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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1963)
HERALD AND .NEWS. Klamath Falli, Or. Turulav, Manh 26. 19M PAGE 7 ALTURAS Ninety two Hereford bulls have been accepted (or the fourth rate of Rain Modoc County bull sale to be held in Cedar ville in October. According to the Modoc County farm adviser, Norman Nichols. DRILL AVAILABLE Chuck Fisher, work unit conservationist of the Soil Conserve-' tion Service is shown inspecting the new range land 10 - foot drill purchased by the Lanqell Valley Soil Conservation District. It is available for rent. Ford Trucks Last Longer en Hit FARM See your Firm Truck Heedquorteri BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Eid. Ph. TU 4-312) Langeil Valley SCO Purchases Range Drill BONANZA A range land 10 1 construction so it will hold up on foot drill was recently nurchasedlrou8'1 land Home Ec Meet Set Thursday District No. 5 Home Economics Conference will be held Thurs day, March 28, in the Shasta View Grange Hall. The meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m., and a potluck luncheon will be served by the local granges at 12 noun Jossie Cross of Madras, dis trict chairman, will preside over the conference. An open meeting for grange women and their guests, the event will feature topics on sew ing, needlework, can ning, and other subjects of in terest to women. For further information contact Zetta Sullivan, county H.E.C., at TU 2-19(16. by the Langeil Valley Soil Con servation District primarily for use in brushy and rocky areas, without initial seed bed prepara tion. The drill is of extra heavy USED 10,000' 3x40 ALUMINUM LATERAL 2,000' 6 x 30 ALUMINUM MAINLINE 5,000' 6x40 DIPPED STEEL PIPE Ft. Misc. Sprinklers, Risers & Fittings EZ Terms - Cosh Discount - Labor Allowance INTERSTATE PUMP & MANUFACTURING, INC. -AT THE WINDMILL 7215 So. 6th St. TU 2-3464 60 The drill was bought for im proving range lands in the dis trict. Rental price for the drill is $1 per acre with a minimum of $7 per day. Anyone interested may contact Wilfred Noble, phone 762-4101, who is in charge of the machinery. Chuck Fisher. Soil Conservation Service. Bonanza 545-2061, or any of the LVSCD supervisors. The drill has been used on sev eral thousand acres dry land grass seeding at Lakeview with a high degree of success. RETURNING HOME NEW YORK iUPIi - Mrs. .Jac queline Kennedy, in New York Tuesday for a round of shopping and visits to friends, was expect ed to return to Washington today in time to greet her husband on his return from Costa Rica. The first lady Hew here Mon day aboard the family plane but left her children. John Jr. and Caroline, at the White House. A LOOK AHEAD Order Now! AVOID THE SPRING RUSH! There are times when a grower's hard put to figure why his yield's no higher than it is. Ev erything . . . rainfall . . . seed . . . nutrients . . . seem right, except the yield and the profit. Many western growers have found the reason why. It's deficiency of sulphur. Let us help you solve this problem ... it can mean a whopping big difference in profits for you! Now Is The Time To Apply JJBlkbsi FERTILIZERS pootuct or CgifJIR coeoA"0 AQUA AMMONIA PLUS SULPHUR A new fertilizer, Brca Aqua-plus-Sulphur, which combines nitrogen and sulphur in solution. Why don't you let us help you set up a Sulphur dificiency TRIAL on your land? GIVE US A CALL... Simplot Soilbuilders "First in Quality Klamath Falls Phone TU 4-7746 Malin 7:3-2947 . And Service!" OR CALL Tuleloke 447-2251 JUST ARRIVED Electric - Fencing Equipment New PARMAK Electric Fencer (U.L. Approved) Insulators Fence Wire Low, Low Prices J. W. Kerns 734 So. 6th TU 4-4197 92 Bulls Selected For Feeding Check Grange Ritual Work Judged The first and second degrees of grange ritual work were con ferred on 19 candidates at a meet ing March 13 at the Poe Valley Grange Hall. The candidates represented Lost River Grange No. 84fi. Mer- rill Grange No. 707, Midland Grange No. 781, Poe Valley Grange No. 710, and Shasta View Grange No. 830. Members of the Poe Valley drill team put on the first degree for the candidates, and the drill team ol Lost River Grange put on the second degree. Degree work was judged for points in a degree con test now in progress among the Klamath County granges. Ed Wenz, master of Poe Valley Grange, opened the meeting and introduced the honored guests. They were Bonifay Yancey, Po mona master, and Mildred Lar gent, county deputy. Visiting mas ters, Lincoln Gabriel, Lost River Grange; Bert Mitchell, Shasta View Grange; and Louis Stork, Midland Grange, were also hon ored at the event. the bulls will arrive on the Weber Brothers ranch near Alturas May 1 and will all be fed alike until the sale day, Oct. 13. During the summer months the bulls will be on pasture in fields consisting of mountain meadow. sage brush, wheat grass, and juniper-lava rock. They will also be hand-fed a few pounds of bar ley each day lo keep them gain ing well. At the end of the pasture sea son, the bulls will be put in a dry lot and receive meadow hav and around eight pounds of con centrates daily. "The bulls are never . on full feed." Nichols emphasued. "They do not get too fat, but they do gain well enough to pick out the 'best doers.' " Proof of the buyer's preference of the rate of gain bulls from the Cedarville sale was shown last year when the sale was rat ed as one of the top 10 Hereford sales in the West. The bulls will be graded on conformation by Reuben Albaugh University of California livestock expert: Sam Thurbcr. University of California farm adviser: and Bill Cockrell. local cattleman, on the day they gel their official weight by the farm adviser's office. They will be weighed and grad ed soon after their arrival at the Weber ranch and at the bull sale in October. Grades and weights with rate of gain will he reported oclnre the sale on each bull Contract veterinarian. Erwin Swanson, will check the bulls for health throughout the season and give any necessary treatment The bulls will be weighed and sprayed for fly control every four weeks throughout the summer. Consignors for the 19U.1 sale are: Prank G. Bennett. Chico Chamberlain Estate Company. Auburn; Med H. Dressier. Card nerville. Nev.; Dudley - Parker Kanch, Gazelle; E & K Farms, Watsonvillc: Lemuel W. Earnest. McArthur: Flying Circle M, Loo mis: 4 II Hereford Ranch. Cro berg; Hellman Hereford Ranch, Hopland: H Bar Hereford Ranch, Weed; Kenwood Hereford Ranch Kenwood; J. D. Kuck Ranch Montague: W. S. Orvis and Sons, Farmington: Pitchfork Cattle Company, Vinton; Silliman Here fords, Watsonville; Teion Ranch Company, Bakersfield; and Frank R. Turner, Saltlcy. Shipping Service Tells Potato, Onion Action Some of Japan's residents will be eating onions grown in the Salem area. Inspectors for the state and federal shipping point inspection service checked out 27.500 50-pound sacks of Salem district onions in February for shipment to Japan. The inspectors say it is the first shipments to Japan that they recall inspecting. Reports from the inspection services show potato growers ship ping to Alameda. Calif., have been faced with the refusal of labor in that area to handle 100 pound crates, the usual size crate for exports. However, the 50 pound crale is acceptable lo la bor. Hood River reports about 350 1 WATER when it's needed most.. J 2 1, XT ...with PORTABLE IRRIGATION Let our irrigation experts show you how you can have all the water you need at exactly the right time... and still reduce your water and labor costs. Increase profits the easy Shur-Rant way. Drop in today and talk over your problems. FHi all lypti of .round .n l.v.liB P JvnUNt. J n m m w. III O EZ Term i - Cosh Discount - Labor Allowance INTERSTATE PUMP & MANUFACTURING, INC. AT THE WINDMILL 7215 So. 6th St. TU 2-3464 cars of apples are still in storage and 160 cars of pears remain to be shipped. The Medford district has approximately 400 cars of pears still in storage. Most of these are D Anjous. ' Several cars of onions still re main in storage with about 500 cars of Danvcrs in the Salem-Port land area, most of which are in cold storage and the Malheur County area still has about 150 cars of Sweet Spanish onions for shipment. Potato prices have weakened and growers are reluctant to sell. The Klamath Basin has 3,000 cars in storage and the Redmond section reports less than 1,500 lo be shipped. Shipping point inspectors han dled the equivalent of 3.724 car lots of Oregon products for ship, menl in February. This is 635 more carlots than shipped a year ago but is 633 carlots below the January, 1063, shipments. 1 r-rT.:,r'"r:;-..:- t.tx APPOINTED Joe Sill, shown here, has been appointed beef specialist for the Oregon Breeders Association, a new position created by the association to develop an artificial insemination program for beef cattle industry in Oregon. Oregon Breeders Name Sill Beef Specialist Dairy Industry Trends -Show Fewer Processors WASHINGTON (LTD - The trend in the dairy industry ap pears to be toward fewer but larger processors. An Agriculture Department study said that if current trends continue without change through the mid-1960's, dairy processors will become fewer in number with greater volume per plant. The number of firms churning butter, for example, dropped from 2,477 in 1954 to 1,516 in 1961, a decrease of 38 per cent. By 1967, (lie number should be down anoth er 30 per cent. Between 1954 and 1961 annual butter production per plant increased 53 per cent to 979.000 pounds. The department's projections for 1967 rest on three assumptions: That close to present levels of price support will operate through 1967; the growth of the entire economy will continue at present rates: and technology in the dairy industry will continue to advance at roughly the same pace. While farmers have increased their milk marketings some 27 per cent over the past 15 years, the number of dairy processors has dropped sharply. In 1958, a total of 5.817 fluid milk plants was in operation, a drop of 13 per cent from 1954. remember; when it comes to a truck, see Bob or t Juck Trucks are their business! JUCKELAND MOTORS, Inc. Your International Dealer 11th & Klam. Ph. 2-2581 The Oregon Breeders Associa tion of Corvallis, Ore., announces the appointment of Joe Sill as beef specialist for the association. This is a new position created by the association in order to devel- Farmers' 1962 Sales Show Gain Oregon farmers counted higher cash receipts in 1962 with sales un on both livestock and crop products over l'.Kil, reports Mrs. Klvera Horrcll, Oregon Slate uni versity extension' agricultural economist. Preliminary estimates place Oregon's 1962 cash receipts from farm marketings at approximate ly $430 million, up four per ceirt from 1961 and Hie second nign cst on record, she said. The total figure does not include direct gov ernment payments to farmers. Drawine iinon U.S. Department of Agriculture reports and oilier Information, Mrs. hoitcu point ed nut that livestock accounted for around $199 million, up two per cent lor the year, crop re ceipts were boosted some six per cent to approximately $231 mil ium. Oregon marketings were heavier last year and prices av eraged higher. Last year's estimated total ol $430 million was exceeded only in lnsi. the record high year of livestock and livestock products receipts, she noted. The record high for crops was in 1952. nreiinn's farm sales started slowly in 1962, with the first four months below the same lime in 1961. In May, however, the tide turned and each month except October saw sales receipts lop ping the same month a year earlier, Mrs. Horreii poinicu oui. llnwever. it is slill not known how much Oregon farmers had left alter paying their expenses, the economist stressed. op an artificial insemination pro gram for the beet caltlc industry in Oregon. Artificial insemination has been used in the dairy cattle industry for almost 20 years and has con tributed greatly to the improve ment of the quality of the dairy cattle in the stale. Developments during the last few years have proven that A. I. can be used successfully in the beef industry and can be an important factor in improving the producing quali ty of beef cattle. The Oregon Breeders Association is develop ing a beef cattle insemination program and has hired Sill to work w ith (he beef producers in establishing and supervising this program. Sill was raised in Oregon, grad uated from Oregon Slate Univer sity and spent several years man aging beef ranches in Eastern Oregon. For the last few years Sill has worked as an agricultural representative for the First Na tional Bank in Eastern Oregon and more recently in the Trust Department of the Main Office of the Bank in Portland. Sill will continue to live in Grcsham but will spend most of his time in the field working with beef ranchers. VALLEY PUMP AND EQUIPMENT CO. COMPLETE PUMPING SERVICE CfUICK TIDBITS Roll hitc-size pieces of canned pears in finely grated cheddar cheese. Alternate on pick with pimicnlo stuffed olives. Serve as appetizers or use to garnish salads. New 34 H.P. Shallow Well DOMESTIC PUMP $9500 Interstate Pump & MFG., INC. 721 S So. 6th TU 2-3464 NOW.BUTLER America's largest telling grain bin UAL.8 NEW Money saving Crop saving ' FEATURES .,. 1,000 IU. UN winincn i urn iii ' i S364 New platforw-type ventilator Sturdy, hisged manhole hatch Doublo-puitched vertical leaai i New auger opening In door Double-latched door Ixtruded caulking composed Weather-seal waihers Wider, heavier door laM Thcie complete storage facili ties (inc. foundation, erection, and equipment) can be finan ced thru ut at FHA rates . . . Terms as low as 10 down and up to 7 years to pay. Also con be financed thru local ASC office. ALL MAKES REPAIRED Now at Merrill-Lokeview Jet. CALL TU 4 9776 Neit to John D.tro Call the man in the Circle P truck for Golden Harvest BENNINGTON STEEL BUILDING CO. 5059 Bryont TU 4-3334 and Grow-How! Aqua is a favorite throughout the Northwest for one big reason ... it gets results ... up to $6 return for every $1 invested. Aqua contains am monia, nitrogen. Combines with soil nutrients such as sulfur, zinc and molybdenum... and certain soil insecticides. Applied with the famous "sure sign" applicators so you get shallow placement, light draft and no loss of your valuable ammonia. v Talk over your fertilizer needs with your local fertilizer expert... the man with grow-how... the man in the Circle P truck from your local Pacific Cooperative. Sure sign for fertilizer MEMBER PACIFIC COOPERATIVES Pacific Supply Coop 1537 So. 6th TU 2-4456 1232. - oaajaeaeeaaaaaaaaaeaaaaoooaaii $1850 "Cl.m't ntw bride it ur happy thot hi bought all that tine farm equipment at tuch a laving." USED S41 FORD TRACTOR Q??flfl New Rubber - Good Condition XiAWW USED 850 FORD TRACTOR Heavy Wheel Weiahtt - Good Condition . SEVERAL GOOD USED SPRING TOOTH HARROWS p"c:d8Jr;,,5.' $75 to $175 GOOD USED DEARBORN REAR CULTIVATOR $175 Klamath Tractor & Implement Co. 5616 So. 6th Ph. 2-5525 Scrvict pTnTjy After the Sole ona Says... Ed's heading for Alaska this week . . . come in and see our Specials! Ev and I will "deal" under the table! Pur "Hyvar" on Quack Grass now! Order "Telone" for special deal. PUMPS-PARTS-EQUIPMENT SAVINGS WITH DISCOUNT! SPRAY CENTER Oregon Ag Chemicals We've got 'em on fhe run but need more cus tomer! with laving with their WOODEN NICKELS! Phone Tulelake 667-2229 Tulclake, Calif. Phone K. Falls TU 4-607S 4