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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1963)
C..J. m. . ... 31. 1963 "fcKALD AXD NEWS. JUST MARRIED Mr. and Mrs. Richard Forrest Ktlly pose 'for their picture at the reception which followed their marriage March 2 in Lents Evangelical United Brethren Church in Portland. Mrs. Kelly is the former Don na Miriam Mueller, Milwaultie. Photo by Gateway Studio, Portland E.' wi V. .. .' ( ENGAGEMENT TOLD Mr. and Mrs. John C. McFar land, this city, announce the engagement and forthcom ing marriage on May I I of their daughter, Laurine, to Franklin W. Butte. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Butte of Portland. The bride-elect, graduate of KUHS, was the first woman graduate of the Highway Technology (engineering) course at Oregon Technical Institute in 1959. She has worked since that time for the Forest Serv ice at Lakeview and was transferred to Juneau, Alaska, in 1962. Her future husband is a station engineer at the Juneau radio and TV station. Photo by Ferebee Small whole cooked carrots look pretty around a meat or fish dish. Cook the carrots in a small amount of boiling salted watei for about 15 minutes to have ten der-erisp. Most wanted gift for GRADUATION Trusted 'or Accuracy (Hi SHOCK-RESISTANT WATCH ior Golden elegance is ejprened with distinctive charm in this srlf-n-inding Omega. UK yellow Cold-filled case. Sweep second hand, 1SK gold dial-figures. Shock -resistant, anti-magnetic 17 (purl movement. Other Omega automatics from $79.50. J. C. RENIE, Jewelry 1021 Mam TU 4-4606 page S-D Klamath Falls. Or. SATURA av itnw The plan? With a regular pur chase of Satura Cream or Lotion, with or without hor mones, receive a 10-day trial supply. The object? Dramati cally younger-looking skin, or a refund on the unopened pack age. The reason? A Dorothy day wonder alliance of Hor mones, Vitamin A and very active moisturizers. Don't miss this beauty bountyl The time is limited. 2-oz. Satura Cream or Lotion, with or without Hormones, p.'us Vj-oz. sample. $3.50. And special! 8-oz. Satura Cream with Hormones, reg. J8.50, row $6.00. Dorothy Gray Wt Give Gold Bond Stamps WOOD'S DRUG 10h ond Main Wit On the evening of March in only jewelry was a single pearl on the Lents Evangelical L'niteda chain. Her short veil fell from Brethren Church in Portland.!" wa,f l crown ofJ Pearls ,fnd ... . .. , .... 'crystals. She carried a yellow Donna Miriam Mueller of Ml-,.hroa tcd ttnlle orchid surround- waukie. Ore., and Richard Forrest helly ot Klamath rails were united in marriage. i The bride was escorted to the altar bv her father. She wasj dressed in a floor length bouffant white net gown with rose pat terned lace overskirt. Rose lace appliques on the net skirt were detailed with seed pearls and sequins and alternating tiers of net and lace formed a cascade down the back of the skirt from the long waisted bodice. The seal- loped square neckline was .out-j lined with seed pearls. The bride's DAC Meets In Portland Mrs. Arch G. Proctor, Oregon state regent. National Society, Daughters of the American Colo nists, and a member of the Klam ath Chapter, presided at the sixth annual Stale Assembly luncheon held at noon March 19 in the University Club banquet room in Portland. Klamath Chapter, DAC, was hostess and Mrs. Charles K. Wells, regent, was chairman. Assisting were Mrs. A. G. Proc tor. Mrs. Roland E. Wright and Mrs. Rollin E. Thompson. Mrs. John Y. Richardson, na tional and state resolutions chair man, spoke to the group on resolutions. One of the resolu tions passed was that Oregon hon or the Fourth of July by a "Ring out the Bells" at noon. The Oregon Daughters an nounced the selection of Mrs. John Y. Richardson of the Port land chapter to run for vice presi dent of the Pacific Coast Section. DAC, in the tiext national elec tion. Mrs. L. B. Gardinier, national patriotic education chairman. Memphis, Tenn., sent a letter complimenting Klamath Chapter on its patriotic education work and commending the Herald and News for its coverage of the George Washington poem con test. Mrs. Howard P. Arnest, Oregon slate historian, asked that chap ters place historical markers. Klamath Chapter plans to erect a marker in 19W3 to Martin F. Frain, whose fur trading post was located at Payne Alley and Main Street in Klamath Falls. He was one of the first while fur traders tn the Klamath Basin from New- York State, sailing to California in 1830 via Cape Horn. He arrived in Klamath, crossing at Link Riv er and camping there April 30, 1857. Mrs. Roland E. Wright is chair man of memorials and markers of historical spots and is assist ed by Mrs. Jack W. Wright and Mrs. Charles J. Martin. daniel's yirfjrfc EASTER flcfctcrtfl f I. li Delightful Scamparoo Vs. V Nv White Potina or V Nil Block Pofino 5.99 Poll Porrot Mti "1.J. Bovi' Oaford '(ilai 9 Block or bron ffi? " a to o on y wedtht 0.7 7 fpi I Scompcroo rm f I Sophisticate VSv. '' Red Potino, A&T Vc5 LaV'J : ' daniel's jed by stephanotis, net and small pearl hearts. Attending the bride as matron of honor was her sister-in-law. Mrs. Norman Mueller, who wore pink rose pattern brocade sheath with matching accessories. Bridesmaids were Sharon White and Esther Entenman of Port land and Virginia Kepley, Mil waukie, each wearing blue bro cade and accessories similar to the outfit of the matron of honor. Each carried a white lace fan with pink carnations and wore a vcil wnich ,cll (rom a dl tcr of tiny brocade rosebuds in her hair. The attendants' ensem bles were made by the bride's aunt. Mrs. Albeit Dannehl. Three-year-old Tammy Johnson, cousin of the bridegroom, was flower girl. She wore a pink bro cade dress and carried a white basket filled with pink flowers. Steve Youtz was ring bearer. Best man was the bride's broth er, Norman Mueller. Ushers were Carl Kuehne, cousin of the bride, and Darryl Mourer, Portland, and Alan Eberlein, Klamath Falls. Soloist was the bridegroom's aunt, Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Port land, who sang "Because" and "The Wedding Prayer. She was accompanied by Mrs. Hoy Mourer at the organ. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Robert Bletcher, pas tor of Lents Church. At the close of the ceremony, during the prayer of dedication, the couple knelt on white satin pillows. smocked by the bride for the oc casion. Following the ceremony in the church sanctuary, the wedding party and families greeted the nearly 400 guests at the reception in the church parlors. The mother of the bride wore a light blue brocade dress w ith jacket, match ing shoes and white with pink flow ered hat. The bridegroom's moth- Ttl'S ON TOOTH CARE We are constantly bombarded by dentifrice commercials and re minders to go to the dentist twice a year. But, do you take as good care of your teeth as you are ad vised to do? Brushing at least twice a day is really more im portant to you than to the com panies trying to sell a variety of products. , Constant and proper care gives you cleaner, prettier teeth for a prettier smile, and also cuts down on painful infections which oft en result from poor dental habits Gum massage stirs circulation of blood. Without this massage, your gums get soft. Food particles are trapcd when this happens, and decay and infection often follow. This may sound far from beauty talk but it is not. Your teeth arc important to your beauty as well as to your general health. It pays to take care of them. Presenting a dazzling array of Weather-Bird Easter tootwear designed to capture the hearts of every little prince and princess. Select from patents, leathers and nylon velvets for girls . . . oxfords, ties and slip-ons in smooth and grained leathers fol boys. er chose a gold and ivory sheath with jacket and matching acces sories. Both had a white orchid corsage. Serving the lour tiered wed ding cake were the bride's aunt, Mrs. Albert Dannehl, who also made the sweetheart cookies for the reception, and Mrs. Lloyd VW : U& "frs I'll All the Enchantment CTC I J suits for ony i 7m POAT yJfA I famous coat D A C Li ATC In The Oregon Food Shopping Center AVALON ond SHASTA WAY Cox. Coffee was poured by the bride's aunt, Mrs. Ted Kuehne, Portland, and Mrs. M. L. Pat terson. Gilchrist. The punch was served by Mrs. Darryl Mour er and Mrs. Ron Herzog. Lovely silver services, punch bowl and serving dishes were loaned for the reception by Mr. and Mrs. 'cosh ntw spring stocks including o very wjd selection of cottons, silks, wools and mixtures . uso and taste, ranging from ' n'9hli9Mmg the newest for 1963. Excep- ? tionally fine fabrics ond favorite designs from OC AA makers . . . paitcli, tweeds, checks, white, from fcUU nDCCCCC cottons, imported fc wal t W t , appropriate styles ond every time, morning 'til night . . . many choose from . JEWELRY ... . you'll find jewelry to set off your costume, from ... UCICDY famous No Mend end Stunning Stems hose In all the nVtJlCII I shades, from . . . patents in various colors twist ond gold, from Lt AllCC whitej beige and btack In fabric and kid '-J longs, from ru'v 0 flrt 'election of . . . truly a great selection of box to flatter you for Eoiter, cole from - Henry Cadonau. Following the wedding trip to the Oregon Coast, the newlyweds will be at home in Portland. The new Mrs, Kelly is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul (j. Mueller and is a graduate of Clackamas High School. She at tended Multnomah School of the of Easter 9.98 linens, silks, blends tor every occosion famous makers, and 6.98 . . , marshmallows, cut velvet shorts colors and styles frosh out of the Eible and has been employed at the Christian Supply Center in Portland. The bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L. Kelly of Klam ath Falls, is a graduate of Klam ath Union High School and Ore gon Stale University. He is pres ently employed at Portland Fed- at in Fashion up to 85.00 to 45.00 to 80.00 2.00 79c 2.98 2.00 5.98 ijt UJJ up Irish ond hat- terar Savings an4 Loan man. agement trainee. Traveling to Portland for the wedding were Mr. ajid Mrs. Ken neth McAndrews, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Work, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ebcrlein and Neil Eberlein, Klam ath Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Martin, Pilot Rock. the new Fashion ulllcle. Oil!) Uu Our Convenient LoyAway, Chsrst, er Rovolving Charge Extra Savings with Green Stamps ivinii.Ai moil ioi I son ana .mi 527 Main