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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1925)
DAILY THE KLAMATH NEWS ...... j Circulation 0W7 tyx-r of City' oj KLAMATH FALLS r(jwM nvcr taw United News and United Press Telegraph Services N (Kvi-ry Morninp; Except Monday) KLAMATH FALLS, ORE., FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1925. Price Five Cent T INDUSTRY F ASSURED T T a. UTT! T- L.iih.i; Duiu vvincma JLurns hflf In rierce Windswept Lire F FAIR TRIAL iret Now Signed Up U Material To B r r I Merc Next ween Sim aires of land i(fn- i !'rimcniaiion I l.,.tH in the Klamath tin- introduction 01 ,wllV iHTf IS ' I !.iv thin yi-ar. While ,.H at'' wnntfd. f00 in ,.X Timi-nt with and I .i.-ills will arrive in Falls iK'Xt week from Lmwito Vull.'y Sugar j hi (J 11 V - ... ..,! k, !,. I.U1V H '- "' s were under contract for iliento Valley Sugar coin at 1 llmo U looked as i Mitir- project would tall r. uf'er ,ln mooting on April 4 of farmer ana ruti'lili-mlil moro In-1 n shown an.' e re-1 l.T.ililf more acreage 1. 1 ran Sitiiif of lhi tcame I 1 1 -it. M Inervlew proa-. kt'.with reported a-i Fire which broke out III the hull of the old steam boat "WI111M114" beached on the wa terfronl of Kh I ipl ti Kion yester day, shortly before noun en tirely consumed the fid craft. A warehouse belonging to John Cotton and a boat noun put up by Art 1-euvltt who operate the mall boala on Klaruatb lake wa also destroyed. The total lo .pproximlet $10,000. covered by practically no Insur ance. Klra Chief Keith- Ambrose mada tho run lo Khlpplngton with the two bin pumper In eight nilnutea from the lime the alarm wu sent In. but owing to a lerr.flc wind and the Intl.. inutile nuture of the old hull and buildings, a lot :il limit ttn Inevitable. The firemen dropped iheir suetlon linen dir ectly Into the lake and worked heroli-ly to rhurk the flamea. Sieve Means iu lived on buard the "Wlnemu" was forci bly restrained by the firemen from entering the blazing sup er strurture of the craft In an effort to aave bla pergonal ef fect. Including t(5 In caab and a valuable old violin. The detructlon of the "Wl nenia" iuarka the passing of a Klumath county land dark, If a craft which haa operated ao many yeara In Klamath water could he ao atyled. She was built by rotten and llannbury w-ho luid the keel at a point on the went aide of l.lnk river, and at the launching ceremonies the uld lake boat wa christened by Molly Jennings In 1906. The "Wltiema" was named in honor of Toby Hlil.lle Modoc Indian i man and heroine of ttiu Cnhy massacre in the lava hed In 1 H71. LOST IN CHANNEL Big Blimp Flung Before Terrific Fury of Wind Rides Out to Sea Local Legion To Help Down And Out Shell Shocked Vet GIANT RAILROAD MERGERS LOOM Traffic Problem to Go Before Council At Monday Session UP IN HORIZON;. the nod re1lllt. idlaiid d'.atrlct under the . t cif Kd Sutton A meeting held In the chamber commerce room Jaat night for discussion of Klamath Kails WAKIIIVCTON. Afirll 1 . Do- ' iF.t trMrfle nr.ililenia It 4 fin.-.ltv i nlta the uuntientnt'.ona way It U decided to turn the matter over to SOA ' l , I .... .LI- .a...... ....It,... ! - .1 . i,i w. : ocing couiiuciwu. jiniiub,.,!. commiiiee oi live niaue vv wi ulicti'd for. aooie addl-of lne prolH,,ed Nickel Hlate rall-0ne repreaentative of the chamber ;.r acreage are roaatl merger by the Interatate oom- Qf eommerce. one from tk Roiary inaUb-ruble credit la alaoim r. POnimlaalon here la one of Ibeioluli nn.. from tn Klwanlana. and B,-l,m and i w- K,rn I moat Important d'olopmenta In Am-!tw0 member lo be aelocted by theae ..b I., xnlraettna AS I ... a k . .... t, i j -" - riran ranruan niaiuij. fc: the Keno road ana iu LONDON, Eng., April 16. Twenty officers and men! aboard the dirigible R-33 are trying to turn the ripped nose of their craft m the direction of England, after a runaway ride across the North channel before the fury of a gusty gale. The wns snatched from her mooring mast at Pulham, Norfolk, Rt 9 a. m today and into the grasp of the gale which has' carried her due east to the flat shores of Hol land near Harlem. Flailinjr like a cat-o-nine- tails from the stern of the R- 33 are four long rones, each with a heavy wheel from an artillery caisson knotted to its extremities.''-' The mnyielding land an chors added to the difficulties of the skeleton crew in three, to alt aa an examining board y ir - ii ine commiaaiuu hih -e ; i me city nail, proiiauiy a ww tn territory. Along " plication of the Vanawerlugen . ... . . . . . . . way a number of email nrolhera of Clnvelaud. Ohio for thla t.OOV inlle, billion dollar mer ger, the alamp of approval of the w,Te aecurea . mainiy rflortit of E. M. Ilubb. kion. J. J. Minor. L . n.. ii nutnlier of othera who lied lii ,'elng augur beela i .-it., MUlied rrop In in'y ry -uri iMinillng Ilonanta I tlmroiiKbly by Monroe from Monday In the afternoon and evening. Hvery one Intereated in offering ,ini ujilHtlnn fnr the aerloila con- g(rverunient will have been placed J ditlon of congealed traffic which upon the merger Idea, and the way,ara becomlug ao acute ou Main will be opened for other voluntary ! lr,,t ,t th. present time, will be giant consolidation Involving P-'.skd to go before the board and aibly all the railroad ( the cjun makf whatever recoineudationa they try. I nee fit. Out of tho auRgeatlon of- Thln la the cinniHdiitlcm era In . fcr0d n the afternoon and even Once more the local Ameri can 1-tgion poat haa forged to the front with aid to a veteran In need. John K. Pratt a veteran ot the world war and a regular army man of IS yeara exper ience wa picked up on the street last night penniless and suffering from burated ear drums resulting from an ex plosion which occured In an ordnance depot to which be had been connected. The ex-soldier .wa taken to the Lake hotel by R. C. Morris a Southern Pacific freight con' ductor running out of here, was made as comfortable ai possi ble for the night, and Com mander Francis Olds of the American lglon notified. Con ductor Morris who picked up the destitute soldier is a veter an of L company 19th Infantry In the Spanish American war. Commander Olds of tbe Am erican Legion said last night that Pratt's case would be In vestigated by him today and an effort made to transfer the man to a government hospital where he could receive proper care. According to the Honorable Discharge found In Pratt' pos session he ha served five "hitches" In the United Slates army, chiefly In tbe ordnance department. He embarked for Kervlce with the American Ex pedition Force In France on March 14. 1918 and was hon orably discharged March 10, 1920. IS BY AXECOMBAT Old Woman And Her 'Man' Wield Axe In A Hot Battle "i0!?8? ! WHEELER PLEADS In Effort To Find rlmT ,,, Safecracking Gang1 NOT GUILTY AND In an effort to apprehend bus- pecta of the wholesale epidemic ofi safe blowing ot the past few nights, police chief H. M. Loucks staged j BIG TRIAL IS ON Pandemonium reigned at the Link river tourist camp just outside the city yesterday when F. A. Thomas and the woman he has been living with ! Maude Reed, engaged in a 1 deadly combat, using a pair of ' axes as weapons. Order was i restored when Constable I Garry Cozad arrested the pair single handed. The two arc in jail thia morning awaiting a hearing on charges of assault and battery .with intent to kill. Mann act charges may be filed later against Thomas, it was indi cated. "I love my man," Maude told Constable Garry, an hour i after she attacked him with great falls. Mont.. Apru u. an axe. She looked longingly ultiaa wholesale raid of Klamath ho-' " ... ... u . Itel, and lodging house yesterday. -Barely three and one-half hour, at an old tintype photo of her navi-, ., . .., . . "man" and said: "But he iut,!v r,no thla amount sllKliily Inireaaed mkln iKiiive beet growers win) . ,n . nA , tn coming. In ri j under consideration he iiumli.T of field are be- b put in Khape and noi ,,rei,arlnii a gen-, nr niilar. and out of fairness to the iiiiiik Blurt lust as. . , , ,i ,i,e i.,.! ,vi ,,.n it was suggested i .i - i -' yi rxiiM A number of ,.,... in.i Already It ha i .....i.m, it will he the urovince i l,ii.;ue. men and far- j ul(Hn j,d n oher lines. The 1"- j ,,f thu board to draft a concrete ,-, In it i Turing smaller ; ,,,rillll Cl,nimerce romniissliin In j r(.romendation and present the same -t.tii.r. d districts. While m:,,n), , derision In this cae , lne city council for their con iu.;m, under contract ... , . courne of consolida-Liaura,i,in that same evening. I lion as It affect the railroads. In' From the diacusslon last night it ha deration It also will ' ,eemed to be the unanimous desire 1 Hint final action in the matter dustrlal era. result In fairness to every one. I This merger. If granted, wiuld ! The matter of parallel parking with i i i.... i.nn.eitieie iiui'it tin 30 m nuto limn aeemea mosi erai jnau t,i rouda of the coiiiitry. The Nickel that the San Francisco system be rouon hi t"t- . i ! if,, present acreage1... i.u ,,in. ns ...i.,i.,.. nennlttlnir -one taxi to park ,, .. ... riate merger nntu,n , ..,-. u . " "' " M Um'- Mr imad,i public III tentative form. If , In front of each taxi atand. and a.lue, the pluming be, ( mi,TRI,t , co,mls-, whon the parked car moved out an- a stem us possible and, . ... ,. ,. ... rilBds i n.r r the onrnn line be Immediate ly driven to the atand. us posaime ana rviil to roads t 1... made n, have the Vll.intarlly. without .tick- ape an sotn US can be, i,,' ulan ing IO too roMiiei.-.","" - i For thla reason, there Is likely to be a flare up In congress over till merger If permitted. Congress 1 Jealous of Its rights. It pro vided by the trunsportutlou act of 1920. for constitution, but unoer !. Debaters Beat tviais. Tech. '. April 10. She Oregon ,i ,...r...... -l.w.nal -. ...... S,- 4llUllt,llVUt, ,V, . iii ,if ,i.i ,, M,,i. ,i... i. Hie pomniission wiih to per I'oie i t Technology team feet. Kven now there are Ulls In Girls Try to Fool the Miracle Man gating their broken nosed craft through tumultuous blasts of wind. At 9 tn.. thirteen hours after her break for liberty, word wa re ceived from the wireless cabin of the K-SI. aaying that she was near lmulden, Holland, and was at tempting to turn about into the slackening wind to begin the home ward Journey. .Complete sjtocks of fond and water were- aboard the truant dirigible, and there was suf ficient gasoline for two day' crula- lng. 2H In Crew The plight of the crew Is serious. but barring a furced landing or a return of the wind's full fury, it should be able to bring the ship back to safety at a hangar at Pul ham or C'ardington. To return to the mooring mast is Impossible be cause of the shuttered nose. Unless the R-3J can make Pulham or Car dlngton. air ministry officials pre dict she will be a total losa. Para chutes aboard the craft alleviate the situation of her unwilling travellera. Ten nilnutea after tbe ripping swoosh of her nose cover signaled j the start of her mad race with nature, the H-33 was passing over Lowestoft on the British coast,! headed northeast. She bobbed andi dipped and some of her plunges seemed almost to stand her on end. Several navy ships put out to stand by in emergency. One vessel trailod the pitching dirigible, but her,J5 knot speed kept her wel in the lead. Craft Sighted Around sundown reports began to come in from Holland that the giant craft had been sighted. Always the Earlr vesterdav morning the pro-. were reauired to select s lury fessional safe blowers who have ; wniCB wln trf Senator Burton K. I been operating in Klamath Falls Wneeler . of ming ffor the past week, blew open the! safe In the office of the Big Basin j Lumber company at the corner ofj ln Jury was picaea ana uniiea Spring nd Main atreet. obtaining States District Attorney John L. approximately $30 in small change. I siattery launched forth Into his Showing themselves to be proles- ing ,utement thl. afernoton. af sional t the game, the yeggs pass- rl , . i. --a Bti l er Senator Wheeler had entered a ed up all checks and papers which man and said: But ne ain't gonna run me. I'll do the runnin'." The combat started after Thomas attempted to run away with the car belonging to Maude Reed and her son. The Reed woman ran out of the tent armed with an axe. If found In heir possession m lead to detection M.hier senator wneeier naa euierea ..... nlclli t Thomas esmed a similar weap- Ight Pie. of not guilty to tn. cnargea. - OU UCSL WC v..- The crrmaw; employe of ap company when the Big Basin office was opened yes terday morning, and the police and sherlffa office were immediately notified. Early selection of the Jury camej wa. discovered by .! , .urprl.e. and foreah.dowed j was ,n' oee",i5 """i" rapid progre. 1. th. caa. through- 7: " . I of the affair, the Reed woman UTbe defens. waived ii. U.t four'; retired in favor of her son. . .. ... . .:. (lJwho engaged the sturdy VUBIICUBO. t-o- i a ail six oi iub . . j . i nomas uiii.ii iiic uuj , . High explosives were used In government, were utuiiea in iorm- crackmgthe safe and no finger lng tne Jury The fact that Juror,: several gashes n the arm, .... . i B ' .v. wherfiiDon he fled unarmed. erackmg the safe and no linger lng tne jury The fact that Jurors:"- " print, could be discovered indicating, were acquainted with the defend-j whereupon he fled unarmea. that glove, had bn used by those ; aDl or ns attorneys, political asso-, Thomas, not to be overburden- ciations and previous knowledge ol,ed by the weignt OI an axe, the case, did not cause objection ' ran -m0 te tent, picked out a from the government when Pr08-s)iarD butcher knife and pur- pective Juror, declared their verdict Ree(J wornan.a son for guilty ot pulling off the Job. En trance was gained to the office by Jimmying a window in the aide of the building. Packed houses and long line of Inlerviower greeted Alburtus the i . - ... rtf Tn l ine i roc ne vole on the! both house and senate ' ' Cemra, Outfitting .m question. Illnlr i toward compulsory consoiia.ii.uu ..,. H Kober, Kerr proved , roads do not Join voluntarily company. The l.old. lor the M. I. T. men In Bller five years. It apnea, that Underw d J: "f Hi.- ease, delivery and tho railroads are taking t. Jump,TtrsJt "i -f armiment. uccordlng ahead of congress and mey , ....... T I lie Judges. M4R0Y! fin Jw 3 HELD It. Consolidation as the next step for the railroads, however Is not set tled f',r " congress Is conccrn- Grave Digger Has Close Shave From Drowning in Hole would not be Influenced thereby, j snAnw-lip a tvi!1o rlna-n tVlP riVPT- J,T ObauraU, j t) Federal Judge Frank S. Dietrich) . , called the case iu the little court! the water and reached the room that would scarcely hold the other Side in safety. venire of 120 persons. j According to the son of Mrs. Before the selection ot the Jury Reed, Thomas, who gave an wa undertaken Senator Wheeler , aijaa 0f p A. Smith, has been ..ti.j .... .ha aaiipI t. enter :.. . .. i .... - 1 .... Mnlliav ... ... . was caueu ou " " l VI n ir witn me ooy a Charlie Randolph, grave digger., from h lac8 "Mng wiui v . o r Tcr piirnL niuiiLiis. but who would ratner respond ' (h Tenremen, pictureimw " . vpap9 nf .,.a .m. of .exton !. .-w. ..4 and .aid 1 Thomas is about 50 years ot IUO UlltlC P, '- U ' j 1 OHLUi . of the Linkville cemetery narrowly escaped drowning yesterday while engaged In excavating work on the burial grounds. Randolph had J Hfn..4a oin,iTir1 RtV "I plead not g.llty." aSe "lu Jlau"c un than half of the prospective i itti.r ftVMPHOXT Jurors sought to disqualify them-', I3 ATTRACTIO!!! TONIGHT craft naa oeen ibu.ou. niwa ... . report were the same. The R-JS reached the base of hi. .hoveling wa flvlne low and away from Eng land. Station Diss, a Norfolk wire less station, reported calls for help operations at a depth of six feet. Just as he was Teaching for a solid piece of turf with which to hoist aelve. for Tarlous reasona. Some ; were excused when they said prev-j TTniler the auspices of the iouly formed opinion of the case, or;man.s Llbrary ciub tonight at the political affiliations would Influence ' Presl)yterian church. Harry Borel them. One miner was excused wm present his little symphony in ll-SS SIUllOll. rem., icu vana v ....'- - - from the K- about sundown, but ntmseit out " '' " s,and English "very well." An-P h Fa, ulenled col the air ministry oeneves inese vr" ---- , otner 8aid he was too old. I the grave and water flooded was nearly neck deep In water be fore help arrived. have emanated from the steamer that first reported the dirigible as In need of assistance. Shortly he fore tho ministry had a wireless . . i. .. i an ..vtnff flint hnr en- 1 1 1) ill lua 't " " j .-r. , . gines were in good order and that' Many Reported Killed -i. - ni,nu iha ll.tteh eniiH. near! - sue wn buv.u - - 'mulden. Early reports that some relatives In. when he said he could not under- too old -p.. vrv ouestlon put to the .1 B.lne magician a lightning answer was forthcoming, and for .... h.r enlightenment pr some. . Is concern- um --- -- . . ' i. . j ii .ni, wer scrll-bled . ... htirr.en ni'iit tt , . . .i There nre those wno cm... -k-, - . ,..,,i, il.eorv. Senator LaFol- on a leaf iron a i f members of the crew were aboard ,!lte of Wisconsin says It will build lrl. from ' forthelr:le craft were denied by the air up . giant monopoly by eHmlna ng - rdlng to accounl, Rome few a(,r e , hat nature of "Whera will I spend my .,.,. 24. 1921. In ' inz to a message from Sofia. other hand, us vl.M,n. etc?" One was;-"-" "-" - - '... ., ' A " , .... .1. .nv for tne roau s... . ..v.... 1 whicll 4- OI ine uiixeu urivisu huu, ..ico .... r. ,t Ih tlio nnl r ; f;r ,luUM ,t there would be noth ng assassinated conservative leader, to llvo and serve tho nouso. 1 .... , wav of vacation ag the nu ...... . . I . v,. . Tnin,inn mis ir .-,' " ...... ,... ,i,i , with Mrs A. J. ULu.a. vw..-v I nOiar anirl ha WSS tOO OIQ. A . .... . . ..... .., 'oratura soprano, as assisting ru... ...... 1 third was reueveu u. ju.j wut7 uv- Randolph became so excited that he , The program to be given lg as lol- Senator Wheeler is facing a lows: rharze that he appeared before the: Descriptive, "Atlantis" Safrenax. I Interior department In Washington Nocturne" and "Morning Hymn for Gordon Campbell, a Montana , prUe.. In Big Bomb Explosion oil operator and received a fee for virxna. Aoril 16. Many per- llie V.U.V TtV.V J - - - J - ministry. Among the twenty souls : sons are reported to have been killed . n .. . . , lu....l I... n Vtn.ll nr. aboard Is Corporal rotter, a survivor 1 ana oinors mju. u a N"ys. "Marriages are like gixxi manv ol them are slip knots. . . . . .1 ,. I .. . ,U. IT I. . . f the MCKie , i.i.i'i". , ... ...... j iti'u, . Hornet, prwimiii. ,, 1 . n. 1 tne rouea o.uuu. , ... utunil ail wee.. . lieu. i.u... i-.. ....... m.e.....e.i tin- - . .... ...n.tnanr nipt, kuuul i.e.. . - . . . . .. . t , f mini ftnntit naio im . u. i.i in their I Sonn of tne F''"' . ... " day. These arguments " 1 17 . . ..1... e.oisol-:! general uppnw...."" ., .-,,r reported to be plotting ... .... ntni.ilon aa this: "Whoro ,t- 1 some sum. . GOVERNOR TO UE SPEAKER uuniit 1 ii t 0 1 I'lnrna win hiikh iv bi r ni u 11 11 1 uu . ...u : "moon" in the local maraen - - a, The unification of tne llon WM put d an "'' "! . " & Ohio, the Erie, tn furnished, It ld not " " quetto. Hocking Vauoy WEEKS IS IMPROVED . WASHINGTON. April 16. Secre tary of War Weeks, who suffered a slight attack of thrombosis 10 days ago, was reported as consider ably Improved today his 6th birthday. . ' "Court f unction . nm his services, after he becimi sen-1 Lourl ru , atro jAana", "Destruction of Atlantis. j -Fruhllngslied" Weil. e." d j r. "Lass With the Delicate Air" Stigma Removed From u j Thomas Arne. Mrs. A. J. voye. Child Illegitimates Suite in Five Parts-Coleridg. Taylor. Scenes from an Imaginary Billet. Violin Solo, "Adoration" Boro ,kl. Miss Katherine Walton. "Prelude" and "Sictllana" from Cavallerla Rustlcana" Mascagni. "Lo, Hear the Gentle Lark" ALBANY, N. Y April 16. The illegitimacy was removed ren born out of wedlock slate today when Gov. the Antln bill, which provides that the legal term for such nprHnna shall be "child born out ot wedlock." The bill prohiblU the use Bishop, of synonymous terms In the statutes, .,To A wild Rose and court records. This Is said to Nevl.. Mrs. A. J. Voye, flute obligate w . 0 .,K . -f M. swara. tempt to end the .tigm. of lllegit- Overture "Or.h.. I Offenbach. be the first instance In the history