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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1963)
PAGE 2 A HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falli. Or. Sunday, April 7. 1963 Coon Freed On Burglary Try Charge A Jury of seven women and five men deliberated one hour be fore returning a unanimous ver dict of not guilty for Stanley Allen Coon, 22, one of two men charged with the attempted burglary of the Basin Refrigeration Company laat March 2, following a three day trial in the Circuit Court of Judge, David R. Vandenberg, rn day afternoon. The jury began deliberating about 2 p.m. and advised the court nearly one hour later that it had agreed on a verdict. About a week ago, James Allen Stone, ID, the other man implicat , ed in the incident, pleaded builty . to the attempted burglary of the refrigeration plant in the cir , cuit court of Judge Donald A. W. , Pier, but the time for sentcne , ing was deferred pending the out come of the Coon (rial. Coon and Stone are alleged to have attempted the burglary dur iug the evening of March 2, while a 22-year-old man and two juvc nilcs waited for them in an auto mobile parked near the refrigera tion company. Police were sum moned to the scene by an in formant who reported that two ; men were attempting to break Into the building. Soon after, po lice arrived and apparchended the tuSpecls. Following his arrest, Stone told '. police that he and his compan : ions attended a movie earlier in ' the evening and later drove through the city trying to think of 'a place where they could "get - iome money. - mm ivicrcr i a rUJn,iH TVPA ...HI l.,.lrl n maol. IWlni, O nl Lin nm -.,.ft ..r... w, - .. r - .1 ,1... n Cn m,. .'the grade school chorus, under ;nhe direction of Mrs. Agnes Pfeif--ir, will entertain. I Without external financial aid, -Portugal has increased Its gross national product by 6.1 per cent annually over the past two years. Thebiid$ is coming! L l Project Remedy Prognosis HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN BOX SCORE Business & Professional Van Landrum, Chairman Teams Walt Bingham & Fred Foulon I B.230 00 George Callison Barney Cavanaugh 2.400 on Will Cedarleaf 1,747 00 Dr. James Creswell 2.400.00 Jack Douglass 2.850 00 Dr. Clancy Gansbcrg 1.111.00 Mai Cellup 2.363 00 John Heilbronner 1.235.00 Karl Kent 1,475.00 Leo Morstad 250 00 Al Nyback 550.00 Marvin Reed No Report Jack Vaughn 2.470.00 Joe Victor No Report Bud White 56.00 Miscellaneous 1,408.25 Business & Professional Tolal $ 31,584. 25 Clubs 4 Organizations Total 11.257.34 Rev. Quinn Hawlcy, Chairman Employee Executive Total 21,614 80 Alex Smith, Chairman Intercommunity Wyatt Padgett, Chairman Algoma Scott Warren No Report lily - Frank W. Obcnchain 7.604 00 Bonanza Walt Cascbccr 2.541.10 Chemult Crescent Gilchrist Richard E. Jessup No Report Chiloquin Dwight Kircher & Mrs. Will Wampler . No Report Dairy V. LaVerne llaskins 4.187.20 Dorris W. H. Cy Cramer No Report Fort Klamath Ray Chase & Fred Pope No Report Henley Ralph II. Hill 1.200.00 Keno John P. Kerns 2,902.42 Lorella Louis Randall 13,506.85 Malin Edwin J. Stastny 3,341.00 Merrill Lloyd A. Henderson 2.643.60 Midland Verlund L. Huff No Report North Poe Valley John C. Horton 3.227.00 Rocky Point Junior D. Miller No Report South Poc Valley - Wilbur S. Reiling & Emil B. Wells No Report Spraguc River Dibbon Cook & Joe Lahoda No Report Tulelake W. D. "Bill" Ganger 17.363.55 Intercommunity Total 58,516.72 Medical Gorge R. Nicholson, M.D., Chairman .... 44.978.50 Memorial Gene Favcll & Buz Larkin, Co-Chairman . 290,450.00 Special Frank Drew, Chairman; Charles Bailey, Co-Chairman 75,037.00 CAMPAIGN TOTAL $533,438.61 Admiral Says TFX Use Limited On Carriers WASHINGTON (L'PD- Admiral George W. Anderson says that be cause of design compromises the TFX fighter plane cannot be used on many of the Navy's attack air craft carriers, published testimony showed today. The chief of naval operations said in testimony released by Senate investigators that the pro posed two . service supersonic fighter as now designed is too big and too heavy to be used on any attack carriers of the modernized Essex class. "Use will be restricted on the three attack carriers of the Mid way class," Anderson testified. He said the plane designed by Gen era! Dynamics Corp. is 1.1. 500 pounds heavier than original Navy specifications, and 8.500 pounds heavier than revised Navy specifications. The top Navy military official made it clear that he preferred the losing design submitted by Boeing Co. He said there were a number of concessions made by the Navy to meet Defense Secr- tary Roliert S. McNamara's insis tence on one plane for two serv icesthe Navy and Air Force. The Senate investigation sub committee is looking into why Mc- Namara gave the multi-billion dol lar contract to General Dynamics, instead of following unanimous military recommendations favor ing the rival Boeing plane. Movie Great Await Oscar Ceremonies SANTA MONICA, Calif (UPD Filmland's actors and actresses share the spotlight Monday night with the biggest star of all a ' w Continuous Shows Today from 12:45 All about the richest girl in the ..-'vi world and the guy who r woucn'f buy her line mm H. POLl presents GlSnn , Hope fort Lange Charles Boyer "iPve is a BaiL" TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION Plus Jackie Kennedy's Asiatic Journey In Color NOW PLAYING! HE WAS TEMPTATION rO A THOUSAND AND ONE WOMEN1 AMIftKAN INHftNAllONAlf .J7MIHACUB yn siw Jf "WORLD 13 JT- glistening statuette named Oscar. The 35th annual Academy Awards ceremony could break Hollywood records. More former Oscar winners may be in the au dience than any previous year. And if Bette Davis and Jack Lcmmon win best actress and best actor awards, two more rec ords will be set. Miss Davis, nomintod (or "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?," would be the only actress to win three awards. If Lemmon wins for 'Days of Wine and Roses." he will be the first performer to re ceive an Oscar as best actor and supporting actor. He won the lat ter award in 1935. Other best actress nominees in clude Anne Bancroft (The Miracle Worker.) Katharine Hepburn (Long Day's Journey Into Night, Geraldine Page (Sweet Bird ol Youth), and Lee Remick (Days of Wine and Roses.) Miss Davis, a two-time winner, has been nominated ten times. Miss Hepburn, a one-time win ner, has been in the running nine times and Miss Page three. This is a First for Miss Bancroft and Miss Remick. Contending with Ixmiiion (or Ivsl actor are Burt al.ncaster (Bird Man of Alcalraz), Mai cello Mastroianni (Divorce Italian Style,) Peter O'Toole (Lawrence of Arabia i and Gregory Pock (To Kill a Mockingbird i. This is former winner Lancast er's third nomination, Lcmmon's third in this category, and Peck's filth. O'Toole and Mastroianni arc contending (or the first time. Competing (or best picture arc "Lawrence of Arabia," "The Long est Day, I'o Kill a Mocking bird," "Mutiny on the Bounty' ami "The Music Man." Geiger Air 3ase Closed SPOKANE (UPD - The Air Force has announced the virtual closure of Geiger Air Force Base, an Air Defense Command (ADC) base with a unit of F106 super sonic jets. The action means a loss of an estimated $l2-mil!ion a year to the Spokane area economy. The announcement said the 498th Fighter Interceptor Squad ron will be moved to McChord Air Force base near Tacoma in July. Affected will be some 1,150 military personnel and 199 civil ians. Of those, only 438 will make the move to McChord. . The 84th fighter group, the ad ministrutive organization, will be disbanded, releasing about 918 men for other Air Force assign ments. Col. Lester F. Johnson, com mander of the 84th, said McChord was chosen as the base at which to consolidate two fighter squad rons instead of Geiger because Tacoma was not considered a prime target area. Fairchild Air Force base here, a strategic Air Command (ield with B52 bombers, KC135 tankers and Atlas missiles, is tabled a prime target. Disclosure of Anderson's stand came as the TFX dispute ap peared to be headed for a show down between McNamara and his Senate critics. Sen. John L. McClellan, D- Ark., chairman of the subcom mittee investigating the TFX contract award, asked Comptrol- Icr General Joseph Campbell to make an independent study of the cost standards involved. The object was to find out once and for all whether Boeing or General Dynamics could build the controversial plane at least cost to the taxpayers. McNamara told McClellan he would be glad to cooperate with Campbell s watchdog General Ac counting Office. But he warned that the Air Force projected cost estimates were considered "so un reliable" that they could not form a foundation for a realistic deci sion. The report McClellan requested could mean a turning point in the dispule. Should it favor Boe ing, as the parade of military witnesses before the McClellan subcommittee has, it could mean a climactic confrontation between McNamara and his Senate foes Tax Credit Plan Tabled SALEM (UPD-The House Tax Committee Saturday tabled a pro xsal to permit up to a $10 income lax credit for political campaign contributions, then turned its at tention to proposed income tax in creases. All nine members of the com mittee many in shirtsleeves were on hand for the day . long work session. They were expected to continue working on income tax measures until lata afternoon. It marked the first Saturday session for the committee. Also on the job was the higher education subcommittee of the Ways and Means Committee The subcommittee members left Friday for Southern Oregon where they were scheduled to visit Southern Oregon College at Ash land, and Oregon Technical Insti tute at Klamath Falls. The sub committee was slated to return to Salem Sunday evening. Earlier Saturday the House Tax Committee approved bills dealing with taxes on aircraft fuels changes In ownership of property owned by fraternal organizations, and a measure requiring the Multnomah County tax collector to turn tax funds over to the county treasurer on a daily basis A proposed real estate transac tion tax was discussed, but no fi nal action was taken. c.::)!,r.'-fi .... -J.X?- MANIAC KILLER HUNTED The decapitation murder of Olympic British skier Sonja McCaskie. above, touched off a wide search in the Reno area Saturday for a sadist or maniac. Miss McCaskie's dismembered body was found in her apartment late Friday night. Police called the slaying the most brutal in Reno's history. UPI Telephoto Honor Student On 'Bum' Wins Merit Scholarship Butcher Killer Of Ski Beauty Sought In Reno RENO. Nev. (UPD Shocked .Sparks, just east of Reno. Her LUBBOCK, Tex. (L'PD-High school honor student John Pear son, 18, heads for his Florida home today and the college edu cation he thought he could never afford. Pearson learned Friday that he had won a full merit scholarship. His mother had been trying to find him since a day or two after he left Miami March 23 in despair with S5 in his pocket. He first had planned to work'i as a stock clerk in a Lubbock auto supply store through the summer. He plans to enroll at the University of Florida. Anti-Castro Raiders Nabbed NASSAU, Bahamas (UPD-Ninc anti-Castro Cubans were arrested by police on Andros Island today and the arms they were carry ing were confiscated. The men were spotted Friday night by Lt. Col. John Pine Cof fin of the Joint Services Head quarters in Nassau, who flew in a seaplane to Andros, one of the largest islands in the Bahamas. John w alked into a Lubbock em ployment office Friday looking for a job. A clerk recognized him from a newspaper photograph. He was overjoyed when told he had won a scholarship. John and his mother finally got together ov er the telephone and she sent him money. He said he leaves for home today. John said he "had "iust been bumming around" since he left home. He was carrying his cloth ing' in a papersack. The university had been his last hope before he left home. He had gone to see school officials there about working his way through school, but they turned him down. He saved $5 earned from deliv ering newspapers and working at a gasoline station. He then left home to look for work. Reno police made a painstaking search of a bloodstained apart ment Saturday night in search of clues to the person who killed and butchered a former British Olym pic skier. Victim of the slaying was 24-year-old Sonja McCaskie, a na tive of Elgin, Scotland, and a mother of two. 'Her dismembered body was found late Friday night in her once pleasant apartment which contained her many skiing tups and trophies. Police Chief Elmer Briscoe de scribed it as "the most brutal murder I've ever investigated." Veteran police officers gagged at the sight as they entered the apartment. The nude body of Miss McCas kie was found in a cedar chest in the bedroom, three kitchen knives stuck in the turso. Beneath the body was her head, wrapped in white undergarments and a lace table cloth. The victim's heart was found on the floor near the unlocked front door. One foot 'was rolled up in a blanket in ths middle of the living room. Believed Tortured Chief Briscoe said he believes Miss McCaskie had been tortured before she was killed. But there appeared to be little sign of a struggle. Neighbors told officers they heard no screams or any disturbance. Police said Miss McCaskie was last seen late Thursday. A baby sitter who was caring (or her year-old son became worried be cause she failed to come for the child, touching off the search. Miss McCaskie worked as a sec retary at a meat company in employer said she did not report for work Friday and her home telephone did not answer. Briscoe said Miss McCaskie had been once married to a Jelf Schmidt, who is believed to have custody of the older of her two children. He was being sought. Last month. Miss McCaskie filed a paternity suit against Uni versity of Nevada professor David C. Conrad, naming him as the father of her one-year-old son, Kim. Conrad was questioned ear ly Saturday and released. Chief Briscoe and District At torney William Raggio questioned a number of other persons but did not release their names. Quiet Life Miss McCaskie's neighbors said she lived a quiet life and genera ally stayed at home nights, knil ting, reading and taking care of her baby. Whereabouts of the second child she was reported to have was not immediately learned. Miss McCaskie was attending Sierra Collge at Auburn, Calif., in 1960 when she asked to ski on the British team at the nearby Squaw Valley, Calif., Olympics. She finished out of the running i in the events in which she took part. , This last winter, she had tauijht skiing at the Reno Ski Bowl in nearby Slide Mountain during the weekends. Police said Miss McCaskie drove to her apartment about 4:30 p.m. Thursday. Her small British-made sports car had not been moved since then. Gunman Taps Medford Store MEDFORD i UPI i A young bandit Friday night escaped with some $1800 from the Groceteria Supermarket in downtown Med ford after an armed robbery. Employe of the store. Jerry Ku cera, said the slender dark-haired robber pulled a revolver from be neath a bulky sweater after he had been in the store about half an hour. The robbery occurred just before the 9 p.m. closing time. DENTAL PLATES Repaired, etc. Our convenient, handy, practical, and economical services NOW available. No appointment needed. No drlav - no walling Kasy C'rrdft Kvfnhm by rettueat OPEN 9:00 - 5:00 1033 Main $t. TU 4-3284 COLORSCOPE GORDON SCOn Y0K0 TANI " .r!-rUR The first air conditioned private home in the United Suites was lo cated in Minneapolis, where the system was installed in 1915 by Willis Carrier, Inventor of air con ditioning "1 ou fijiht w ar w i(h our v. capons... Klamath Ptllt, Orqon PublnhM (Uiiv 1cpt laf i and Sunday trvm iBvlnarn orton and Nfthrn California bv Klamalh Publtihtrtf Company Main a' f.piaai Phona TUM 41111 W. 1. Swtttland. Pwbltinar nlarte ai tne-lati malttr at tr post n"ca at Mamaln Flit. (Vrim. n Awtutl It. im. wntfar act Can- at paw at Klamath Pu, OrtfOfl. and at aodiiranai mailine atlictn Carriar t Mant . l ! TJ Montr . llM I Vaar til M Mail in Advaitct I Manlfi ft' Monttil KIM I Vaar l H Carnar and Otaltrt woay. cev. . itc tundav. Cm IX UNITIO PRESl INT NATIONAL AUDIT IURIAU OP CIRCULATION lukKMMra net rxtivinf dtlivtry tnair NtraH) and Ntwt. pttate p tuiao bttara I em. LADIES! Your nicest accessory in the Easter Parade is a well-dressed man. Make sure your husband visits GENE'S this week! Three men walked into an office. The first walked in as though he owned the place. The second walked in as though he didn't give a darn who owned the place. The third walked in in a Society Brand suit. He owned the place. Fine Brands Plus S&H Green Stamps MEN'S AND BOYSWEAR 6th & Main light! Right! The Time is The Price is RGHT NOW! April is our Volume Month for Oldsmobile and Cadillac ! ! ! DEMONSTRATORS!!! '63 OLDS "98" Luxury Sedan the Queen of Oldsmobile!. Beautiful blue, fully equipped as a demo would be. A dream of a luxury ear! '63 OLDS Starfire The Oldsmobile sports! Buc ket seats, air conditioning, saddle color. A personal car with only 4,000 miles, i '63 OLDS "88" rour-ooor ieaan, less than mi n p tm or 2,500 miles. Full power... OS ULUb 109 naturally! It's a demo! Sad- . . , , ... ., , , die color; a sharp family S!ux.e 4:door- 2;0 0?'v. vou please! cor ' This is the fine lady of the F-85 line ... the deluxe model, fully equipped. BIGGEST STOCK OF NEW CARS SINCE START OF '63 PRODUCTION! 0 Choose Colors! O Choose Models! O Choose Body Styles! STARFIRES CUTLASSES STATION WGNS. HARDTOPS SEDANS 88's, Super 88's, F-85's if If we don't hove it here now, we can get it in 2 doys through "Locotor"! APRIL IS VOLUME MONTH AT DICK B. MILLER CO. 7th and Klamoth Ph. TU 4-4154