president-type ships Harper broke loose aad ran from to the Dollar line The pres.1- tb jail without hat or cuat. dest was not making any Inquiry A11 roa !3 u.-e doted and guarded, abut the sale of the ships. He a" Sheriff Starmer believes the es wa, inquiring as to the administra- ,aped V'iMn'r 'r "e tion of shrpping boars affairs as ('alifornia line. to whether part of the board was In Harper was being held here await conflict with the other part and If 'nS the trial for the alleged robbery members of the board were in con- of veral local stores. flict with the other part and if members of the board were in con- 38 SAILORS DROWN flict generally against the board or against the government. Armament limitation conference I There are. no negotiations giing ' on relative to the arms conference.:- The matter U being looked up la at t1" m"mcit. and she broke from ' the. state department. . h(-r c'urxe under forced draft, rval- Honduran disorder-marines were I T'm h" P",U,"D' with landed in Honduras from one of J" " -e was likely to be the our war vessels in that territory. . ATL WT l " UalfUk"' r,.mm..4. , ... side- At 10:57- hour, and ten ti .hi I.. u.- minutes later, the Homeric sighted tie ships have general authority the .,,. whkh then h fl r11",', "d """"'I0' S,"D9t 5 Approaching stand that American live, or pro- cautiously on the windward side j Perty are in jeopardy. to land with oil gushing from her Jets to marines for the,r protection. Tht;Co.t the waves, the Homeric steam. is what ha, taken place in this In- ed as near as she could, and her stance. The president does not deck force labored at the rafts and know of any lives of American, or .boats, trying to get them into the natives have been though he under- water. stands there . some threat of rev- Captain Rolm3 on h o uunn and d.sorder In some part. M lo Wp ln mjnd of that country, but , far a, he bis p.sS,gers. including women and bis anv information it A,.,. .. -. . '. . " " "Ul '"iiaren. and dar.-d rot run close -.oiinh t ) rivk a colliaion with the What Chance At Music Has Your Child Without A Piano? Any child today has a chance for an education whether her parents pive encouragement or not hut many is the child who will have to forepo Music just because her par ents let her "prow up like Topsy." A child .-eldom beps her parents for a piano as it is easier and they imagine more fun to romp with their playmates. We are making it very easy for parents to give the child the refining influence of Music and at the same time improve the apperance of the home. Used pianos come as low as seven dollars a month or we will rent you a new instrument for a year with buying privilege. Earl Shepherd Co. Knabe and other Piano.. 507 Main St. Phone 282 WITH SINKING SHIP (Continued From Page One) appear to be serious Basehail game The prr-sident ei pect.s to (. ail corrfptraden:. a the baseball game Wednesday. wallowing hull The ix-ri-hiiiT sailors did not truitgle in the water. T! !; .,.ni. '-d to l.e too .xhaus'("l r ,r that. A f'w of th.;ro reapt,rd for an RFAf)Y FDR APTinM irs'ant' rn"'t of tiie ti,.-n were over thetn. JUGO SLAV TROOPS LONDON. April !1 lv,- troops are concentrated at the liul- We feature 'CORTICELLI HOSE in the new colors. Main 622 WICKERSHAM'S Style Shoe Shop Phone 805 Supplied with fuel from domestic garian frontier ready to swarm into . , , "'m locomotives the country If serious comn,,,,!,, h8!e ln"'a:'0 on ArgenUn, disorders occur, according to dis patches from Vienna to the Daily Chronicle. railway. repJlias oM englne, tha, burned wood To prevent fire tiortt. , ...l: From Bucharest, the Chronicle gauge has been Invented tha- can learns that the royal castle at Sinai 1, used In the dark n arrow' that near Bucharest. Is being prepared -an be detected by touch mov ng for the reception of King Boris ;er a notched dta should he be compelled to flee be- ' B,",garla ;"'t"'- At Two railway stations on opposite Slnal. Boris would be the guest of side, of Madrid will be linkel by the king of Roumanla. whose young- an underground three track standard est daughter. Ileana. he has been guage line for both passenger (tnd wooing for many months. freight traffic. K CLUB DANCE MOOSE HALL TONIGHT Houston's Aggravators Admission 75c