Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, September 03, 1963, Page 9, Image 9

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    Teen-age Tyranny
Not A New Thing
Dear Ann Landers: I wonder
how many mothers are in the
same boat. I have knocked mv-
sen out tor 15
years trying to
please my chil
dren. But no
matter what I
I do, it's never
enough. There
must be a sign
Ion my back say
ing, "kick me."
I get up at 6:30 every morn
ing to prepare breakfast for my
r i I
On Brdge
north 2
A J1007
AKQ 4 8 653
VJ73 VKQ10
48632 J7
J985 AQ104
sorrH (d
A A42
V 94
East and West vulnerable.
North and South 40 on. score
South West North East
3 Pass Pass Pass
Opening lead A K
Defense Can
Count Hand
Newspaper Enterprise Assn.
It is much more difficult for a
defender to count a hand than
for declarer, but a good defensive
player should be able to do so if
he will just take time to see why
declarer makes certain plays.
South's three-diamond opening
was due to the score situation.
He didn't think his opponents
would be able to compete against
him and he decided to gamble
that diamonds would be the spot
to play the hand.
He won the first trick with the
ace of spades and led a trump to
dummy's king. Then he played
the ace and another heart and
East was in the lead.
So far East had no problems.
He put his partner in with a
spade and West led the jack of
dubs. Dummy's king lost to East's
ace and at this point it was up
to East to reconstruct the hand
ami declarer's play had given him
all the clues necessary.
Declarer surely held the ace of
diamonds and if his suit were sev
en cards in length there would be
little hope of beating him. So East
decided to play declarer for six
trumps only.
What was his spade holding'.'
Could it be a singleton? No! If
it were, declarer would have re
turned to his hand by ruffing a
spade. Could it be a doubleton
thousand times no! Declarer would
have tried to set up a spade for a
Hence. West had opened a dnu
blelon spade. East led a spade
for his partner to ruff, won the
next club lead and led his last
spade. This would have built up
another trick tor the delense il
West had held the trump ten. hut
as it was, down one was perject
ly satisfactory.
l.parn In count cards defensively
with tips found in Jacoby's new
fij-nane hnnlc "Win at Rridce."
lust send your name, address, and
30 cents to: Oswald .Jacoby Heart
er Service, c-o this newsnauer
P.O. Box 489. Dept. A. Radio City
station. -ew lorn r.i,
Q The bidding has been:
East South West North
1 Double Pass 2
Pass 2 A Pass 3 A
Pass 3 Pass 4 A
Pass S A Pass 6 A
Pa ?
You, South, hold:
AAQ81 VAK65 A3 10852
What do you do?-
A Bid six spades. Your part
ner Is trying to ret to seven, but
he gave you a chance tt quit at
four spades earlier so his hand
il limited.
Again you double one dia
mond. This time West bids one
no-trump and North and East
pass. What do you do now?
Answer Tomorrow
Here's Where You
Con Get The
jjfl See
ffvfift Friendly
f W Bill
1 W MeKibbin
teen-agers. All I get is com-
DKl you leave it out all nicht?
The cantaloupe is soggy. The ce
real is runny. Tne eggs arc too
When I leave a meeting early
lo pick them up at the club (for
the 50th time this summer ) I get
a sour look and a "Where have
you been anyway? We've been
waiting five minutes."
How did the children of todav
get the upper hand? My teen
agers make me feel like an em
ploye. 1 find mvself always striv
ing to please and never quite
making the grade. Please tell
me where I got off the track.
Dear Mother: Children are not
horn with "the upier hand." It
is given to them given bv par
ents who dim t have the courage
10 esiannsli the rules for the
family. This is called discipline.
And when rules of behavior arc
worked out equitably and sea
soned with love, discipline pro
duces respectful, well-adjusted
Teen-age tyranny is not new,
but it is vastly more prevalent
than il used to be. This is what
Henry James wrote 81 years ago
in "Point of View:"
"There is nothing in America
but young people. The country
is made for the rising genera
tion; life is arranged for them;
they are the destruction of soci
ety. People talk of them, consid
er them, defer to them, b o w
down Vi them. They are always
present, and whenever Ihev are
present there is an end lo every
thing else. And by children, I
don't mean simple infants; I
mean anything less than 20."
Dear Ann Landers: My hus
band's boss is a man in his laic
40s. He has an oily, egotistical
manner which offends me.
This man has a wife and three
children, but you'd never know
it the way he carries on. His cur
rent romance is a shapely red
head who works in the enst-ac-counting
department and who is
at least 20 years younger than
he is. She drives his car all over
town and she's been wearing
some mighty expensive clothes
The problem is this: My hus
band has been staying downtown
about three evenings a week
having dinner with this couple.
I don t like it and have said so.
My husband says the boss is
three times seven and what he
does is his own business. 1 say
birds of a feather flock together
and 1 don't want anyone to get
funny ideas about my husband.
Who is right.? MRS. WHY" IN
Dear Mrs. Why: When your
husband pals around with this
pair he gives tacit approval to
Former Sergeant Finds Life In Communist China Too Tough
mer U.S. Army sergeant who
spent 10 years in Communist
WOTM. Merrill Chapter 18. 8
p.m.. chapter night, publicity
committee program, Merrill Rec
reation Hail.
WOTM. 8 p.m.. chapter night
and enrollment, Moose Home.
Wear formats.
No. 8, 8 p.m., business meeting,
Legion Hall. Bring cookies.
p.m., meeting, election, VFW
PLAYERS CLCB, 8 p.m.. meet
ing, American Legion Hall,
ZL'LEI.MA NILE CLl'B, 1 p.m.,
luncheon meeting. Winema Hotel.
Millinery style show.
tion Club, 7:30 p.m., meeting.
Unite Mays, 5206 Bryant St.
meeting. Grange Hall.
the whole shoddv business, . A
married man should be at hpme
having dinner with his family
not acting as a cover for phil
andering friends.
Dear Ann Landers: I was mar
ried for one year and recently
had the marriage annulled legal
ly and in my church as well. How
do 1 go about announcing the
news? Shall 1 see if I can have
it published in the newspaper
Shall I send out engraved an
nouncements in mail?
Is it proper to keep the name
Mrs. John Doe? Or shall I go
back to Miss Mary Smith? I
have a child.
Please advise me. None of
my friends knows the answers.
Dear Load: You do not an
nounce an annulment. Your
family and friends will get the
word soon enough, If they don't
already knpw.
Since -you have a child you
should not be "Miss" anybody.
You could make. It Mrs. Mary
Doe, however. Then if John re
marries you won't be gelling his
wife's telephone calls and her de
partment store hills.
China "looking for Utopia" said
Saturday he had gone hungry so
his children could eat meat and
had watched friends being taken
to prison for criticizing the regime.
Albert C. Bclhomme, a Belgian
citizen who married a Chinese
woman and now has three chil
dren, returned from China Fri
day. He said he left so his chil
dren could have a belter future.
The 34 - year - old Belhomme.
whose mother lives in Ashland.
Pa., showed by his description of
life in China that even favored
foreigners find it hard to get by
on their higher rations and pay.
"I was looking for Utopia," he
told a news conference. "And it
isn't to be found. I think I've
stopped looking now."
Belhomme. who plans to return
to Belgium with his family, was
the second American soldier lo
leave China this month. Lowe!! D.
Skinner of Akron. Ohio, reached
Hong Kong Aug, 1 and now is in
the United States.
Belhomme said he retuseu re
patriation at the end of the Ko
rean War. along with 20 other U.
S. soldiers, because he was
looking for "a better society bet
ter conditions than I'd experi
enced in the past."
He said the brainwashing ha re
ceived as a prisoner did not in
fluence him much.
"It was mainly my own rj'iest
for a better life, and a to'ioh of
adventurism," he said.
Although Bclhomme's des-'ip-tion
of life in China was grim,
he said "I think it was worth
while. Although 1 saw hard times,
1 found my wife there."
The news conference was lie d
in the luxurious new Hilton Hotel
here and Belhomme contrasted
his surroundings with those in
China. "You have a different type
of life there definitely not what
it is here."
He gave tliese examples of life
in China:
. Although he made about four
times the pay of the average
Chinese worker, he had to
hungry so his three sons, who
range in age from one to six
could have meat.
Reds Suspected Him
Friends and neighbors were
taken to prison and concentration
camps for criticizing the Peking
regime, and he himself was
-...cused of being a counter-
! revolutionary who retained capi
talist ideas.
To Every Creed
and Purse
Klamath Funeral
Marguerite Ward
and Sons
92S High Ph. TU 2-4404
He was forced to go on strike i
for more .than nine months in
the Tsinan paper mill, where he
worked as an electrician, in order
lo get an "attendance bonus"
that amounted to a 75 per cent
Since the Chinese "great leap
forward" campaign, living condi
tions have been especially bad.
with improvements in the past
year slill falling short of 1957 of their troubles on Russia's fail
levels, ure to live l.p to contracts and
Chinese officials blame many sending poor goods to China.
Tuesday, September 3, 1003 PAGE
HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore.
City Grade School Students
Jones' Office Supply
629 Main St.
Has a Complete Line of
And Other Necessary School Supplies
Complete Packets for all Grades
Lxze cTlallmark
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