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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1963)
LEGAL NOTICE NO. PROBATE NOTICE OF DAI E OF FINAL SETTLEMENT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In th Matter ol tht Estate of HAZEL M. VAN RIPER, DKMHd, Notice ii hereby given that Ihe un dersigned Executor hat filed 111 Final Account of tht administration of tht above ant it led estate, and thai tht Court hi eppoinled Dec. II, 1963, at 10 A.M. as the time for hearing objection! to such final account and I he tetlltment thereof, The Flnt National Bank of Oregon, Portland Executor Genong & anong PAGE U HKRALI) AM) "SMART SHOP DRESSES, JEWELRY FANCY WORK CHILDREN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY 619 Klomolh Ave. TU 2-621 Gift, for Him M. J. R. MUFFLER CUSTOM EQUIPMENT TACH5. CHROMEO WHEELS ACCESSORIES. SEAT BELTS SPEED EQUIPMENT ORDER NOW FOR LAY-A WAY 7330 So. 6lh TU 3-030? THE TOG SHOP MEN'S WEAR 708 MAIN liWXH W.V PLEASE HIM ISS SHOPMATE t3?2 . POWER TOOLS JTLia ELECTRIC SAWS SANDERS DRILLS JIG-SAWS $11.55 & Up PACIFIC SUPPLY FARM & GARDEN 4621 So. 6th TU 2-4555 BASIN BUILDING MATERIALS Blacks Decker U-l 0014" UTILITY DRILL NOW . . . Black & Decker offers a V inch drill at the lowest price ever. With a U.L. industrially listed mo tor. This drill features ex tra power at a low price. Another outstanding value. WAS $15.98 NOW $9.88 484 So. 6th TU 2-2563 Religioui Gitll THE GREATEST GIFT OF ALL THE HOLY BIBLE have complete of All Ovtn, color, pncri. Name In ?1K. sold FRfc E THE BIBLE CENTER 122 So. Ninth TU 2-1988 CHARLIE READ SADDLERY CUSTOM TOOLING PRE CHRISTMAS SADDLE SALE SAVE UP TO J50 ! KUWAIH AVE. 1U IWI I ;bsa PFRhECT CHRISTMAS GIFT 10 NEW MODELS BODENHAMER'S 3.M E. Mln TU t lt'7 f f Nov.lty fAl 4 V Sporti jl Gifft Jj LEGAL NOTICE Atterneyi for Executor No. 444, Nov. If, 36, Dec. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATRIX SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH PROBATE NO. 61117 NOTICE it hereby given that the un dersigned Admmlttratrix of the estate ol ROSE LEWIS, deemed, pursuant to an Order of Sale of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor ine County of Klamath, madt and entered in the above entitled estate on tht tsth day of November, 1963, will otter for tale and sell from and after the 16th day ol December, 196, for cash or lor part NKWS, Klamath tails, Oregon Daily Gift Suggestions-Everything SANTA'S Gifts for Evtryont We never guess We look it up WORLD BOOK encyclopedia 1ST IN SALES AND SERVICE Local Representative, TU 2-0223 or Box 62, Ashland, Oregon. KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS EXCLUSIVE WITH J. C. RENIE JEWELRY 103) Main TU 4-4M "COMPLEf rSELECT ION OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR ALL THE FAMILY AT WESTERN AUTO 1039 Main TU 4-5514 Give A Typewriter n DIFFERENT MODFLS. OVER 300 to CHOOSE Irom. $49.95 and up Terms 5 Year Guaranlet Open Friday '111 9 AMIDON'S 4535 So. ath TU 4-6370 CHRISTMAS SADDLES - . FREEMAN'S M WESTERN WEAR 4532 So. 6th TU 2-0212 or 717 Moin St. TU 4-5251 GIVE A LASTING GIFT Portable Tune Recorders Transistor Radios A TV Sets PACKARD BELL Clock Radios, TV a. Stereo Equipment NELSON'S TV & RADIO 3005 Shasta Woy TU 2-3479 FRLE S9.95 CAfllNEf Willi Purcfit ot H SUPER - NOVA JULIA M SEWINO MACHINE j; "Wnrld'i molt AutomAtlc ni- chle." Jl VACUUM CLEANER 5 nd APPLIANCE CENTER 131 So. 6th TU 30131 KNITTING NEEDLE YARN & KNITTING ACCESSORIES STUDIO KNITTING MACHINES 204' i NEVADA TU 4-3271 BUILDERS SUPPLY " AND FLOOR COVERING GENERAL ELECTRIC GIVE HER A GIFT OF DISTINCTION MODEL FC15W5 GARBAGE T I QC DISPOSAL J I '3 1345 East Mon TU 2-2955 KsKti(i;t;ii;M HAMILTON BEACH S ri r-r-rv " CUCl. I Ml- FOOD CONVERTER SALAD MAKFR i!t MEAT GRINDER if Ri-gular $54 85 ;J NOW $49.85 (OUARAN1FFO YEARS) i UHLIG'S 10: Mom TU 4 5512 Gifli lor Frindt Hand Toclfd Lf othpr PURStS BILLFOLDS BELTS SHOP EAST MAIN SHOF A LEATHER " You'll Find The""" RIGHT GIFT in the Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER READ IT EVERY DAY! mm v.'x ryw?, --r -j W5 Giffi for jjjSj ft ft K ft 1! LEGAL NOTICE cash and part credit, at the law efficei of P. K. Puckttt, Flrtt Federal Sav ings and Loan Bldg., Klamath Falls. Oregon, the following described real properly belonging to said estate, lo wit; LOT t, Block 4, BRYANT TRACTS NO. 2, according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file in tht records ol Klamath County, Oregon. The sale will be subject to tht con firmetion of tht above entitled Court. BETTY C. GENTRY, Administratrix P. K. PUCK E TT Attorney for Administratrix First Federal Savings 4 Loan Bldg. Klamath Fails, Oregon No. 444, Nov. 19, It. Dec. 3, 10, 196. Tuesday, December 10, 13 CLASSIFIED Christinas Gift Gilfl for Everyone CHRISTMAS SPECIALS ON MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR ENTIRE FAMILY GIFT CARDS FURNISHED KLAMATH KAMERA AND NEWS CENTER 1004 MAIN TU 4 WS SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS WITH CHEERY FLOWERS AND PLANTS FROM KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP 1311 Mnln TU 4-4159 CTr-lD . ;L4f"lP IDl, $ SAVE $ AT THE MERCHANDISE MART 2964 So. 6th - TU 4-6660 CirAor fnr Christmas APPLIANCtb - lUYi LUGGAGE, ETC. FAMOUS NAME BRANDS AT Wholesale Prices!! FRANK'S TACKLE Atn F. MAIN TU 3 ,7KB PHILCO TVs RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS AND APPLIANCES FIRESTONE STORE 6th & Pine -TU4-8I09 CLOSING OUT SALE 20 OFF GAY'S 219 Moin St. GIFT SHOP TU 4-3817 The CLOTHES MART GIFT ITEMS MADE TO YOUR PLEASURE TOP QUALITY New & Used Clothing 125 So. 9lh TU 4-3364 Just Like a Daily LETTER From HOME! Subscribe this Christmas to the Hetold and News for your STUDENT SERVICE PERSON RELATIVES FRIENDS Year by moil $18 00 Months by moil $10,00 Months by moil $ 5.25 Just phon TU 4-8111, osk for Subscriptions, Herold ond News. 1301 Esplonone The VILLAGE COURT BOLEX 7O0M RFFIEX MOVIE CAV.FR IEO S C AMfc R A SHOP I'ft Main TU BEACH'S JEWELERS THRILLING NF.WS In diAmtwKl ring ilyllng TU 4-3493 FREE PERSONALIZED MONOGRAMING ON ALL ItAUU-R f.0005 CURRIN'S FOR DRUGS t R40 Mn iii TU 2-3475 SINGER TYPEWRITER For "CHRISTMAS" 1.V MODELS Scholastic $49 50 & Up . Uo & Up Gracluolt $79 50 Prolrssio,lol $99 9b ALL INCLUDE CARRYING CASE SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 MAIN TU 2-2513 13l ft 834 Moin I LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE On the 37th day of December, 196, at the hour of 10 A M. at the front door of the Courthouse in Klamath Falls, Oreqor, I will sell at auction lo the highest bidder lor cash the fol lowing described real property locat ed in Klamatn County, Oregon, to-wil: The Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter and the Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter and Loll 2 and 3 ol Sec. 30. Twp. 39 South, Ranqe 12 E W M., Oregon. Alto, beginning at the quarter section corner between and common to Sections 19 and 30 of Township 39 South, Range 12, E.W.M., Oregon; thence East I2 feet; thence South 20 degrees IS' East 1670 feet; thence South 20 degrees west 790 leet; thence North 45 degrees West 1400 feet; thence North 1320 (eel to t h e place of beginning. Also a portion of For Everybody-In SHOPPER Gifts for Home ZENITH 19" Portoble TV WITH STAND Only $159.95 ADAIR'S 2200 So. 6th TU 4-7510 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS!! GENERAL ELECTRIC LO-BOY STEREOS with RADIO AM-FM Tuner AMpepd Automatic Changer AM Wood Cflljinet Dual Channel Stereo Amplifier $198 & up See our Selection of Portable Stereos $49.95 & up WHILE THEY LAST!! Goodvear CHRISTMAS Album No. 3 $ I only .... AT GOODYEAR STORE 201 So. 1 1th -- TU 4-8141 Deluxe frribord B.ibv Buggy W'lh Crested Fenders Regular $16.00 NOW $1 1.95 (Factory Direct Pricci) J. W. KERNS 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 .CHILDREN WILL LOVE GENUINE LEATHER COWBOY BELTS and BOLO TIES Only $1.98 STOP BY ALBERS 2710 So. 6th - TU 4-7733 ft ft ft ft ft Gittl for KklviS Children jjt Holidoy jpj Foodl mrnV. HOLIDAY PARTIES OUR SPECIALTY SARI'S ITALIAN DINNERS CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS 5326 So. 6th TU 4-8212 MEAT FOR CHRISTMAS HALVES Stock up r Holiday without Meal Is a meal incomplete. Slate Inspected U S. Graded Meat. CRATER LAKE MEATS UI4 Klamath TU 2-353 BALDWIN ORGANS Wilh Percussion A Panoramic Torn $995 Bowden Music FJ0 Mam TU 2-4983 PLEASE HIM WttH THORSEN SOCKET SETS (Fuiiy Oua'an'eedi $531 & UP COFER'S EXCHANGE A:5 Klamalh TU 4-710 L. CUSTOM lr223 CUTTING time. A meal Gitti (or F7 Dad (jS LEGAL NOTICE tne Southwest quarter ol Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 39 South, Range 12 E W.M., described as follows: A parcel of land lying West of a line drawn from tht Northwest corner of the Southwest quarter ol the Northeast quarter ol said Section 30, Township 39 South, Range 12 East of Willamette Meridian, diagonally across aid forty until said line reaches Ihe Southeast corner of said Southwest quarter of Northeast quarter ol me said section 30; together wttn all wa ter rights appurtenant to said prop erly, togetner with Ihe tenements, her editaments and appurtenances there unto belonging. Said sale Is made under eiecution Issued oul of Ihe Circuit Court of 1he State ol Oregon for Klamath County to me directed in ihe case of Stale of Oregon, Represented and acting by 'Iff. I Give the Finest Gift of oil FURNITURE And save during our DECEMBER STOREWIDE SALE LUCAS FURNITURE 195 E. Main TU 2-4145 JONES FURNITURE REFINISHING This Christmas Relinlsh your Piano Finshes chanqed to MODERN CONTEMPORARY FRUIT WOOD PROVINCIAL FREE ESTIMATES TU 4-3441 S You Laii Ham " tn.,uin n..B" i-h-i P. 1 This Christn- with our new, modem, easy to use, upholstery shampoo and pray machine. VALLEY RENTAL 1003 E. Main TU 4-ABI2 K &MKK&K&U&iiV&.Stdi 'i. v. TOWER FURNITURE GIFT HEADOUARTERS FOR HASSOCKS MIRRORS PICTURES LAMPS Wall Accessories S&H Green Stamps Too! (Open Friday 'Til 91 Large Frea Parking Lor 1204 MAIN - TU 4-8858 f; r. K K K K ft ft SIEGLER OIL & GAS HEATERS & save ft AS MUCH AS $ 1 00 HARRY HAFTER FURNITURE CO. S 833 Klomolh Ave. TU 4-4878 SYLVAN I A TV SETS, RADIOS STEREO EQUIPMENT BEEBE'S TV & RADIO SERVICE 1929 Oregon Ave. TU 4-7529 tv service gift certificate for Christmas" FOR INFORMATION CALL BILLY GOLDEN TV & ELECTRONICS 250 UNITY TU 2-1259 WOW!! See The New THOMAS COLOR-GLO KEY-LIGHT ORGAN TRANSISTORISED 4 DOUBLE KEYBOARD LESLIE SPEAKERS $499 & up AT SEWING MACHINE CENTER 1414 E. MAIN -- TU 4-6949 "ENJOY LIFE MORE" WITH MUSIC" See Cur Fm truments ond FAMOUS LOWREY ORGANS M95, UP KLAMATH MUSIC 6 I 5 t. Mam TU 4-J300 " SHOPPERS Enjoy The Classified Christmas GIFT SHOPPER Gilt! (or gfi Homo .ii ntu imimii r- J Selection ot Ins- , LEGAL NOTICE the Dirtctor o Veterans' Affairs, plain tilf. vs. Kenneth K. Behnke and Emma L. Bennke, husband and wile, Albert M. Scott. Jr. and Rita F. Scott, hus band and wile, and Klamath Produc tion Credit Association of Klamath FaKs, Oregon, a corporation, defend ants. J. M. BRITTON Sheriff of K lamatfi County, Oregon by EHen Biehn Deputy No. 454, Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 10, 17, 1963. FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home. 97S Hign Street, J 7-4404 MEETING NOTICES 1 Odd Fellows KLAMATH LODGE No. 137 regular meeting Tues- 1 Hiu Atoninn ft nm fW 10. ClAA Fllnw Nnll Sth A Moin V 'Refreshments. Visiting Odd Fcl ' lows welcome. Merle Jackson, N.G, MAN7ANITA CHAPTER Nn 172' HnArNiMNI A CK fo. f utj, win noia n an nual Christmas meet ing Wednesdoy, Dec. 11, 8 p.m., Scottish Rite Temple. All OES members cordially invited. Mary Jane Sobo, W.M, Glen Hageman, W.P, ALOHA CHAPTER No. 61 OES STATED MEETING, Tuesday, Dec. 0, 8 p.m. Masonic! Tempte. Christmas Par ty with gift exchange All members ond visit' ing members cordially invited. Carrie Rush, W.M. Orval Alley, W P LOST & FOUND 2 LOST men's eyeglasses Sunday in Weyerhaeuser Christmas tree culling area. Reward. Jim Allen, TU 2-4266 or TU 4 8111. LOST large black male Labrador and Weimaraner dog. Vicinity ol Mills. Weighs 8S pounds. Answers to Snoopy. Reward! TU 2-6572. GE N E RAL NOTICES 4 ALCOHOLICS Anonymous meets Wed., Sat, nights, TU 7-5740, Box 1065 . iww - LARIAT Beauty Lounge permanent, hair shaping, cutting. Evenings by appointment. 3616 Summers Lane, TU 2-5777, Robert Lanti, operator. KLAMATH Alcoholics Anonymous, TU 4-3591, TU 4-6704, help at anytime. BEGI NN E R S Alanon, Help families ot alcoholics, TU 4-7129, Box 1065. LICENSED home lor aged, men, 7-3165 SERVICER PAINTING, 10 papering, rooting, plumb ing, general repair. 397-4483. CARPENTER and cabinet work, re pairs, handyman, small jobs, TU 4 3749. REMODELING, carpenter and cement work. Reasonable, references, TU 2-5388. LORNA'S DOLL HOSPITAL 1434 Lakeview St. TU 4-6992 14 yrs. in the same location PAINTING, wallpapering at its best, interior, exterior, brush or spray, rea sonable prices, free est., TU 2-3131. CUSTOM BUTCHERING At your place, deliver to processing plant or leave. Al Stoll, TU 4-6126. MEAT CUTTING Experienced retired meat cutter will cut and wrap your meat, very reason able, TU 2-4801, 611 N. lllh. DRESS makinq and alterations, all work guaranteed. TU 2-6530. Gina's Tailor Shop Tailoring alterations for men, wom en, children. All work guaranteed. Reasonable Prices Gene's Men s Wear 537 Main ED'S SMALL ' APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE ALL MAKES of APPLIANCES 1411 OWENS Quick, Expert REPAIR SERVICE on all OIL STOVES ond FURNACES Also small gas engines, etc. McGAUGHEY'S TRADING HOUSE 250R Altomont Dr. TU 2-4893 HELP WANTED, FEMALE WANTED May live housekeeper, family in. TU 4-9648. AVON Products and sales Information. Call TU 3-1684. HELP WANTED, MALE 16 WANTED experienced floor covering man, able lo lav carpet, linoleum and tile, 1500 mo. salary. Bush Furniture Co. 321 Main, Oily. WANTED married man with car for local Fuller Brush Company route, must be neat and have desire lor better than average income, SI 15 per week, auaranteed lo start if you Qual ity, write 1200 Winchester, Medford, ph. 772.8934. WANTED experienced truck and pick up salesman, must be married local man acquainted with area A reason ahle guarantee to start. Demonstrator allowance. See Dck or Mel, Miller 1 Bros., Inc., 7th and Klamatn. J PINE cut stock operation needs eoe- j rienced rip saw and cut oil men. Per manent year around employment In j Roseburg area. State prior enDenenc In repty to Box 638C Herald and Newv Auto Salesmen (2) i For Plymouth-Chrysler makes. Pa t experience desirable, but not necessary. ! II you're neat appearing, friendly, and pondable, Ipere is an opportunity lor j you with a future. Demo proqram and many trinqe benefits tor selected men. Sf Bill James . . . OLSON Chrysler Plymouth, 522 So. 6h. Personal inter views only. No phone calls plae. CAR - TRATlERT SALESMAN 're a saleman, or Intei ted In sellinq ... it you're wil . . , aoolicalions are bei right now lor a joft with nq to work q accepted a oood tu- ture E tperience preferred hut n o I absolutely necessary. Sell new Buicfcs, Used cars and trailers! For interview, see Paul Flury between a m. and Noon. No phone calls please. Wilson WILEY BUICK Co. 1330 Mn.n HELP WANTED MAN end we wanted on poullrv farm, no small children. Rt. 2 Roy 1U 4 W9 " NOTICE TOJOB 5EEKERS A:t help wanted os published m ttt Hemid & Nes are accepted in oood !tn that the lofts offered are as sta'ed m trie adverting coov. We are not re sonsible foe tntearitv of our adver tisers, but e make every e"ort to dis cover and reiect n miOeaamg aove' t'stmq Anvone answering a help wanted ad and finding it to be misleading aw t report it ie tne Classified Ad vertismg Peptrtmenf of if Heraid I SITUATIONS WANTED 18 RETIRED maon. ctve. nanav wth toon. Bikwork a specialty. Harit any reoeir too. TU -'lj7. FOR DEPENDABLE CMILDCARE' TU ; Ml Crpn Dr JACK. 1 J'LL DAY NURSERY W 18 IRONING In my noma, 2671 Radciiffe, IRONING, washing, pickup, FAST SERVICE, TU 4-9434. IRONING TO DO IN MY HOME Mrs. Beasley. TU 4-9936 ROOMS FOR RENT 22 MEN 134 N. 3rd, 136 per month, TU 4-4033, TU 4-9217. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 blocks from Main, !5 a up, TU 4-4259. STEAM heated, clean, quiet sleeping rooms, 310 So. 5lh, TU 2-0214. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 blocks Irom Main, S5 and up, TU 4-4259. COMMERCIAL Rooms clean, com fortable, reasonable rales. 17 wk. uo. I Accommodations for lunch packing. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 24 ONE bedroom furnished apartment, wnlkinq distance to town. Water, gar bage paid, S35. Call TU 2-1601. FURNISHED insulated one bedroom apt. Water, garbage paid ISO. TU 4-5334. THREE-room turnisheoapt7MljAd dition, S37.50, TU 2-319. tUMtLfc 1 tLY lurmshed apt.. i'i baths, $110 including utilities. TU 4-9812 ON South Homedale I bedroom ( ur nished, carpeting, TU 4-3483 eves. CLEAN, bedroom paid. La comfortable, furnished one apartment. Water, garbage ndry facilities available. Lovely yard. 2113 Gary, TU 2-3603. FURNISHED apt.. steam heat. ties. Near Weyerhaeuser, TU 4-8313. LARGE attractive 2 bedroom duplex, close to school, shopping center. TU 3-4785 after 6:30 p.m. HOUSE OF ROCKS MOTEL Kitchens. Daily, weekly rates. Reason able! 2005 Biehn, TU 2-9130. SMALL, furnished, washing facilities, inquire 1324 Oak, TU 2-6298. TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxe apt. newly redecorated, S80, TU 2-6500. CLEAN furnished 2 room apt., $45, utilities paid, TU 2-0329 before 10 or alter 5, see 1842 Esplanade days. "FREE" "HEAT7" ("bedroom apF unlur nished except range, adults, no pets. S60. TU 4-7558. DESIRABLE uptown, furn., free heat, adults, 165, Alpha Apis., TU 4-4522. REX ArmrptsTFurnished l T? bed' rooms. Heal, phone, garbage, Klam ath and Broad, 224 Broad, TU 2-9217. PLEASANT duplex apt. near town, schools, adults, un lurnished, TU 4-9803. EWAUNA - DOW NTQW N Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. llth - TU 2-1062 2 ROOMS furnished, utilities and wood lurnished, adults, close to downtown, TU 4-3353. Eves., TU 4-6304. "FUR N I S HED A P T S.,"off Stree tpar iT" ing, TU 2-4736 weekdays after 5 p.m., anytime weekends. ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom, furnished. hot & cold waler, close in, washing facilities, no pets. TU 4-8418. 2 BEDROOM furnished apt., 3204 Al tamonf, TU 2-6765 or TU 4-9905. 3 ROOM, private bath, couple pre ferred, no doqs.TU 2-6886 . CLEAN furnished one bedroom apt., walcr, garbage paid, TU 4-5397, 1937 Oregon Ave. 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished apts., adults, I child acceptable, low winter rates, 1143 Pine. FURNISHED, modern, clean 2 room bachelor apartment. Liqhts, water paid. $32.50, TU 2-6547, TU 4-8361. FOUR room furnished, close in, $40, adults only, TU 4-6796. TWO bedroom furnished apt., $45. Also a 2 bedroom furnished apt.. $65. Water, garbage paid, TU 4-5692. 2 ROOM furnished apt., bage, bachelor preferred, water, gar TU 4-6373. LOVELY 2 bedroom apartment, stove & refrigerator furnished. TU 2-1544. C 0 N STRUCT 10 N W OR KER S Furnished. Near new OTI. Kitchens, weekly rates, carports, PELICAN MOTEL, TU 2-9256. FURNISHED studio apt., all utilities lurnished, woman only, 803 Lincoln, $50. FURNISHED 1 bedroom duplex, elec tric heat, 3626 Summers Lane. NICELY furnFshed, newly decorated dininq room apt. Wool ruqs, auto, wash er, jnfanto.K. TU 4-3762, TU 4-3B93. DOWNTOWN furnished apartment TU 4-8836 or TU 4-63C0. CLEAN 4 room furnished apt., adults, water and garbage paid. TU 2-3862. HEAT paid, 1 bedroom, good location, 1800 Esplanade, TU 4-5539. S35, COUPLE or single man, TU 2-6460. ROOSEVELT APTS. 7036 Leroy TU ?-1749 Two hpdroorrt unfurnished. Garaqe. Hot water heat. Hot Springs area. Adults. AUDLEY APTS. Nicely furnished 1 bedroom & studios, 303 So. 8th, near Post Oflice. LOW COST $36 to S60, Includes permanent maintenance. CONVENIENCE Near town, shop pitta centers, schools, churches. COMFORT 1-2-3-bedroom lurnished or unfurnished units. Call lor personal interview Bam. lo 5 p.m. Mon. Ihrouqh Frl. SHASTA VIEW APARTMENTS 1627 Washburn Way TU 4-8377 KLAMATH'S FINEST UNION MANOR 2544 UNION 1 A 2 bedroom apartments Furnished or unfurnished SPACIOUS ROOMS Wall to wall cameling SWIMMING POOL Heat, water, garbage furnished Dorothea Nolan TU 2 0764 KINGFALLS APARTMENTS ond MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One ond Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rotes TU 2-5577 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 CLEAN 2 bedroom furnished house, carpeting, 5. TU 4-SM1, TtJ 4-4607. THREE ro S30 a mo. unfurnished, oil heat, Inqui NICE unfurnished 2 bedroom house, at tached aaraoe. Good Mills Add n loca tion. S67 50. TU 4-9091. THREE bedroom, SMO month, ph. TU 2-5057. PARTLY furnished 3 bedroom house, with qarflqe, 2J48 GreenspnnQS Dr. REDECORATED I'i bedroom funished dose in. TU 2-J 724. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom home, t-re-piace, carpet, no. forced air fipatinq See at lil More St or TU 4-8750 atter i 5pm SM per mo 2 BEDROOM. arbqr i wafer tur. ntshfd AKo CABINS as low as $'? a month, water a qarhaoe furnished, in quire Anov Zuoell, R'e. 3, Box 222. Weverhiuser Junction. ONE bedroom house, on AHamont Dr. $4S. inquire 1 777 Gary UNFURNISHED 2 bed'oom house, fireoiate Large v'd. Water, osrtsaoe paid 4 5P On Osden, TU J-J't.l TWO bedroom house unfurnished, coy ote orMv. S 0. Ph TU 4-7f0. TWO bedroom and J bedroom for rent or s'e. No pets, Tu 4-J. ONE bed' pom un 'urn i shed, c'ose in. watpr hea'. qarbaqt serv ice and wate-. $75. aauits. T u 4 44f FURNISHED i besirrvim Fenced ya'd. garage jj TU 4 aC? SMALL, tufi.shed houe tor rem. Can Vernll 7-S5J "2 UNe U RNI5HE D oe.lrnorns! 1 I ( v e7 qaraa ISO. Jor-nson Street. TU 4-l UNFURNtSfcO hffvse. call Mr. Rmp. tu -r-C4. i u :-4m eves UeURNtSMFD 7 rertroo-w ote. A' larncnt Or- $.U month. TU J-J4U. SITUATIONS WANTED . HOUSES FOR RENT 26 22 PAClFtC Terrace. Furn!a,-ied. cou ple, furnace, fireplace, $45. TU 4-4451. ONE bedroom tyrnisned house, north tioe, sas equipped, UO. TU a-693. TjnTuRNIShFd 1 bedroom duple. Fireplace, lull basement with knotty pine -worn. Call TU 4-6597 after 5 p m. NICE two bedroom noma for rani at 1802 Johnson. ONE bedroom house, very clean, TU 21014. FURNISHED 1 bedroom. Mills Add'n. ph. TU 2-3702. THREE room furnished house and ga rage, S50. TU 2-3152. UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom, water, draperies, 1624 Patterson, near Moyina, adults, no pets, TU 2-1(12. 2-BEDROOM house, large garage 170; 1-bedroom furnished apt. TU 4-56B6. CHARMING furnished I bedroom du plex, wood burner, utility room, 112 Upham, TU 2-33M. ONE bedroom furnished house, close in, TU 4-4379 or TU 4-8576. TWO bedroom unfurnished, fenced, carport, US, TU 4 3770. FURNISHED 2 rooms, part utilitii S25. TU 2-4389. TU 2-4917. CLEAN one bedroom, rage, S50. TU 4-5935. furnished, 0 3 BEDROOM unfurnished, garage, near new OTI, TU 4-5735, TU 2-1590 MILLS AddiTion 2 bedroom unfurn ished duplex, $40. Inquire 2441 EOerlem. ""UNFURNISHED, new, 3 bedrooms, ap pliances, double, i'i baths. H5, 1649 Siskiyou, inquire 111 Pine, TU 4-5885. TVO bedroom unfurnished. Mills Ad dition, S50, inquire 1339 E. Main. ONE bedroom lurnished, shower, 622' i Lowell, S45, TU 4-6632. CLEAN Vi bedroom unfurnished, basement, garage, near KUHS. Portland, $50, TU 2-6590. full 1646 NEAT furnished one bedroom cottage near Hillside Hospital, TU 4-677 ONE bedroom furnished house, oil heat, MO. Also unfurnished apt., elec tric heat, $50, South luburbs, TU 4-7523. 3 ROOM furnished, water, garbage paid, S30, TU 2-0456, 1723 Oak. EXCELLENT- 2 bedroom," unfurnished duplex, electric, Mills, $70 TU 2-0249. TWO bedroom unfurnished, gas heat, basement, available Dec. IS, $85, 1025 N. 7lh, TU 2-3559 days. COMFORTABLE 1 bedroom furnished, easy to heat, inquire 2124 Ogden. LARGE unfurnished 2 bedroom duplex. Mills Addn. Electric heat, $85, no pets. Inquire 2338 Reclamation, TU 4-5561 after 5 p.m. or weekends. THREE bedroom unfurnished Close in, call TU 4-4379. home. TWO bedroom unfurnished, clean, 2 mi. north Qf town. Children, pels o.k. Water paid. $55. 702 Spruce, TU 2-6590. OR lease three bedroom unfurnished house. Living room with fireplace, I'i baths, range, oven. Close in, $125, TU i 2-4664, TU 2-1683. THREE bedroom unfurnished, F i re place, electric heat, 633 St. Francis St., TU 4-5244, TU 2-0436. CLEAN furnished or unfurnished 1 & 2 bedrooms. Garages, close in, gas, Some utilities paid, references, TU 4-8773. RJRNISHED 2 bedroom duplex 729 No. 11th, S65, inquire 111 Pine. MISC. PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFFICE building for rent, available Jan. 1, 2159 Arthur. TU 4-8362 eve., TU 4-8121 days. OFFICE - Street level, across from courthouse, vacant now. TU 2-6500. VFRCEpaceriWrfTTparltlnTfoi7 7 cars. 3rd & Pine, available March, 1964. TU 4-6033. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 29 WIL trade nice average sized subur ban home for large hom within walk ing distance from downtown. Write Box 629, Herald News. "TRADE" ond SAVE TAXES For information on tax FREE Trades, call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders CK Licensed Ore. Cal. Ida. Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 OWNER SAYS "Find me someone who has a three bedroom home who will trade for a neiahborhood grocery store wilh living quarters," INTERESTED? Then Call Us Right Away For More Information , . . PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings "Pat" Palone TU 2-0836 Al House TU 4 7068 Harold M. Ruh TU 2-4173 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 OWNER transferred! Three bedroom on Onyx Avenue. Fireplace, carpeting. Built-in range and dishwasher. Dou ble garage. Large yard and patio. Shown by appoiniment only. Call TU 2-0179. LAKEVIEW home, sell or trade, 3 yrs. old, near schools. Sell eguily cheap, TU 2-5264; TU 2-0074. HOME sites in restricted residential area. Enoy the lines! in qu'pt ubur. ban living. Large lots from 15 to ISO ft. frontage, garden loam, all utilities, pavement & sidewalks. Shown by ap pointment. TU 4-7523. NEW large view home, basement, close new OTI & hospital, TU 2-OJ70. ! RURAL lot, owner-financed, suitai for trailer, TU 7-1066. i FOR sale by owner, 2 bedroom house I near park in Mills Add'n. No down : payment. TU 2-5405. FHA appraised attractive 7 bedroom suburban. Fireplace, garage, large lawn, fenced, shrubs and trees, on school bus run. Buy equity or refinance, 110,200. TU 2-497S, 1736 Arthur. : 4' i ACRES, 3 bedroom house, north j side, SI. 700 down, TU 2-09BO. 3 BEDROOM So. Suburban, or lease ooi ion, wnie box i, Asniano. HOT Springs, good olde' home, SI. 000 equity, terms. TU 2-5691, j $1300 OFF, 3 bedroom, fireplace, finu construction Full price SI 1,500, 1772 Lo 1 gan, TU 2-1728. i BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home in restricted res idential oi stnet. Best of construction Natural qas hot a r heat, hardwood floors, I'i baths, tirro'ace, pat'O. birch tchen. lots of storage, J1S.900, TU 2-241 1 "MOVING? I We Witl "TRADE" your property any. where west of the Rockies! Call DEANE SACHER Realtor Member International Traders Out) L.cend - Ore Cal. a wsh. MLS Multiple Listing Service MAKE te wo(e fan-i'ty hoov Mw Christmas th this beautifwl ranch style 3 bed room mJern home Quality built frpm the (round up. Circulating fireplace, eoub'e qa.-iqe. econom-cai oil forced .r heat, intercom system Oes"!;' suDurhan location. Underoriceo a $'5. tX. $58 dOn p'us COS mo. monthly pavrnents aporotimate'V I'W c e r month. FHA. STILES REALTY 4lJi So. h Street ONE STOP REAL ESTATE $f PvTf P" 1 U 2-440 Mvtiff Sri!fS joe Perry T tj 1 Ijj 4-5JJJ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 160 ACRES, 120 acres, 40 acre, tim ber on land. Box 27, BeeHy, Or. IMMACULATE 3 bedroom. Dtuble garage, carpeting, built-in appliances, fireplace, corner lot, view of lake. 03 Mf. Pit, TU 4-9174. STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 6th Ph. TU 4-5311 EVENINGS CALL Bob 1 Stella Dehlmger TU 2-5601 Hank Holm an TU 3-S04I FERGUSON HENLEY SCHOOLS Large 3 bedroom on double lot. Paved dead end street. Fireplace, hardwood paneling and exposed beam ceiling, forced air diesel furnace, builfin kitch en, attached double garage. Don't rmss thi milslandino bargain at a new reduced price, 114,750. I acres, exclusive residential area with outstanding view. New well and pump. $12,000. 100 acre irrigated farm, Tuleleke. 1 bedroom home. An exceptional buy at S37.SO0. MOYINA HEIGHTS Beautiful thre bedroom home on McClellan Drive. I'i baths, double attached garage. 100x110 ft. lot. A very complete home. Shown by appointment only. Price $21,000. HIGHWAY 91 north, only 4 miles from center of town. 17 acres with three bed room house and hiqhway frontaqe. Close to motel, trailer court and new OTI and hospital sites. Priced lo go at i IB. 000. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Main Jim O'Donahue TU 2-34M Eves. TU 4-9A91 DRIVE BY 1804 CARLSON Lovely new 4 bedroom, 2 bath home with 3 fireplaces, perimeter oil heat. Thermopanes throughout. Large sun deck, covered patio, double garage. Alt this and a panoramic view tool FINANCING AVAILABLE CONSIDERABLE TRADE McATEE REALTORS 339 E. Min Harold Holiis Evelyn McAtee TU 2-44 TU 2-4813 TU 2-5935 BETTER BUILT HOMES By Thrifty Builders ONLY $8900 & Up (On Your Lot) CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE Three bedroom homes. Large livinq room, dining area. Large bedrooms and closets. Lovely cabinets. Tile bath, I shower and fully insulated too! I No Cash Down Financing k See Our 4 Bedroom Model Home in Bel Air Gardens . . , DROP BY ESTATE DRIVE-SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2 0436 TU 4-5244 Multiple Listing Service MLS Lots and Acreage Mills. Improved corner lot. SO x 120 ft. 13500. , South Suburban 82' i x 247 ft. on Ander son Avenue. $2,000. 7" i Acres - unimproved, surveyed. Pint Grove District. 16,000. Little over an acre on Homedale Road. H,250. 715 St. Francis Three bedroom plus sewing room or could be 4th bedroom. Fireolace, gas furnace, full basement, separate ga- j rage, extremely neat and well main- ping and schools. G.I. appraised. Don't pass this one up I $11,750. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 13 No, 7th Lucille Anderson Lois Macy TU 4-3129 TU 3-0518 TU 2-SM7 S6300. Large 3 bedroom (1 down and 3 uo). Completely remodeled, new foun dation, wiring, plumbing. Situated on two lots,-one Of which is IMPROVED for TRAILER HOUSE. Owner will car ry contract on this EXCELLENT BUY. Make us an offer! We have other good listings in most all price ranges and districts. Let us know what you're looking for, If we don't have it, we'll FIND FOR YOU1 WALKER REALTY 402 Main St. Stevens Hotel Office: TU 2-4154 Day or Eves. Residence: TU MB8S MLS Multiple Listing Service FREE HEAT Have all the comfort you want with out reading a meter. This home has three bedrooms, I'i baths, large living room with fireplace, separate dining room 12 x 14, den and full basement. The whole house is com fy veer around lor free. Good neighbor hood on Pacific Terrace. Owner was askinq $20,000, but has re duced it to $18,500. 10 per cent down. PHONE US FOR APPOINTMENT . . . PEYTON Member International Traders Club 835 Market TU 4-5149 Evenings "Paf Paiore TU 2-036 Hro'd M. Rush TU 2-4W3 Al House TU 4-7088 'STILWELL & CO. Presents: LLD5E IN NORTH SIDE - A very com'ortarjie 3 bedroom older home in SDerdd cong it ton throughout. Carpeted hvinq room 4 (fining ir- fireolace. beautiful modern k'tcnen, basement, economical oil furnace, view location, immediate DO'siOn flood terms. Price $14,500. A 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY - Located in attractive WEST park Easy ac cess to OTI and hosoitai sites and downtown Close to school. Home only 3 years old and in excellent condition L'vmq room with gasi enclosed fireolace, dming room, beautiful hargwood fioorj, aMachtd oa-eqe, covered oatio Soaoous 'f. You will like this. Pnce $17. 5W. Stilwell&Co. J' Mam St. Rraitftrj tu 4-3'3t A"er 5 00 Call, i'ute B nk ey TU I-J47 M no anr call TU .?tT4. TU J-0J4