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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 23, 1963)
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUiUC HEARING NOTICE It HEREBY GIVEN, the fte Common Council of the City of Kiemelh Fellt, Oregon, t Its regular metmg held on the 2no day of De cember, l4. Adopted retolutlon set ting the hour of 7:30 o'clock P M. of trie eth. day Jenuery, 194. and the City Hell of Hid City, as the time ed place for a public hearing on a pro posal to change the loning map of said City bv transferring rne'eon from Res idential Zone R7.S to Residential Zone fi-SA territory described as fel lows: Firit Addition to Lome Linda Heights, Klamefn Falls, Oregon, more particularly described at follows: A tract of land situated in tn NW'4 of the SE'4 of Section 21, TUS, R9EVWM, Klamath County, Oregon, more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at a point marking the intersection of the easterly edge ot Lome Linda Driva and the northerly of the NW' of the NWi of sad section 21; thence eatterty along the northerly line of the NW' of the SE' of said section 2ft to the point of intersection with the westerly eoge of vacated Street; thence southerly along the westerly edge of vacated Wend ling Street to the inter section with the northerly edge of the old Veterans Administration access road; thence westerly along the nonparty edge ot the Old Veterans Ad ministration access road to the east erly edge of Lome Linda Drive; thence northerly along the eesteriy edge of Loma Linda Dnvt to the point of beginning. interested parties and the general public art Invited to attend said pub lic hearing and they will be given an opportunity to be heard on the pro posal. Dona this 24th day of December, 196). Rosle Keller Recorder, City ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. No. it 7, Dec. 24, 26, 27, 1961 Probate No. 43-43 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Mailer of the Estate Of DORA KIRBY AUSTIN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tha? I have fifed my final account as Exe cutrix of the above-entitled estate and that the Court has set January 2, 1964, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. In Circuit Court No. 2 as the lime and place for hearing of objections to said final ac count. HELEN M. McCORNACK, Executrix Proctor & Puckelt Attorneys for Executrix 511 Main Street Klamath Fells, Oregon NO. 465, Dec. 3, 10, 17, 24, 1963. PROBATE NO. 62-37 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate of HARRY RALPH SCRIBNER, De Ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned, as Executrix of the Estate of Harry Ralph Serf brier. De ceased, has tiled her final account In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Klamath and the 31 day of December, 1963, at the hours of 10:00 A.M. of said day In fhe Courtroom of said Court has been ap pointed by the Circuit Court as the time and place tor the hearing of ob jections thereto and settlement Ihert of. DATE OP FIRST PUBLICATION: December 3. 1963 DATE OF LAST PUBLICATION: December 34, 1963 VERDA SCRIBNER, EXECU TRIX OF THE ESTATE OF HARRY RALPH SCRIBNER, DECEASED. W. R. BRADSHAW 621 Main Street Klamath Falls, Oregon . No. 463, Dec. 3, 10, 17, and 24. No. 63-146-P NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In Ihe Matter ol the Estate ot ROB ERT ERNEST JACKSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed the administratrix of fhe estate of ROBERT ERNEST JACKSON, de ceased, by the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby not ll led to present the same, duly ver Hied as by Iaw required, to the under signed at the oldce of Richard C. Becsley, Attorney at Law, iJI Main Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and tint published December t7, 196J. Last publication January 7, 1964. ALICE J. WRIGHT RICHARD C. BEESLEY Attorney at Law 5 Main Street Klamelh Falls, Oregon Attorney for Administratrix No. 4IJ, Dec. 17, 24, 31, 1963, Jan. 7, 1964. NOTICE TO ALL REMAINING MEMBERS OF THE KLAMATH TRIBE OF INDIANS: The United Stales National Bank of Portland, as Trustee lor the nonwllh. drawing members of the Klamath In dian Tribe under that certain Trust Agreement dated March 3, 1959, be tween the United States of America and The United States National Bank of Portland, has determined to per mil the County of Klamath, Stale of Oregon, to quarry and remove rock from Trust lands, which permit might be construed to constitute the sale of en Interest In original Trust property within the meaning of Paragraph 9 (a) of said Trust. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to said Paragraph 9 lhat said Trustee has obtained an ac ceptable otler Irom Klamath County, Klamath County, Oregon, for the grant ing of permission to quarry rock from the Southeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 34 South, Range I, East Wil lamette Meridian. The County will set up a crusher on the location lor pro cessing rock to be usid on a nearby county road. In consideration of such permission, the County will reimburse the Trust for ihe rock so quarried at the rate of ten cents per cubic yard, and will remove and deck tor removal by the Trust salvage crew merchant able flmber from the quarry site, crusher site and access roads This Notice is directed to Ihe bene ficiaries of said Trust who are en rolled members ot the Tribe on ihe list or lists certified by the Secretary ot the Interior pursuant to Paragraph 4 of said Trust who did not make or tor there was not made rt election to withdraw, as provided in Section S of Public Law 547, as amend ed This Notice Is being given by post ing a notice in the Tribal Hall and bv publishing notice In one Issue ot a newspaper in general circulation In Kiameth County, Oregon. Any such member shall have to deys from the dele of posting or date ot publishing the notice, whichever is the later, in which to tlQnlty In writ ing Ms Intention to eercise his option to purchase the property or interest, and shall have 20 davs from the daft of posting or publishing, whichever is the later, tn which to make to t h Trustee written firm ol'er to pur. Chase the property or Interest on terms t least as favorable to the Truit as those cantered in the otter received by the Tiuslre. II the option is so ex ercised, the Trustee shall sell the prop, erly or interest to fhe member eer Cising the opdon. The option of first refusal shall be personal to the respective members and may not be litignro or otherwise transferred to any nonmember, nnr may the option be fverciied by a d'S tribute or leoatet of memher, not withstanding that such distributee or legale may be entitled to receive In. com payments from the Trust or have distrtbuf-on I interest upon termi nation of the Trust. DATED? Dec 33. mi. THE UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORT. LAND, Trustee hv R. H Lung Trust Officer No. 43, Dec. 24, lt3. NOT SO IIARMLKSS JUJEIMS. France flTI' Kene Orange, 33, a circus roustabout, was clawed to death by four lions Sunday when he cnlorcd their cage to enow a friend that they were harmless. t tralu-ana3eVt$ They'll Do It Every Time By Jimmy Hatlo P?JS TV TOT" YZ$?&&l VOH.THAT 0OESffTKvE4M-VO(ftfi PUTTING ) A LAYa 'RSWeAT'6 ' ' f)?!! 1 V ft PLANNERS , Hl VSJm-r USCAnTbowlwOPthJ cwtoJ Cf2fS) IwoulbnttJS wr a tfm.-n . Ti ZTf far you're not ttPrvtKSjx a otmyy fy V n sffe?g&- MiVJJ k d N.G. THEY BLOW rwTfrWlm7y Srl f WiM M&U Jill lM ZTZS. xK M l SHOWED UP fflHir iy? M OSl MfQ Tux to A tunc utJ nr TO 1 .1 rZCSSk. 1- V rSt ?W- ' " 1 1 ' J HS'';0 BORROWED! llOUSTU5EOIT I II Wf P'W-lli'' I lCrRTHERU Bl , 1 ;n;; ry X-Af-l IT WASN'T Yl I REMEMBER THAT I I WELL, SHE") 1.- it-' -vAf (WAS EMPTY r-?L Z fSw, - Vf M MY FAULT, h 1 LITTLE BLONDE GIRuN TRIED To jrW ,? J-S" i tJrTl Djrn wdmi hs'rfc s LA -M t&L M ' T JSmZl 0 S-l 1 W -JZZZS'Z&r MAV36 If 1fi I VfiAM, 6iti-9'Jf Y' 5 PiPN'f l.CSg IT' v. f7 y 'r ! ' Vl 'i: 'tZJr r1Ord.3U,Z.'!12f 'rwrrKWCfcrMS AyAuuo'e ' vw kncw, it was w6JUT6AveiT '-VT HKfcui ar. I'-L-!, -Mlte3. WM6S V0U ttto.i VK& AMPIN' gHOULP 0g OUieT WVA VSAI? WtH Wg i 0AfAPT rodeo tickets are scarce. mSricK. hSUSlT UlSP&A S ttd"W-SV ' WlS :C3UU3NT FIND ONE ANYWHeK II 1 ' V ' MfWTMM g TjA ( C X f f V jfe ctei' '''s I '".wmTCHARe 7 well won back I I (ikwcow' ) "'- , , ( ViONT BE ANYWINS LEFTi THERE...THAT THING SB5" ?V 9 tM IfjrSL 5m JSvSSS r iPfzr now sav sowethiw he'll overhead HMW.Bun WEXmMT: 0L ? , rsjL mjI'IIJiM ril ll , , - AV I THINK I HEARD J C IM-mSf - ' "V y00 TN0U6Ht M0U TH0U6HT V0U COULD 60 TH0D SPEA'EST HAi?H Fm Z I 7" f? BURSLARi J- V TOO.' J I A- OT E .etfm isssss w? . i n rir J&, mfe i r 1 PEEKOOLVARTVPF. ) AIRTRAFFIC 7 ( BF-CUZ THEY DON'T J 115,5 r.Kr . CSSfrO jQ &&9 I 'G Ir-S ESBaESSSSS r O AIRCRAFT FLV IN Vv REPORT rT PAST ADMIT THEY JJShfIs S CHRISTMAS , " ON OUR COURSE.'.' J DON'T SAY ( BELIEVE IN IT.' r- o oq KiorVr it Tn ALL ff v u,7 t -Aki " " t tuim r " DOi ZMfU JKt ' VAR,IRREGARDLESS.r2CT LHFMg FIAVAT ( UNDB35TANDINS MOTHS2 WHA! HbU,W, S fjn. K ' XVK-y W y 77 v Jj 5 V ,y -TV F1AYAT VOLE HOUSE. (r ( Sm 'ua iut -1 - ZTr f riir jj S'f-:y SldecetoVp Cnr.stmas! Jh BranamKher Clock! footed mn V to about. I l H H I " Tl 1,'l.l.k WKf i J F; , ooodnei.' Sn7:r-ni -from the tha4'ent t.-'-- i , -lkML . , . , n y. v-l- Jl HI 1 Ld EWJP'i ' . ' -v- lVilVlj'a?s , V P I sp " iJi If Vi'CaS.Tjl-' M Lri A iA go to me airport -"b THIS IS TUF "T NEALTM TO EVERVONE BulS-pvF. ) CHWSTVA5 ,T I VCOME IN. BOvS I ' 1 ft V 1 DAY OP THIS CHRISTMAS DAY." V RIPLESURFi WAM RE READY L GOLLY tXJ'P THINK SE'P GIVE PEACE PAPTU SAYS TESS. - iL?pAt i FTil TO EATOUg ' (?aV?f. . (A CIPE TO A 6UY W UNIFORM.' ; il,l-i ii iL?GOSM-H Thatssocvlt mrf7t " 1,-1 Hi J If I MM I -r OUDoe' -r THROUOH.'. i "1st com-DMTCbT i B6 6ur V .Tj samov amo awooof I ND P ELWOODl WOW I AMO I I WtCI KV -s. 'il'T 1 Joi ll HE DID.' SANTAS 1&7 MERRY CHRISTMAS iL fitfffifJS.Too. RWMSAmg aajs?! TTJs