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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1963)
Sunday, Drrrmbrr 2J, 19M PAGE JA HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath FalU. Or. Exchange Youth Awaits Christmas -U.S. Style DUNSMUIR- Christmas will be different for Jose Saldeno, Venezuelan student attending Dunsmuir High School under the American Field Service Program, but there will be many similarities too. Joe, as he is known in Duns muir, will celebrate Christmas as a member of a closely knit family just as if he were at home in Venezuela. His Ameri can family with whom he is liv ing for the school year are Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson and sons, Rickey and Steve. 'Christmas Day in Dunsmuir will begin with the opening of presents and father will be up first, according to Mrs. Ander son. The traditional turkey din ner will be just for the imme diate family as Anderson rela tives are scattered across the United States. In Venezuela, Joe and his parents and brother and sister normally spend Christmas with grandparents in Caracas. It is the custom to have large fam ily gatherings of several gener ations, Joe explained. Dairy mass at 5 a.m. each morning from Dec. 15 to Dec. 24 is part of the religious ob servance of Christmas in Ven. ezuela. In Dunsmuir, Joe will witness special Christmas events at the Methodist Church where both Air. and Mrs. An derson are members of the" choir. He also attends St. John's Catholic Church here. ', . Following early mass, Christ mass gaiety begins for many Venezuelan young people with early moi ning roller skating parties popular events. Par ties and roving singing groups continue through Christmas week, Joe is spending his energies this year as a member of the Dunsmuir High School basket ball team and was a partici pant in the annual Christmas basketball tournament hosted by Weed High School the week end before Christmas. Social events will be im promptu get-togethers of high school friends. School holidays would nor mally be about the same in Venezuela as in the United Stales, with class parties high lighting the last days before va cation starts. But Venezuelan schools have been closed for some time because of student involvement in political vio 1 e n c e. Joe's parents, both school teachers, deplore the ac- District Votes To Join Eugene EUGENE (UPI) - Residents of the Bethel-Danebo district north and west of here voted 1.174 to 1,000 Thursday in favor of annexation to the city of Eu gene. About 60 to BS per cent of the registered voters cast ballots. The proposal had been defeated twice before.' Addition of the seven square miles of residential, industrial and agricultural property would increase Eugene's population by about 7,000. Residents of the city will vote on the proposal Jan. 7. Jury Charges Drug Firm For Concealing Test Facts WASHINGTON (UPI - A federal Brand jury Friday indict ed a major drug firm on charges of concealing test re sults of a new drug that may have caused injuries and sexual changes in animals. The drug MER-29, was on sale for almost two years and was prescribed for about 40, ooo patients. The drug firm said in a statement that "like any significant drug" MER-29 had some side effects, but these were rexirted in "substantially less than 1 per cent of the pa tients." The indictment against the William S. Merrell Co. charged that Merrell made false reports to the government in seeking approval of tlie drug designed NOTICE! All grocery and variety tpeciali In lost Thuriday'i Big-Y Ad good through this coming Wedneiday! BIG-Y Super Market 4710 South 6th n n tions of the extreme political parties which have incited these students and write that schools will pruhahly reopen Jan. 6. Joe appreciates attending school without being subject to political pressures and pos sible physical danger. At Duns muir High he is getting high marks in his senior subjects and recently tock rart in the senior, play. He finds quite a contrast in his American community, a small town surrounded by snow covered mountains. In Vene zuela, he lives in a flatland city suburb. The Christmas tree is part of the holiday scene in Venezuela but most trees must be im ported from the United States or Canada. He says aluminum trees are becoming familiar sights too. Howevei, the manger scene is the center of Christmas de cor in Venezuelan homes and every family treasures the tig ures of the creche. Court Records MUNICIPAL COURT Dec. H, lfiJ G o r d o n Randall Sellers, reckless driving, SI 00 fine. Frank Rudolph Brock, drunk, $25 or five or 10 dayn Men David, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Douglas Gene Shuey, drunk, (25 or five or 10 dyi. Charles James Luallen, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days, Ira Ellis Barrett, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. James Ray Ryan, drunk, continued. Blurton Baker, drunk, $25 or live or 10 days. Ada Vasquez, drunk, $25 forfeited. Leon Pearson, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Joseph Cook, drunk, $25 lorfeiled. Martin Lotches, drunk, $25 forfeit ed. December 20. 1143 Bill Johnson Jr., assault with a dangerous weapon, continued, Simeon Riddle Jr., drunk, $50 or 10 or 20 days. Reagan Clay,' drunk, $75 forfeited. Sammie McKnight, disorderly con duct, $50 or 10 days. Reld David, drunk, $75 or five or 10 days. William R. Reaudette, drunk, $75 or five or 10 days. Ralph Gestvang, drunk, dismissed . Carlos Lugo Jr.. drunk, $75 forfeited. Roberto Escobedo, tlrunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Michael Francis Siowey, disorderly Conduct, $50 or 10 days. Dewey Mason, drunk, $25 forfeited. Malt Miilovats, drunk, $75 or live or 10 days, Harold Roath, drunk, $25 or five or 10 day. Joseph Ulysses Eftman, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Dec. 17, 1963 Lettysue Summer, allowing minor lo violate curtew, dismissed. Ernest Barnes, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. John G. McMillan, drunk, $75 forfeit ed. Andrew Padgett, drunk, $75 or five or 10 days. Harley S. Starnes, drunk, $75 or five or 10 days. Judia. Silva, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Charles Atan Harm, reckless driving, continued. Rosie Lee Snell. disorderly conduct, $50 or 10 days;' hit and run, $100 and 30 days; drunken driving, $300 fine; and no operator's license, dismissed, Eugene Montgomery, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Larente Jackson, drunk, $25 or five or 10 days. Russell Allen Burdick, drunken driv ing, $300 fine. Dec. II, 1963 Beafty John, drunk, $25 or five or $0 days. Annabelll Crain, disorderly conduct, continued. David Lee Vincent, allowing minor to violate curfew, $25 or five or 10 days. IA ! tf FLOODS KILL 13 RABAT, Morocco ( UPI ' -Seasonal floods have killed at least 13 persons arid isolated about 20 villages in Ihe North Moroccan area where 50 per sons drowned in floods last year it was reported today. . to reduce the body's production of cholesterol. R. H. Marschalk, president of Merrell's parent firm, answered that "there def initely was never any intent" to deceive the government. The Merrell firm had been a primary distributor of thalido mide, a sedative suspected of causing deformities in babies when used by expectant moth ers. The indictment charged the Merrell Company and three scientists made false statements or withheld information from the Food and Drug Administra tion in seeking permission tn market MER-29. It also charged that results of experiments with the drug, showing severe injur ies to test animals, were con cealed bv the firm. K WK . a TU MD . . . . i i n TOY TOM ,k 77 15.00 UST Our Reg. 11,77 WIND-UP MECHANI BIRD IN CAGE FASCINATES CHILDREN! WIND IT UP. IT TRILLS AND JUMPS BACK AND FORTH! WAS 1.99 'UNKA STEEL . . . sTupVjy-ur toy TRlW 3.00 UST PRCE 097 ' w f STRUCTO STURDY STEEL HYDRAULIC DUMP TRUCK OR BULL DOZER 3.88 LIST . . INTERCOM WMKS 2 PHONES rCAT,0 to ROW" 9.00 UST SLASHED TO KENNER'S DELUXE GIRDER & PANEL - dUILDINu htb BUILDS HUNDREDS OF HOMES AND BUILDINGS. 10.00 LIST t PRICE ELDON AliTm. . BMl Gamf 'NCH TABLE TOP SIZE SLASHED 83 fi io JUST If I jUMBO ZllklklV ' FORTUNE COOKIE BAKING OUTFIT 3.00 LIST PRICE METAL RANCH . STYLE DOLL nuuit FULL COLOR EXCITING c 00 LIST SLASHED TO J"' 83 Pc. FARM SET WITH BARN & SILO ANIMALS GALORE PLUS FENCE, TREES, TRACTOR, Etc. 6.00 LIST PRICE 299 A at . lESS DELICIOUS 2 Lb. ALL METAL fl AUTOMATIC 1 mi OB M IDF I rriT nrlT FRUIT COLOR FILE CASE HOLDS 300 SLIDES 3 CAKES 79' ill THREE DAYS ONLY! HURRY IN! TINY THUMBELINA THE DOLL THAT MOVES 10.00 LIST PRICE DOLLS! PRICES SLASHED, MANY BELOW COST! ' ALL TYPES & SIZES- - $12346. EXAMPLE: IDEAL KISSY DOLL 12.00 LIST j SLASHED TO ' 00 DOLL STROLLERS 6.00 LIST NOW JUST FLORENTINE FIXTURES WITH PLASTIC LIGHT DIFUSER! 237 lookatfflj HOME WORKSHOP 7 Tools WAS 9.98 MOTORIZED ELECTRIC ROTARY TREE STANDS Was 4.88 MOTORIZED ELECTRIC ROTARY Color Wheel Bathes Your Tree in Color! REGULAR 4.97 CHRISTMAS TREES PRICES SLASHED! .SHED 6 6ft.DAi': Deluxe 1 jr f OO WAS 10.99 6tL Green II. Vinyl WAS 17.77 12 Inch Whit, and Gold CENTERPIECE TREES REG. 98c TUSSY Wind & Weather CREAM UNCURLY PERMANENT 375 A87 Lift M Prlc. 2 oo 4 rn T vv S.i. FAMOUS ADMIRAL TABLE RADIOS 0)89 SLIDE SEAT BELT RETRACTOR K.tpi Belt Ntat! ;ae,rr 198 in L i MM GENUINE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC BLANKETS GUARANTEED Double Bed Dual Control WAS 21.77 " DOUBLE BED SINGLE CONTROL WAS 17.79 TWIN BED SINGLE CONTROL WAS 14.99 STYLED LIGHT ALL t KENNER'S COMPLETE MOTORIZED PAY OPEN from in 1 SAFE With A Supply Of Plflih'e Lumbtr And Bolsa Wood! OPEN 77 til Marx 99 ROAD RACE SPORTS CAR OUTFIT WITH TRANSFORMER! 27.95 LIST PRICE SET 33 ,O0 HURRY! SPRAY SATIN THROW PILLOWS SNOW 3? R7e m27 F2UHJ Appr.v.d ; PIRE CI loa.i witt ror I.ry 17.95 Lilt Prlc. N.w -99 Juit ff D.lux. FLATFISH I " I -V A S r- I 1 I TACKLE LURES FOR DAD! BOXES 12.9S Lht Prlc. ONLY A88 1.20 SIZE u iTORES 2 FULL YEARS lyear: 16 - . J 99 cash register I ELECTRIC HAIR DRYER1 METAL RE IN EXCLUSIVE ROLL-TOP ALISTIC AC- TRAVEL CASE. GUARANTEED ONE YEAR. 22.9S LIST TION PLAT MONSY INCLUDED. 3.00 VALUE 97 47 Vi ELEY AMERICAN MADE FINEST QUALITY YES! 25 KEY SPINET PIANO WITH BENCH LESS IS TODAY 11 'til 6 15.00 J99 WEEK NITES 9 P.M. International ;1 150 NOW Vi ORIGINAL PRICE i CAMEO HAIR BRUSH AND COMB HUNTER LANTERN WITH RED FLASHER REAL FUR! TOY POODLES 79' NOW JUST 1 99 tf jall 111 JJllJU.aiJ Bott.ri.f 4fiL Includ.dl If tl ltfeB. 2.10 20x36 Stick On "STAINED GLASS" WINDOW PANELS REG. 1.99 NOVELTY GIFT BATTERY OPERATED CRAGSTON THE CRAPSHOOTER A HIT AT ANY PARTY! 6.00 LIST PECANS SHELLED & KITCHEN READY! a 9 T ajjjjj. inn ? G? PRICE Lltt Price FAMOUS CORY SPARKLING GLASS COFFEE MAKER WITH SPARE GLASS BOWL! 7.40 VAL. NOW JUST 33 ..... ji 1 1 9 Pe. Cryit.l SALAD SETS Tb Worm.N- WOOLIES SHAG SLIPPERS Boat afl OO 77 FOR KIDS TO GIVE MOM! PLASTIC TIDEE TRAYS R.a. 49c 119 C KIDDII-COLOR BUBBLE BATH REG. 98c 67 AT PAY LESS Tl'Jll 'JWHt, If .iJ 1 11 J lilVV yOOM !" MATED-ptASTIC SUGAR, CRtA- BUTTER StKYt-v SET a 37 REG. 1.89 FANCY ELECTRIC TRIVET FOOD WARMERS Wot 3.89 It 2.77 199 excitTnTTT.. 4.00 a. - , LESS THAN v, PRim EKCO LUXURY GIFT 24k GOLD PLATED BLOUSE VALLETTE' 6.50 ft97 Facfory Prict BRACHS DELICIOUS MERRY CHRISTMAS 5 lb. Assfd. CHOCOLATES WAS 4.27 "MUSINGO" UPRISE BY M, - MATTEL! , 4.00 UST pR,C( 2 83 LADIES AND TEENS HAND CROCHETED FANCY WOOL SLIPPERS WITH LEATHER SOLES WAS 97 3.99 TV AS SEW STRATEGY tup NEW GAME BY 3.00 LIST PRI MAT i 97 LUXURY WHITE & GOLD "DANCING DOLL" MUSICAL JEWEL CHEST 99i V REG. ( ) 8.87 STOCK UP NOWI FRESH 120 620-127 KODACOLOR FILM KIDS DIANIA SNAPSHOT CAMERAS Tak.i 16 Pica Par Rail 99' c FILM WM1VM1H11V mm J JAM I lin.1 'i 9 11 y l'f AV M'i 9 ,1 J VI 1 1H 11 FTTmrWl DU.IHI t1 ( u alaWiJrilllaaarfiT1aM iTrW f-' i Y i'r1J-1 ,M-TWlTl ' i laiv i-imMi i..i-'nrF.ii