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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1963)
PACE tC HKRAI.D AND Did Hitler Have Advance Tip On Invasion At Dieppe? By TOM A. CI UFA ' LONDON NEA The Dieppe raid, in which 3,372 Canadian commandos were either killed, wounded or taken prisoner, was one of Die bloodiest Allied dis asters of rA War II. The failure of the Dieppe in vasion of August, 1942, usually is put down to a combination nf bad planning and bad luck. But rf.w it appears that Hitler may have been warned of the raid in advance. Not only had the Germans broken the British naval code helore the Dieppe raid, but they also may have received inside information concerning the raid from an Allied source. . .Such is the view of David Irv ine, a young British historian, , w ho has been examining cap- lined German war documents. In fact, Irving, who is the au thor of a best-seller on the hombisg of Dresden, has kicked up quite a controversy with his findings. Among others, Capt. Stephen Hoskill, the official British na val historian, denies the pos- sibiJity that Hitler was tipped off in advance. It was the Ger man victories against Russia which caused Hitler to antici pate an Allied attack on the Krench coast, according to Ros k i II. The dictator correctly estl- Hair Theft Starts Riot XKW DELHI (CPU - Mobs of Moslems enraged by the theft of a sacred hair said to have come from the beard of the Prophet Mohammed stormed , through (he streets of the Kash mir capital of .Srinagar Saturday , in an orgy of destruction. . Reports reaching New Delhi said the angry (Moslems set fire to fashionable homes, shops, buses, cars, trucks, two movie theaters, an automobile agency and partially destroyed the po lice station in Hie city long pop ular with tourists. Police with rifles fired "most ly" into tiie air to disperse riot ers according to press reports but stale government officials said one man was wounded. Stale Premier Sliamsuddin of fered a 2I.(KK) reward (or re covery if the sacrd relic and said Hiiyone providing a valid clue to its whereabouts would receive a lifetime stipend of $105 per year. By W. O. IIUAM)STAI)T, D.I). NrwsiaHT Kntorprise Assn. A mnl her complains her 12-year-old con slill vols the bed lour or live nights a week, and Iht doctor ajuis advised her to lake him to a child guidance clinic. Most children have good bladder control by age 3. and are able to sleep through the night without having to get up. .Physical problems, such as in fected ton,il, may b a cause. Sometimes the cause is too vigorous an attempt at toilet training too early in lile. Some times it steins Irom a tecling of Insecurity. Almost always It is a psychological disturbance of some kind. The family doctor's advice to seek psychological help is sound. A 12-ycar-old hoy is responsible for his acts even in his sleep. I think lie is try ing to tell you something. My mother says 1 should be giving my baby cod liver oil but my baby doctor has not pre scribed it. Who is right? A Times change. Your baby needs Vitamin I), and cod liver oil is a good source of this vita min. Your doctor has undoubt edly seen to M tliat your bahy Ben Vitamin J) in his milk, a much more convenient way to supply his need. Ij 'My J-mimlh-uld ton's eyes .lie riossed. Will nature correct this? A Your baby has not yet de velcped (he ability to focus both ecs on a given object. U he st.ll lias the condition alter six inonths be probably will need lu'.p. lie should lie fitted with glasses as soon as it is definite ly rstahlislwl that lie is cross eyed. Otherwise he will look at objects Milh only one eye; the unused eye will become sight less through disuse. Correction nf tlie uint also will improve his looks. Jf glasses fail to cor rect the K)uint an operation may be necessary, btrt early treatment with glasses is usual ly effective. qHow ol! must my child be before 1 allow him lo hav code? A All fcTowing children need NKWS, Klamath KalH. Orrgno mated that the Allies would at tack in order to relieve Nazi pressure in the east, he claims. This, and not a security leak, explains tite German high state of readiness in Normandy, says Capt. RoskUl. Certainly the Germans were waiting for the 5 000 men of the 2nd Canadian Division when they waded ashore at Dieppe at dawn on Aug. 19, 1942. Some of them never readied the beach. Others died in the sand dunes where British honey, mooncrs had once picnicked. Those who made the sliore met with only limited success. They occupied the casino, blasted snipers out of boarded up hotels, destroyed gun em placements. Many Canadians were shot down in Dieppe's narrow streets, or staggered, pounded back to the beach. Nine hours alter it started, the show was all over. The sur vivors backed off the flaming beach, leaving behind 59.1 dead commandos. 1.901 Cana dians who were taken prisoner. Another 237 men were reported missing, while 591 wounded managed to get back to Eng land. Admiral Mountbatten, who had planned the raid, tried to make a victory out of it. "It is impossible to overestimate the value of the Dieppe raid," he cried. "Many vital lessons were learned ... I have no doubt that the Battle of Normandy was won on the beaches of Dieppe." Mountbatten also denied that the Germans were tipped off to the raid in advance. "So little were the Germans suspecting an actual raid on this day, that they had given unusually late leave to the fighter pilots stationed In lite vicinity." But Irving claims that Hitler not only knew that the assault would take place on Dieppe; but he knew the approximate date. According lo the historian, Hitler, in a top secret dispatch, warned his commander-in-chief nf the impending raid just five weeks before it happened. Hitler said that an Allied landing was indicated by "a flood of reports from agents in Britain and other intelligence sources." He also spoke of a "strong concentration of as sault craft in southern Eng land." Tlie fuehrer concluded: "This is most urgent the Channel coast area Dieppe - Ijt Havre Normandy is held to be in par ticular danger, as this sector can lie easily reached by the THE DOCTOR SAYS Guidance Clmic Can Help Child milk and to the extent that cof fee or lea are allowed lo replace milk in a child's diet it is harm ful. It also contains caffeine which is a stimulant. If your child wants coffee or tea very badly you can give him a half ounce or less and fill the rest "if the cup with milk as a siecial treat. Dressing Up ACROSS 41 Dry, win 1 Heid covering 42 Japanese nly 4 (' hp nil sell e 4.S Mot day (coll.) h Knot covering 49 Opposing Y2. Kra M Hoy i name 13 Sacred 5i Kuropean interdiction mountains 14 ijjin jacket 53 Speed contest lft Mutilate M ftkinH 14 (.reek term philosopher M Kotlcmrn , itij i-t'i it r ;t84.ri ltd) 67 Manner a direction now 1 lad rod in alunrd tilats window i 2 Mnhantmedan command era 3 Continued If. Knileavored 70 p lower '1 1 Poiseuive rirnnoun led act 'J4 Nuiiianct Jf, Siilmg 27Srfittnh stream Mi Com pi si X tVminda at due .14 Curb .13 KKvptlin dlety ,1ft Terminal .17 Con Ode rile ,19 Remove ohilinatcljf 4 Corset 5 Rahbit ft Sojourns 7 (Jenui of rodents 4(1 Scone 8 Peramp 'coll 1 2 3 I 14 15 lb 17 Id 19 10 U F5 15 w H IT" Hp 1 ; n "rp"2a L 7T ib j Jm Hpr IT 5 55 31 TT32 33 5T J-37 b" p 35: 140 FT1 IIT"h "145" 46 47 IT" 55 551 57 I I I l L , I , I I I Ls Sunday, IWtmbfr 29, ISM enemy air force with fighter eov. Then on Aug. 17, two days before the Dieppe raid, Lult waffe squadron and wing com manders were summoned to a conference by Lieut. Gen. Kes sler, director of Atlantic oper ations. They were told that the Al lies were planning to launch a five-pronced attack. Dieppe was to lie the center of the at tack, while sideshow attacks were to lie launched in order to cut the town off from the flank and the rear. As it happened, this was ex actly the strategy which t h e Canadians, under command of Maj. Gen. John Hamilton Rob. erts, pursued. The result has sometimes been described as being waslcful and as futile as the charge of the Light Bri gade. Fluids Kill 31 Derelicts i PHILADELPHIA 'I'PI' -City authorities, faced with a "massive outbreak" of wood al cohol poisoning deaths, sought ways today of curbing the sale of heating fluids to derelicts. 1 It was disclosed Friday that the wood alcohol poisoning has claimed 25 lives in the "skid row" section of the city in the past four days. The outbreak brings to 31 (tie number of such deaths in tlie city this year. Authorities said partially-filled containers holding fluids with a wood alcohol content ranging front 50 to 75 per cent were found near many victims. 1 City Health Commissioner Dr. Norman K. Ingraham. who re ported there has not been "any thing like this ihe outbreak i in years," said the victims were believed to have purchased an institutional product which has a high alcoholic content. Containers of canned Ileal, which has about live per cent alcohol, were lound near the victims in many cases, I Jr. Jo seph W. Kjielman, city medical examiner, said, however, that the amount of alcohol in the canned heat is not enough to be tatal. He theorized the derelicts probably mixed tlie fluid con taining tlie higher percentage of alcohol with that squeezed from the canned heat. 1 Jngraham said that Hie insti tutional product was available for purchase to any citizen and that million! iis have started an educational campaign to halt tlie sale to derelicts. Jantzer Rites Held On'Friday MKDKOItl) (ITU A funeral service for George Jantzer. 73. was held Kririay at ConKcr-Mnr-ris Funeral Home here. JaiiUer, a former .sawmill o eralor. died Dec. 22. He was al so known as a traishooter. He was horn Nov. 2, IBM at Erie. Pa., and operated sawmills at Slarveout Creek. Prosect and Trail before moving to Medford in 1M5. Atuwer to Previouu Pulila flrhaprttii ,(,'r- mvlh.) loshirld hrarlni 33 Military 11 HiMu-al liana assiilants 17 Court 3S lasso ftorerrlings 40 (let up erfunu 41 Wile one! V'.i l.ure 4'.' Mmithwarrl t Step 43 Far ott leumb. Kind of Jacket form! JnAnnint 44Viperl 57 North, (or 4 Onetime Inilanctt 47 Ireland ?.S Hnv int 4Sl'hel rattle jo Kssrnttal being 50 In three tsavt rtl ItaetlRlui' itnn utimb form! ftiElfJai5,A R Ova WHiP !e'Jai iaEJt. wiUM d!o vvIIl. e t t etr I U Q Ml &rC R E NA dFTNOl bKl Is. g, tin To Ploce Your WANT AD Phone TU 4-8111 HERALD & NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE PHONE TU 4-8111 f em. lo 4 W p.m. weekdays I a m. to noon Seturoay j Count lice words per lint. Mimmum or-j aer I lines 1 3 6 10 1, Times S? W 9 75 4 00 4 7 T.mes Si 00 5 00 00 7 00 T:re Month SS 00 S .06 4 SO 11 , I 00 1400 tio use Minimum Charge 1.50' 50c DISCOUNT j per advertisement, rf paid In advance. Aoove rales are tor consecutive inser tions, without change of copy, tor pri I vtt individuals Advertising must be clear and understandable to be produc j live. AH woros must be spelled out Autos ottered for sale by private lnd viduais cash with copy. DEADLINE 4 30 p m day before publi cation. Noon Saturday tor Sunday and Vonoey. CANCELLATIONS 4 CORRECTIONS , ContOCt 'On same schedule, except on Monday LJi j ki- " i mese are taken i.i f 30 a m 'Herald & NCWS, Circulation Pieate read first insertion of your ad. The Herald 1 News will give one extra run for typographical error. "Business Builder" WANT ADS 1 column Inch. S3S par monfn with S3 56 ,dscounf lor payment on or bafore the ' lotn. '? inch, SI with 11.50 discount tori payment on or Detoro the totn. Based on. i one copy cnanoe per month. I BOX SERVICE 50 cents per ad. CARD OF THANKS, and ' IN MEMORIAM M.SO FOR COMMERCIAL RATES PHONE TU 4-8111 Downtown FUNERAL HOMES ... ... C WARD'S Klimith Funenl Homt. ?ft Hiqn STf-ee, Tu IlOST t FOUND 2 I LOST near Anderson Road, Merrill. Brittany Sponiel, white wth yellow pols, "Ginger," Rewirtll Merrill 79B- LOST m light gray French poodle I inches long. Large reward. Pstlycaket with pww U 7-3'.?0 9S DflMoro. 'GENERAL NOTICES 4 ALCOHOLICS Anonymoui met Wed"," Sit NiQbf, TU 7-STr;. R01t 154; PERSONALS LARIAT Beauty Lounge permanent s, hair shaping, cutting. Evenings by appointment. 3616 Summers Lane, TU S-5777, Robert Lant, operator. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-1704, help at anytime. BEGINNERS Alanon, Helpfamilies of alcoholics, TU 4 7179, Box 1065. NEED two passenoers to go to New Meaico, Teias, Arkansas. Oklahoma or Louisiana. Leaving first or second week In Jflniinr-v ' ' ?-04?l SERVICES 10 LORNA'S DOLL HOSPITAL 1434 Lakevlew SI. TU 4-6992 14 yrs. in the same location LO RNA'S DOLL HOSPIT AL 1434 Lakeview St- TU 4-6992 14 yrs. in the same location PAINTING, wallpapering at its best, interior, exterior, brush or spray, rra- sonable pnte, free esl.maleTU "DRESS" making and "alterations, 1 fl work guaranteed. TU 2-6530. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave. Al Stoll, TU 4-6126. REMODELING, carpenter and cement work. Reasonable, references. T U 2-53S8. M EAT-C UTT I NG Experienced retired meat cutter will cut and wrap your meat, very reason able, TU 2-4801, 611 N. llth. Kenmore-K el vinator-Whirlpool REPAIRS Washers, dryers, ranges, water tanks. FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE TU 2-3115 (at BIB Electric) Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, wom en, children All work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene's Men s Wear 537 Main Quick, Expert REPAIR SERVICE on all OIL STOVES and FURNACES Also small gas engines, etc. jMcGAUGHEY'S TRADING HOUSE 2508 Altamont Dr. TU 2-4893 TIME FOR. i SH4RPFNING ICE SKATES AND I W1NTFRI71NG K STORING LAWN MOWERS AT BODENHAMER'S HELP WANTED, FEMALE WAN t F D baby - siller for I i child My home, days, 1U 2-S182. YOUNG adult baby-sitter, my home, mornings. Oil. TU 4-4704. PUT A HAPPY " NEW FACE ON YOUR FUTURE' AtsoTiroomVu'rhed lo'". , $65. Water, garbage paid, TU 4-56?2. MOW? A Cosmetic 1Fr T- a. , ."-. t- I HEATED, furnished, clean, quiet. Prl BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN! vale parking, adults. 415 Walnut. Fastest growing cosmetic company In the U S (an aftiiiaie ot world famed PrtMo anrltaixrs). will fma'xe a se lect rwimbff ol qtialitir'd women in the c osmetic bus.ness! Ambitious women with orgamiatto"! ability and pleasant appearance H receive Inten Sive instruction at our Academy in Cal ifornia in fe techniques ol the mo tion picture make-up men . . . (harm and poite, salts, promotion, adminis tration all the things wtiiih assure your u-citsv Some business or sates experience required. plu willingness to dxect the activities ol others. Financial rewards tor women in our business cannot be equalled! Apply now for beautiful future bv writing to 3'C. Mother Wins "Horse Race' IH'KBAN, South Africa il PI Mrs. Vera Vincent was JSH0 richer today because she can ym like a racehnrse. Mrs. Vincent was silting with a parly ot friends having re freshments in the clubhouse af ter the races at Clairwood Hace Course Thursday when an ar gument ensued over the length of the track. "It's not so long," she insist ed. wealthy gentleman in tlie party oflered her the money if lie could run the entire course without stopping. Mrs. Vincent promptly t.hcd her stilleto heeled shoes ami galloped the whole course a mile and lixe furlongs. .... 10 plumb- WHETSTONE OFFICE SERVICES Taping and Booffft-CifM EXPERIENCED - REASONABLE TtJi Qfcnard A TU -722 SEPTIC'TANKf CLEANING n INSTALLATION Licensed - Bonded - Guaranteed C. W. CLIFFCRD A. SON TIJ H HELP WANTED, MALE BARBER wanted. Musi have rater ences, Sams Corner, TU 7-7W. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Extra Mcney bv selling the Herald & News AFTERNOONS I D-nt 1301 FcnlnnnHA PHONE 1U 4-81 1 1 jHELP WANTED 17 ADVERTISING Salesman Saletwom- an any age. Ideal lor relirad person or persons now employed pari time. Must be permanent Klamath Falls resident. Work trom your home, Generous commission lor soliciting ad- vertising in the Klamath Falls area l0r ,h Planned Kingsley Air Force Newspaper, i-or details contact a. Jac crown in person in loboy !of Cescepe Apt. Hotel, 230 So. llth to day (Sun ) only 1 p m. to 5 p m. Ad vertising sales enperienced applicants only please. NOTICETO JOB SEEKER : All help wanted ads published In the Herald & News are accepted In good I taith that the lobs ottered are as staled in the advertising copy. We are not re sonsible tor the integrity ol our adver tisers, but we make every etlort to ois cover and relect alt misleading adver I listing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding ,t to be misleading is asked to report it to the Classified Ad vertising Department ol iht Herald & New SITUATIONS WANTED 18 BABY-sitting days, my home, care. TU 2-1M7, 5726 Schiesel. HOUSEWORK, hourly work, any kind. References, TU 2-17644. SEASONS GRFETINGS TO ALL Jack and Jill Day Nursery Win Be Closed From Dec. 23rd to Jan. 2nd HELEN LEHMAN MAN, 33 yrs. old, seeks employment. College background. Experienced in in dustrial and agricultural fields. Write Box 635 C, Herald and News. IRONING, washing, pickup, FAST SERVICE, TU 4-9434. deliver. RETIRED mason, active, handy with lools. Block work a specialty. Handle any repair (ob. TU 4-7P37 ROOMS FOR RENT 22 ROOM, BOARD. GENTLEMEN. 1607 CRESCENT COMMERCIAL Rooms - clean, com fortable, reasonable rales, S7 wk up. Accommodations for lunch packing. Working man s rooms, lounge room with TV. 525, 539 Commerical. MEN 134 N 3rd, S36 per month, TU 4-6033, TU 4-92B7. CLEAN housekeeping room, downtown. utilities. 1U 2-I4B7, 317 Pine. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks j ,rom Main' 55 Tu , STEAM heated, clean, auiet sleeping , rooms, 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. WARM. Clean housekeeping units. Close to town. Very low week ly, monthly rates. Esplanade Motel, 1605 Fiplnnjine. I APARTMENTS FOR RENT WARM, clean, furnished 2 room apt. Utilities paid, shared bath, S45. To see, call TU 2-0329. 2 ROOM furnished apt Utilities paid. 224 Michigan, TU 2-0575. FURNISHED Insulated one bedroom ant. Water, garbage paid S50, TU 4-5334. FUR NISHE D apt , steam "heat" utili" ties. Near Weyerhaeuser, TU 4-8313. FURNISHED 3 room, washina facili ties, walking distance. TU 2-6886. FREE HEAT, 1 bedroom apt. Unfur nished except range, adults, no pets, 160. TU 4-7551. REX Arms Apts. Furnished 1 8. 2 bed rooms. Heat, phone, qarbaoe, Klam ath and Broad, 274 Broad. TU 2-9217. SPARKLING uptown furnished. free heat, adults, $65. Alpha Apts., TU 4-4522. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom, furnished, hot Si cold water, close in, washing facilities, no pets, TU 4-B41B. SMALL, furnished, washing facilities, inquire 1324 Oak, TU 2-6298. smvias 1 PAINTING, peperiftg, roofmj 1 ins, Qtno'tl repair. 9t7-44j. ; THREE room furnished apt. 2l? Or J chard, adults. Inquire 2037 Radclitte. ) FURNISHED APTS . ott street park ing. TU 2-47 J weekdays after S p.m., ' anytime weekends. . HOUSE OP ROCKS MOTeC Kttchens Daily, weekly rates. Reason- I able! 2005 Bienn, Tu 2 9130. 1 ' NICELY furnished, newly decorated dining room apt. Wool ruqs, auto waih 4 er, infant Ok. TU 4-362, TU 4-3893. CLE AN, comfortable, furnished one bedroom apartment. Water, garbaae paid Laundry facilities available. Lovely yard. 2113 Gary, TU 2-303. 1 BEDROOM furnished apt. ? bedroom house, large garage. $70. TU 4-5686 "ewauna "downtown Klamath's most modern, furnished. 21 So. Utrt - TU 2-1062 TWO room furnished bachelor apt. Private entrance. Inquire 72 Pme. ONE room unit, $5, adults only. AH Utilities. Ji No. 10th. TWO bedroom unfurnished deluta apt. newly redrcoraltd. iM. TU 2-aM0. PLEASANT duplti act. near town, ichcoli. adulls. unlurnihed. TU 4-9KJ. 1 ROOVS turnKhtd. utilities and wood lurnisned. adulls. close to downtown, TU 4-JJi3. Eves , TU a-am FURNISHED 3 room bachelorapt., 130. 1M Reclamation NICE clean apartment, close in, TU itM er TU I-2SJI. KLAMATHTFINESfl UNION MANOR 744 UNION 1 I J bedroom aoartments Furnished or un'urnnhd i SPACIOUS ROOVS WaH to wall carpeting SWIMMING POOL Meal, water, garbage turn.siyM DtVflTF.a Nolan TU 10? KINGFALLS APARTMENTS MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way Ont and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Wffklv MotH Rolf TU 2-5577 LOW COST - i to 1M includes" ri rr.--i maintenance CONVtMeNCe Near Vc- P"q (e"er. kNwh. c COvtFORT 1 : - CM room lvrn.rel pr untvrnitKfM Ln M C am nr pe'tooai mert rm SHASTA VIEW tPtTWf NT S WitHirn Ma T'J U 26 LARGE 2 DeO'oom unfurnished Cut US TU A-'Jtl. TWO oeo'ooi in, UC. 7jJ i t duple, ftjrruihea, VI. Whitney. TWO bedroom unturmined Heat. grpge. water pa .a. A, pets, inquire 71 Pine. LARGE turn-sned c unlurnisned 3 tearoom Inquire J1G7 i Homeaafc, TU C. ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom unf urntnaC Oregon Aye, 5S, TU NICE, clean 7 bedroom unfurnished, 3140 Reclamation, Tu 2-073. ON E bedroom turnnrted duplex. ut uroan, M7.J0, TU 4-BJle. TWO bedroom untarnished house, quire 3?J9 Boardmen, TU 3-0556. T AO bedroom un turn. shed house, tented yepd. garage, V6C Must be seen to be eppreoeied TU 3-0313. After a p m. - Sundays TU 4 323. SELL or lease almost new 3 bedroom suourDen nome. fireplace, oouote ga rage, large fenced yard, covered pat.o, TU 4-713 eveningj. NEW 3 bedroom unfurnished, floor fur nace. Also 2 bedroom furnished Both on Kane St. TU 3 500, TU 4-7137. FURN ISMED 2 bedroom, gat heat, t5C TU 3-444 After . TU 2-W35. FOR sale 3 bedroom home, r. 1,000. Can be seen at 40 Onyi Ave. iVODEPN 1 bearoom unfurnished du ple. Refrigerator, tiove. or a pel Gr. btg. water pj. Con Yemeni location. TU 3??i. 771 PACIFIC TERRACE, couple, furnace, fireplace, 4V445I. :urntird. US, TU THREE bedroom unfurnished house, newly painted inside, inquire 127 Mitchell. FURNISHED smll 3 room cottage, MS, owth suDyrtn, TU 3-31D7. FURNISHED 7 bedroom house, garage, trt neat. 171 Pine, TU 2-2770. T kVO bedroom unfurnished duplex, Wills AOditton, SS5, TU J-5S41. TWO bedroom unlurmshed. Mills Ad dition, inquire 133f E. Main. TWO bedroom and 3 bedroom tor rent or sale. No pets TU a-3?6. NORTHSIDE close to schools, stores, unfurnished two bedroom home. SaO. T U 4-73,2 etler S p.m. COMFORTABLE 7 bedroom unfurn ished, fireplace. orage, bg yard fenced in back, on school bus run. near shopping. S90, 17JI Arthur, TU I-J971 3 BEDROOM modern furniined, 155, 3202 Diamond. TU 2-0575. CUTE cottage nicely furnished, redec orated, 4 blocks north of Mam, water, TV, garbage pickup, tl, TU 4 6539 eves, or weekends. NICE three room furnished, garage. Mills, TU 2-3B52. CLEAN I'i bedroom unfurnished, full basement, oarage, near KUHS. 1646 Portland, $50, TU 7190. ATTRACTIVE, furnished 1 bedroom. Mills. Water, garbage paid, TU 2-2497. 2 BEDROOM suburban unfurnished, 2 ! Children O.K., 175, TU 2-4079. PLEASANT 2 bedroom furnished, Close in, park free, adults. S65, TU 4-4522. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, 6241 Shas ta Way, near Moyina, reasonable rent, water. Adults, no pets, TU 2-1012. WILL sub-let lovely Moyina Heights home, 3 bedrooms l'i baths, all eiec- tnf kritrhon. rjirnrlt (Iran (.. im mediate occupancy. References re ! quired. TU 2-5146. J SMALL house, rooms, reasonable, E r- nie's Hotel, 631 S. 5th, TU 2-5225. I CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished south suburbs, S70, TU 2-4566. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex. Fireplace, full basement with knotty pine room. Call TU 4-6597 after 5 p.m. THREE room unfurnished, oil heat, S30 a mo. Inquire at Idella's. ONE bedroom furnished, garage, fenced yard, S85, 4055 Shasta Way. - 2 BEDROOMS (possible 41, unfurnished, fenced yard, garage, 405 Shasta Way. fireplace, 1100, j TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, 2 mi. north of town. Children, pets ok. Water paid. 155. 702 Spruce. TU 2-6590. PARTLY furnished 2 bedroom duplex, S85, South suburbs. Available Dec. 15. TU 2-5106. UNFURNISHED duplex, 1 bedroom, oa rage, electric, 3011 Boardman. ONE bedroom house, 00 Altamont Dr. $45, inquire 1777 Gary. ONE bedroom unfurnished, close in, natural hot water heat, garbage serv ice and water, $75, adults, TU 4-6849. TO rent or sell 2 bedrooms, S45 mo. Mature people, TU 2-1326. TU 4-6239. ONE bedroom furnished house, close in, TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. 3 ROOM furnished, water, garbage paid, $30, TU 2-0456, 1723 Oak. EXCELLENT 2 bedroom, unfurnished duplex, electric. Mills, $70 TU 2-0249. TWO bedroom, TU 4-4380. unfurnished, close in. FURNISHED 2 bedroom house, $68.50. tnrsuire 111 Pne -IM.SC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFF ICE or small store, across from Courthouse, $60, TU 2-6500. REALSTATE EXCHANGE .... 29 HAVE line motet in California. Would like to trade it tor a large tract of land. Courtesy to agents. Carl Kramer, U6 V'"Cietpr Ray. O'e REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 160 ACRES, 120 acres, 480 acres, tim ber on land. Box 27, Beatty, Ore. TWO bedroom home, patio, one acre, Lakeshore Dr., TU 2-6058. Income Properties Lease to reliable party either 9 or II unit motel near Klamath Fails. E cellent locations. Will also sell or trade eilher properties. Write owner. Norma Beaver. 7684 Williams Highway. Grants Pass, Oregon, or phone eve nings, Provalt, Ore. 12591. A VIEW OF j KLAMATH LAKE Can be had from the big family room, tne livmq room, the large coiy den or even the completely built-m kitchen. Two Fireplace, 3 bedrooms. ?' 7 baths, a huge basement, garaqe and work shop plus a double carport L 1 r g e b-Mconvpatio aid snn-dek Big yard, wen landscaped, tun spunkier system. Complete privacy Vacant tor immedi ate posession. For price and other de tails ci DON SLOAN For Finer Homes TO? So. 7th St. TU 4-S6&I DavvEvet. NORTH SIDE Spacous 3 bedroom hpmp Large liv ing room with F IP.F PL ACE. sepa'a'e d.ntnq, plus large O'NETTE Family wed kitchen, van sued qarqe and a pafh aM 1 halt!! Most reasonably priced at $15,500 night trade tor income proper- Owner t'es. WALKER REALTY r? Maii S' S'evem I 0'.ce TU MiJ.4 ns or Eves. Rn.rtence tu 3 'M5 New Homes Now Available In Casa Manana Paved Streets Concrete Curbs Natural Gas Close to Shasta School For Particulars, Call DURANT rem So I to Ho-1 -day HOUSES FOR RENT 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW repossessed three bedroom home Henley District, landscaped. Dixit in appliance, forced ar turn ace, no eown pa rment, iiK per month, TU l-SaCi , OWNEP leaving town. 100 acre rencn near Heniey. A'feire. poao and pas - ture lane. Machinery, tuny quipped. TU 4-J051. THREE bedrooms, carpet, oil furnace. fenced, plus rental. TU 3-3107. "hOTSPR'NGS 3 bedroom. 3 batns. 3 fireplaces, 124.750, TU '. V? ACRES. 3 bedroom house, nortn side, U.JuO, $1-700 down, TU 2-OMC. NEW large ve home, basement, dote new OTI t hospital. TU I -OS 70. BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home in restricted res idential stnet. Best of construction Natural gas hot air heal, hardwood tioor-s, IVi baths, fireplace, pe'io. bircn kitchen, lets of storage, S1S.V00. TU 3-34 i0. STROUT I REALTY 5429 So. 6th j For excellent opportunities in j HOMES. FARMS, BUSINESSES CATTLE RANCHES Phone or See J Bob and Stella Dehlinger, Rep. j TU A. 5?81 Fvm. TU 2-5601 I , C- TIJ "iflalB1 Honk Holmon, lsmn. 1U .s.-3U4a BETTER BUILT HOMES & By Thrifty Builders ONLY $8900 & Up (On Your Lot) ' CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE Three bedroom homes. Large living room, dining area. Lartje bedrooms and closets. Lovely cabinets. Tile batn, shower and fully insulated too! No Cosh Down Financing Sec Our 4 Bedroom Model Home in Bel Air Gardens . . . j DROP BY : ESTATE DRIVE-SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2-0436 TU 4 524 Beautiful Home In HENLEY DISTRICT Lovely 3-bedroom home. Very laroe living room, l'-a baths, nice dining area, built-m appliances, hardwood floors. Circulating fireplace with glass doors, electronic control garage door, oodles ot exterior brick inm. Situated on 100x125' lot. Total price IH.BOO. McATEE REALTOR 339 E. Main TU 2-4646 TU 2-5935 TU 2-6115 Evelyn McAlee Harold Hoilis ISTILWELL & CO. Presents: j CLOSE tN NORTH SIDE - A very COm'OriBOie J Deoroom oioer numv in splendid condition throughout. Carpeted living room & dining room, fi replace, beautiful modern kitchen, basement, economical oil furnace, view location. Immediate possession - good terms. Price $14,500. A 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY - Located In attractive WEST PARK. Easy access to OTI and hospital sites and downtown. Close to school. Home only 3 years old and in ex cellent condition. Living room with glass enclosed fireplace, dining room, beautiful hardwood floors, attached garage, covered patio. Soa-c-ous lot. You will like this. Price $17,500. Stilwell&Co. 519 Main St. Realtors After 5:00 Call: Bruce Binkley TU a2136 TU 4-3478 START "64" RIGHT MAKE THE FAMILY HAPPY WITH A HOME LOOK LOOK 1 OOK' , i-ww ix uVUl TWO ACRES PLUS THREE BEDROOM home with FIREPLACE, larqe DINING ROOM. Douo'e garage with Workshop a. Sleep ing Room over garage. Only US. SCO with SI .200 Down or TRADE FOR LOTS, SMALLER HOME, PAPER. ETC. Call now Don't Wait. TWO BEDROOM Good Location, FIREPLACE, Garage workshop. Nicely landscaped I fenced yard. Only S?,IM with Si. 000 i Down OR TRADE FOR LOT j SMALLER HOME, PAPER, ETC. Call now Don t Wait. 32 ACRES ; CLOSE IN with nice two bedroom home. Wall to Wall Carpet. Of mi) Room, outbuildings. HENLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Only SIO.OOO with $1,000 Down or TRADE FOR LOTS, SMALL ER HOME. PAPER. ETC. Call now Don't Wait. iDeant: Sach er Liccnifd Ora-Cal-ldaho-Wash Broker ' REALTOR 1 1037 Main TU 4-4127 MLS Multiple Listing .Service Summers Lane A' tractive, furnished leurpie. Each ha i bedroom, garage. Boom lor ex pansion. E v c e t lent rental rece'd. Brmqi m 1300 per month. Total price 134 000. Income Property T . bedrof dupie 1 un t has t're oiaee Af'er ternt rental. Good t vestment prooertv. Ca't or appoint ment lo see. Price U 1.000, LOW DOWN Call Us On These: Two bedroom, fairly c'me in. UlXi. 1W down, Ii5 per month. NORTH. Pt7 3 bedroom q'-. IVSOO. IXO 30 -X itsj per month. BRUCE OWENS U ho. Tm L wet t't A"dfian Lom Vacv tu v: TU IOVI TU REAL tSTATl W SlLl.- 30 "0 ACRES second groth t.moer .A. 11 on. 'S ",n'f M. A EVEREST CO N. HI JeMerson. Spokane- SMALL 3 bed'oom house. -ioa. JUS Cannon Ave. VoR'seie by owner, 3 bearoom bouse near park in nn Add'tt. Wo payment. TU 2-504. happyTholi days TO ALL YOU will Kv beautiful 4 bed'oorri home .o hot Springs - carpeted -2 oatns large family room - 3 garage fruit and ornamental trees -... ........i uni ubier Heat - Oe5I or mn All tor only 125-000 - Takes any loan . ScHROEDER CO. U, MAIN - TU tnu - TU H MLS WISHING YOU A BLESSED HOLIDAY SEASON THANKING VOU FOR VOUR BUSI NESS IN PAST YEARS AND LOOK ING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU IN "WILL" CEDARLEAF REALTORS 1 3927 So. 6th TU 4-5151 j Sales Peogv Peebler "Van" VanS.ckle TU 2- '23 GREENSPRIN&S DRIVE. Close 10 Weyerhaeuser and Fairnaven School. Very well built two bedroom house, full 900 sg. . Plus closed service porch on fully fenced neat lot. Lawn, trees md shruobery. House only 6 years old. Weil worth tne pnee 0) S9.000. Shown by ap pointment only. NORTHSIDE on 50 x 100 ft. lot. One bedroom, dming room, kitchen, living room and bath Very good location, on paved street with s.dewelks. Full price J4.750, 1600 down, J50 per month Own er will carry papers. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main TU 2-3471 Jim O'Donahue Eves. TU 4-993 Multiple Listing Service MLS $11,000 Three bedroom, comfortable, south sub urban home with fireplace. Separate dmtng room. Huge double parage, paved driveway. Over j acre of ground. Easily financed! Must be seen to be appreciated. PEYTON Member International Traders Club 135 Market TU 4-519 Harold M Rush Rollm Cantrall Pat Paione TU 2-4173 TU 4-4550 TU 2-0836 SFT Presents ALL BRICK CONSTRUCTION!!! This is one of the finer homes of Klam ath County. Living room, family room. 3 bedrooms, 1' baths, utility, kitchen with built-in stove, oven, dishwasher, and garbage disposal. Also has a den 14' ix23' that Is presently utilized is mother-in-law apt., complete with kitch en. This wonderful home is located on i , large corner lot. Please call for more complete description and appoint ment to see. Priced very reasonably a l $26,000. 4 BEDROOM!!! Like new condition. Large double oa rage. Beautiful back; yard, all in lawn and fruit trees. Price reduced from $16,500 to $15,000. It you need 4 bed rooms and a large play area tor the children, don't tail to see this one. r TUCKER d Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Hansen TU 2-3101 Eves. IFred Tucker TU 4-9742 Eves. Multiple Listing Service MLS CALL NOtV lo see this spacious 3 bedroorrf modern home. 12 x 26' living room with new wall to wall carpeting, 16' x i' kitchen with oodles of cupboard space. 1'i baths. Large landscaped lot near Ferguson School. If vou need room at a moderate once, this is it. Total price only S12.7S0. Owner will consider buildinq lot. car pickup, or low priced home in trade, STILES Realty has 1 good selection of homes in ail price ranges. Conditions have never been mort favorable for the pur chase Of I home. Prices are lower, fi nancing is easier. Call now, let s talk it over. NOW you can trade your small home on this modern, well constructed duplex with 2 bedrooms plus family room plus extra building lot gr garden space. Live in one. let the other make the pay ments. Total price only SI6.3SO. STILES REALTY ONE STOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE 31 So. eth Street Phoni TU 2-470 Eves. Call Homer stiles TU a-WfU Joe Perry 4.533 MLS Multiple Listing Service PERSONALITY PLUS' ! A GOOD, OLDER ?-$TORY ENGLISH SvlE 3-BEDROOV HOME. WITH FULL MASONRY BASEMENT Large rorms. 7 eating area. I'j baths, o-t pej heat Pleading 43 x ?00 tt let CLOSE IN RIVERSIDE ST AREA JUST S. 750. WOO DOWN FHA a, NO DOWN Gt; nominal closing. HF RE'S ECONOMY Only W one for th. tr-nt juburnan I - bedroom home. Attached garaae. nice paved lo cation horderina Madron St. E AS FHA OR Gl LOAN TERMS. QUICK POSSESSION. CALIFORNIA AVE. JUST )l? , FOR WELL-BUILT i - BEDROOM I HOME. WITH 3 PATHS b'Ch kitchen, family room. dv'''e basement JUST UOO OOAN Fma 1 NO OOAN Gl; plus closing. CITY INCOME 3 FURNISHED "OUS , ES. at cioe-m Mills Addn location I Garage for each unit. is monfn iv m 1 come at lust $t0.7; INVEST WISE LY. Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1900 SHE US FOR INSURANCE. TOO in N. Hh Pnon Tu -nn 5es -0net; A'f Voorman Pi TU 7 IVU C'-co'e Ph TU l-ril Eves fd Ch.tfoi. A a'e Bi-OM Br Ch.itjyjfc I'CMr HAL ESTATE fORjALt ..JI THRE E oedroom M't.y "' !"CaTOre"Ranches ! we FARM and RANCH titet Hi the i n.xEB uu i FY near Grant DnGUt 1 v c p.ii and' J ' ' . am tit monthly. WRITE .,,EE RANCH I FR CT. LOG RMloi a) oascript Ct: 0-. IlKini 104! imw. BnsiNEiToPPOIiTUNITItS 22 I WEEKLY newspaper and job plant. Es I tapiuheO 1,20 FasI 9rowm0 "mmuni- . tv Opoortunny tot rrmi-Tu.. . i EOHO'-Saiesman Enc Turner Peat Es-tate- Vanoerhoof, BC, Canada. K INU5LE ' ricu " ' " accepting b-ds on th Barper Shop Concession. Alt interested pin,e should contact either Wind i r Force Bast Exchanpe at 2U-5611. ext. 331, or Kingsley Fund Base Exchange, TU 2-44' l, ext 4i4 All bos must be in at 12 noon. Jan. 10, 1964. MAJOR oit co. service stations f o r lease Excellent business opportunity. Paid dealer training program. Pur cnase rrasonabie inventory only. In formation. Ph. TU 4-7223, I l.m. tc e p m. WHOLESALE Distributorship. Already established locally. Pari 1ime tor auto motive product. Must have pickup or small truck. Small investment re quired. Good opportunity tor full lime business. Write Herald and News Box 636C. "OnIon OIL COWPANV OF CALIFOR NIA has hgn potential service station for lease in Tuielake, Calif. Paid deal er training, automotive services avail able, medical, hospital and retirement plans. For information call or write K. Oliver, P.O. Box 391. Medford, ph. 773 5066 or Erv. Miller 798-5714 Merrill. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Please Investigate tnorougnly any In vestment of money in merchandise, various enterprises or business oppor tumties before investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every ettort to reject all fraudulent or mis leading advertising, however, we ire not responsible tor the integrity of the firms or individuals who place d vertising in our publication. Any ad vertising of business opportunities ap pearing to be fraudulent or mislead ing should be reported lo the Classi fied Advertising Department of the Herald and News. KINGSLEY Field Base Exchange is ac cepting bids on vending machine oper ation to include cigarettes and candy. AH interested parties should contact ei ther Portland Air Force Base Ex cnange at 268-5611. ext. 331. or King sley Field Base Exchange, TU 2-4411, nt. 484. All bids must be in if 12 noon, Jan. 10, 1964. "OWNER leaving town. 8 units of in come property. S400 1 month income, suburban area, TU 4-4052. KEY TO SUCCESS The right location at the right price. Four stories-brick-on busy corner. Ide al lor couple. Now grossing over $100, 000, could be doubled, hot el -72 rooms 24 hour cafe. Completely equipped, take over in 24 hours, automatic eie-vator-newly decorated lobby, room for tour additional apts. Catering to Railroadmen and truck drivers. Klam ath Falls. Ore. $80,OOO-$20,0OO will hen die. Write lo El wood V. Davis, 7455 S. W. Kelly, Portland 19, Ore. Mar irina Located on WILLAMETTE RIVER at Corvaiiis. Oreoon, home of Oregon State University. Average yearly Gross $70,000. Price for Real Property Ar Fixtures - $47,500 with $10,000 down or WILL TRADE tor Non-operational In come Property or Vacant Land, Call or write for complete informa tion. Deane Sacher Licensed Ore-Cal-Idaho-Wash Broker REALTOR 1037 Main TU 4-4127 FINANCIAL LOANS 34 Snowed UNDER BY BIG BILLS? Short of cash after the hoppy holi days? Don't let your Christmas cheer result in financial worry. Give us a coll for cash! Our serv ice is quick, convenient, confi dential. FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Bailey THE LOAN ARRANGER We Finance New & Used Cors Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to Pay Private Auto Sales Finonced Locally Owned for 33 Years Motor Investment Co. 513 So 6th Til 4-7783 BUILDING - REMODELING 36 EXPERT IN REMODELING! 1 Bathrocns Kitchens I Additions Garages, etc. No down payment on F.H.A. approved credit. L'p to 60 months. IFree Estimotes Glodlv! K. J. HALAAS HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 SELLING household turnishinqs, kitch en appliances, ant.oues. secretary, c na and miscellaneous items. TU 3-6017 a"er 6. TWO Ho'tvwood bed frames non mar carters. Adiuslabie tor tm or tu'l size mattress, 15 each, TU Ml a'ter 4 o nv ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS CaH Ta'kel Tweet TU 4-717 MISCELLANEOUS household item, Aooi ar;es to A-1 shape. Cheap! TU lft FT Tru-Co'd uor.ght deepfreeze. I ft retrige'a'or. washer - fl'ver com btnation. d neMe set. table. che"; chir, rockers, d'vin, dou ble bed, child's bedroom se, ma'cn Ing cot'ee table and 7 eM tahtes. girl s vanity and presse'. Tu Washer Broken Down? Clothes Dirty? Call UHLIG'S- GUAR ANTEED repays on en WASHERS & DRYERS Rendu. Easy, Frig.daie. G E . Ken- mo'e. Mv'g, Norge. Phiico. Wei'm?- house. Wh.npool UHLIG'S I to: v. tu 4 'i ; GENERAL ELECTRIC WASHER . $39 I Guoronteed ! KIRKPATRICK'S East S-d Appdonces U2 So 7th TU PORTABLE SEvVING MACHINE SALE S16 95 ond up iSa.aral To rooa F-yr. COPER'S EXCHANGE (.! K a' Tu , . t,