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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1925)
5lie kiwets, owner of thk UOKKYN CLUB BURIED TODAY KLAMATI I NEWS nrilK. "' " ,'n''"' lm ran in (;,M. ' . ' inl tin l . ,g nil"' " 111' " . ' ,I,V '" ,Kl hl riKhU 'P hl, r .". ""' r,.H.I. 'I ""' '" ,ir",",' ,.,., in If- '' ''''' 1,1 ,1, , I..MK I"'111 "' "" ,,,, .mil Hi" ! h"' " ill. , K M. I.iiiiiI". uiiiiiiU- ,,., I him-hall. HI ,n, f )i...l.l'V '""I Z. PETERS ( L.llii mul I'l ' In II"' """ I'liimr per hup. ilrlhl li. (l.lful i,f n,rlh lulu tlm Im u KlilifU In la lit w,iy mul mi will I hi. chore hoys, tin. Iiollli'-lmrvi'itli'rii mul ,ir- rard ,i-iilli.r (if KliliHV lli.(, who k,,vi. 1 same rh ii n in I hm t'linrlli hail r'or Klihl-lg I'l-Kiin a inm. ,Mrd hucknti.r mul ilrkii laker In the nl, llrniiUvii dull yard mini, ihun iu years hiio. Tin. IimiIkitii. I'nrli- Charllii' lull limn will pill mi ilii,lr ilark Miiiu unit tin In I hi' grave will) ,,. ,,.. , Imi, ,,, t U.i ii 1 f,,r gmtm. the nitirnr nf thi-lr fn-i l;n UUr tt II - IlK-MM Hlll:ihl,i'ii, Willi hi III mi iliilvi',l l,y Hi,, il.uili i,f ii man. who Wii ut leant Kim." mul iiiinllint In I rlitl.t i.r wroni: Tin' flints will win,, half-way ii, vn til.' in il h I h ".I nil Din haichii!l iarl:n of (In Niillniinl Ii'iikiii. fur f h next ini'iilh mul IIhtii will hi- no icarni-i in nil In 111" niilliinul Tiu-mlay. John ll.'yilliT. iri'Hlili'nl of the '.'.'ll.l.ll.,! I. , ,. ... . . "m ill. hl,iii,.,,n,, '""'"" "' i.r I hi- lii,iH' 'I Maih. whom, now n ' !'-r,. r .,f , ,., ,,.H . Ui i-'.l nil the clh wr, ()f ,hr l.ui.ii.' mul il.,KM,l((I) 1)f ball writer, who km K'.hei,. will !' h"liorry p.,l bearers . )( nf l.'i. Kil Mi K.'i-vi-r. on,. ,,f Khh.'i, . 'liiliH In Hi,. ownLrni,,,, ( ,,. Ilro.kki, llodK.-n. ha mi,., ,.,.,,., I n. Ii- ( harlli- a i.riMili n; ,,f n,,. Hi i,i New Condon Hall At Oregon U. Is Near Completion Page Five MAfiEE RETURNS OF K. TEMPLARS n-- uriiK.M-:. II. ill. ii,- n. LUMBER OPERATORS' HEADQUARTERS in KLAMATH FALLS The Arcade Hotel Every Convenience Safeguard System of Filing PSI A.k lor BixikUt riling and Finding" I f ill yVv Southwell Stationery Co. 1B26I, Main St. Phone 602 April in - ( ,,, ' .I.-iii,- hiiilil ni; ni Hi.' I'n!yi-r!ty iif Ori-i-on l n,.ir-; lni r',niili-ili.n mul ih il.pnri-i iii'-nl, nf (!l'Ky (in, I pHvihiilnny1 mul Ihi- rcM-rve library il.iarlni,-nt hni. in bi-icln moving In the lrur Iiith nliuut iIih flrnl nf May. Thi' part of th hulldlnx A--' vnti-il to (!i.,,,,Ky win have hh.i-II ' map rmi'. a npi-rlal ilraftlnn room mul rapcrlHlly wi-ll i'iiilipi. an-1 ay luhnriilnry rouma. anil lulinni-liirli- fur inpi'troitraphy. niliifrul- rY an, parniininliiKy. Thi-ar will all Ii vi-ry rompl.-i,.. th,. anay lali-j nralnry lii'lnn pri'lwlily huh nf the' hit -iiilppi-d In Ihi. male. Tlii- rnnm In Ihi- dhw u 1 1 il I ii k i'IkiiimI fur I ho ki-iiIukv Hvnilnar ! crnupii unit Ihe iIhumi In ailvanioi m-iitniiiy han iu-rn planned an Dial larc. map may bf nfd -nn-vinli-nily. The room mnialna a larco lalili., 12x9 fi-.t miuarp, on which the larne mapa up, In thi-xe rimrai-H may ! unrolled. lli-re-1 lo-fore Ihe di-parlment ha not had! ufflrli'nt table apare on whli h to I Mirea, out iodw of Ha largeat mapa. Mr, ami Ira. K. K. Mai; ..rri-ii Kalnrilay evinlnK from InK. 120, I'i.rllaiul win-re hi- waH In utn-nil- $12'.. W aine a- Ihi- nHM-t:irH of I!:,- Mj. "illlr lini:,. .1, ,tly .1S, w-.k. Thi- V.nh Hi-s Ion of ',i. r-inil mm mi, n f f-ry ,.f Kn'(.-':iH Templar of (in-Kon w,i, I J (f ,,n April 1 r. l whii-'l llllie Mr. Ma nee ,.n,l,. V'Nir a, urand i- -mmander of the nrdi-r. Ji-nri;,- ('oi-hrain- of l.a (irande " i-n i lea nrnnil rnniin ind the iiiHiiIng year and Amorla aeleit a Ihe place f,,r hulilini; the ed next eonrlave. ii..yu-r; itwnjllng reinidellng. "iii. K. Itay: ilelinii. $2tl(J(i. Kred Mn-ker; dwi-lllnn. $7, Julia- A in.-: delllnK. lk, K. W. MarMn; t-iruH. 20. W. H. Cody: del:nK. . o. Wella; gar aie. $200. Win. Wari'i; remrrli-llnn dwelllnK. $2r,i. J. I). -uinmlnK; dwelllnK. $10110, W. II. I'alton; daraxe. t'i'i. C. Ilanley; dwelllnK. Hallo. W. Steinmeti; Kra!e, HO. Mary Tenite; add!,llonl dwelllnK. 1 -Mary TenRe: addition de!l- K. Ilrailhurn: dwelllnK. II. Cody: welling. $1200. II. Ilarr!.; dwelling. $450; dwel. tir.0. Ilui-nliiK anil Sabin; f.u-!!!r:(!, Jir.H0. Uuimby; H'il:)!nx Workx, $?,5if). Klamalli A- StnraK.-; rent room, $100, Shell Oil To. A permit for the new f.lirlstiau ihiinh ti ii i lit In K to lout appnrxi mauly $25.1)1.0 was held up by vote of the enuncil owing t:i the for Hpt-rifirat ln calling for a lath- Htiiieo exterior, the name not be ing allowed within the fire limits of the rlty. It will he nereimary i Ji A New Freight Line for Klamath Falls, Chiloquin and vicinity. Trucks leave daily at I 1 a. m. Stage terminal, 615 Main. Crews & Anderson Afier the Inatallation of the new for the (hurch people to make auch line of officer Dr. K. I). Umb, on rhanne in the atyle of exterior con bihalf of Calvary Commanilerr No. mrurtion ho as to comply with the 1. premnted Mag'e with a bean-, city fire ordinance. Kiuiiu i-iinimanoerH jewel, t It wan a complete aurpriae to him for a few momenta he wa, unable to voice hla thanks. He therefore iicki-d (ieorKe J. Walton to reanond 11 he did In for him. which chosen worda. One rf the features nf the con clave was the retirement of (irand Recorder Jame T". Rohlni-on. who has aerved the ordr In thut capac ity for 35 years. Robinson Is the only nurvivor of the three men who originally or- Hindenberg Likely ; To Lose Election; Bitter To Allies IlKltl.IX, April 20. Field .Mar shal von Hlndenhurg's chancer of election to the presidency are slim, according to the opinion of oper- ganlzed the grand commandery of ator8 ln ,he Birlin bourse. Oregon 50 years ago. He wag Its Commission houses are offerias first (irand commander and has been actively connected with it during all of the time since then. marshal's elec- f "Long-Bell Oak Floors Throughout" JJO.MES advertised for sale sometimes are de scribed in terms more flattering than the Ktual conditions warrant. But if the printed description includes the statement, "Oak Floors Throughout," you KNOW that home is well and wWantially built because oak floors are the "H mark of quality in sound and serviceable construction. AK FLOORS ADD MORE THAN THEIR COST TO THE SELLING VALUE OF ANY VELUXG. That is because they look better, wear better fc Letter than any other floor; -they are standardized best" and are so recognized, evrywherc. You may never have occasion to offer your home m 1Qr aaln l.i.f ;f ..1 1,1 r a ir i;t nnp3 "roughout", will make the selling easier and '"aterially benefit both you and the purchaser. Aslr .. ' US nitAllt Ifivmrf I nnrr rsnlr f Innfa nVflr floors a most economical way to modern e the interior of your home. Basin Lumber Co William Lodge, Manager f: I j. ' : "Scratch Mother Earth and See Her Smile." Spades, shovels, rakes, hoes, garden tools of every description. Carpenter's tools household tools. We have them all. Roberts and Harvey -narilwiwe tor Hnnlwoar" 422 Main St Phone 173 Unusual But True (Over I-ast Night's leaned Wire) HOI I.IIKH. Colo.. April 20. Three I'niversity of Colorado men are living in a 'sorority house with 50 charming women. The youth were washing dishes in the Fororlty kitchen, working their way through college, when the mirnrity houe was quarantined as a result of a mild diptheria epidemic. I1UUI.KY. WIb.,' April 20. No one named George Koch could be located here to claim a carload of potatoes shipped from Oreen Bay. Wis. When the tar was opened for further Investigation 200 kegs of beer were found. But no one named Koch could be located to claim the beer. 3 to 1 against he tion. j Hlndenburg did not attempt to j ranveal hla belief that Germany i was deceived. CbooBing to talk principally to the Dawes' plan and the "war. guilt lie" the tall, stately soldier ; peered Into the past and looked i to the future. i "You will understand" the mar jshal said, "that In Germany the i impression widely prevails that Am-' erica has much to make good to Germany. We cannot forget that our faith in the honorable inten i Hon as arbitrator of your Presi j dent WIlBon after we Bad cast our I weapong away was deceived In many ; .respects. I WHITE ri.AIN'S. N. Y., April 20. Two tons of steel girders were set up in court here to Il lustrate to a Jury how Wiliam Gallagher, who Is suing for $100, 000. was injured while working on a construction Job. The Italian government has decid ed to operate as a government mon opoly all long distance and inter national tlephone services in that country. The government of Czechoslovakia Is planning the creation of a nation-: al nitrogen Industry to provide that cointry's entire requirements of that fertilizer. THIS SHOULD INTEREST YOU The table below shows how our monthly plan on residence loans costs less than a straight loan. The figures covered a period of eight years, (96 months). STRAIGHT LOAN Amount of loan $2,000.00 Interest for. one year at 8r; ....$160.00 Interest for eight years 1,280.00 Total interest and principal necessary to retire loan 3,280.00 ONE OF OUR SIX MONTHLY PAY MENT PLANS-PAY LIKE RENT Amount of loan $2,000.00 96 monthly payments $ 32.34 3,104.64 Accumulative earnings returned to you at termination of loan 245.42 Net amount it costs you to retire loan.... 2,859.22 AMOUNT YOU SAVE BY OUR PLAN 428.78 It is your privilege to pay any portion or re tire the entire loan at any time. No red tape. And we do not sell stock. Inquire at our local office for full particulars. 206 Hart Building. Phone 688 THE PACIFIC SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Jack Slater, Local Representative. NKW YORK. April 20. More cheering no(es in building colors are urged by Hazel Adler, color ist, in addressing an audience of architects here. Hazel suggests concrete buildings of soft blue, stone pink, grey greens and warm buffs. YONKERS, N. Y.. .April 20. Donald Chamberlain bought a second hand automobile on April 13. He didn't realize how lucky he was until he opened the hood for the first time and found two sticks of dynamite lying behind the starting motor. Chamberlain apparently bought the dynamite with the car, and had been driv ing It around two weeks. I.OS ANGELES. April 20. When William Sullivan unllmber ed his trusty dice and Invited a group of dusky brethern to "fade" him, he made the mistake of showing too much wealth. Polico were told and officers found $1510 stowed away in Sul livan's clothes. The prisoner said that ho had "borrowed" the money from a bank at which he worked as a Janitor. "Them dice done give me away," he complained. $30,000 in Building J Permits Granted By j Council Last Night; At the regular meeting of the city council last night the follow ing building permits totaling $30, 920 wore granted: 1 Dwelling, $3,000, R. L. Temby; garage, fl00, Jno. 'willtu; ahop, $500, J. Druchon; dwelling, 11600, F. W. Bnaklrk: garage, $160, F. W. Busklrk; dwelling, $1400, H. Throw It Away Now Beg It Back Later! Man cannot change the laws of nature. Just as sure as night fol lows day will poverty and hardship follow persistent extravagance. You can't beat the game! But REGULAR deposits in a Savings Account here will grow to thou sands as the years go by. Happy independents will be yours and at a small rjrice. llOM'T SPF.Nn TT AT T ? , f .a. k M-S m.m. iujui u - FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' Member of the Federal Reserve System gwWJQioWcTr "111