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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1925)
fl.AMATH NEWS Wcdncsdayt April 22, 1925. NEWS OF THE WORLD IN PICTURES Page Five ty Feeling Rife in Germany Mn riiitiipUf ot tlm iniuiiHT in which ti it: it ii political arMfS ii on tt dr (HHKit'iitB tturtiiK (hf mm mi Kit tor the I'rcHl turn in Iti-rlln. ('oimnuiiiHi mlticri'iitB are ptcturol drinking hiti mid rutl flag lu U tuud. while flaunting tlia red filuiiun. r. Cook Off for Leavenworth t . ' 7' i: " " f 1 - ' vV- v ' .-V ' 1 vis- ;' . i 'I'ti rUK Conk (li'tll, wlio (Uint'U mine an li.w culled 'f tho North Polo, la Rhown bnln !ranftrrrft from trie I ai Kcin Worth. Toxns. to the Feilvrol prlBoa at Leavenworth. " rve a long terra following hla conviction of franrto'' 1 "e niuiia In an oil scheme. He entered the l.env?iiort' urn uuuiveruary ot the day Admiral I'eary actually dtacovered idatef or German Presidency A "ft r 3 ' VVv, r" .i St.-,.;, mt f 14 f. i-r-i'i : V' " lllr"l''nliri?. one of the most picturesque flcur ' lit l',",''li, nn hlmory of ricrmnny, has boen nonilnnl' hlwk ,','rn"'' K'liubllo by the Natlonal-Couacrviitl re nlcd '" il I- X "" li,nil,'rll'"'K' mimlnntlon hrouKht down i-l IV.,..'1 y IM "Tour us the cheera of hl aupportui a utorm I ,H u i ..." i '"' rn"y Ktnnillns n-rhaat "that tho one remaining Pst" be drawled into uennan party colltict. Men and Women in News of the Day I ,1 1 mi Pi - r V I'Mriunh Tlkhon. former hear) of the )rihoi" Chunn of All I(ii.kIh. enre aiiiti nced to death hy the Sovlita for aliened counter r vnliitton, la dead In Moh'-ow. He aerved hla church to America from IS'iK until I'.KIB. Ixmdon hears that Senator CiiKllelmo Marconi, of Italy, world-renowned wlrel-ms Invenuir. la aoon to marry Miss Rliia leth Narclsaa I'aynter, elghteen yearold Klrl of P.iwqyeima Cornwall. Knland. whoae fAther commands the crack Snta Gu.trda. The British t'onsul In Paris has refused to marry Lady Slinlto D mftlaa to Prince ll'irnhaddln, eldest son of former Sultan Abdul Hnmld, on the grounds Khe la no Ion kit a llrltlsb auhject. I.ady Sholio Is the divorced wife i f lnrd DoiiKlaii. (Jeorce S. Douttherty. former Deputy Police Com ini;s'incr of New Yorli City. Hnl note.l crime expert was one of a T"Tiy la-'J iv mij ruhlnd v' si", lieir pus"jolnii8 In Los tjr"l-"s, til. Wr's ' 0 w.jr;; ; Fiftht Bandits with Tear Gas -. s ,-. (kijji Police of llobtoii. Mass- have experimented successfully with tear pas as a weapon BKalnst bandits and holdup men. The effects ot the gas disables the woiilo-hn rohher for several hours, without doing any eerious harm. Dan L. Klnslei Is pictured "firing" the gas at a subject at the United States Army base in South Boston. Say Kidnaping Mystery Is Solved , J ' "" ' .1 In Ancust 1!23, Mrs. Peter McKenzle. shown here with her hus inrl and aon. Itii.hattl. left her three-month-old bnby. Lillian. In a i"hv carriage before a New York department store while she shopped, ri..' ha'hv was stolen, and a nation wide search failed to find any trac i ' 1 1 Now the bahy Is reported to have been found In the possession I Mrs V V Orore, of Hackcnsack, N. J.. who had adopted a baby Mid to hare been furnished her by aa unlicensed doctor. Tha poUca lnresUjaUng tta . HSOs. Verbal Tiff "7 ft Sri?' k . A sens:illiin;il scene was etiactei In the KiiK'l-h Parliament during debate on til" child adoption bill when Lady A tor. former American ami firm woman memher, shouted that It t. srmuld tell the bouse all she knew about Arthur llnv clay lib-irite. see would give the house vmnxihins to think about." Her remark was made after Hay day offered the sungestion thai certain society women "pay more attention to human helngs Instead of nursing puppy dogs." Upon re monstrailon from the Speaker. Lady Aslor withdrew her rtniari. Held for Attack ( HIalMl IT!"" D. C. Stephenson, former Grand Dragon of the Indiana Ku Klux Klnn, has been Indicted In Indian apolis for an alleged attack on Miss Madge Oberholtzer. who Is recov ering from the effects of poison she wallowed on the train where she aid the attack was made. In volved with Stephenson are Earl Klenck and Earl Gentry, who also nave been taken Into custody. A sleeping car porter told of two men and a woman who occupied a state room on his car on the night ot March 15. when Miss Oberholtzer alleges the attack was made. May Be Premier 1 w Driven from the rTench Premier ship by M. Edouard Herrlot, M. Raymond Polncare wa elected to the French Senate to make war on Premier Herrlot. A few days later the Herrlot Ministry was over thrown on a vote of confidence, and It was then reported that Pres ident Domergue would tender the Premier's portfolio to M. Polncare. Navy Fliers Named for Arctic Trip (If V f'4 , II ill ' "mjf'X L.ieuienaiu H. K. HolcoiuDe, i.i-utenantt;ommand-r Byrd nnoV Lieutenant H. V. Council, all stationed at the Navy Department In Waspington have been chosen to take part In the Donald MacMillau imJ?JXS$ i"1 "t. 8ummer- P'an-". Potd by these three SllV T I, Uied. fr 019 Pttrpo,i,, of "P'ortal aome million snuare, Norti P ,hUbert0 traeraed territory, lying between Alaska and tn. Blames Dragon In Death Probe ,i v .-rf: V ., . I . "'.... , t I i D. C. Stephenson, of Indianapolis, former Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan In Indiana, 1b under in dictment on a charge of having kidnaped and criminally assaulted Miss Madge Oberholtzer, who later swallowed poison on the train where the attack Is said to have taken place. She alleged she was also held a prisoner In his garage. Stephenson charged that he was "framed." Arrested in connection with the Investigation into the jvliereabotits of little Lilliai Mai-Kenzie. who was kidnaped In New Vnrk City two years ago, H L. Green, said to he an unlicensed 'hirenractor. is, held by New Vurk polire while they investigate the ileaih of woman patient some time ago. He will also face charges of running a baby farm In New Jersey. Men and Women in News Spotlight 1 Mm. as. 1 ' tfi TJfiEXOTTT EVrINSilOM J DAVID UOVD GET)KGF," HMvuiiotrituii iicx JKICtcroKXy Dorothy Elllngson, San Francisco "Jaxs murderer," who shot her mother when reproved for late hours, fainted In court when found Insane, ending her murder trial. The former British Premier David Uoyd George, not entirely recovered from his recent Illness, hat left Southampton for a trip to Madeira to recuperate. Julius Kruttschnltt. lamous railroad man, will retire May 31 as chairman of the eieciit'va committee of the Southern Paciflo Railroad. Mary Plckford, screen atar, wife of Douglas Fairbanks, has just celebrated her thirty-secoid (UrUtday at bar fcoma in Lollwood, Cai.