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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1963)
HERALD A.VD NEWS. Klunilh PAPA BEAR George Halas Named As MFL Coach Of The Year NEW YORK (UPIl - George Halas, a stubborn old codger who learned a lew new football tricks at the age of 69, today was voted the 13 National League coach-of-the-year by United Press International. The Chicago Bears, after drastically revamping their de fense this season, clinched their loth Western Conference cham pionship under Halas' long reign last Sunday. They meet the New York Giants in the NFL's championship playoff game Dec. 29. Halas, a member of football's Hall of Fame, won the honor by a majority of the votes cast by a panel of 42 writers who covered the NFL season regu larly during 1963. He received 24 vitos compared to six each for Buddy Parker of the Pitts fa u r g h Steelers and Wally Lemm of the Bt. Louis Cardi nals. Collier Gets Four - Coach Blanton Collier of the Cleveland Browns had four votes and Harlan (Swede! Svare of the Los Angeles Rams one. Halas, who has devoted 44 years to the Bears he founded back in 1920 at Decatur, III., often has said that he will step down as head coach when his team wins its next NFL play off championship. The Bears have not won a playoff since 1946, although they took the Western Division crown in 1956. IV - f W. A Sir- LARGE CATCH Marvin Shell of Malin is pictured with a pair of large chinook landed recently while fishing tha Smith River. The large fish tipped the scales at 48 and A6 pounds and ware landed using a iO-pound test line. CORES THURSDAY MRS. BOWLING LIAOUI W L 36 U 3S 7 30 77 29 23 21 U 34 16 is n 34 31 33 30 11 30 31 31 14 31 Putnam Loqqlnfl A i eer Feed Dorothy-i ftiauty Salon Idalla'i Ed i Shot Rspair Frlien-Wtrnan Co. Elmer's Taxaco Land'i Ktynolti Pin Uoi Garriien'i Upi & Downt Ganong'i Varlily nriiiia AAarcantitt Dec. 12 result: Odeua Mircantlla 0. Elmer'i Teco 4; Pm Uos 1. Iddla' 3; Gnorto'i Variety 0. Putnam Log ging 4; Ed'i Shoe Repair 1, Albert Feed 3; Fr.esen-Aeiman Co. 3. Land's Keynotes 1; Dorothy's Beauty Salon 1, Garrisons UDl & Downs 3. Hgh team series. Albert Feed 1974; hign team game, Elmer's Texaco 732; rtign Ind. game, Ida Givan 30f; high jnd. serits. Ida Givan 502. ELKS MIXED FOURSOME LEAGUE W L 43' I U'l 34 13 34 23 33 73 32' i 23' i 30 26 20 21 2' 3'J 34 30 24 32 33 33 21 35 il' t 34' a II 38 Ward s Funeral Home Lucy Lees Slater lnsurnci Baliiger Vo'ert Est Side Pharmacy Houston insurance Long Bell Lmbr. U S National Griggs Food Merrill SuDerior Trov Caiit-Pac. Ut-lititi Crater Lake Machinery poneer Tobscco Dee's Benufy Si8t Dec. IS results: Ward's Funeral Home 3. Lucky La"es l; Slater In surance 1, East Side Pharmacy 3; latjiger Votort 4, Long Ben Lumber 0; Houston insurance 2. G'lggi Food. Merrill 2: U S National 3. Superior Troy l; Caiitorma-Pacit'C Utiiitiet 3. Pioneer Tobacco U Crater Lake Ma chinery 3, Dees Beauty Salon v High team game. Caiif-Pac Utilities 129; high teem terns, Crater Lake Machinery 2215; high ind. oame (wom en), Mabel Waciltr 197; high ind. se ries (women), Marion Linvihe 494, tvgn log. gam (men), Haloid Weber 251; hx" mrj. tenet (men), Harold Weber I. BASIN LEAGUE W L ' J 41 '9 37 37 34 34 33 37 21 32 37 33 14 i iv 24 34 23' i 34' 3' 39 79 40 Knny Stymbin( pioneer TMacco C W A Keier s Auto Paci'-c Suop'y Cwp Doug'as Service Simeiot-Dev&e Ce't-t'mo t transmission Fath.on Ceners H P Pa'k Cablet Great Northern Dec. ti reuitr P eee' Tooacto . Pc- SuOO'V i; Dsugias Serve 3. C'eane-s 1; C A A. 1. Krifi Au'0 3; Great No'the'n 3 Park Cab net 1; H P. ft. Keney Plumbing J; Ce'Oiima t Tren, l, S'moio Devoe 3 H gh team gam, Ktnney Piumbipg 1509j hign taam series, Kenney Plumh rg Jt?l: hign ind. game, Mugn vn erro 24S; high ma. teres. Marl S'ei tl 110. KINOSLBV FOUR MAN LB AQUB Fills, Or. VVednesdiy, Dtnmbtr II, 1KI A victory over the Giants in the title playoff thus could cli max one of the most remarka ble careers in pro football his tory. There were few, if any, who before the start of this season i gave tlie Bears much chance of beating out the Green Bay Packers in the tough Western Conference. Y'et the Bears did It handily, beating the Packers twice dur ing the season, by scores of 10-3 and 2R-7. And they did it with an "old-fashioned" formu la of ball-control and defense. Defense In Confusion Prior to this season, the Bears defenses were largely in a state of complicated confu Wildcat, Irish Coaching Settled CHICAGO (UP1I - Notre Dame and Northwestern had new football coaches today, def initely, and most of the nation must have heard the sigh of re lief breathed by officials of both schools. Ara Parseghian accepted the Notre Dame job after telephone conversations cleared up a "lit tle difference" which caused him to reject a proffered Irish contract Monday. Northwestern promptly hired Lauras 31 Lucky Lager 21 39 Dec. 10 results: Pelican 3, Sauirt 1; Sthliti 4, Olympia 0; Log Cabin 3, Pbst 3: Laura's 3, Lucky Lager 1. High team game. Pelican 171; high team series, Schdtz 3 SOS; high Ind. game, Larsen 334; high Ind. series, Larsen I7. HOLIDAY LEAGUE W L Klamath Plywood 8 34 . 14 KC J5 31 Oreqon Title Company 34 34 Peace Ambulance 34 34 Crater Lke Milk 33 27 Mouidingcrelt 32 31 Aratum Wmoow 31 29 Klamath Plywood A 30 30 Thomas Lumber Company 2B'3 32' Davis Flying, A 21 32 Snack CotfeeShoo 3S 35 Craier Lake Ice Cream 14's 45' Results: KC , Thomas Lbr 0; Snack Coltee Shop 4, Peace Amb, 0; Aralum Window 3. Kl. Plywood A 1: Cr. Lake Ice Cream 1, Kl. Plywood B 3; Davis Flying A 1, Ore. Title 3; Cr. Lake Milk 3. Mouidmgcraft 1. team game, KC 1054; high team series, KC 2121; high ind game. Let Fisher 324; high Ind. series. Bill Snider 389. MOOSE PA'S LEAGUE W L Lucky Lanes 42 17', "tt- Club 31 22 Pategas Market 33' 26' CP S. WW Ward 31 29 Attamoflt Grocery 31 29 Bmgs Satellite 30 30 No Names 30 30 Merrill VOOS 38'? 3''l O Hairs Memorial Crenel 38 j Ji'i Harry Lnprear Insurance 23' i 34' i Erv Carrs Bovl 33' t 34'i Musgrova Plumbing 20 40 Dec. 14 results: "40" Club 4, Mus grova Plumbing 0; Pastegas Market 3, Harry LmDhear Ins. 3; Erw Crrs Bovs 0, No Names 4; Merrill Moose l. O'Hairs Memorial Chapel : C P. 'WW Ward 3. Lucky Lanes 1) Binqs Satellite 4. Aitamont Grocery 0 High team gme, "JO" Cu 148; h-oh team series. "40" Club 1VU: high Ind game. Ed Wilcher 30) htgh ind. senes. Lrry Aieveoo 4!. LADY LIONS LEAGUE L 14' l 23 Wos'ey 1 Rgo SO'ke 1 VeG-nty G-een 1 M-ckmar Barer 1 Du"v Deiter t. Tut! Franklin S K-ger OC 10 reiu'tl: 35' 1 30 79 33 32 29' s 19 33i i9 i n-t Motley 1 ")0 a, G'en 1 HiCkman Be'e'' 1 Du"y Deer 1 Tu"s 0; Spika L McGmty 3, F-arki'n & Kger I. H gh teem game. Spike & McGinty 44, fvgh teem senet. Moiiey I Riga tM7; h gh ind. game, Wilma SOikB 111; hign ind. series, Wilma Spike 440. People Read SPOT ADS yen ore new. PAGE TB WINS ANOTHER sion. Halas realised a change was necessary, even if it meant dismissing an old friend, Clark Shaughnessey. who had served him as defensive coach. Halas turned over more au thority to youthful George Allen and brought in Joe Stydahar to work with the defensive line. They simplified the Bears' sys tem of signals and backfield formations with remarkable re sults. The Bears held opposing teams to league lows of 144 points and 3-.176 yards in 14 games. They lost only to the San Francisco Forty Nincrs and played a pair of lies against the Pittsburgh Steelers and Minnesota Vikings. Alex Afcase, Parseghian's No. 1 assistant during his fight years as Wildcat coach, as the new head man under a three-year contract. Announcements of the final selection of the two coaches came less than an hour apart. The log jam broke first when Parseghian and Ui Rev. Ed mond P Joyce, C.S.C., executive vice president of Notre Dame, settled on exact terms of a four-year contract. Parseghian, 40, notified North western Athletic Director Stu Holcomb, and Hoi comb hastily called a press conference and notified Agase he was hired. Parseghian said he would take "two and possibly three" of his Northwestern assistants with him to Notre Dame, and that it was "not likely" he would keep any of the current Irish staff, although he was "considering' two of the younger ones." Notre Dame's coach of the past year, Hugh Devore, named on an "interim" basis after Joe Kuharich resigned in March, Saturday was elevated to (he post of assistant athletic direc tor. Agase, who said that he would have gone to Notre Dame with Parseghian had he not been named new head coach at Northwestern, said he would "talk" to the other Wildcat as sistants and then determine whether he would retain them. CALL LP ROOKIE CHICAGO (UPD - Jack Nor ris. rookie goalie of the Los An geles Blades of tlie Western Hookey League, has been called up by the Boston Bruins of the National League as a standby replacement for sore -shouldered Ed Johnston. The 'Bruins play Chicago tonight. i BASKETBALL SCORES 's By L'nlted Press International East Rhode Island 89 Brandeis 59 LaSalle 68 Lehigh 40 St. Peters 94 Stetson 75 Buffalo 82 Alfred 54 Syracuse 86 Cornell B4 Hamilton 64 Hobart 52 Rider 91 Lincoln (Pa.) 76 Coast Guard Academy 85 Trinity (Conn.) 74 Ursinus 102 Franklin & -Marshall 81 Princeton 79 Rutgers 50 Harvard 81 MIT 62 Montclair St. 89 Pratt In. 60 Ohio U. 58 St. John's 54 Alliance 74 Geneva 60 Northeastern 72 Tufts 53 Oswego St. 74 Algany St. 51 Holy Cross 95 Massachusetts 79 Assumption 97 Siena 43 Boston U. 78 New Hampshire 72 Colgate 88 Rochester 68 Lemoyr (N. Y. 91 L. A. St. 63 Niagara 55 Buffalo St. 44 Worcester Tech 82 Nichols 67 Brockport St. 61 Genesse St. 56 Millersville St. 64 Elizabethtown 61 Midwest Youncstown 64 Steubenville 48 Ind. S( 88 Eastern Illinois 81 U. of Minn. iDuluth Brancei "9 St. Thomas 63 Weslern Illinois 86 V. of Wis. (Mil. Branch I 54 Southwestern Kansas 84 Friends U. 66 Omaha 92 Peru St. 79 Rockhurst 105 Parsons M Moorhead St. 89 Mich. Tech 72 Western Mich. 92 Noire Dame 39 Wisconsin 115 Goniaga 71 ( South Western Caro. 95 Newtoerry 47 Lo)ola (Md.l 73 St. Francis i.N. Y. 71 Thii Yeer Send PHOTOGRAPH Crlrittntai Ctrdt UNDERWOOD'S CAMERA SHOP Ph. TO 4.701 7-Second Step wmrm ' mpn n ' B'Jf M?V"mm " ""'I . "3 1 ,- l , t J' i i JUDY CHECKS Steve's swiiifi at first step, making sure arm is straight but not stiff and ball passes right knee. By JUDY ALDSLEY (Brunswick Advisory Staff) Written for VEA A common fault with begin ners is trying to power the pen dulum swing. No pressure is required to produce the true pendulum swing. Keep the ball in a true arc and the weight will lake care of everything. Wiien you try to power the swing, you tend to throw the ball out of arc or bend the de Bald Eagle Collects First Passing Title NEW YORK (LTD - Y. A. Tilllc of (he New York Giants had to try (or U years but lie finally won his first National Football League passing champ ionship. It was an old familiar honor for Jimmy Brown of the Cleve land Browns, however, as he regained the rushing crown he previously had won for f i v e straight seasons between 1957 and 1061. Brown's six rushing championships are a league rec ord. Abe Woodson of the San Fran cisco Forty Niners was the only one of last year's champions to repeat, according to final sta tistics released today by the NFL. He won the kickoff re turn title a record third time. Besides Tittle, other new in dividual champions were Bobby Joe Conrad of the St. Louis Cardinals in pass receiving; placckicker Don Chandler of the Giants in scoring; and Dick Western Md. no Towson St. 68 West Texas St. 84 Western Kentucky 83 Winston-Salem 96 Fayetteville 63 Catholic V. 79 Washington k Lee 71 Virginia Tech 81 Georgia 75 Miami (Fla.) 95 San Fran. 83 Clcmson 53 Virginia 52 Morehead St. 103 Marshall 83 Berea 65 Wilmington 64 Norfold St. 98 Virginia St. 71 Southwest Southern Methodist 97 Georgia Tech 75 Texas Tech 95 Oklahoma 66 Southwest Texas St. 76 Trinity (Tex.) 68 S. W. Oklahoma St. 81 Eastern New Mexico 74 Oklahoma State 91 Long Bach St. r6 Wrst Cal L u I h e r a n 73 Claremonl- Mudd B2 Pacific Lutheran 94 Cal St. 81 Whitman 73 Central Wash. 61 L'C Santa Barbara D2 Alaska 73 Jeep' OWNERS! Set ui for all your 4-wheel drive needs. Authoriied Ports, SALES and SERVICE tor oil 'JEEP' Vehicles Joe Fisfier 477 So. 7th Ph 4-1104 TeEW-AGE TeNPINNE-R livery arm, which can cause you to wind up with a sidearm de livery. At the second step, (he ball should be passing the right knee on the backswing. The right arm should be straight, but not stiff. Let the ball do most of the work. All you have to do is give it a proper 6tari. then keep it in arc and you will wind up with the perfect pendulum swing so essential to good bowling. James of tlie Washington Red skins in punt returns. Dick Lynch of the Giants, who won the pass interception title in 1961. shared it this year with Roosevelt Taylor of the Chicago Bears. Each stole nine passes. Hale Lary of the Detroit Li ons won his third NFL. punting crown, although he missed near ly tlie entire last half of the season because of an injury. Lary built up a 48.9-yard punt ing average for 35 kicks and no one could overtake him during his idleness. Tittle and Billy Wade of the Bears, the rival quarterbacks in the NFL's championship playoff, Dec. 29. each will be throwing against the league's leading pass-snipers in Taylor and Lynch. Tlie 37-ycar-old Tittle complet ed 221 out of 367 passes for a league high percentage of 60.2 and an NFL record 36 touch downs. Jolinny Unitas of the Baltimore Colts was second with an NFL record 217 completions and a season high of 3,481 yards. Bart Starr of the Green Bay Packers, last year's passing champion, finished only seventh this year, although his 10 Inter ceptions were fewest among the regular quarterbacks. Jimmy Brown, the NFL's first "miler," gained 1,863 yards in 291 carries for a league high average of 6.4 yards per try. Jim Taylor of the Packers, last season's champ, finished second with 1.018 yards. Brown and Taylor were the only rushers to top 1.000 yards. Conrad caught 73 passes that gained 967 yards and produced 10 touchdowns. if ... CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! USED $ Mountain Man and Handyman JACKS 1250-$16 i a 1 11 SSSesseesAeNJ j I1 Buck will five you J J 11000 lor any ole) i' Handyman jack, or ? i, II 00 lor any old t if i ear jack when yau S ( buy naw Mauntain ( , MwJatkJ BUCK DAVIDSON 325 S. 5th Ph. 4-8734 'a a a a a a LEGAL NOTICE NATIONAL FOUEST TIVIEIt ro SALE MHA Spring O'tl tuclim t'6t wll be rcctlvfd by tf Atgton.l Forttttr, or r.,t tuinor nta rtprtltntah.t it IM oct ol tht Fortlt Supervnor, Lthfvitw. Ortgon, beginning at 10:30 am. January 17, lor all merchantable limber merhed or Oesionated tor cutting on an area embracing acre, mora or leu, ttiihm Sections 14. 11. 12, I, li. 2. ?7. fl. 3J. 34. 33 T. 3 s, R. 14 E.t Srctioni J. 3. 4. T 3; s . R ! E. WW turveted. in the Fremont Nati.yial Foreal. Oregon The eill metet, volumes of live and recently oed Uw.'nd tapooa) timber ere: too M board teet ol ponoerosa pine. 3 M M. boe'd teet of hito lir 4 oth er speciei. The minimum acceptable bid per M board teet is as follows: ponderosa pine UI U. white tir a. oth er species S3 30. This Includes tha fol lowing rates, per M board feet tor slumpego including deposit for sale area betterment. S3 00 base rate plus an additional 115 15 tor ponderosa pine sl 00 base rare plus an additional 14 70 lor white fir 4 other ipecies end Sl JO tor slash disposal tor ell species. The stumpage rates paveble for each species will be increased by tha am. ortiialion rate In ettecf for thet spe cies when the unamortlied estimeted cost 01 the main haul roads hes been amortized by timber seeled. The un amortized eiflmeted cost is u:,703 00. AmorMelion retes are: Ponderosa pine, is 0' per AA board feel, white fir e, other species. SI.3I per M board feet. Amortisation of estimated mam haul road costs Is computed on so per cent ol the estimated timber volume. In addition there is within the sale area an unestlmeted volume of older dead (unsound sapwoodl logs, ell spe cies which will be paid for et 11.00 per M boord feet which includes required deposit tor sale area betterment, plus SO 00 for slash disposal. The prices bid for stumpogo for live end recently deed sound sapwood timber shall be considered as tentative rates soblett to Quarterly calendar adiuslmenl up ward or downward by 0.5 ol the differ ence between the average of the West ern Pint Association Cumber Price Indices as calculated by the Forest Service at the end of each calendar Gilchrist Downed The Gilchrist Gruzlirs (ailed tn stay with the visiting West fir Loggers Tuesday night as I ho home club was handed the fourth defeat of the season against one victory. Wcstfir overlook the Grizzlies in the third period to drive on to a 65-43 victory. The Loggers were paced by Dan Lou man with 21 points good for scoring honors, while the Grizzlies were led by Mount with 10. Scoring by quarters) Westfir 9 15 23 18-S3 Gilchrist 12 10 U 10-43 Westfir: Camerer 6. Gilles pie 11, Jo'wson 13. Loman 21, Thielke 6. Nichols 8. Gilchrist: Koskie 9. Bertram 6, Jessup 6, Mount 10, Bonner 6. Kendall 2, Warren 2, Ander son 2 Erickson, Elms. Vultures are health protectors in warm lands where they eat carrion, being guided to their food not by smell, but by tight. Its amazing vision is an impor tant factor in the vulture's longevity. K V. K tt H K K K K K; food not by smell, but by tight. WHFTTOKIF Its amaiing vision is an impor- office services iiTiiATioNS wanted ia tant factor in the vulture's t oookkeeoiw situations wanted ia sain lanui lire yuiiuis: e EXPERIENCED . REASONABLE IRONING, weshlng. pickup, oellver. 1 longevity. I 3S Orcherd Ave. TU 4-721? I PAST SERVICE. TU 4-M14. I f r ;- ' 3' m O ' ' The real beauty of it is what's inside. A taste preferred by far to that of any other whiskey. Give Seagram's 7 Crown and be Sure. Deuntir ind g It anon it no uln v X K K K ft! ft ft! I I ft 1490 i Yi Qf. CM No. 1W-B LEGAL NOTICE autrttr. tht folloivlni bHf In- 6-ctt: Pondirtu pm Mil, wnl fir l e'hr tptews U 13. Such ia(ut mtnlt in lix pnet tor ttumpag b tplicbH to limMf tcaied during trt calendar quarltr lor ovhicd th du.tmtnt i computed. In no tvtnt, tvovvtr, thall tht ptymont ratal for tach quarter be lest than tha fcavt rattt at Hated above. Whan tht taiuited rate by species r lownr than tht bait rates, tht d-Hertnct b tween the total dollar value of timber cut tl aa m led rales and at bast rates will be recorded tor tach SPt ce. Tnt ttumpagt rates for any i pa cm will not be Increased above mt bast rte until mt subsequent ad lull ed rate;, above baje rates develop and accumulated total dollar value in tx ctM of tht recorded accumulated dif ference for til species. Sealed bids ii b: publicly opened and posted, af Lehevitw. Oreqon, at 10 30 a m. on January it, 19, All those who sub mitted t satisfactory sealed bd will be permitted Immediately to continue auction bidding, A money order, bank dreit. cashier s or certified check in tht sum ot V4.00 00 must accompany tach b'd, to bt applied to the pur chM pnee, refunded, or retained lor application to any claim for damages. According to the conditions ot sale. It requested by tht purchaser, contract terms will permit telling of tlmbtr in advance of payment up to tht value of tht performance bond. If an oral bid Is declared lo bt high at tht dos ing of the auction, tht bidder must Im mediately confirm the oral bid by sub mitting f rt writing on i For est Serv ice bid term The right to reitct any and tH bids Is reserved. Forest Serv ice bd forms lor use in submitting sealed bids and full information con cerning the limber, the conditions of salt and tht submission of bids should bt obtained from the District Ranger, Sly, Oregon or tht Forest Supervisor, Lakavlew. Oregon or tha Regional For ester, Portland. Oregon, before bids art submitted. No. 414. Pre tl 19M IN MEMORIAM I IN MEMORIAM In memory of our very dear friend Chrishne Haines. ho deoerled from us Doc. 17, 1962. The Frank Reed Fern- FUNERAL HOMES C WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. ?5 Hlflti Street. TU 7-fini LOST & FOUND 2 STRAYED female border collie, bleck with white throat, medium slie. has col lar but no license. H. E. Oberheide, Bonanra 5!S?'0l. GENERAL NOTICES 4 ALCOHOtlcs Anonymous meets Wed., Sat. NIoMs. TU ?.TiO. Rf.x 1W? PERSONALS 6 LARIAT Benuiy Lounge permanent, hair shaping, culling. Evenings by appointment. Ml! Summers Lane, fU 2-S777, Robert Lenli, operator. KLA Art TatTTa icoholicTioTiymousriJ 4-iitl, TU -V04, help tt anytime. BEGINNERS A I Anon, Help lamllitt ol Alcoholics, TU 4713, Bok 1045. SERVICES 10 REMODELING, carpenter end cement work. Reasonable, references. TU 3-53BI. LORNA'S DOLL HOSPITAL 1434 Lakavlew St. TU 4-AW2 14 yri. In Iht lamt location VAlWlNrVllpaWingtt7t bait, interior, exterior, bruih or tprty, rea sonable prices, tret est., TU 3-3131. MEAT CUTTING Experienced retired meat cutter will cut and wrap your meat, very reason able, TU 34801, 611 N. 11th. DRESS making and alterations, work guaranteed. TU 7-6530. all CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave. Al Sloll, TU 4-4126. PAINTING, papering, roofing, "gt njr ti repair. Kamnore-Keivihetor -Whirlpool REPAIRS Washers, dryers, ranges, wtttr tanks. t-ERGUSON APPLIANCE 6ERVICK TU (at BIB Electric) SEPTIC TANK CLEANING and INSTALLATION Licensed Bonded Gutrenfted C. W. CLIFFORD 4 SON TU 4-ttUt 320 Hllytrd Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring iterations tor men, worn tn, children. Ail work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene s Men s Wear 537 Main Quick, Expert REPAIR SERVICE on oil OIL STOVES and FURNACES Alio small gas engines, ttc. McGAUGHEY'S TRADING HOUSE 2508 Aitamont Dr. TU 2-4893 HELP WANTED, FEMALE 14 WANTED woman to learn finishing, must have laundry experience, Klam ath Cleaners. 411 Mam HELP WANTED, MALE 16 "National Food Manufacturer seeks sales representative to contact grocery trade in Southern Oregon. Grocery or allied sates experience preferred but not essential. Fine opportunity tor fu ture proqress In bolls selery end person al breckels. Company car and ex penses furnished. Excellent Insurance and pension prooem. Good sterling salary, stale merllal status, age. ed ucational and work background, in letter to Box A3IC, Hereld and News." BARBER wenled. Must neve refer ences, Sam's Corner, TU 2.2-05. WANTED married man with car tor local Fuller Bruth Company route, must be neat end heve tits.rt for belter Irian average Income, 1115 per week, guaranteed to etert tf you quel Hy, write 1200 Wlncheiter, MMIord, ph. 77?-im BOYS! SCHOOL AGE EARN Extra Money bv selling the Herald & News Downtown AFTERNOONS Contact Herald & News, Circulation Dept., 1301 Esplanade PHONE TU 4-8111 HELP WANTED 17 RETIRED or employed couoit with trailer to do choree lor trailer toace, beautiful grounds. Box eJOC. Hare Id and Newt. NOTICE TO JOB SEEKERS All help wanted ada published In tha Herald News are accepted In good faith that tha obi offared ara at stated in me advertising copy, wa ara not re' innslbla for the Integrity of our adver tisers, but wa make every etlort lo dis cover and reect all misleading adver listing. Anyone answering a help wanted ad and finding tt to bt misleading It atked to report It to tht Classified Ad vertising Department of tha Herald a NflrVV lusim (i)iiatis wtmxt.t. Christmas shoppers, do vou need tMbysittar? TU I-UK 3U C Mailt. RETIRED meson, active, handy will, tools. Hock work iptcltlty. Handle tny repair loo, TU 4-;i37. FOR DEPENDABLE CHILD CARET TU Mft44 13?l Carlson Dr. JACK & JILL DAY NURSERY ' ROOMS FOR RENT 22 MEN - 134 N 3rd, $Jt per month, TU 4-4033, TU 4-fI87. CLEAN housekeeping room, downtown, TU 2-1417. 317 p.nt. CLEAN, comfortable rooms. 2 blocks'1 from Main, 15 t up, TU 4-J2J. STEAM heated, clean. Quiet Keeping rooms. HO So. Sth, TU 2-9JU. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 b'Xks Jrom Main, S end up, TU 4-S. COMMERCIAL Rooms - clean, comT for table, retioniblt rates, V wtc. up. Accommodations, lor Junch peeking. Working man s rooms, lounge room jwith TV. 523. J3t Commcrcitl. WARM, clean housekeeping units, close t town. Very low weekly, monthly rates. Esplanade Mottl, 1605 Eso'enadt APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 LARGE l'i bedroom tot. Furnished, water ft ge-begt. close In. Olshwathtr. 1125 East, TU j.ju. NICE clean apartment, close in, TU 4-8t4 o, Tg J.2J31, CLEAN furnished 3 room apt., JUS, utilities paid. TU 3-032 before 10 or et'er 5, sea Hi; Espientdt days. THREE room lurnihed apt. Hot wa ttr heat walking distance, TU MMeO. CLEAN I blroom apt. 117 Mem, TU 3-1413 or TU 7-333. ONE btdroom furnished apartment, walking distance to town. Wafer, gar bage ptid, Hi. Call TU 2-1601. FURNISHED Insulated one bedroom tpt. Water, garbage paid $50. TU 4-5334. COMPLETELY furnished pt v7 baths, SUP Including utilities, TU 4-9813. FURN' SHED tpt., fleam Fuat, utiTu" tits. Neer Weyorhotuser, TU 43I3. CLEAN, comfortable, furnished one bedroom apartment. Water, garbage paid. Laundry facilities available. Lovely yard. 3113 Gary, TU -3e03. FURNISHED 3 room, washing feci II lles, walking distance. TU 3-MM. STEAM heated, furnished apt., dar, TU 4-0551. LOVELY 3 bedroom trl-plex, itovt and refrigerator furnished. TU 3-1544. ROOSEVELT APTS. 103 Lerov TU 3-1749 Two bedroom unfurnished. Garage. Hot water heat. Hot Springs area. Adulta. IB-LOW COST 136 to JAO, Include permanent maintenance. CONVENIENCE Near town, shop ping centers, schools, churches. COMFORT 1 -1-3-bed room furnished or unfurnished units. Call lor personal interview ' t a.m. to 5 p m. Mon. through Fri. SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS ls)7 Washburn Way TU -J7T KLAMATH'S FINEST. UNION MANOR . 3544 UNION 1 & 3 bedroom apartments Furnished or unfurnished SPACIOUS ROOMS Wall to wall carpeting SWIMMING POOL Heat, waier, garbaga lurnlstrd Dorothea Nolan TU 3-0764, KINGFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Daily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 umt msrr.H rtoor.esn 'urerrttt jnutt W L se'cei ' sHir Ji IS Seuirl 11 ? fees' )' 1 Leg Cerm : )' 0'rre-e 1' o