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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1963)
Malin Clubs MALIX-Mrs. Robert 'Brown was hostess Nov. 20 for a meet ing of the Helping Hands Soci ety at the Malin Community Hall. Mrs. Harold KnUkcrn pre sided. Alice Olsen was appointed to the calling committee for East Malm and Bees McCullcy for West Malin. The society decided to donate $15 to the Christmas clearing bureau in Klamath Falls. The annual Christmas party will be held on the r e g u 1 a r meeting date during the day at the Malin Community Hall. There will be a potluck dinner and an exchange of gifts not to exceed $1.50. Lois Moore entertained the VKW Social Club on Nov. 20. Mary Alice Stnstny and Marga ret Peckham won prizes from COAT DRESS IS BACK The coat dress is again a fashion favorite. This season it's done in wool, flat fur, suede and velvet. the two tables of pinochle in play. Others present were Hose Van Meter, Arlene Williams, Ruth Morrow, Helen Whitman, Alber ta Williams, Sylvia Laird and Ekie Wolf. The Christmas party will be Dec. 18 at tile VKW Hall with a 6:30 family potluck dinner and a dollar gift exchange. The Happy Hour Bridge Club met recently at the home of Mrs. G. C. Blohm. Mrs. Con Johnson won high score and Mrs. Charles Hamilton second. Others making up the two ta bles on bridge included Mrs. J. Perry Haley, Mrs. Lester Schrci ner, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. W. C. Dalton Sr., Mrs. Rob ert Holl and Mrs. A. E. Street. SMOCK A STACK OF PRETTY PILLOWS little cost! riA-n r 17 Zu! eima PAGE 4B HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath Falls. Oregon Sunday, December I, IK! The Klamath Falls Zuleima Nile Club collected jams and jellies for the Shrine Crippled Children's Hospital at their luncheon meeting Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Winema Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Anderson showed pictures of their recent trip to Europe and Israel. Fall flowers in horns of plen ty used as table decor were given as prizes to Princesses Peggy Harnsberger, Flo Stein seifer, Marlys O'Neill, Mary Johnson and Eve Alley. The committee was intro duced and thanked by Princess Margarite Breithaupt. Princess Dorothy Neet an nounced that cards would be played at 10 a.m. before the meeting on Dec. The next ceremonial will be a potluck luncheon at Grants Pass on Dec. 14. . -.-1. ' JwVw 24fi7 Sir&s2r 625!) 6257's EASY... it's FUN and the results are SENSATIONAL!!! A grand gift for Christ mas. So easy to moke and you will find a wide range of colors in all the pop ular fabrics mentioned. See our selection at prices to suit everyone! 2), onnieS CORDUROY VELVETEEN TAFFETA GINGHAM SATINS IJcirdcigt 1029 MAIN HONORED Mr. and Mrs. Alonio M. White of New port were honored Nov. 17 at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. White, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. Photo by Bob Anderson Mrs. Dean Dunson attending the coffee service was assisted by Mis. R. D. Mathis. Acting as hostesses were Andrea Moore and Jan Cleaves. The honored couple came to Oregon in the early 20's and set tled in the Bend and Powell Butte area. In 1940 they moved to Cottage Grove and a year later to Portland where they made their home until about a month ago when they moved to Newport. Alonzo White engaged in the carpenter and building business until his retirement in 1950. Also present for the reception were two sisters and a brother of Mrs. While. Ruby and Edna Jaraczeski and Arthur Lundbcrg all of Great Falls. Coming from Medford (or the occasion were children of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. White, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glcaves and Mr. and Mrs. G. Glcaves and Iheir two children, Debhi and Greg. Party Fetes Goldenweds Alonzo M. and Agnes While were married in Great Falls, Mont., on Nov. 19, 1913. Fifty years later, this year, they ob served the day on Nov. 17 at the home of their youngest son, Edward J. and his wife, Kitty, on the Merrill Highway. The Whites, who are residents of Newport, Ore., were greeted by about 70 guests during the reception hours of 2 until 5 p.m. Included among the guests were two sons, Leon Wliile of Seattle, Robert While and his wife, Kayc, and their three children, Billy Shell; and Perry of San Francisco: two daughters, Ruby Garner, San Diego, and her three sons, Michael, Ricky and Sloven, and Lois Shaw of Gar dena, Calif. One son, Harvey and his children of B o s t o n, Mass., were unable to be pres ent. The reception table was adorned with a beautiful gold arrangement fashioned by Nor ma Ucrlings and the traditional wedding cake trimmed with ros es of yellow and gold. Other decorations alraut the home were fall flowers complemen tary to the golden wedding theme. FOJt YOUR Protection m Insurance Questions QUESTION: Will the Medical Payments coverage in this Farm-owner's insurance pay the doctor bill for a neighbor who is hurt while helping my hus band fix a tractor? ANSWER: Yes ft will, up to the limits of the policy. This is an rmportont coverage for farmers. Thin public service t our wiy of dvertmng. Your insurance ques tions will be answered without charge or obligation if you'll send r bring them to JERRY THOMAS INSURANCE AGENCY 304 So. 7th TU 2-SSS5 BEAUTIFUL GIFTS by Sin Hum Give o gift of beoutifuf lin gerie from Miller's wonder ful collection of SJ umber Sue Sleepwear. Just look of these charming styles . . . then look ot the low. prices . . . then shop Mil ler's tomorrow! Fret gift wrapping, of course. rmbroiderv. dainty M-QtnCr jltsoft flannellerte. 1 I 1 low i n v v.vj p-H.t. id i f l li mm V fc ' 1 K Dainty Dreamer lOO'o cotton long gown Delicate embroidery and dainty lace over cuddlesoft flannelette. Tricot Soray button down gown Knitted fashion tricot fabric needs no ironing. 5.9d 512 Main Free Parking 5th & Klamath Lingerie Second Floor Use Your Charge Account or Lay Away EW..and now this new concertina inaideibrm' mrde can't ride up gj' pull down because this 'action insert' move as you move! iller's! S A a sensationa or any woman New Selection Just Arrived! fi dress it up down , , or dress it as the you'll never yank of o girdle ogo'mi 1 A Moldtnform creates a new kind of girdle that always itayi In ploctl New Concertino has a unique section of eloitic mesh In the bock that adusU ot you move. The rtit of the girdle itoyi precisely where It belongs! The woistbond won't pull down, the legs won't ride up, no motier how ocfive you ore. And because the fabric li mode with 'lycraM iponde x, this new Concertina girdle It toft, lightweight, and machine woihoblel f ihrl mode with l rtto" tpoitdei, with bock pant I, from 7 M. Orhw Hy'ti from it 5. Sift J-M-lXl. Power Net Hoitkt Nylon, Acetoie, "Lycra" Spondew. Sotin tlottkt Acetott, Cotton, "Lycra" Spondei, NYlen, Slimwear Second Floor A occasion dema nds! mrilarii presents the a sAmbassador r 0- jT. - i : A'BASIC-EZE'DRESS specially priced at only jf r' jMfiiiiiia! The pure wool sheath . . . o must for every wardrobe' Her very own accessories change the mood, hour, doy, and event ot your slightest whim ... it does so many things splendidly. Italiano red, American cranberry, French block, British navy, white ond pastel colors. All sizes 5-15, 10-20, 12',2-22','j, 8-18 petites. USE YOUR CHARGE ACCOUNT OR LAY-AWAY! JKiimk 512 Main Free Customer Parking 5th & Klamath 512 Main Free Parking 5fh & Klamath