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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1963)
POE It fliooaay. .iarcn i. HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. COOK Waih fresh veluMf, LhI iht riot tlirm In water for any lensfli of time. Il lliry are willftl, put them in roltl wjtcr lor a frw minutes. Ciltlifliwer, broccoli, arliflioLei aul HrinsU firoul must he soiled 20 to 'AH mm. in sjlted ir In-fore tliey arc cooknl to remove smjll insert ami dust nhic-h selilr in them. To r'njre iJMe-lempiiii! rei'laMcs and to r'-Uiti tlieir aoiiii'lunt minerals and vitamins, citolt llieni carefully' ami quickly. BAKING Hike such vegetables as potjloes, tniiutoes and squash without removing skins. Tare vegetable for oveii dishes, foltuwing direc tion niircn wiili recipes. BOIIING Have waler hoiling rapidly ln-fore adding vegetables. Add salt at beginning of cook iiir period (' leapunri per cup ol Hater). After adding veRrtaMe. ap:nn firing water to boiling a quickly as possible. If more water i needed, add boiling water. Moil at a moderate rate and cook vegetables until juit tender. In general, cook vegetables in a covered pan. In the smallest amount of water possible and in the short e-t possible time. K-ic-eptioris lor amounts of water or for covering are: Ptatoa rooked in water to cover. Crn Vntabltt (pai, grn or lima bant) loosely covered. Spinach partially covered pan with rnlv the water winch clings to spinach leaves after final wadiine Aiparacjui arranged in tied bundles with Stalks Minding in a small, deep pan containing at least 2 in. of boiling water pan loosely rove red. Broccoli lied, stalks (over Hin, thick split lengthwise) stand tug in a deep pan containing boil ing water up to lluwcret pan loosely covered. HOW TO VEGETABLES Strang navra Vgtabls (cauliAawtr, matur cabbags and ftrusU tpraul) cooked loosely covered in a large a mount of water. To restore color of red cabbage, add s small amount of vinegar at cud of cooking period, just before draining. A desirable boiled vegetable is free from excess water, retains its original color and is Wtdl sea soned. Pieces are uniform and attractive. BROILING follow - directions villi specific recipes. FRYING and DEEP-FRYING Follow directions with specific recipes,' PANNING Finely shred or slico -Vegetables. Cook slowly until just tender in a small amount of fat, in a covered, heavy pan. Occasionally move with spoon to prevent sticking and burning. STEAMING (looking in a pressure saucepan is a form of steaming. Follow directions given with saucepan because overcooking may occur in a matter of seconds. AWe; Some saucepans ha ing tight-tittingcovers mav lend themselves to steaming vegetables in an Itttte as 1 tea poo u water, no water or a small amount of butler, margarine or shortening. CANNED VEGETABLES Iteduce liquid from ran to one half of original amount by bulling rapidly. Add vegetables; heal thoroughly mid quickly. HOME-CANNED VEGETABLES Moil lOmin. (not required for tomatoes and sauerkraut). DRIED (rf hydra ltd) VEGETABLES Soak and conk as directed in specific recipes, FROZEN VEGETABLES Do not thaw before rooking (thaw corn on rob and partially thaw spinach). Break frozen block apart with fork during cooking. Use as little boding salted water as possible lot cooking. Follow directions on package Klamath 4-H Club Sessions WOOD RIVER WRANGLERS Tlie Wood River Wranglers 4-Ilj Horse Club meets v the first and third Thursday evening at the large barn on the Puckctt and, Schcrer 7-Mile Ranch, by permis-j sion of Ihe owners. Practice, riding is held under the lights at j these sessions, and in addition a business meeting is held once; monthly at the home of one of the member's parents. Leader of the group is Jim Zel ler of Williamson River. Officers are Barbara Nicholson, president; Linda Stanley, vice president; Kenneth Scott, secretary-treasurer; Mary Brattain, song leader; Wayne Scott, news reporter. Otli er members include. Donna Scott. Dora Lee Kenncally, Roger Nich olson, Kim and Randy Kizer and Jim Bridge. On Jan. 27 a horseback ride was enjoyed over Sun Mountain Pass, State Highway 232, east of Fort Klamath. Normally closed by heavy snow at this time of year, the beautiful scenic route has been open to travel all w in ter. Making the trip were the wranglers' leader, Jim Zeller and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Scott. Mrs. Blaine Brattain and Mollis Ki ter. comprising tlie adults partici pating. Horse club members were Wayne, Kenneth and Donna Scott, Mary Brattain, Kim and Randy Kizer, and their younger sister, Alexine, a non-member who was a special guest on the ride. At tlie Feb. 7 meeting at the Edwin Scott home, tentative plans were made for holding a play day sometime during June. Tlie all-day session w ill include van ous competitive contests. Other forms of entertainment will be featured and reported later as plans materialize. Wayne Scott News Reporter COOKING CRI MRS The secretary called roll call and read the minutes. Five mem bers were present. Tina Lanza and fatty Hood made banana milk drink and served it to the other members. Our next meet Whatever the occasion . . . Whatever the meal... WHOever the cook... Nothing sets off your table . . . Nothing sets up the occasion . . . Nothing does it like a . . . Floral Center-piece Attend the Cooking School ond Food Foir for helps in your meal planning and preparation. See the center-piece on the model toble . . . perhaps you'll win it as o door prize . . . ond of course, it's from NYBACK'S FLOWER FAIR Easter Lilies are rapidly matur ing in our greenhouses. Visitors welcome. Bedding plants will be available soon. AND FOOD FAIR 'oop Prizes .'Tuesday. Beef Dishes prepared on the stage by Helene Kralowec AND... among the many wonderful door prizes to be given at Monday's Cooking School are: Electric Frying Pan courtesy Pacific Power & Light Co. $5.00 Order Klamath Basin Beef courtesy Market Basket West Bend "Kabob'N" Grille courtesy Cascade Home Furnishings Beef Cook Book courtesy Klamath County Cow Belles Service Call On Any Appliance, TV or Lawnmower courtesy J. W. Kerns Delicious Ham courtesy Big-Y Market 7-Up And Coca-Cola courtesy 7-Up Bottling Co. of Klamath Falls Standing Rib Roast courtesy Oregon Food Stores Floral Table Center-piece courtesy Nybock's Flower Fair Coffee Carafe and Warmer courtesy Pay Less Drug Automatic Electric Coffee Maker courtesy HAPCO Gift Pack of Horseradish courtesy Tulelake Horseradish Growers Attend The Show Each Day ing will b on Feb. 27. , Tina Lanza, '.".'.'. .' News Reporter. 3614 So. 6th TU 4-8183