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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1963)
Community THL'RSDAY TAXPAVEns LEACIE, Klamath County, 8 p.m., meet ing, Shasta Grange Hall. Hal Coe, speaker. Public invited. KLAMATH MINERAL CLIB, 7:30 p.m., election of officers, Klamath Auditorium. Y-XEMA TWIRLERS, 630 to 8 p.m., children's square dance lessons, ages 10 13, YMCA. MALIN PROSPERITY SO CIAL C LIB, OES, 8 p.m.. meet ins, home of Mrs. Joe Halou sck. PROSPERITY REBEKAH LODGE, 7: p.m., meeting, initiation. 100F Hall. Guest's. Sweet Adelines. NEIGHBORS OF WOOD CRAFT, Thimble Club. 8 p.m.. potluck, E I v a Weaver, 3334 . Summers Lane. BETHEL 6, Job s Daughters, 6 p.m., potluck, initiation fol lowing, Masonic Temple. VFW AUXILIARY. 8 p.m., social meeting, VFW Hall. RUMMAGE SALE. St. Pius X Catholic Church, 9 a.m. to 4 i JpCf -V Jtllli i S f--i ' 1 rff ! 5 Frv ri ' Iff tWiSn ' M green KV X ' V I Mi l - To Give With Pride! f 1J V ; K &m-$mX, IN 100r' DUPONT NYLON JERSEY HI XX i! -fflfeV 12" II" 171 M h i k'$wftlK i ' 1 Sh0rt S'Ceve Long Sleeve Jacket Dress K " f -j 'vVC Pa'tiSili Say Merry Christmas with carefree Ny- 5 4 1 f i ' 4 tR" lb Jj I I .5 K "'jjHA j 'on jersey Casualmokers! They wash $ ' !.. ' ' V, 1 quick as a wink (even automatically) 3 j E't iii onc' wear Wl1'1 no iron'n9 ever noose k jji ; V'rS't'n 'rom iQCet dresses, long-sleeved or jj t"( -V TV 11 ' "V short-sleeved dresses . , . there is one ? rytfiA'a to suit the lady on your list. X t Siiei8-20. 12'2.22'2. 9. i h j . i X Jacket , rfyiL? A WON0RFUt 10!Ld 1 17.93 -v ... mm0 Qakndak p.m.. old Street. 83-cent store. Main FRIDAY LOOM, 6 to 7:30 p.m.. prawns and fish fry, Moose Home. EAGLES AUXILIARY, 8 p m. meeting, bridal shower. Eagles Hall. EWAUNA ENCAMPMENT AND LEA, 8 p.m., election of officers, IOOF Hall. MERRY MIXERS, 8 p.m., square dance. Merry Mixer Hall. Bring sandwiches. SATURDAY WSCS BAZAAR, 10 a.m. to 4 pm., bazaar. 11 a.m. to 1:30 p m.. luncheon. First Metho dist Church. SATURDAY WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION, Peace Memorial Presbyterian. 5 to 8 p.m.. ham dinner and bazaar, church. Y-NE-MA TWIRLERS. 8 p.m. square dance, potluck, St. Paul's Education Bldg. Caller, Floyd Workman, Phoenix. WOTM, 7 p.m.. November birthday dinner. Moose Home. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Operation 'Big Lift1 Ends With Cupid As Commander AUSTIN. Tex. (UP1 '-Operation "Big, Lift" ended today with a love story. The 2nd Armored Division airlifted 16.000 troops to Ger many and back to Ft. Hood. Tex., but a private first class and his Texas sweetheart stole the final spotlight. Texas' "Hell on Wheels" divi sion won a mock war staged in Germany, following a nearly perfect split-second aerial movement of troops. Neither of the final show stealers, how ever, was connected with the crack division. Pfc. John J. Martin, 24, of San Diego. Calif., hitchhiked a ride on a "Big Lift" transport and was greeted here by his sweetheart, Betty Thompson of Dallas. Kisses, a hug and photograph ers greeted the private. The final flight of 87 C133 transports returning the sol diers was due at 11:13 a.m. I EST' today, ilaj. Gen. Edw in H. Burba, commander of the di vision, was aboard the last plane. Only about 500 men re mained in Germany to wrap-up details of the world's largest Falls, Oregon Thursday, November !I, 19vS peacetime airlift which started Oct. 23. It took 64 hours and 223 air craft to move the men and light equipment into Germany. Miss Thompson pleaded with Burba to join the movement, so she could wed .Martin in Germany. "Nice try," Burba wrote back. "No dice." So Miss Thompson stayed be hind while the "Hell on Wheels" division crossed the Atlantic. She sent Burba's letter to Martin who is editor of an Army newspaper. The Seventh Corps "Jayhawker," of Stutt gart. West Germany, published the letter. The 2nd Armored Division en gaged in three weeks of war games before the trip home be gan Nov. 12. During the time Martin managed to meet the general. Burba told Martin that sym pathizers from all over the United States had written urg ing him to help the lovers. Burba said one man in Ore gon "called me a heel." Martin told the general that he had proposed to Miss PAGE iA Thompson in a letter, their wed ding was set for Dec. 14 and he had a 30-day leave to get home for their wedding. The general gave Martin permission to fly to Texas w ith the return ing soldiers. Martin boarded a C135 jet transport at Frankfurt Wednes day and was whisked to Berg Strom AFB. "It's real great," Martin said, "one of those fortunate things. The PFC. didn't expect this." Fellowship Offered By AAUW The Oregon State Division of the American Association of University Women is offering a graduate fellowship of a mini mum of $1,500 for study during the 19G4-65 academic year. The recipient of the fellowship must be a woman resident of Oregon who has received her baclielor of science or bachelor of arts degree, and preference will be given to candidates who have master of science or mas ter of arts degrees. The fellow ship must be used at a universi ty other than the onc that grant, ed the recipient's bachelor de gree. Tho AAUW said that any woman meeting these require ments may apply for the fellow ship which is unrestricted as to age or field of study. The recipi ent will be expected to use Uie fellowship for work toward a doctorate, but she will be free to use it either in the United States or abroad. Application instructions are available from Mrs. Willard M. Sanzenbachcr. president of the Oregon AAUW, 2000 S.W. Crest Drive. Lake Oswego. Tlie dead- line tor tiling applications is j Feb. 1. 14. Our New Automatic utes ... But It Takes The Human Element New" Appearance . . . That's Why it Takes 8 Minutes to Wash Your Car Really Clean . to Drive a Sparkling Clean Car, and Don't Mind Waiting Minutes, Come in and Give Us a Trial!!! Only 1.75. I lWrv 11 Sota k'Uoot Sedan straG ill ii i w-. uwJEIli Kow you see it. Now you don't. When a Chevy II docs that kind of disappparitiR act you know without looking twice: It's a '64 with a V8 etifrino. That's right. A full-grown 195-hp Turbo-Fire V8. It's available for the first time this year along with a choice of three other engines the standard 4 (in 100 series sedans), tne standard b and a new lt& hp 6. (And all of them maintain their high mmm spirits on modest amounts of regular gasoline.) But the changes aren't confined to what Ask about a SMILE-MILE Ride and the Chevrolet Song Book at your 410 SOUTH 6TH STREET n COME Auto Washer Gets Your Car Remarkably Clean FILL AMERICAN GASOLINE From One of Amcrica'i Great Oil Companies KEEP YOUR CAR WASHED FREE! SAVE YOUR AMERICAN GAS RECEIPTS! We give you a credit of 5c per gallon towards a free car wash! QihjQsjnish 9 ; kTTjt " Jfl Now-'64 with a V8 engine DUGAN-MEST CHEVROLET CO. KLAMATH FALLS AND WATCH OUR NEW WASHER to Give Your Car That Shining Us 5 Minutes ... or Sometimes . . Inside and out! If You Want AiMmM UP WITH CAR WASH Ph. TU 2-2422 NwNf S' ' ' I Chevy II -. . happens when you slip into the driver's seat. There are new styling features like the tasteful grille design and trim accents, for instance. And the larger self adjusting brakes that further reduce upkeepon a car that already has a reputation of coming about as close to perpetual motion as anything on four wheels can get. l ne place to : . nu. i kAmimm IS VtlUT L'V U 'J:l'im got them, we hope detail yourseii. 3Min- : imiwA an Extra 2 or 3 ,fffK A PARKING V v ' 5 Per Half Hour 50 C Per Day "" "i Low Monthly Terms, Too! ' f j get the full details on the 64 t j i aj . c. , t'L llL'illlTK. Mm HI IfT VDII VR you'll attend to one further Drive it. Optional at utra eoat Chevrolet dealer's TU 4-3101 AT WORK! ,11 ' ... fl, Even I '&''. $ J I M 3