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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1963)
1 HERALD AND NEWS, Klanutl, Falls, Or. OUR ANCESTORS . Thursday, March !1, 196J PAGE S-A by Quiasy Nottingham -SB SrffcA tec- iTT, K TvTc, "You're nothin' but a crummy robbin' hood, Locksley! And from now on that's what I'm gonna call ya!" Commwfiihj. Qalsndah THURSDAY NEIGHBORS OF WOODCRAFT Thimble Club, 8 p.m., card party, June umwalt, 4017 Clinton Ave . nue. JOB'S DAUGHTERS, Bethel No. 6. 7:30 p.m., regular session, Masonic Temple. PROSPERITY R E B E K A H LODGE NO. 1M, 8 p.m., initia tion, 100F Hall. KLAMATH ART ASSOCIATION, 8 p.m., regular meeting. Maple Park Gallery. I R 0 Y A L NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, (1:30 p.m., birthday potluck, KC Hall. Bring table service. ; FRIDAY EAGLES AUXILIARY. 8 p.m.. meeting, initiation of candidates. Eagles Hall. LADIES ENCAMPMENT AUX. NO. 46, 8' p.m., meeting, 100F (Hall. SATURDAY SONS OF NORWAY, 6:30 p.m., potluck supper, 8 p.m.. public card party, Shasta Grange Hall. Hospital benefit. ; Y-NE-MA TW1RLERS. 8 p.m., party night square dance, potluck supper, St. Paul's education building. RUMMAGE SALE, KL'HS Fu ture Teachers of America. 9 a.m., Clyde's Towing. Fish Bargain Rule Entered Crittenden Named Head Of Jaycees The Klamath Falls Jaycees elected Bob Crittenden as tlieir new president at their regular meeting last week. Crittenden, who has served as the group's secretary for the past two years, took the place of out going president Bob Flamme, who was chosen this year as a Jaycee state director. The new president, who is 33, Is administrative assistant with tlie U.S. Forest Service, Wincma National Forest. Other officers elected were: Don Pcnner, Klamath County engineer, first vice president; Ron Delude, First National Bank, second vice president; Don Finney, first Fed eral Saving and Loan, secretary. and Jack Stevens, Rodolph-Zam- sky and Company, treasurer. Directors for the new year are: Ken Snyder, Ken Snyder Roofing: John Franks, Medo-Bel Dairy, and Tim Peterson, U.S. National Bank. Installation of officers is slated tor April 27. The Jaycees annual Boss es' Night Dinner will be held April 15. The event is designed to acquaint employers with Jaycee work in the community. Other business conducted at last week's meeting was t h e presentation of the group's month v awards. John Franks was hon ored for his work on the Christ mas Shopping Tour and Ron De lude received recognition for out- WASHINGTON (UP1) Lcuis- standine work in the Kids SUNDAY AKRIK NO. '(Ml). KOK 2 nm initiation of candidates, meeting. eagles Han. EAGLES AUXILIARY, 5 p.m.. Dime a Dip dinner, lower Eagles I Hall. Wrestling program. SPOKE awards went to tirsl lation to allow fishermen to bar pain rollentivelv on fish Drices was introduced today by Sen. year members Jack Stevens, John Warren G. Magnuson. D - Wash., Franks and Ken Snyder and Sen. fc. L,. Bartiett. u-AiasKa. Magnuson said fishermen hadjD0NKEY S,,,I-LS MIIjK MinH thpmselvps in "a leeal noi P i, m virtmri'irvvi.- .u : p. a i yj .tnni iui. man's land in bargaining witn fish buyers as a result of anti trust actions and Federal Trade .Commission rulings. The bill was designed to csiao- lish a "sound economic relation ship" between fishermen, lish dealers and canners, Magnuson said. A! nresent. he said, the lack of collective bargaining often led to 'acrimonious and sometimes lengthy bickering" over lish prices between buyers and fisher men. , City Briefs F.nnlanrl ilIPI) Milkman Wil-1! liam Fraddlcy got so many com-j plaints about milk disappearing! Ifrom doorsteps that he called in' I Constable John Bradding hid be hind a fence and saw a donkey namprl Needv bite off the caps' jknock over the bottles and drink illie spilled milk. ROBERT WAIJvER of Merrill, county judge, has been reported ill with pneumonia. He is present ly at his home. m) SAL, MARCH 23 2:00 and 8:00 P.M. K. F. Auditorium The Exchange Club of Klamath Falls proudly presents the annual appearanet ot the great 3 sr y , , v Profit with Waff GOLDEN HARVEST GROW-HOW! PROFIT! Pacific's Golden Harvest Aqua re form up to $6 for every $1 invested. GOLDEN HARVEST! The Circle P brand formulated for Northwest soil conditions. Top quality delivered to you at the lowest cost be came you pay the cooperative price! AQUA! Contains ammonia and nitrogen. Com bines with soil nutrients like sulfur, xinc and molybdenum and certain soil insecticides. Ap plied with Circle P applicators for shallow place ment, light draft and no loss of ammonia! GROW HOW! The nun in the Circle P truck has it. Call him for fertilizer service and savings. sure sign for fertilizer Member PACIFIC COOPERATIVF Pacific Supply Co-op Nomlftlr, irtdlfloflil nlf rlilnmrnt Hhrlr cui (mil from all over tbt world brlnilng fun ana ihrtlla lo )ouni and old alike. Al each perlnrmanre, mora lhan lwant etellar acta at in aadu( world brlni you mora (htn ln hnuri of Inromparabl rlrem ny In In maw atrial world of circus maae-beiieve. SEE & THRILL TO if MAfH.l.T AM) IH.I.MORK tnlqut I ljrojiran t.alanrtttg, ArtUt if l'RIN I.SS AIIL AS A Hawaiian I star or in i ftii ire IRI.NF LA MONTE fllamoTOUa rtriftian iraprf I frmrmrr -frt Mm.NS! I.OW.NS! CMIMNUi if (' R A 1 ( ' M I HIMI'AN'.KKS True Comrdlana or thf Animal UorM if LOS tS( Al.AM i; Uarlnj, t.- rllinc Aerial Airnhala if Till. MOT 1RINLU LLt I'll ANTH IN Tilt WORLD frlAVALCADt OK (OI.IM R (ON- riNLM AI. t-nUllalv hraiill- fill anil IhrMllnr arrlil haUel Oa- lurlnf ln guricuuily taatumrd clr Id rlffv AMITON A N II W KlfillT Comedy Acrrthalj from Amiral'a AMI MANY. MANY MORI! In all mrt lhan twenty air liar h)ila I'nnilni ttu ovrr l hour if In torn para Me tin.'iii jo In Ihe Wim 11 (ill V or Id nt 1'irru Mak II- t:H TMK CIRCI'S iht in ikiiit lM AL T(H KH IMk KICOMI 1111. I'lRllfc TMI. Wt.ST I.OVI.S HIM! KIDS - FREE TICKETS nM anrl ilrli nt grarir achnnl at r ran rr he hlf nri-u tHl.t, liv fftllni llrkrla from tit of lh manj buin anil rrifrlnnl firm hr an r I cttnprrallon h'lp hrli-i Ih firm la mu. A K I OK I RI F I I K I I IH Kl.l U HI III )OI I It AIM ADMISSION ! No Rrtfrvr d hail Art ftla1. On 'lmlon I'rlr ( avra K vr ihtng. . Thf Ham prl f I' r vail al h fr ifirmmtf . Iiuor IM Opn On llnor r.arl U l'rinll Hrtl Arrival a Lbali of al. Adulli lnr. f1. tail . II i M Mtident II ( hilarrn Mhru M do not WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON y SELECTOR SWITCH FCI WARM OR COOL DRYINS AIR. IXTRA-UROI HOOD. MANNING-IOWMAN PORTABLE HAIR DRYER Your own eomfortibU, quick talon Itavtt hands frt for other tttkt. PAT ONLY 1.00 A MONTH IOJ with in!f Sr COUPON Ml m MANNINO-IOWMAN 3-SPEED PORTABLE MIXER Hit puth button bcattr ajtetar, tirtt. point htol rott, lio,htw!o,ht, PAT ONLY 1.00 A MONTH MANNIN4-I0WMAM STEAM and DRY IRON LigKtwoignt. with buHon ilott and ooiy-fill wattr opening. PAT ONIT I.N A MONTH WITH "COUPON C(j WEISFIELD'S . . . CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON GUARANTEED TIME AND LABOR SAVING "ELECTRICS" MANNING-BOWMAN 10-PIECE HOME HAIRCUTTING SETS Instructions sKow inoxptnsivt, ooty wy to "pro" hair grooming. PAY ONLY 1.00 A MONTH WEISFIELD'S . . . CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S . . . CLIP THIS COUPON II WEST BEND 5 to Cup AUTOMATIC COFFEE MAKER Parkl ptrfacf eofftt vry fimo jnd kaapi it hot to tho lait cup. PAY ONLY 1.00 A MONTH 8Ea k99 I WITH 'COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES! THIS COUPON OFFER GOOD FOR 7 DAYS . . . AFTER THAT TIME PRICES ARE 795,. 995 MANNING-BOWMAN PORTABLE HAIR DRYER MANNING-BOWMAN 3-SPEED PORTABLE MIXER McGRAW-EDISON PORTABLE SAW TABLE MANNING-BOWMAN 10-PIECE HOME HAIRCUTTING SET WEST BEND 5 TO 9 CUP AUTOMATIC COFFEE MAKER MANNING-BOWMAN '4-INCH ELECTRIC DRILL MANNING-BOWMAN DELUXE TABLE OVEN-BROILER MANNING-BOWMAN AUTOMATIC STEAM OR DRY IRON MANNING-BOWMAN ' 2-SLICE AUTOMATIC TOASTER Check the items . . . CLIP THE COUPONS! BUY ON TERMS -NO MONEY DOWN! LIMITED TIME OFFER SO GET YOURS NOW vrc hcjchv c inc muni TO LIMIT QUANTITIES WITH COUPON PAY ONLY 1.00 MONTH WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON 2S MANNING-BOWMAN 2-SLICI AUTOMATIC TOASTER Lat'l you salad tho olallrad shacfo ol toast. Cool handlal oncf bast. FAY ONLY 1.00 A MONTH WITH "COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON jj WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON MANNING-BOWMAN '4-INCH ELECTRIC DRILL With chuck, has GO POW ER, and is light and aasy to handla. AY ONLY 1.00 A MONTH 99 1 2 MANNING-BOWMAN BILUXE TABLE-OVEN BROILER Automatic control, wiro rack, position tray and chroma finish. PAY ONLY 1.00 A MONTH WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON &99 WITH C0UP0 SAW IS ATTACHED ' TO TABLI IN MINUTES! NO TOOLS MOUIMD. McGRAW-fOISON PORTABLE SAW TABLE Lightwelghf hvy tjaug ittal. Hn 244 squire Inch work tree. PAY ONLY l.OO A MONTH .99 ! WITH 'COUPON WEISFIELD'S CLIP THIS COUPON MIXMASTER PORTABLE HAND-MIXER PAY ONLY month lightweight, yet pewtrfwt. Pvih button beater ejector and thuieb-tip ipeed control. SterH on well wtten not in wte. - - iMOttNOCUfrtj Famous sunbeam Electric fMm:lu.eiTA IDYPAM Ulllll j-jia,w ikii rtii COMPLETELY IMMEKSIUE YOURS FOR ONLY AUTOMATIC till MODEL COMLETE WITH (EMOVAILE AUTOMATIC HEAT CONTKOl AND METAL COVER o Efcluilva a.ft N..t diilributian Iry guia1 Ouich, a.iy washing i PAY ONLY J.00 MONTH Buy On Veisfield's Easy Terms miu ' o04 mm? 4 . JJL- Ja No Money Down Up To 2 YEARS TO PAY! ha lilt Ink)' OMI. lARI.Vr N IOY Till: fKr. IR( I a. ANTH 9 f Ih UN Si K Si, II.(IUN! nd Ih ( I B ( ti ll U of I HI. V Al ftHNH. 1537 So. 6h TU 2-4456 701 Main St. Open 9:30 a.m. - Till 5:30 p.m.