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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1963)
PAGE iA HERALD AND - : . J" . - , i ('' ? ,, .ifr : -a ; -' .1 ' . ... J,?.. .' W,. v.U-T4rv?"--W '"" ' I ... , ( I- ; - , f - J ft f? T" J t' '- ' 1 ' V , - ; " ' ' 1 , ' J Mil BUSY BAND The band of Klamath Falls Lodge No. 1247 BPOE hat many da mandi upon Its tima. Its mambers play for lodge meetings, tha Christmas party for underprivileged children, tha annual crab feeds, the Elks picnic, community gatherings. Recently it performed for veterans at White City. Standing, left fo right, are Oscar DeNault, loyal knight, LaMar Jensen, director, Bob Chilcote, band manager and Bob Craig, exalted ruler. Seated, same order, Terry Tenant, Dale Hallack, Bud Blanchard, Herb Haneline, Bob Paters, James Lawson, Mike Balsiger, Jack Pearson, Rod Murray, Spike Freeman, Roger Beck, Bill Cunningham, Joe Halousek, Harry Leonard, Normand Poulshock, A. McMasters, Bob Dragoo, Ted Van, Red Schilling, Art Stites, Earl Kent, James Metier, Dave Johansen, Willis Eittraim, Buz Beck and Howard Kelley. Christmas Accidents Claim Two In Oregon :Ey United Press International ; Two persons lost their lives in traffic accidents in Oregon on Christmas, Day. . ' Gilbert Toll, 50, Redmond, was tilled when his truck ripped through a guard rail on the North Santiam Highway and went Into the Big Cliff Dam re servoir about 10 miles west of Detroit Wednesday afternoon. : The body of Toll, a rancher, was recovered from the cab of the truck. ; Luther McGuire. 53, Madras, died when his car went off a curve on a private road at the GATES OPEN 6 30 . Inds TONITII . -. Starts FRIDAY! .at 1 ylill..M-lViH1 Gunpoint TwlTOMfC ARTHUR FRANZ DICK FORAN entrr HALSEY Submarine Sjl,.': rnuniirnffB (UlHUCnMICDKMASCOK' Chlldrant Under 12) 50c jJiRLiv MAPAM MljvTf "Sain VfW EVENTl I J I -V irV' . Magic at Si MJ T"V Look who's minding the store! t. JfflRYlffllS. MMknHJWshiiiwiauaB)iin'iiw CONTINUOUS SHOWS NEWS, Klamath Falls, Oregon Round Butte Dam near Madras early Wednesday. McGuIre was tlirown from the car. He was employed by the Utah Construction Co., which is the prime contractor for the Round Bulle hydroelectric pro ject. Visitors Spend $220 Million SALEM UPI - Out-of-state visitors traveling in Oregon spent an estimated $220 million in the slate during 13, High way Engineer Forrest Cooper said today. , Cooper said a highway de partment survey showed reve nue from visitors was up 1.4 per cent from last year the year traffic to (he Seattle World's Fair boosted all tourist business lo record levels in the North west. Cooper said the $72n million expenditure represented money spent for food, lodging, recre ation, car expenses and other miscellaneous items. Ho said the average daily oxpendituro by visitors, and their length of stay in Oregon increased this year. ' OPINS TONITI 61 Continuoui Fri. A Sot. .and Sun. fiam 12:45 WA1TD1SNEYS XX technicolor J i klhMMIIStltMMI.l..OIWJgnlMiitn Adult $1.00 rVtl -I, A mm tt unhn4ti mill tvtr hi (til br i dttwtintiil tot TOOATf.HOM 32;&' y mitt- j i in i mm Thursday, Deermber 38, 1963 Band Plays For Patients Tlie Klamath Falls Elks Band, directed by LaMar K. Jensen, made its annual pilgrimage to the Veterans Administration Do miciliary at Camp Vhile near Mcdford Dee. 20. This is the sixth year the band brought Christmas enjoyment to the hos pital patients. All costs of the trip are paid by the lodge. The program included band favorites, a tone poem by Moeh man, a Victor Herbert special for trumpets by Robert Chil cote, Dave Johansen and James Metier, marches, solos, and Sou sa's "Stars and Stripes Forev er." An audience of nearly 300 en joyed Uio concert. Weather Roundup Temperatures during the 24 hours ending at 4 a.m. PST to day. High Low Prer. 51 42 .27 42 11 55 Astoria Baker Rrookings Mcdfrad N. Bend Pendleton Portland Redmond Salem The Dalles Chicago Los Angelrs New York Phoenix .San Fran. Seattle 1 51 51 52 47 51 51 41 (W .lei 64 r.7 so 42 37 46 31 37 24 35 35 47 30 32 51 30 Washington 19 Northern California: Variable clouds with some valley fng. The Dalles and Hood River: Mostly cloudy with occasional light ruin or drizzle: highs 4fi 54; low 33-37; gorge winds east 12-18. Bend: Variable clouds through Friday; highs in low 40s; low 24-32. Baker and La Grande: Mostly fair through Friday: highs in low 40s; low mostly 10-22. Portland - Vancouver: Mostly cloudy through Friday with oc casional light rain: highs 45-30: low tonight near 3B. Western Oregon: Mostly cloudy through Friday with a chance of little rain or drizzle; highs 42-52; low 32-4R. Kastein Oregon: Partly cloudy except sunny extreme east today and cloudy near Cas cades Friday; highs 32-44; low 12-24. Portland Fight Injures Youth iPOUTLWI) I ITU One youth reouuied 35 stitches in his left M-m iki another was ar rested following a Christ mas .Day distuitiance outside tlie .Norse Hall. iPolice nuiI .lumnio Marks, lfi, Salem, required the stitches aft er he apparently fell on an automobile bumper while scuf fling. Dick Shirks, 21. w pink- ed up on a disorderly conduct charge and later released on $.'0 bail. Klamim Fttt OrffM PwtllthtdJ Jltv ftt Sit a4 tvMtf ItrvlKff SfHitMm OrtM nvf Ntrthtrn CtUHrm K lam nil Pifcliihmt Campany Ma n at Epianatt PMN TUltxM 4-1111 tfatar4 ai tmJ-iif matttr at fM pott atca al Kiamaih Pain. Oraoan. m AwfMtt 1. w4r aef ( Ct 9'tt, vartti i, lira jxav(iait at paitl at Klamath Pa Hi. OrffMij iM at adtliliatial mailiftff aHtctti Carrtar 1 MwtHi 4 MtwtM Yaar Mall in Atvanca I Mwtttt I Manttia I Yaar Carnar audi Daatart 14 M tii aa 1 1 rt waahaar. Ctr lt Ivnaay, Caf h UNITIO Pllllt tNTIttNATtONAL AUOIT lUPiAU OP CltCULATIOtt ftwaMrtkaft (Hit rvcaivlM allvnr t ntttr naraw u mtwt. 9 fUat 4-4111 Dafar 7 P-M. Bulgarian Claims He Spied For U.S. i VIENNA UP1 A Bulgarian diplomat pleaded guilty today to charges that he we an Ameri can spy who collected $200,000 from the United States to pay (or his affairs with "loose wom en." The Bulgarian Telegraph Agency reported that Ivan-Assen Hristov Georgiev, 56, entered tlie guilty plea before the Bul garian Supreme Court. "I have committed tlie lieav iest of crimes thai can be com mitted by man, a crime which has always received the heaviest punishment at all times," tlie agency said Georgiev told the court. Dolls Named After Sisters TRUMANN, Aik. (UPIi-Six-year-old Mary Dever got five dolls' for Christmas. She named four of them in memory of her four little sisters, who were killed 'along with her parents last Friday. Only Mary and her brother, Ronald, 9, escaped when their farm home near Truminn burned. Ronald said a man shot his parents and then set fire to the house. Frank Harris, 53, of nearby Jonesboro, has been charged with first degree murder In the death of the father, Leonard Dever, 42. Mrs. Charles Grimes, who Is carying for the surviving young sters, said Mary named dolls after sisters Janet, 1, Sharon, 4, Joann, S, and Nelle, 8. SAVE OVER ON FAMOUS rjormfit skippies $C99 $7.95 You'll want, a whole wardrobe of Skippies at these wonderful savings. Lycra powernet with reinforced panel to slim you where vou need iu S.M.L. Nylon, spandex and acetate. Matching girdle, Reg. (6.95 -J4 99. Inflation Bia No. 295. Subtly gives ou a toihion figure. Lgr foam pads took o noturol as ou please. Cotton Brnodcfoth White. A 32 to J6, B J2 to 38. Salt l 99 Reg. 4 00 2 (is Shortly after testifying Geor giev became ill, and tlie after noon court session was ad journed. Western experts said Bulgari an law prescribes a maximum penalty of death by shooting for treason. The former counselor at the Bulgarian mission to the United Nations in New York was charged with spying for tlie U.S. t'entral Intelligence Agen cy (CL for seven years and collecting about $200,000 for his work, which the Bulgarians said he spent on "loose wom en" and various mistresses. "I placed myself voluntarily in the service of U.S. intelli Coming soon on radio... JOHN FREMONT PACIFIC POWER fit 0& form SAVE OVER ON FAMOUS Jormfit skippies Los inches and save money with this fabulous sale of long-leg Skippies with zipper, back and front panel. Nylon power net with nylon lace. f ' S.M.L.XL.XXL. Malching girdle Reg. 5S.9;.-SR.!)3. 2 $195 gence." Georgiev was reported to have told the court. The Bulgarian agency said Georgiev gave the court a de tailed description of his activi ties which included giving the CU political, economic and mil itary secrets. Georgiev, klentified as the president of the International Institute of Space Law, worked secretly for the V. from his iNew York post for five years and in Europe until his arrest about three months ago, the agency said. It said Georgiev used the code name of "Georges Du valle" for his "espionage activities." The West's "Great Pathfinder" Fri., December 27 KFLW 5:25 p.m. KLAD 12:25 p.m. STORIES OF PACIFIC POWERLAND told by Nelson Olmsted & LIGHT COMPANY Like money in the bank the great savings on this fine girdle of Nylon taffeta and French-type leno elastic, with zipper. 26 to 31. SAVE OVER on Jormfit1 $095 Annual Pre-lnventory MAYTAG KITCHEN AID IRONRITE Final Closeout of Remaining ADMIR AL STOCK ... including a limited number of Refrigerators, Television and Radio sets. BIGGEST SAVINGS EVER on ALL STOCK PRE-INVENTORY Dishwashers Three models to choose from. As low as Delux, 2-Spd., 5-Cycle, model LKA-690 AND MATCHING DRYER $ 199 95 Dryer Prices Start or $109" ALL RANGES NOW IN STOCK REDUCED 10 to 20 335 EAST MAIN M1W HURRY TO MERIT'S RCA WHIRLPOOL Refrigerator Model EKT-12-S C r R H 08 LK . I MZJ: Jin Model LKE690 MiiOT'S SALE! Washers Three only in stock at this low price. WITH TRADE TU 4-4478 28800 100 Ijjl 25995