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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1963)
"Y SITUATI0N5WANTID COLORED B,rl winti work, n.gnt, TU I-4iJ. 18 A ANTED 0ty jilting, my homt, call TU nytim. IRONING, washing, pickup dflvfr FA&T 5ERVICE. TU 4-HU. IRONING-TO DO INY-HOWE Wfi. Bcasiey. TU 4-W36 WANT lull-(im jod iecrtlry Book." keening, insurance, legal, desk clerk, cairner, swtlchDoard ana pnciOgraDtiv' TU ? ROOMS FOR RENT GENTLEMEN, clean room. i mo., 15J0 Crescent, TU 4-1442. P I r VEN-134 N. Vd. 134 ptr monm, 4-6033, TU 4-921. CLEAN, comfortable rooms, 2 blocks from Main, TU 4-4259. CLEAN housekeeping room, down town, utilities. 317 Pin. TU 2-1487. STEAM heated, clean, quiet sleeping" rooms, 310 So. 5th, TU 2-0214. COMMERCIAL Rooms - clean." comT fortable, reasonable rates, 17 wk up Accommodation! lor hjnch packing. Working man's rooms, lounge room vvth TV S?5 S3? Commercial APARTMENTS FOR RENT ... 3 ROOM, private bath, couple f erred, no dogs.TU 2-684 . 24 FURNISHED or unfurnished apart ment, close in, ph. TU 4-3342. TWO bedroom partially furnished. 7135 Orchard, adults, inquire 2037 Radcliffe. CLEAN, quiet. Also rooms, winter" rates. Court View, 112 S. 3rd. N ICE clean, furnished 1 bedroom apartment. Close In, adults, no pr.ts. TU 4-84 II. SMALL furnished apt., ities paid, $37.50, 433 N. ON So. Homedale, 1 bedroom, unfur nished, with carpeting. TU 4-3483. FREE HEAT and water, 1 bedroom duplex, unfurnished except range, wash ing facilities, $60. TU 4-7558. ONE bedroom furnished, water, gar- oage paio. n. vin. iu 4-3671. ' - . rt-r -v - runmjncu Hr-13., on lireeT parK- inq, TU 2-4736 weekdays alter 5 p.m. anytime weekends. 1 AND 2 bedroom furnished aos . adults, l child acceptable, low winter rales, 1143 Pme. 1714 FARGO. 2 bedroom, water fur nished. $50, adults preferred, TU 2-1326, TU 4-9447. FOUR room furnished, close In, adults only, TU 4-6796. LOVELY 2 bedroom apartment, stova & refrigerator furnished. TU 2-1544, TWO bedroom furnished apt., $45. Also a 2 bedroom furnished apt., $65. Water, garbage paid, TU 4-5692. CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Furnished. Near new OTI. Kitchen, weekly rates, carports, PELICAN MOTEL, TU 2-9256. CLEAN, comfortable 1 bedroom, laun dry orivileges, water, garbaqe pd., love ly yard, TU 2-3603. TU 4-7645. COZY clean furnished TU 4-5334, 330 Hanks. apt., no pets. EWAUNA - DOWNTOWN Klamath's most modern, furnished. 219 So. Uth TU 2-1062 TWO bedroom unfurnished deluxe apt., newly redecorated. $80, TU 2-6500. "CLEANTfurnished apt.," MilW utilities" paid, some hour work available to right person, prefer non-smoker, TU 4-6574 afternoons and weekends. FURNISHED 2 room bachelor apt., $30, 2126 Reclamation. CLEAN furnished apis. All utilities, 710 Main, Greer Apis. "COMPLETELY turn! s heda pt!T a 1 1 "u'tiT" .ties, 1411 Mam. HOUSE OF ROCKS MOTEL Rooms-Apis., daily, weekly rates. Reasonable. 2005 Biehn. TU 2-9130. " ROOSEVELf"APTS 20J6 Lcrov TU 2-1749 two bedroom unfurnished. Garaqe. Hoi ".aler heal. Hot Springs area. Adults. LOW COST COMFORTABLE LIVING Your choice of 1-2-3 bedroom apart ments, furnished or unfurnished. 536 to $60 Includes permanent maintenance. Office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon day through Friday. CaM (or personal interview. SHASTA VIEW APT5. 1627 Washburn Way TU 4-8377 KLAMATH7S'FINEST " 2544 Union 1 & 2 bedroom apartments Furnished or unfurnished Spacious Rooms Tastefully Decorated Wail to Wall Carpeting Swimming Pool Rental includes all services except telephone and electricity Dorothea Nolan TU 2-0766 KINGFALLS APARTMENTS and MOTEL 2660 Shasta Way One and Two Bedroom opts. Furnished and Unfurnished $69.50 to $89.50 Doily, Weekly Motel Rates TU 2-5577 HOUSES FOR RENT 26 NORTH side, unfurnished, gas furnace. 2 bedrooms. Attached garage. Neat, clean, $65, TU 4-7311. 2 BEDROOM unfurnished, Greensprings, TU 4-8251. UNFURNISHED, new, 3 bedrooms, an rlinces, double, l'i paths, H5, 169 Siskiyou, inquire 111 Pine. TU 4-5885. TWO bedroom unfum Phone TU 4-4380. ished house, 7 BEDROOM, clean, cloe to schools, unfurnished, TU 2-0673, TU 4-4484. THREE room unfurnished, oil heat, $35 a mo. Inquire at Idella's. NICE 1 bedroom furnished, Altamont District. Fenced lawn, shade trees, ga rage, storage shed, 550, TU 4-7206. 778 PACIFIC .Terrace. Furnished, cou ple, furnace, fireplace. $65. TU 4-445K EURNISHEDTIarge 3 bedroom home. Call TU 4-9354 anytime FURNISHED-2 bedrooms m 7 1 I e r house. Mills. $50, TU 4-7875, TU 4-8356 FOUR room partially furnished house. tSO. 235 E. Vain. TU 4-5808 after 4 ONE bedroom partly furnished, i V iiqhts. garbage. $50 Couo'e. 1 ate', child oh. TU 4-786, 6139 Simmers. T E bedroom unfurnished hi Mnis. Inquire 827 Mitchell TWO bedroom unfurnished home. Austin, TU 2-2461. 3 BEDROOM, dean, unfurnished, raoe, vara, water pid, 2 mi r town, children and pets ok. $65, Soruce. TU 2-65W TVO bedroom unturn.sneo'., $S0, mauire 1339 E Vair UNFURNISHED 2 bedroom house. rqt vard. fireplace water, oarpage cad. $77 JO. 2'01 Ogden, TU 2-3743. FURNISHED 1 bedroom with carport, north nee. TU 4 4lB three bearoom un'urn.shed. fire place, suburban, available Dec 5, TU 4 74 ONE bedroom furnished, shower, 622' 1 LoweH, $43. TU 4-632. 2 BEDROOM" unfurnished house, on 'urnace with range 1 relngera'or it necessary. $5S. tu 2-4559. CLEN Vj bedroom unfurmthM. full basement, garage, near KUH$. 1644 Portland, $50- TU 2-6590. 2 BEDR"00Wunfurnishtd dup'ex apt, CaMornis Ave. $69 50. TU 4-944 LOVELYY bedroom duoie. electric heat, unfurmshed eceof range, ga rage. V5. Tu 2-134 even-ngs T0 btdrrjom house, large garage V0. TU 4-Se us N 1 shE D 1 bedroom home 14 J. Ingyire ttl P-re CLE AN 2 bed-ocm. ufur-ird. $SS 16'9 Johnson, TU -C98 T WO bdroomunfuri'S-td. t'ean. 1 mi Mh of town. C'ld'en. re's 0. ftater cad 155. TO3 S&ruce. Tu 7-650 TrVO bed'Oem unluritd house E ectr't heat, Ai'emont Drive. T U 7-int. Houses for rent n THREE bedroom unfurmthtd home" CtOia in. call TU 4-4Jl. FURNISHED 1 bMroom. clean. Omt in, wajhmo tacilHiet, Sj7, TU I-Wll. THREE Dedroom unlurrtijhed nousi7 4I B.ipfe, Tu 2-43I9. atitr 5 X FURNISHED or Wfvmtt 3 trt room, too. jio7 Homeoale. TU 4-jio. MILLS Addif.on 2 bedroom ururrC unto dupiei, s3. Inquire tt Etn n. PARTIALLY furnished two bedroom Jupl, tenced vara. fed. TU 4-7SS NICE bear oo m tri 7-1 1M. er for rent. TU 2 BEDROOM TU 4-4054. unlurn.shed house. $70. SMALL 1 bedroom partly furnished, suitable couple, I mi. S E. city, Tj 2-07v COMFORTABLE 1 bedroom furnished. Easy to heat, suitable tor couple, in quire 2124 Ogaen. THREE bedroom unfurnished house7 dryer hookup. Inquire 1772 Derby. FURNISHED 2 bedroom homeS55 TU 4-4447 after S p.m. FURNISHEO 1 bedroom cottage, spar kling clean, good neignoornood m Mills, garbage service, water paid, S3 7 50 mo. Mason, TU 4-141. Ev erft Dennis. Rfai'O'. 'C7 Eso'snaap MISC PROPERTY TO LET .... 27 OFFICE building. 2242 Hilyard, suit able (or contractor, real estate, what-have-you. Yard space available. Days, TU ?-3464; eves. TU REAL ESTATE WANTED 2d YOUNG dentist a, wife, no children would like to rent a one or two bed room partly furnished home. TU 2-3192. LARGE lot equipped for frailer house on north end of town. TU 2-5975. WANTED Listings on city or suburban prop- 'crfies, We have cosh buyers. If , . . I Vur property has been hard to don't worry about it. Perhaps your property con be profitably :ex-hanged for you. For details see: STILES REALTY Member Intern'l Traders Club 48.11 So. 6th St. TU 2-4740 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 29 TRADE equity In new duplex for Ore acreaqe, write J. G. Bullars, 1740 Cen tral Ave. Napa. Calif. WILL trade nice $2500 mobile home for property of near equal value, TU 4-8851. 21 CITYvlew lots HoPwater "we1l7 Trade for equity, TU 4-9754. 1 om a "TRADER7 ARE YOU? why sell when you can trade. Call DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Traders Club Licensed - Ore., Calif., Ida., Wash. 1037 Main St. TU 4-4127 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 30 FOUR bedroom, 1600 Eldorado, to see, ph. TU 2-594-1. $13,700. New 3 bedroom nearing com pletion. Fireplace, buillin kitchen, dou ble garage, TU 2-3177. CLOSE In 2 fenced yard. or 3 b1room, fireplace, $9,750, TU 2-5842. FOR sale by owner, Moyina Heights, 3 bedroom. 3 yrs. old, wall to wall carpeting In living room & 3 bid rooms, can buy tor $1,000 down, own er will carry balance. 6331 Saga Way TU 4-7473. 3 BEDROOM modern home. FHA ap praised, 4607 Onyx, TU 4-8441. NEW large view home, basement, close new OTI 4 hospital, TU 2-0570. TAKE over my loan on Ihree year old three bedroom home, best offer takes, TU 4-3927. MILLS ADDITION, corner lot . 1 block 4-9389. ! bedroom houe, from school, TU HOT Springs, good older 3 bedroom home, $1,000 equity, will consider terms. TU 2-5691. FHA appraised attractive 1 bedroom suburban. Fireplace, garage, large lawn, fenced, shrubs and trees, on school bus run. Buy eauity or refinance, $10,200. TU 2-4978, 1738 Arthur. YEAR old 3 bedroom, l'j bath, fire place, hardwood floors, Henley Dis trict, 7747 Skyline Drive. BELOW APPRAISAL New 3 bedroom home in restricted res idential district. Best of construction. Natural gas hot air heat, hardwood floors, l'i baths, lireplace, patio, birch kitchen, lots of storage, $15,900, TU 2-2410. Cal-Ore Ranches 2C0 FARM. RANCH Sites In ROGUE RIVER VALLEY near Grants Pass, Medford. Eagle Paint. 5 to 160 acre tracts low as $150 DOWN & $35 MONTHLY. Write tor FREE FARM and RANCH CATALOG including pho tos, descriptions, maps. CAL - ORE RANCHES, 843-C East Main, MED FORD. SEVEN ACRES Close in, Ideally situated tor building sites. Paved street to property, sewer available. Wp also have other good buiirtinq Silos, city or suburban and RESI DENCE LISTINGS In ALL price ranges. WALKER REALTY 402 Moin Stevens Hotel Otiice TU 3-41 54 day or evening Residence TU 2-1B8S Multiple Listing Service MLS HURRY! HURRY! Large family home. neat, clean and weil maintained, very dose in. Now ft un W'th aoarfmenl on rond Mor and one in full basement. Was 813,750, owrw said if sold by the end of the month, will sell for $11 .000, or submit any reasonable oiler. Call us quick on th.s one. BRUCE OWENS REALTOR 114 No 7'h LO'S vacv LuC'l't Ande'SOn TU 2 567 TU 2-0SH THREE BEDROOM "CUTIE" South suburban local Lovely brch kii cren Ciiored bathroom futures Car port wth storage Total price 111.375. Only $189 total move tn to G I. and 178 DC month incluies principal. imr. est. and insurance McATEE REALTORS 3 E Mam HArotd Ham Evelyn rVitAtee TU 3 AM TU 3 -MIS TU 1-S15 say -Mercy Hoi-aavs wlh tK, charming n. IB Family home La'gt dining area Br-ck I firec:ece. be"i. ha'(tod noo'S. i tu" tn Ovtn ad rng Altec! g- 9 n"d concfe F'ic fcei'tn , only y. tee av CHROEDER Co. WIN TU mu TU JS'U s VEAL ESTATE FOR SALE 38 HOT SPRINGS. 1 bedroom. I bams, I fireplace, family room, TU 4- 130. jB E DROOM. ' fuM 'basemtntT" fenced back yard, fruit trets. 2 blocks to SLttool. excellent neighborhood. VI SOO, TU 2-3311 after p.m. l'i STORY 3 bedroom, el furnace and small rental in St. Francis Area. TU 2-j:02. 2 ACRES 4 bedroom home. South ot toon, on'y U WC 100 oown, balance easy month ly payments. Everett Dennis, Realtor 1407 Esplanade TU 4-t4l Evenings Rod McPheeters tu l-SS Ann Mason 7U 1-J7JI Jan Humphrey TU 2-1284 HOT SPRINGS farm at base of War ner fountain, 2 miles from Lakeview, Ore. 90 acre Crop and grating land. Excellent buang or golf course site. Constant ftow 180 Degree noncorrosive mineralized water, approximately 2 cu. ft. per second. Can be developed tor belhinq. washina or heating. Very bast of hunting, fishing and skiing area Natural resort location. Price t 5,000. Terms available. HILLSIDE ADDITION. Three bed rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, electric heat. Also wood furnace in full bAsement. Handv to new OT and Hos pital location. Prica 12-500. Midland Empire REALTY CLEM LESUEUR, Broker 1006 Mam Jim 0' Donahue TU 2-3471 Eves. TU 4-9693 SFT Presents HOT WATER WELL!!! Lovely home in Hot springs. Freshly decorated and in top condition. With this home you can slop worrying about the heal bill ihis winter. After you inspect il wi'h us you'll agree that it s a good buy at $18:000. FOR RENT PARTLY FURNISHED 3 Bedroom, large living And dining room, wdll to wall carpet lull base ment with apt. to let. or use as extra living space. OH furnace, fireplace. Walking distance to city. Reasonable. F R E D TUCKER Real Estate 2240 So. 6th TU 2-7241 Honk Honsen TU 2-3101 evej. Fred Tucker TU 4-9742 tves. STROUT REALTY 5429 S. 41 rt Ph. TU 4-5281 EVENINGS CALL Rnh 8, Stella Dehlinger Tit 7.;ni Hank Holman TU 2-5048 BARGAIN TOPPER 3 bedroom, 1 j acre, spacious master bedroom, I1 1 baths with tile shower. New lorced air furnace, detached qa raqe "1 complete workshop. Going at $11,250 HERE'S MODERN LIVING Large attractive brick and redwood home in one of the nicer suburban districts. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, nice ly landscaped yard, attached double garage- $18,500. 100 acre farm, good location, Tuieiake, $37,000. NO CASH DOWN! 3 BEDROOM HOMES onloytour... $8900 (Choice Lots Avoiloble) Three bedroom homes. Large living room, dining area. Large bedrooms and closets. Nice kitchen with lovely cabinets. Tile bath and shower. All this and fully insulated tool Work Out Closinq Cost Easy Financing Payments Like Rent MODEL HOME 4 Bedroom In Bel Air Gordens . . . THRIFTY BUILDERS ESTATE DRIVE - SOUTH END OF MADISON TU 2-0436 - IU 4-5244 MLSS Multiple istmg rvice SAY HELLO TO A BARGAIN. Modern 2 bedroom home, permanent siding that requires no painting. Attached ga raqe, 12 x 25' workshop. Top-notch location in Mills Addition. Total price only $9,250. $300 down plus Closing. SEE AND COMPARE this almost new bedroom cusfom-built home. Built-in range and oven. Circulating fireplace, double garage. A-l suburban location. Total price only $14,000, FHA or Gl terms. STILES REALTY 4831 $0. Sixth $1. Phone TU 2-4740 Eves call: Homer Stiles TU 4-9904 Joe Perry TU -5332 Multiple Listing' Service MLS DUPLEX Neat landscaped one bedroom duple with fireplace 'nd garage lor each un.t. Only $13,500. NORTHSIDE Thret bedrooms, recreation room. Two baths, two fireplaces. Lots of home tor $15,500. 2 BEDROOM (Stondord) Nice location. Gas heat. Attached ga raqe. $8,750 3 BEDROOM (Deluxe) on 105 x 105 lot. Two baths. U 78 it. recreation room Rainbow rock en trance and fireplace. $2100 down, total pnee $11,000 TRADES - TRADES We have several homes on which peo ple wit take a smaller home n trade. If YOU want thai better home try us now!! PEYTON VtmW Interr IU Market E HvcU V Bush p!' paona A i House Trades Cub TU 4-S149 TU J 4171 TU I-WS TU J-KM STILWELL & CO. Presents: $350 DOWN plus nominal closing eosli will put you into a good badroom hom In Conger district. Home is In good condition Full basement, good ol furnace. b'Q lot, a comfoM be family home tor only 1)0 250 IDEAL ro A COUPLe Purnnhed , 1 bedroom home near th hig school PuH basement, on furnace. J lo'i. v loca'io. Nicely daco rated, csiy Ail for only H W St &Co. 1 1 we S t Mam St tes ters AHtr S 00 Ca TU 13134 B'uce Bnkley TU t-Wt . ii no eniMt' can TU l-rv. iy 1-J REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IMMACULATE I bedroom, ooubi ga rage, corner lot, ceraehng. bunt in appliances. View of lane. TU 4 9174 I t ACRES. 3 bedroom h?usf. north id. 81. ttU down, TU 2-W8C. 3 BEDROOM So. Suburban, or lease option, write Box 15. Ashland. ONLY $2,500!! For this comforteblt I bedroom home at 1930 Orchard, in Mil's Addition. $200 oown. $45 a month and it s a'l yeursl Vbhy pay rent? DON SLOAN For Finer Homes 107 $o. 2th St. TU 4-558 Days-Eves. New Homes Now Available In Casa Mariana Poved Streets Concrete Curbs Natural Gas Close to Shasta School For Particulars, Call DURANT Realtor 2C50 SO 6'h TU 4-9832 or TU 2 3587 Next to Holiday Bowl Multiple Listing Service MLS SHASTA WAY MASONRY 2-BED-ROOM HOME WITH ALMOST 1 ACRE OF RICH. IRRIGATED LAND. Fire place, large utility, overs it garage, covered patio, sturdy smaller barn. $13,500; $450 DOWN FHA & NO DOWN CI: nominal dosing. QUICK POSSES SION ! I CALIFORNIA AVE JUST $12,750 FOR WELL-BUILT 4 BEDROOM HOME, WITH 2 BATHS. Attractive birch kttch. en, family room, davli't basement. JUST $400 DOWN FHA ft. NO DOWN Gl; plus nominal closing. ALTAMONT DRIVE HOME 'N' IN COME, WITH LARGE 3-BEDROOM HOME, PLUS 1-BEOROOM RENTAL. Convenient to Altamont School and T a. C Shopping Center. Just $10,500; ex cellent financing. HERE'S ECONOMY Only $6,900 lor this extra-neat suburban 2-bcdroom home. Attached garaqe. nice oaved lo cation bordering Madison St. EASY FHA OR Gl LOAN TERMS. EARLY POSSESSION!! Chilcote and SMITH REALTORS SINCE 1909 SEE US FOR INSURANCE, TOO 111 N th Phont TU 4-7771 Sales Personnel: Art Moorman Ph. TU 2-1238 Eves. Bill Chilcote Ph. TU 4-3J.81 Eves. Ed Chilcote, Associate Broker Bob Chilcote, Broker MLS Mulriple istmg rvice HENLEY ST CLASS 2 3 ACRES APPROXIMATELY BEDROOM PALACE Living at its best!! Coll for more information on this WRIGHT REAL ESTATE MEMBER INTERNATIONAL TRADERS CLUB NEW LOCATION: 1213 MAIN TU 2-6351 ANYTIME Parking Net To Klamath Flower Shop Evenings. Dan Homfelt TU 2-l(""8 Vildrpd Hilt TU 4 .TA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 32 SMALL hotel and apartments. Phone TU 4-8282 alter 5 p.m. MAJOR oTl co. service stations for lease. Excellent business opportunity. Paid dealer trainlnq program. Pur chase reasonable Inventory only. In formation, ph. TU 4-7223, 8 a.m. to 6 FOR sale my stock in cafe, take over management, TU 2-6407 after 6 p m. FOR leae, Aituras, new modern cut rate service station at main unction. Two bays. Very high nallonaqe. Con tact Frank Boresek. P O. Bo 4?4, Coos Bay. Ph. 267-3319. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Pieflse Investlgatt thoro-f hly any in vestment ot money in merchand'se. various enterprise or business oppor tunities before investing your capital. The Herald and News makes every effort to reject all fraudulent or mis leading adveriisinq, however, we are not responsible for the Integrity ot the firms er individuals who place ad vertising in our publication. Any ad vertising of business opportunities ap pearing to he fraudulent or mislead ing should be reported to the Classi fied Advertising Department ol I h Herald and News. This Week's Special $20,000 NET!!! Would you pay S25.000 cash for a re tail business that will net you 170,000 per year? This is no )oke. We have jus! such a business. Please contact us in person for Intimate details. MOTEL!!! 72 units This mo'el does a gross an nual business ol 133,DOO plus. Owners will con.ider Oregon prooerty In IfArle uo to lt.0O0. or good paper, please come into our office in person lor in timate details. Tucker Real Estate SO M h Pnnw TU 17? fmANCIAL LOANS."-.... 34 BARGAIN-!" Discount piper, .S0O. Discount 11.500. EflCfHtnt security on income property sold for tiO.OOO. A'to other discount papers for sale. Write owner care Herem and Nes Boa ?C. UfTLEONES driving you CRAZY? Pay an your titlie bills . . . pay them no! Don't let your Christmas be a WOW followed by WOE ! Get your oai ie red buogel squared away with a quick, convenient, confidential cash loan. Do it today! FOR READY CASH See "Chuck" Boiley THE LOAN ARRANGER We f inonce New & Iked Cem Furniture Note Automobile Convenient Loeotion Convenient to Borrow Convenient to foy Private A j to Soles Financed Locafly Owned for 34 Yeari Motor Investment Go. 5)3 So 6th TU 4-7783 30IFINANCIAL 10AS 34 HEDGE YOURSELF aqa'nst! See about REAL ES TATE INVESTMENTS anywncrt west of tna Rockies, at DEANE SACHER REALTOR Member International Tratn Club licensed - Or Cant, Ida, Wash 'P." MV S' TU 4 1'?? HOUSEHOLD GOODS 37 FLOOR mooels and used machines, good buys. Sa at Sewmg Machine Cen ter, 1414 E. Mam ELECTRIC range, good condition; Wessn portable ;n na'e' wirn ther rnostat and fan, TU 4-8C97. WALNUT apt. dining room table. I leaves, seats 8 when attended, TU 2-1786 Or TU 4-5277. SEE beau'ilul Olson reversible rugs in your home. TU 4-4732 UNUSUAL otters gel response when neoein "Personals " Dal TU 4-8111 WILL sacrifice tor-1250 You take" ever" payments on furniture. T Sgt. Kenne dy, TU 2-4411, ext. 421. ASHLEY wood heater, good condition, Oakland wood heater, good condition. Monogram oil- heater, leis than 1 year old. ABC atjtoma'ic washer, TU 4-a24. Coast To Coast Store WESTINGHOUSE doub'e oven ranoe, electronic eve; trasn burner, oak ex pandable aming table. 5 chairs; 4 pos ter bed, drester, writing desk-book-cie. dms-tie set, TU 2-461 days; TU 4-1841, eves PLAY pen, e eel lent condition, nd springs, TU 4-9975 alter S. bed FOR sale household goods, automatic washer, bunk beds, eic, TU 4-9893. TWIN beds, complete with mattress; q range. Singer vacuum, TU 4-S8J1. sprinqs, upright SALE On l-on'y 1U1J all wool, mulli-COlor, $184 95; sale price, ft. braided rug. Requ'ar price, $149 95. $14 95 oown. I'7 38 per Other braided sale. Lucas Furniture. 194 E. VAPLE beds and Springs, twin or bunk, 1607 Crescent "GAS-hotplates7 $5 EieciricTheaterr 3 000 watts, $2. TU 2-173. 1963 MODEL automatic sewing ma chine. Monograms, button holes- scal lops. Does all types of fancy designs. Assume small monthly payments on balance of $64. 90. Will discount f 0 r cash. TU 2-3810. ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Call Tarkel Tweet TU 4-7167 GU A R ANTE ED USE 6 F REEZERS REFRIGERATORS - WASHERS DRYERS RANGES Cascade Home Furn. 412 Mam TU 4-835 NAME BRANDS You will find them all here in new or upd Bcautvrrst, Colony, Revere. Sealy. Dixie. Cambrige, Broyhill. Hey-wood-Waketield. The RESALE HOUSE 3899 So. Aih TU -1-5595 WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT xcellent '75 Condition KIRKPATRICK'S Eost Side Appliances 132 So. 7th TU 4-8886 MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHERS 2 to choose from Guaranteed KENMORE Wcsher-Dryer Pair .. ....$125 McGAUGHEY'S TRADING HOUSE ?S08 Altnmont Dr TU 2-4893 FUEL - HEATING 3S! FOR snle, Lodqi Poll pine lor fira placa. TU 2-J769, TU 7-m. FUEL, oils de liver d 7 days week, hi red from refinery. Jay HAwk Petrole um, TU4-5I66 or TU 4-A78R. KNIGHT Sheet Melar 6ukrloorlurr rtdcei end heAtpry Heil oil and gat furnaces. TU ?-6S34, !3?8 Wlard. DRV pine block i, u-haul. U cord, Metier Bros., 3121 Crosby. TU i-5184. FUEL, oil? delivered 1 days a week. Direct trom refinery. Jay Hawk Pe troleum. TU 4-SI66 or TU 4-6;?8. CAL LC U F V DE N For Presto Loas & Healing oils Metered Propane Sales S & H Green Stamps Open 24 hours 2560 South Sixth TU 2-7201 and TU 2-V2W Western Oil & Burner Co. Quality healinq oils, budget payments, oil burning equipment. TU 4-3873 1145 South 6th. COOL DAYS AHEAD!! See Us For PINE BLOCKS BODY WOOD - COAL STANDARD Mb AT INC OILS ASHLEY - SPARKS HEATERS Frankford Fuel Co. WE GIVE GOLD BOND STAiV-PS N Biehn St. TU 2-4444 WESCO FURNACES GUARANTEED 10 YEARS RING SHEET METAL 2104'i So. 6th TU 41683 HAFTER FURNITURE CLOSE OUT SALE OF NEW SIEGLER OIL AND GAS HEATERS SAVE $100 CORNER 9TH K KLAMATH GOOD THINGS TO EAT APPLES tor sale, between Merrill FeUsberto's Panch Wal.n. 7f-553 GOOD potto"s tor sale, J3 25 par 100 lbs. TU J-O870, TU 2 0976. CUSTOM bulcherinq, heef, pork whoia sale, culling, curing, Shamrock Weals, Jllfl SKA. Wy TIJ !?'! T1J 7P'J Boati'Pets-Snorti-Hobbiti .. 40 PEG toy" poodles, 5033 South Elria, TU 4-7525 ADORABLE mid breed pupi, rea sonable. TU 3 6931. TOY Peke pupp'ts tor Christmas; small male at stud, TU 2-2030 REGISTERED Prkinrje puocs, males, lemales, TU 4-7525, TU 2-0709. )SGAUGE "m. C7 Higiini BOLT-AC-" T ION SHOTGUN. Used tor hunting onr-. I' new PMfurM ariu'-tng chon, 5-sriot capacity, carrying case. Perfect qun for youngster 130 or best cesrt oiler. TU 2-5859 alter 5:30 pm STORE your boal tor winter In our new trge tnedi Let us wmterire your motor, too! Pelican Marina, ttl Front St. BEAUTIFUL req. Boston Terrier pups; tma'l Crmp:on at stud. Arnold i Stjn G'o Boitoos. 4n S in G'o D' , Grants Pais, ph. 479-3730 evei. or weenenrls "akcSChnauzep "pupptei toria'e, TU 44IC4, 7449 Wrd SHASTA Castile Boarding Kennels wn'e your pen receive ne'SO"iied cara and attention Booth Road off Mer rill Highway, TU 4y 'i'3 .50 Loading Dies " H 95 '2) Loading Pren .. SB oo $13 5 Powder Siale $9 9$ li or 20 gauge she'll $l 99 Joe's Sporting 4 1 8 Moin SKI JACKETS Fac'ory Seionfls Famous B'and 'i PrKe a Wen , Woman's, Children HURRV MUPRyi MURPV! The RESALE HOUSE RADIO . TV .MU5IC .. CASH WOK USE O PIANOS OLPflY I MUSIC, TU 4-JIJ1 RADIO TV - MUSIC 41 ASCHENBACK upr-ght piano, good In strument, ho las tune i'CO, in cluded. TU 4-3441. TU 4-4053. ONE pair Maytair Waikie-Taikus. like new. 9 transistors, cit'iens band, ranje I miles, complete with cases, ear phones, shoulder straps a. bat'enes. Cost $79 fa will sell $59 95. TU 2 JN2 USED conso't piano, excellent condi tion, small down payment; used or gans. Hammond. Low rev. K'ngsman; bargain prices also on new organs and pianos. See at UU E. Mam er call TU 4-a49 (or evt. appointmtnt. SPIN E TpTa N OS A V E $50 ! Wurlitier $645 mahogany piano with bench, now only $595. Like new. $25 down, up to 3 months on balance. EME RSON upright piano, mahogany finish. $179 30. $'8 down. ust $tt) J7 a month. Includes delivery, bench and fi nance charge. Derby's Music Co. t; No 7th TU 4 v?i LIVESTOCK & POULTRY 42 44 HEAD Ot Angus COM4, heifers and calves TU 4-95 REG. bred Soutnoown Ei and Ewe lamb. T U 4 3:70 2 HEREFORD ccs. 2nd and 3rd ca ves. Bonanza 238 8REO pony mare, children. TU 4-9213. vary gentle for NEED 2 shorthorn breeding bulls. Call Jack Siemens ChUoquin 76J-2751- 20 HEAD cows and calves bred lo rcg Hereford to calve in f-tti. or March, Jim Lacey, Merrill, FOR sale two lour year old 1600 lb. Angus bulls and one polled Hereford bull. The Laiv J. Y. Ranch, Alluras, Calif , ph. 8147 BABY calves and smalt teeners sale. 1145 Gary, TU 2-5889. for FOR sale rabbits. 2 does, $2 each, 1 buck. $1.50. Call TU 4-4172. HOLD for Christmas. Shetland ponies. 3 years old. Trained for show. Broke to sled for wMer lun. Aituras 5241. K LAM AT Hpr 0 ved slrt service. T U 4-4400. TU 2-1185, TU 4-4558. TU 2102 sale Bronit TU 4-5991. turkeys, live or Serving you is our Pleasure May we have this privilege at KLAMATH CATTLE SALES, INC. Rte 3, Box 44 TU 4-4103 Sale Every MONDAY 1:00 p.m. Sharp- To Consign Your Slock Call ELWOOD "WOODY" GUECK TU 4-4103 KLAMATH STOCKMEN'S Commission Company, Inc. Midland Rood Sale TUESDAY - 1 p.m. Tht BEST ot SERVICE To CONSIGNORS & BUYERS Make Your Plans Now to Consign to Stockmen's Market. Tuesday is sale day In the Klamath Basin. ioclVERN HOWARD, Mgr ':OHic 4-9667 Home 4.9436 MACHINERY 44 FARMERS NOW IS THE TIME To See Us About Your OVERHAUL JOB . . . And Take Advantage Of Our WINTER RATES WE WILL TRANSPORT One Way withinl Twenty Miles. WE WILL Give you a FLAT RATE PRICE WE HAVE The BEST FACTORY TRAIN ED MECHANICS. It LET US DO THE JOB! and have your traetcr II ready for spring work . . . Call or See Us At Klamath Falls or Tutelage DON POTTER MACHINERY CO 7j76 So. 6th TU 2-5571 TuUlolo- Ph, 667-52 1 3 MISC. FOR RENT 45 OFFICE SOBCe, U00 IQ. ft. PurklrtQ tor 7 cirs. 3rd A pint, avallAbll Mirch. MISC. FOR SALE SI M t N N E SOT A Fashion Wagnn. Ciothln-j tor the family lor Christmas, TU 4-7272, belore f and alter a p.m. HEAVY surplus canvas covers, 10 70 tt. and larger, TU 4-6460 300 TON lsl cutting barn stored grass and eiieifa hay. Bonanza 2316 B E L L A N C A liix 1 6 FranklTfT TjO HSVOH Minor wing dem(je, landing gear strut. 1J0 cruise, I GPH, $2750 or trade. TU 4 5234. STEEL lenee posts, ALBfRS FEED, TU vi re stock tanks, 4 733. TOP SOIL, concrete, atgregata, o way marteriai. drain rofk J. M. BARNES, TU 4-7659 ASPHALT paving, roadway malarial, dram rock and grarjinq Georqe R. Sla ty Co., TU 4-3548, TU 2-1433. LARGE selection good used clolhing. New Method Cifianers. BLUE Lustra not only rid carpels ol soli hut leaves pile silt and lolly. Rnt eleclrlc shampooer, $1. Claude H. Da vis Floor Covering. DRIVEWAY material, crushed rock, any amount. Joe Bart, TU 4-9755 MASON. san-J, IllTdlrl, sandy fill. Cm ders Pelican Sand, TU 4 438 BALED hy lor sale TU 4-79M SHEEP manure with or without old sawdust. Call TU -733i. valTeypump Pressure Systems - Industrial Pumns (rnglion Pijrr-p W'r ot'enerl ALL WORK GUARANTEED 6'h "P.'f tt." Y" T (J 4-9776 TRAILERS 52 X 42 FT NAiionl Mohtla Home, 2425 Summers Lane, Space 32 "Complete" HOU S E 't R a" I lE R-REPAIR. Erv. Carr, 4421 W'nter Ave. TU 2-H63 COLEMAN and International Vob'lt home furnace parts, service. TU 41434 FOR Sale '959 Pacemaker Mofji'e Home l''5' Bo 124, Aeed, Cai-l . or phone 9j-4jl0 V) FT Sc-cfrijitr. 1 bedroom, ct'fMtcd throughout. inmgt, cooKr. TU 4 444 Are You Interested in Sovipg Money on o MOBILE HOME or TRAVEL TRAILER See us obout our NEW FACTORY PURCHASE PLAN WILEY BUICK CO. 1330 Main TU 4-314l677 So HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath rRAILCRS 32 This Week's Special 45 FT. x 8 FT. 2 BEDROOM KIT . s2 1 95 SIERRA TRAILER SALES 6800 So. 6th TU 2-0207 TRAILERS WANTED Up to U H any g er t, etc. CASH aning, trada up or nownl SELL YOUR TRAILER DON'T GIVE IT AWAY Sea Da'a or "Shine." DALE'S USED CAR LOT 333 So. 6th TU 2-4980 VANDYKE VILLAGE! From now until THANKSGIVING we will install absolutely ' FREE A washer - dryer combina tion with the sale of each new Van Dyke providing no trade is involved. 7 Van Dykes are now on display Priced M695 '7495' From to Poole's 3125 So. 6th Mobile TIC. TU 2-2801 4UT0 MISCELLANEOUS 53 SNOW tire wheels, good assortment. Chevrolet & Chrysler products. 35 30 each. W.J R Vutller Shop, 3730 So. 6lh, TU ?-03W. CECIL COX GARAGE Motor Overhaul or Velvt Grind Tune Up a Specialty Altamont TU i-W23 "OVER JO YEARS' EXPERIENCE" Alignment Special! ONLY $6.95 SHOCK ABSORBERS tl S8 EACH INSTALLED TUNE-UPS PLUS PARTS MOST CARS GOODYEAR STORE 201 SO. Ilth - TU 4-6141 CITY CENTER CAR WASH i AMERICAN GAS & OIL i Convenient Downtown PerKing WAXING & POUISHING S & H Green Slempi Too! 7th & Pine TU 2-2422 COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. MAIN & ESPLANADE USED CARS & TRUCKS 55 1951 OLDSMOBILE, new Irani., ntw rubber, 20O, Malin, 713-3333. 193 FORdTtonTlWB7V-74 iptadT locking rear end, radio, heatar, Bar den bumper, TU 4-310. 67 BUICK Soc!al Station Wagon, taka trade. 4612 Denver. 19SJ VOLKSWAGEN. Radio, heater, good condition. Reasonable, TU 4-M2. FOR lele 1943 Monra, 4 ipeed Imn. will take 55-56-5? for equity, TU 4-1109. "i ?6r F O R Oairiane-'sod?doa V-,"" Urniqht itick, good condition. Take over contract balance including charg es ot 1)378 at $A1 per month. PACIF IC FINANCE, 121 50. 91 h. T;C H E V ROL E f"S 1 t Ton"vVflon7 V-8. Enceptlonal condition. 1200 under downtown price. Make an ollarl TU 4-S4J8. CLEAN 195 r Chev. Bel Air, Bait Olfar over 1850. TU 7-0677. 1961 CADILLAC 4 dr. al power, ex cellent condillon, H995, IU 4-3236. 5 MERCURY, lowrnilengerVceirerTt" condit.on, good rubber, TU 2-9159. OKIVE MORE MOTORS Will pny cash tqr car. TU4-3S79 1947 FOPD pickup, 4-soeed, canopy, new rubljcr, $295, TU 2 S69t. LOOK HERE! '59 CADILLAC SEDAN DeVILLE One owntr, like new and Fully Equipped loo! $2695 LARRY KLAHN USED CARS 2128 $0. 61h TU J-J26i CASH FOR YOUR CAR OR TRUCK CHECK TODAY! ! HUGH KIDD AUTO SALES 2877 So. eih TU 2-1303 TOM TIMMONS auto sales We Buy Sell Trade ijer cash tor your car or truck equity fast! 7lh & Plum TU 2-4784 A RED BEAUTY! 1963 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Complete power equip ment, bucket seats, match ing red vinyl interior. low $ 63795 mileage Wilson WILEY BUICK Co 1330 Main TU 4-3141 tnt 2 429 So. 7ih TU 4-9203 SPECIAL '59 MERC. MONTEREY 4-DR. SEDAN Stock No. M8106A. V-8, Merco mo'ic, poer steering, radio, heat' er, medium green color, on own er. A real buy at only . . . $997 JOE FISHER TU 4-8104 Falls. Ortgnn Monday, November 25, 1963 USED CARS & TRUCKS 35 REPOSSESSED 190 Fflrtf Gt',' 4 tocr tM.n, V-l. t,ndra, ovtrdrlv. rtdie. rietrcr, 1353 Crdcn. TU 2-0251 . REPOSSESSIONS 'S ChfV. El Omino '4' O-O. StfS 'S3 Pont'tc 4 dOOr SI6S 'S3 Plymouth 4 Ooor $i25 'S3 fwa 'i Ton pickuo. '.' 3-fcPtcd JSI3 '41 Ford i Ten pickup. '.' 4-tpttd UJ0 Pacific Financ - ill So 9th. FOR SALE 1930 GMC panel 1300. Ph. TU 2-5JI0 61 Chev. 2-Dr. Sedan. Slick, overdrive Chev. Pickup 1 595 $ 445 51 4 -speed, R&H. Perfect DEAL RITE MOTORS 2387 So. 6lh TU 4-9445 5ino, Eves. TU 2-4093 4x4 '54 WILLYS JEEP PICKUP Front end winch. Recent valve grind. $868 Thomas DODGE Used Cor Lot 7th & Commercial TU 4-4627 FINAL CLOSE-OUT on oil 1963 Company Cars at the CHEVY CENTER DUGAN & MEST TRADE BEST! 6th to 7th on Plum TU 4-3101 Late Model SPECIALS 63 Ches Full low '62 Chev Full . Impolo 4-Dr. power. mileofle . Imoolo 4-Dr. power, oir 2950 2395 I495 conditioning , 62 Plym. Savoy 2-Dr. Like new SALESMEN Bud Fairclo, Malm 723-2354 Jim Knolts TU 2-3209 Bob Tardiff TU 4-5598 JUCKELAND Cummins -k International Freuhouf 11 th and Klamath TU 2-2581 CADILLACS CADILLACS CADILLACS 963 CADILLAC DeVille 4-Door Air ser 963 Air conditioning, 1 owner, low miles, sold ond serviced by us since new. COUPE Very low miles, clean equipped, 1 00 ,o guaranteed, plus factory new cor mechanical guarantee for balonca of 2 years ond 24,000 miles. 963 DEVILLE 4-DOOR One owner, low miles, clean as new, 6woy scat, electric windows, fully equipped, plus 1 00 o guarantee. 962 One owner, air conditioning, ful'y equipped, very clean car. We sold it new. Deep mar oon color with blending Interior. 957 A very nice '57 model that obviously shows good care. Fully equipped and reconditioned. None better anywhere. COMPACTS 962 OLDSMOBILE 'Cutloss' F-85 2-Door. low miles, perfect. We've 1962 CHEVROLET Convertible. Perfect one - well-cared-for car. CHEVROLET 1961 Mana Coupe. One of the best in Corvair. Fully nuoranteed. A perfect automobile. STUDEBAKER LARK $1223 4-Door Sedan. Reol economy, plus o perfect car. It shows qood care. FORD Falcon Ranchero $1393 Pickup. Loots good, dnves good, Is good. It't economy PLUS! 1961 961 ALSO --MANY LATE MODEL BARGAINS! CHECK OUR STOCK SALESMEN 5on Bryan TU 4-5467 sieve Wolker TU 4-6702 MILLER BRQS..JNC. "Whore Th. ACTION Is!" Formerly Dick B. Miller Co. 7thiKlamoth TU 4-4 1 54 PAGE-3E USED CARS I TRUCKS 5 l DODGE station wacsn, a cedent condition. Cascade Hotel, Apt. 7lt,J twean a and 4 pm. '' 'ii Ford Frln. Sol. Cpt. 2A0 V-l - All powtr S27YS U Clxv. Imp. Spt. Cm. m V-l All powvr tfS'S 'St Ch. 8,1 Air V-l 1 Dr. 'St Ford Gil. Spl. Cpt IU5 '57 Cmv. V I Bil Air 4-Dr i m Btfwiin So. 6lh & So. Ih on WUlow TU MHO or TU inn Evtl. OLSONjj CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH USED, Net Abused Cars SPECIAL 63 BUICK ELECTRA 225 2-DR. HARDTOP Radio, Heater, automatic, powei iteertng, power brakes, power win .lows, power seat, white sidewoMs air conditioner, complete leatnei interior, bucket seats. $3995 OLSON CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH See them ot the "V" M 7TH & COMMERCIAL ECCLES MOTOR CO. WIDE-TRACK TOWN SPECIALS 'AO Plymouth '6' 4-Dr. iAQl 2 to choose from .... '58 Dodgo Coronet "IA7 4 Dr. Sedan '56 Pontioc 447 Hordtop Coupe ' ' ' '56 Pontioc 4-Dr. 07 Station Wagon J ' ' '56 Ford 2-Door J?0 Station Wagon L.1 1 '55 Oldsmobile '85' lAC Holidoy Sedan J "C !'55 Buick Special O 4-Dr. Sedan J '55 (Vntiac Starchief 0 Hordtop Coupe 0 7 '55 Oldsmobile '88' 9Q7 4-Dr. Sedon 17 '53 Buick Super $ I A "J 4-Dr. Sedan 1 ' '53 Chevrolet 210 $ I QT 4 Dr. Sedan ' ' ' '51 Mercury ' $ r"1 2-Dr. Sedan O' '48 Pontioc 07 4-Dr. Sedan ' ECCLES MOTOR CO. 6C6 So. 6th TU 4-8124 . CADILLAC $r 5323 DEVILLE as any new car. Fully CADILLAC a DEVILLE 4-DOOR TOO J CADILLAC $ I 2-DOOR HARDTOP I 43 $2383 One owner, bucket seats, serviced it since new. CORVAIR $2093 owner cor. A reol sporty CORVAIR $1593 Bob Stokes TU 4-3812 Bill Bornell TU 4-661 1 k II i . v .