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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1963)
8. Gift, far pjp STRATORESTER TV RECLINER $79.95 J loy-A-Woy For Christmos ADAIR'S 2200 So. 6th TU 4-7510 Q OMEGA WATCHES EXCLUSIVE WITH J; C. RENIE JEWELRY 1021 Main TU 4-4604 M. J. R. MUFFLER CUSTOM EQUIPMENT TACHS, CHROMED WHEELS ACCESSORIES, SEAT BELTS SPEED EQUIPMENT ORDER NOW FOR LAY-A-WAY 7730 So. 6th TU 2-0309 THE TOG SHOP MEN'S WEAR 70S MAIN K K K K BASIN , BUILDING MATERIALS S Backs Docker U-l OOW 4 8 UTILITY DRILL x inuvy . . . black. & Decker offersa V inch drill at the low est price ever. With a . . R ft 8 K U.L. industrially listed motor. This drill fea tures extra power at a low price. Another out standing value. S K K WAS $15.98 S $ NOW 9.88 it M 4784 So. 6th TU 2-2563 w1 Gifts for Jjfij Dod fT Give Dod A Comfortoble RE-CLINER For CHRISTMAS $49.95 TOWER FURNITURE (Ooen Nlohti 'Tit CnrUtmail S&H Oreen Stamps Tool 1204 Main TU 4-8858 You'll Find The RIGHT GIFT in the Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER READ IT EVERY DAY! & up Holiday 9Ha Foods M. X. J U. SK SX St Si! Si U M M SK 1 MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM SARI'S HOME OF REAL ITALIAN DINNERS Silt So 4th TU 4IJ1J Novelty Gilts M n v is II Rewrvo Your It HOLIDAY PARTY NEEDS K Right Away! W Hi-bntl & Champagne GUitea KCof'e Makere.Punch Bnwlt China-Sllvtrware-othar lieml g VALLEY RENTAL V. 100) r. Main TU 4SI1I SMART SHOP DRESSES, JEWELRY FANCY WORK . CHILDREN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY 1? Klomoth Ave. TU 2-4214 Dflllv fI-ff iinnpsfinns -- Fvprvthlnn j , , " - 3 - 3 - SANTA'S Gift for Children HUGE STUFFED ANIMALS Regular $9.95 NOW $7.50 J. W. KERNS (Oirect Factory Prices) 734 So. 6th , TU 4-4197 FREE UP TO $50 IN TOYS WITH MAJOR APPLIANCE PURCHASE Coffee Table STEREOS WITH RADIO AM-FM TUNER 4-Speed Automatic Changer All Wood Cabinet Dual Channel Stereo Amp. $198 & Up Portable STEREOS $49.95 & Up GOODYEAR K K K K K R K K K K K K K K K 201 So. 1 Ith TU 4-8141 R Gifts for Her CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Regular MB? Fleetwood Automatic Sawing Mac hi dm ONLY $149 (25 YEAR GUARANTEE) FRANK'S TACKLE 620 E. Ml In TU 2-47IS KNITTING NEEDLE YARN & KNITTING ACCESSORIES STUDIO Knitting Machines 204'a NEVADA TU 4-3271 BE MODERN WITH MOEN Shi Will Love the New MOEN One-Handle Faucal FRIESEN-WELMAN CO. 1715 Main TU 2-6333 BUY HER A VIKING FOR CHRISTMAS "World's Famous Freeorm" 1 8950 & UP SEWING MACHINE CENTER 1414 E. Moin TU 4-6949 CHARLIE READ r a rsrsi rn J, jAUULLIn T CUSTOM TOOLING PRE CHRISTMAS SADDLE SALE SAVE UP TO SIS 100 FINANCING 623 KLAMATH AVE. TU 4-56(1 BSA PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT NEW MODELS BODENHAMER'S 151 I. Main - TU M4?1 Gitli for tvtryont JUST ARRIVED! it if it M THE SINGER Porloblt Tronintoriied Television K 1 R S! t " K K ft X K R X R R X X X Use If OUTDOORS AT PICNICS IN BOATS JUST ANYWHtRE INTRODUCTORY $ I -jr PRICE I '0 (Including Coit) SINGER SEWING CENTER .13 Moin TU 2-2513 9 at X as w :w w : w . w jw ) I m ... Sports jjiaVjl 18 - - - -3 CLASSIFIED Christmas Gift A Gift for Everyone GLO-WAX Make Your Own Christmas Candles . . 25c A LB. WE HAVE WICKING & GLITTER TOO! PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM l GARDEN 4471 So 6th TU 2-4555 mu.'.i.u.u.u.'U.u.u.'x.u.u.ii-fiu TOY CLEARANCE PRICES REDUCED WESTERN AUTO . u 1039 Main TU 4-55U EVERYTHING REDUCED JEWELRY 50 96 OFF ALL TOYS 40 OFF GAY'S 219 Moin St. GIFT SHOP TU 4-3817 SEE WHAT WE HAVE For 'CHRISTMAS' MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th TU 4-6660 U DrAMTin ii f ocnu I iruL BUCKSKIN GLOVES $2.95 & UP EAST MAIN SHOE & LEATHER 233 E. Main - TU 2-0407 ft ENJOY LIFE MORE WITH MUSIC" See Our Fine, Selection of Instruments Including the FAMOUS LOWREY ORGANS 495 & uP Music Lessons Available KLAMATH MUSIC 515 E. Moin TU 4-3360 Enjoy The Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER READ' IT DAILY! KLAMATH KAMERA & NEWS CENTER 1004 Main TU 4-4825 The CLOTHES MART GIFT ITEMS MADE TO YOUR PLEASURE TOP QUALITY New & Used Clothing 125 So. 9th TU 4-3364 LIGHT UP "CHRISTMAS' With DIAMOND & WATCH GIFTS "Buy With Confidence" Tho Price- Is Always Right . . . COFER'S EXCHANGE 625 Klamath TU 4-7160 K i if St WESTERN BOOTS I n PER CENT I U OFF ALBERS 27 1 0 So. 6lh TU 4-7733 Give A Typewriter ' ... 15 OIMERENT MOORLS OVtR 200 to CHOOSt trom. $49.95 and up terms S Year Guarantee open Prkuvs 'til e AMIDON'S ms so h Pill K n For Evervnonv-- In - - 1 SHOPPER Gifts for Everyone BUY YOUR DIAMONDS WITH CONFIDENCE RICKY'S JEWELRY 700 Main TU 4-3151 ORDER EARLY! I CHRISTMAS FLOWERS ARRANGEMENTS AT KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP 1211 Meln TU 4-4159 THIS CHRISTMAS BUY WESTERN WEAR FREEMAN'S WESTERN WEAR 4532 So. 6th TU 2-0212 or 717 Moin St. TU 4-5251 GIVE A LASTING GIFT Portable Tape Recorders Transistor Radios & TV Sett PACKARD BELL Clock Radios. TV & Stereo Equipment NELSON'S TV & RADIO 3005 Shosto Way TU 2-3479 The VILLAGE COURT BEACH'S JEWELERS tHRILLING NEWS In diamond ring tlyllng TU 4-3493 LEO'S CAMERA SHOP FINE selection of nuallty phologranhlc gifts. TAPE In Sound Headquarters. 136 Main TU 2.3331 RUSSELL STOVER CANDIES REMEMBER that last minute SWEETEST GIFT CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS 840 Main TU 2-3475 Make This a "Baldwin Christmas" GOOD SELECTION OF USED ORGANS & PIANOS $395 & up "EASY TERMS" Bowd Music TU 2-4883 en 830 Main PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! $10 OFF ON ALL BLACK A WHITE CURTIS-MATHIS TV SETS TIL CHRISTMAS COLO BOND STAMPS OPEN 'TIL P.M. VACUUM CLEANER and APPLIANCE CENTER 121 So. lh TU 2-0131 HOLIDAY SPECIAL! $1.00 OFF ON ALL HOUSE CALLS FOR INFORMATION CALL BILLY COLDEN TV & ELECTRONICS 2507 UNITY TU 2-1259 IS YOUR WATER FAUCET A RUST FACTORY? Wake veuf Wi'l ed pawily happy. Have dear, filtered water now, by calling a CULLIGAN MAN for FREE ESTIMATES . . . . UHUG'S 1024 Mom TU 4-5512 !pp LAY-A-WAY CHRISTMAS 834 Moin if1 Gifts for r3vlK Hon" 21 f Gifts for E Howe Jfg JONES FURNITURE REFINISHING Apollences, Office Furniture, AntlQuel Specialty. MODERN CONTEMPORARY FRUIT WOOO PROVINCIAL FREE ESTIMATES TU 4-3441 DECEMBER STOREWIDE SALE SWING ROCKERS $34.95 Thli Christmas, give Furniture for tht home, a gilt used every day ol the year. LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main TU 2-4145 PHILCO TVs RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS APPLIANCES FIRESTONE 6th & Pine TU 4-8109 SYLVAN I A TV SETS, RADIOS STEREO EQUIPMENT BEEBE'S TV & RADIO SERVICE 1929 Oregon Ave. TU 4-7529 BIGELOW CARPETS 100 NYLON CARPETING $ 4.95 YARD BUILDER'S SUPPLY AND FLOOR COVERING 345 E. Main TU 2-2955 PRICES REDUCED ON ENTIRE STOCK! CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Lamps Mirrors Pole La mo j Tree Lamps Living Room Sell Bedroom Sets ' Chairs Recllnerj & Rockers Excellent Selection Of CARPETS 50 Rolls to choose from HARRY HAFTER FURNITURE CO. 833 Klomath Ave. TU 4-4878 i! ARMCHAIR SHOPPERS SHOP The EASY WAY Read The Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER EVERY DAY! AC AC Af W Af W A! Af U ft U -v Christmas Cards - LP Records JJ. OFF - Netlvity Scenes -Bibles and Books. Open every night until 9 P.M. THE BIBLE CENTER TU 2-1981 Just Like a Daily LETTER From HOME! Subscribe this Christmos to the Herold ond News for your STUDENT SERVICE PERSON RELATIVES FRIENDS I Yeor by moil SI 8 00 4 Months by mail $10.00 3 Months by mail J 5.25 Just phone TU 4-8111, ask for Subscriptions, Herald and News 1301 Eiplanode Religious jAw Git jjQ SERVICES 10 Kenmore-Kelvinetor-Whirfpool REPAIRS Weiherl. dryers, rangea. Wlttr tanki. FERGUSON APPLIANCE SERVICE TU MIM 111 B&B EUCIncI SEPTIC TANK CLEANING and INSTALLATION Licensed Bonded Guaranteed C. W. CLIFFORD & SON TU 4-W4I 32W Hllyard Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for man, worn n, children. All work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene's Men's Wear S37 Main Quick, Expert REPAIR SERVICE on all OIL STOVES and FURNACES Also small gas engines, etc. McGAUGHEY'S TRADING HOUSE 2508 Altamont Dr. TU 2-4893 HELP WANTED, FEMALE Mi RELIABLE mother to care tor 4 year old. My home or yours, days. Ui. TU 4-8452. HELP WANTED, MALE 16 NEED local representative to cell upon business and professional firms. Excellent opportunity for young men. Salary and commission. All replies con fidential. Write complete particulars lo P.O. Box 1442, Medford, Ore. "National Food Manufacturer seeks sales representative to contact grocery trade in Southern Oregon. Grocery or allied sales experience preferred but not essential. Fine opportunity for tu ture progress In both salary and person al brackets. Company car and ex. penses furnished. Excellent Insurance end pension program. Good starling salary. State marital status, age, ed ucational and work background, in letter to Box 43 1C, Herald and News." BARBER wanted. Must have refer ences. Sam's Corner, TU 2-2905. WANTED married man with car tor local Fuller Brush Company route, must be neat and have desire lor better than average income, JUS per week, guaranteed to start if you qual ity, write 1200 Winchester, Medford, ph. 772-6934. PRUDENTIAL Insurance Company of America will Interview married men over 25. Will train at salary between $5,200 and 110,400. Sales, professional or executive experience preferred. Finest training, fringe benefits Including non. contributory retirement plan. For inter, view phone Mr. Jaflarian collect, 345 0564 Eugene. BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Extra Money by selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE 7U 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted eds published In the Herald & News are accepted in good faith that the lobs offered are as stated In the advertising copy. We are not re sonslble for the Integrity of our adver tisers, but we make every effort to dis cover and refect all misleading adver tising. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading is asked to report It to the Classified Ad vertising Department of the Herald & SITUATIONS WANTED 18 SEASONS GREETINGS TO ALL Jack and Jill Day Nursery Will Be Closed From Dec. 2Jrd to Jan. 2nd HELEN LEHMAN MAN, 33 yrs. old, seeks employment. College background. Experienced in In dustrial and agricultural fields. Write Box 6JS C, Herald and News. IRONING, washing, pickup, deliver FAST SERVICE, TU 4-9434. RETIRED mason, active, handy with" tools. Blockwork a specially. Handle any repair fob, TU 4-7837. .FOR DEPENDABLE CHILD CARE TU 2-1844 1338 Carlson Dr. JACK ft JILL DAY NURSERY ROOMS FOR RENT 22 MEN 134 N. 3rd, S36 per month, TU 4-6033, TU 4-M87. CLEAN housekeeping room, downtown, UMIities. TU 2-U87, 317 Pine. CLEAN, comfortable' 'rooms, 2 "blocks trom rviain, ss & up, TU 4-259. STEAM heated, clean, quiet sleeping rooms, 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. COMMERC IAL Rooms - clean, com. tortable, reasonable rates, S7 wk. up. Accommodations for lunch packing. Working man's rooms, lounge room with TV. 325, 539 Commercial. WARM, clean housekeeping units, close to town. Very low weekly, monthly rates. Esplanade Motel, 1603 Esplanade. APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 24 ONE room unit, $35, adults only. utilities. 419 No. 10th. TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxe a apt. Mnnrty reqecorBTBq, 1BU, TU 2-4500. PLEASANT duplex aot. near town, schools, adults, unfurnished, TU 4-9803. 2 ROOMS furnished, utilities and wood furnished, adults, close to downtown. TU 4-3353. Eves., TU 4-4304. FURNISHED, modern, clean 2 room bachelor apartment. Lights, water Peid. $32.50, TU 2547, TU 4-1241. FURNiSHED 2 roombVchelorapl.7 $30, 2124 Reclamation. FURNISHED 3 rooms, hot water heet7 garbage, water free, TU 2-3719. NICE clean apartment, close In, TU 4-9W or TU 2-2531. CLEAN furnished 2 room aot., $45, utilities paid, tu 2-0329 before 10 or after 3, see 1142 Esplanade diys. THREE room furnished apt. Hot wa ter heat, walking distance, TU 2-0M0. FURNISHED Insulated one oedroom apt. Weter, garbage paid $50, TU 4-3334. FURNISHED a ptTs team hp a t . " ut ill ties. Near Weyerheeuser, TU 4-1313. FURNISHED 3 room, washing "fa'clTi"" waning pint net, iu 2-eJI4. LOVELY 2 bedroom tri-olex, stove and refrigerator furhished. TU 2-1344. FREE HE4T, I bedroom agt. Unfur. nished ticeot ranoe. adults, no peli. S60. TU 4-7l. REX Arms Apts. Furnlihed 1 ft 2 bed rooms. Heat, phont, oaroaga. Ktam a'n and road, 114 Broad. TU J-W17. ROOSEVELf"APfs7 1034 Lerev TU J-iT9 Two bedroom unfurmjhed Garage. Hot water heal. Hot Springs area Adults. $36 to $60 COMFORTABLE LIVING LOW COST 1-7-3 bedroom units, furnished or un furnished. Permanent maintenance in cluded. For parsonal Irtterv.ewr call I am. to i P.m. Mon. through Fn. SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 Washburn Way TU 4-1277 K 'LAM ATHTfTN EST UNION MANOR IM4 UNION 1 A I bMreem eperfmeMt Furnished or un'yr'snes S'ACIOUS ROOVS We'l to wail carpeting WIWMING POOL Meat. wa'e-, garpega tur"ii4 Dortne Noian Tu 2-074 PAGE 4D HERALD AND APARTMENTS FOR RENT .... 24 EWAUNA DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. lie so. nth tu 2-io2 SMALL furnished, utilities paid. W21.SG. washing facilities, U No. ltth. t BEDROOM furnished eot , all utilities paid. Near new OTI site. TJ 3512 Quarry St. ""SPARKLING uoton furnished, free heat, adults, US. Alpha Apts., TU 4-4512. TWO bedroom furnished aot., US. Also a 2 bedroom furnished aot., US. Water, garbage paid, TU 4-S692. HEATED, furnished, dean, quiet. Pri vate perking, adults, 41$ Walnut. ATTRACTIVE 1 oedroom, furnished, hot & cold water, close In, washing facilities, no pets. TU 4-I4U. HOUSEOF ROCKS MOTEL Kitchens. Daily, weekly rates. Reason able! 2005 Biehn, TU 2-tl30. SMALL, furnished, washing tacilitiesi Inquire 1324 Oak, TU 2-4291. FURNISHED sludio apt., all utilities furnished, women only, 403 Lincoln, 50. "NICELY furnished, newly decorated dining room apt. Wool rugs, auto, wash er, infant o k. TU 4-3762, TU 4-3B91 DOWNTOWN furnished apartment TU 4-8836 or TU 4-6300. FURNISHED APTS., off street park ing, TU 2-4736 weekdays alter 5 p.m.. anytime weekends. C'lEAN comfortable, furnished one bedroom apartment. Water, garbage paid. Laundry facilities available. Lovely yard. 2113 Gary, TU 2-3603. KINGFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom apts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 CUTE collage nicely furnished, redec orated, 4 blocks north of Main, water, TV, garbage pickup, S6I, TU 4-6539 eves, or weekends. NICE three room furnished, garage, Mills, TU 2-3952. UNFURNISHED 3 bedroom house, fireplace, electric heat, all carpeted, large patio, lovely fenced yard. In city near schools, $95, TU 2-3791. 1 BEDROOM furnished apt. 2 bedroom house, large garage, $70, TU 4-5666. THREE bedroom unfurnished house, newly painted inside, see at 2434 Rad cliffe, Inquire 827 Mitchell. 228 PACIFIC Terrace. Furnished, cou ple, furnace, fireplace, $65, TU 4-45 1. CLEAN Hi bedroom unfurnished, full hflsemenf, oaraoe, near KUHS. 1646 Portland, $50, TU 4-6590. TWO bedroom unfurnished house. Near high school, $60, TU 2-3013. ATTRACTIVE, furnished 1 bedroom, Mills. Water, garbage paid, TU 2-2497. 2 BEDROOM suburban unfurnished, 2 children O.K., $75, TU 2-4079. PLEASANT 2 bedroom furnished, close In, park free, adults, $65. TU 4-4523. RENT or sale 2 bedroom, 3 acres, 5225 Avalon, near airbase, $65, TU 2-5088. AVAILABLE Dec. 22 nice three bed room home with fireplace, 2590 Fargo, $85, TU 2-4219 after 6:30 p.m. THREE rooms furnished, electric heat, couple, no pets, $40, TU 4-4394. TWO bedroom unfurnished, $65 mo., 2245 Wlard, inquire Peterson's Market. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, 6241 Shas ta Way, near Moyina, reasonable rent, water. Adults, no pets, TU 2-1812. WILL sub-let lovely Moyina Heights home, 3 bedrooms l' j baths, all elec tric kitchen, carpets, draperies, Im mediate occupancy. References re quired, TU 2-5146. 2 BEDROOM house, near Mills School, $45, TU 2.1731. SMALL house, rooms, reasonable, Er nie's Hotel, 431 S. 3th, TU 2-3225. FOR sale or lease almost new 3 bed room home. Located in Suburban area with large fenced backyard, cov ered patio, double garage. Many other extras. Must be seen to be appreci aled. Call TU 4-7136 for appointment. LARGE 3 bedroom. Pasture and barn available, children welcome, TU 4-3082. Hi BEDROOM house, unfurnished, In quire 1635 Siskiyou. TWO bedroom furnished house. Ready to move Into. Wall to wall rugs, en tirely clean. Hot water heat and wa ter furnished. No pets, adults only. Call at 2134 Stukel. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, fenced yard, North side, $60, TU 4-7342. CLEAN 2 bedroom unfurnished south suburbs, $70, TU 2-4566. IN Mills, nice two bedroom, unfurn ished. Garage. Ph. TU 2-3852. UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex. Fireplace, full basement with knotty pine room. Call TU 4-6597 alter 5 p.m. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, part base ment, gas heat, 1228 California, $63, TU 4-8361. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, 2 mi. north of town. Children, pets o.k. Water paid. $55. 702 Spruce, TU 2-6590. PARTLY furnished 2 bedroom duplex, $85, South suburbs. Available Dec. 15. TU 2-5106. THREE room unfurnished, oil heat, $30 a mo. Inquire at Ideile's. UNFURNISHED duplex, 1 bedroom, ga rage, electric, 3011 Boardman. ONE bedroom house, on Altamont Dr. $45, Inquire 1777 Gary, ONE bedroom unfurnished, close In, natural hot water heat, garbage serv ice and water, $75, adults, TU 4-6849. TO rent or sell 2 bedrooms, $45 mo. Mature people, TU 2-1326. TU 4-6239. TWO bedroom and 3 bedroom for rent or sale. No pets, TU 4-3969. 2 BEDROOM duplex, stove, refrigera tor, carport, TU 4-4246. TWO bedroom unfurnished house, in quire 3739 Boardman, TU 2-0556. ONE bedroom furnished house, close In, TU 4-4379 or TU 4-1576. 3 BEDROOM unfurnished, garage, near new OTI, TU 4-5733, TU 2-1590. TWO bedroom unfurnished. Mills Ad dition, $50, Inquire 1339 E. Main. 3 ROOM furnished, water, garbage paid, $30, TU 2-0456, 1723 Oak. EXCELLENT 2 bedroom, unfurnished duplex, electric. Mills. $70 TU 2-0249. TWO bedroom, unfurnished, close In, TU 4-4380. FURNISHED 2 bedroom house, $6150. Inquire ill Pme. FOR LEASE LEASE OPTION OR RENT Modern 3 years 0d home in South Suburbs. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, built-in range and oven, forced air heat ad attached garage. IMMEDIATE POS SESSION. $113 per month. For further deta) contact Burton E. Gray. Market St,, TU 4-9U7, TU 2-4(75. SEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE .. . 29 OWNER SAYS "Find mt someone who has a three bedroom home who will trade tor a ntiQhporheod grocer store, with living quarters." ! INTERESTED? Then Call Us ght Away I rx- More I Information . . . PEYTON V fmbr Inftmat'Onal Trade-S C'ub I 133 Mrnef TU 4-3149 ! Evenings i -Pit" Pe'c-ne u I-CIU Here M. RusPt TU J-4i;i NEWS, KJaniath Falls, Ore. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFFICE Street level, across from courthouse, vacant now. TU 2-S0O. OFFICE space, WOO sq. ft. Parking for 7 cars. 3rd I Pine, atalletiie March, 1164. TU 4-6033. REAL ESTATE WANTED 28 WANT to buy very large nice home, anywhere In Klamath area, writt Box tiiC, care of Herald and News. MAN with family would like to rent a three bedroom home. Preferably close In on Northslde. Write Herald and News, Box 633C. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .... 30 i FOR sale by owner, t bedroom house near park In Mills Add'n. No down payment. TU 2-3405. 160 ACRES, 120 acres, 480 acres, tim ber on land. Box 27, Beatty, Ore. 3 BEDROOMS, Hi baths, natural gas heal, builtin oven and range, shdinq doors to covered patio, see at 181 Dah lia. TU 2-0245. NEW repossessed three bedroom home Henley District, landscaped, built in appliances, forced air furnace, no down payment, $120 per month, TU 2-S05. HOT Springs, good older 3 bedroom home, 81,000 equity, will consider terms. TU 2-5691. TWO bedroom home, patio, one acre, Lakeshore Dr., TU 2-6058. LARGE 2 bedroom house, fireplace, re stricted area, immediate possession, 4224 Onyx. Income Properties Lease to reliable party either a 9 or IB unit motel near Klamath Falls. Ex cellent locations. Will also sell or trade either properties. Write owner, Norma Beaver, 7684 Williams Highway, Grants Pass. Oregon, or phone eve nings, Provall. Ore. 12591. BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home In restricted res idential district. Best or construction. Natural gas hot air heat, hardwood floors, V.t baths, fireplace, patio, birch kitchen, lots of storage, $15,900, TU 2-2410. Excellent Buy TWO 2 bedroom duolexes, furnished, clean, carport, fine location. Only $9, 950, owner will carry contract. )CHROEDER CO. kIN TU t-KU TU 2-016! Cal-Ore Ranches 300 FARM and RANCH sites In the ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants Pass and Medford. 5 to 80 Acres low as $99 down and $29 monthly. WRITE for FREE RANCH & FARM CATA LOG with photos and descriptions. Cal Ore Ranches 1054-KF S. Riverside, Medford, Ore. ft HOTSPRINGS You MUST SEE lo appreciate all the fine features of this QUALITY BUILT (by Warren Parr) three bed room home! Three large CARPETED BED ROOMS, 2 baths, carpeted living room with full well bookcase. UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE three corner fireplace, facing living and FAMILY ROOM. Beautiful kitchen with all the EXTRAS and STORAGE EVERYWHERE!! Dou ble garage, patio and attractive land scaping. FHA appraised, $1,000 down to qualified purchaser. WALKER REALTY Itn Main St. SHveni HoUl OMic,: TU M154 Div or Evei. Residence: TU 2-1815 STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5281 EVENINGS CALL Bob & Stella Dehllnger TU 2-5601 Hank Holman TU 2-5048 Suburban 2 bedroom, oil heat, large lot, $4500, $450 down. 2 bedroom, fireplace- forced air fur nace, quilt residential district, $9500. 3 bedroom, Vi acre, spacious master bedroom, Hi baths with tile stall show er, new forced air furnace, detached gerage and complete workshop. $11,250. 15 acres, close In, excellent building site with view, on paved highway, $4500. 320 acres near Spragua River, 150 Ir rigated, $36,000. BETTER BUILT ft HOMES By Thrifty Builders ONLY $8900 & Up (On Your Lot) CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE Three bedroom homes. Large living room, dining area. Large bedrooms and closets. Lovely cabinets. Tile bath, shower and fully insulated tool No Cash Down Finonctng See Our 4 Bedroom Model Home in Bel Air Gardens . , . DROP BY ESTATE DRIVE SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2 0434 TU 4 5244 MLS Multiple Listing Service POSITIVELY OUTSTANDING!! Three bedrooms and living room, all carpeted. Family room with another fireplace and built-in barbecue with spit. Completely built-in kitchen with full brick wall dining room. Leads onto private enclosed patio. Two full baths, huge double garage. Beautiful land scaped yard with decking over garage. Call for appointment to see this new Outstanding listing. $45,000. MILLS DUPLEX Two 1 bedroom units, garages. Well maintained and shows excellent rental record. Units rent tor $63 each. Terrif ic Investment property. Any type fi nancing and terms. Full price only $15,000. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 134 No h Lois Macy Lucille Andersen TU 4-JIH TU TU J-051S MLS Multiple Listing Service LAKESHORE LOT In tr-e choicest area. Priced right, too. if interested in Lakeshore prooerty you better ceil us today or it may oe too DUPLEX MM!! Addition. Low price. Good terms. Live in one. rent one, or rent both and let them make the oeyments. Each 3 rents tor $45 per month. Priced $12,200. terms. HOMES We have seme good homes in ail areas ad Hi price ranges. Andy Silani REALTOR Wiene Welch Ed Vitceii Andy $ieni TU I-41J7 TU 2-'IJ TU 4-U44 Sunday, December 22, 1963 REAL ESTATE FOR SAU .... 30 HOUSE for sale Cheap. Cell TU 4-7012. NEW large view home, basement, CiOse new OTI & hospital, TU 1-C570. THREE bedrooms, carpet, en furnace. Tencea, piui rental, IU Z-JICF. HOTSPRINGS 3 bedroom, 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, 124.750, TU 4-4130. ACREAGE 3.35 Acres Henley District. Beautiful building site good roads view and setting. WILL EXCHANGE as down payment on 3 bedroom home. Price $4500. SPARKLING! Mills Addition 2 bedroom home - attached gerage carpeted living room aluminum sid ing - Insulated and slorm windows for real economy. Lawns and fenced back yard. FHA APPRAISED $10,900. $330 down. Call tor appointment today. DEANE SACHER REALTOR 1037 Main Street TU 4-4127 Rollin Tuter, Eveningi TU 4-5411 MOYINA EXTRA LARGE 3 bedroom home. 9 big Paths. View from large living room, dining room and kitchen (full of Ouiltlns). Huge patio. LEVEL LOT, fenced. Pert brick construction. Won derful floor plan, Lots of storage. $24, 000. Easily financed. Owner will consider trade-in of property or a contract. Call for details. DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 o. 7th St. TU 4-5651 Days-Eves. SHINING CLEAN Cute 1 bedroom home, ust right for 2 persons. Newly painted throughout. Nice kitchen with cabinet sink, metal cabinets and new linoleum. Oil floor furnace. Large lawn, redwood fence. Extra storage house. Garage. Sewer and paving. Walking distance. $3800. $300 down. $30 per month on contract. ESTABLISHED Small business provides good Income and comfortable, completely furnished home. Illness compels sale. Price in cludes real estate, two bedroom liv ing quarters, store and fixtures; $10,000. Stock inventory in addition. See ui for details. DYE INSURANCE 130 South 5lh A. E. Dye. Realtor TU 4-7755 TU 4-4357 MLS Multiple Listing Service TERMS To suit your purse on two bedroom home at 3643 Flint St. Full price $6,500. TRADE for a 3 bedroom home on one acre. Neat two bedroom home on paved street. Nearly new cool top furnace. Storm doors, storm windows. Price $6,900. HOT SPRINGS Three bedrooms, fireplace, two baths, wait to wall carpeting. Ideal location. Only $13,000. DURANT Realtor 2050 So. 6th TU 4-9832 or TU 2-3587 Next to Holiday Bowl Stalf 'Evenings Ernie Graves TU 2-1396 Bob Sorllen TU 4-7985 Clyde Williams TU 4-8734 Tina Reeder TU 4-7342 5TILWELL & CO. Presents: IDEAL FOR A WORKING COUPLE close In on Pine St. Good 2 bed room home, fireplace, modern kitchen, all good size rooms, base ment, economical oil furnace. Only $9,500 - Easy terms. We have 2 two bedroom houses to rent in So. Suburban area. $75 and 1 1 01 Stilwell&Co. 519 Main SI. Reellon TU 4-3134 Alter 5:00 Call: Bruce Binkley TU 4-K79 It no answer call TU 4-7006, TU 2-0444 HIGHWAY 97 north, only 4 miles from center of town. 17 acres with three bed room house and highway frontaqe. Close to motel, trailer court and new OTI and hospital site. Priced to go at $18,000. FOUR bedrooms. Wiard Street. Full double garage with a 9 x 42 shop space. '? acre fully fenced with neat board fence. Lawn, trees, small pasture. Liv ing room 20' a x 20'i ft., bedrooms range from 10 x 13 ft. to 14 x IS ft., dining and kitchen area iiVi x 26Vi fi., fruit storage room, utility room. All rooms but one bedroom fully furnished. Everything you need for a large family lo live comfortably. Owner transferred out of town, priced to move at once. Full price $12,750 includes furnilure. Call us now to sea this one. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1004 Main TU J-J4" Jim O'Donahue Evet. TU 4-9693 SFT Presents HENLEY!! High School district. 3 bedroom prac tically brand new. Ferguson grade school, 1 block. Over 1300 sq. ft. floor area. Full wall fireplace, 2 full baths, Whirlpool builtin stove and oven. Own ers will consider 2 bedroom home er building lots in trade. $16,500. HOT SPRINGS!!! Roosevelt grade school and Klamath Union high. Freshly decorated and In tip-lop condition. Hot water well. Sav ings on heat should go a long way toward helping pay for home. Very rea sonably priced at $18,000. F R TUCKER F Real Estate D Keal 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Honsen TU 2-3101 Eves. Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 Eves. MLS Multiple) Listing Service CALL NOW to see this spacious 3 bedroom modern home, 12' x 26' living room with new wall to wall carpeting, 1' x 11' kitchen with oodles of cupboard space. l'i baths. Large landscaped lot near Fe'ouson School, if vou need room et a moderate price, this is it. Total price only H2.7JO. Owner will consider bu'tdiwi lot. car pickup, or low priced home in traoe. STILES Realty has a good selection of homes In ail enct ranges. Conditions have never been mce favorable for the. pur chase of a home. Prices era lower, fi. nancing it easier. Call now, lat i talk it over. NOW you cen trade your smell home on this mooern, well consiructed duplex with 2 bedrooms plus famliv room plus extra buiidtng lot or ge-den space. Live -n one, let the other mm the par-me'-ts. Tott price only 114,250. STILES REALTY ONE STOP REAL ESTATE SERVICE 4SJ1 So. m Sl'tet O Pw TU 2-4740 Evas. Can Hea' sines TU 4-04 O Joe prry q tu 4-JJJ1