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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1963)
Creative The Chiloquin Home Extension group met at the home of Mrs. Glen Kircher Feb. 7 for a lesson on "Creative Cookery." Mrs. Earl Hall and Mrs. Albert Bricco ably demonstrated with different mix es, making hot rolls, breads and desserts. The members enjoyed Mmpling the results of the lesson. Program planning was discussed and selection of projects was clioscn for the next year. .MIDLAND Sixteen members and two guests of the Midland unit enjoyed the "Creative Cookery" lesson Feb. 14 at the fairgrounds. Leona An- drieu and Mabel McCusker were leaders. The dishes prepared dur ing the lesson w ere combined with several casseroles for the lunch eon. Several charts showing cosl comparisons of the "mix" and "from scratch" methods were quite enlightening. Mrs. Charles Rush and Mrs. Curtis Smith were introduced as guests. . Program planning was complet ed, with members expressing their choices for the program schedule of the coming year. MERRILL Merrill Home Extension met Kb. 14 at the recreation hall. Thirteen members were present for the lesson on "Creative Cook ery." Virginia Moore and Madia Deboy were project leaders. They presented many interesting ideas on ready mixes. "Delicious" was the word used FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ON ANY ITEM IN THE STORE Phone Us Your Nttdi Deliveries Each Day at 11:00-2:00-400 I IN THE VILLu iuukI' th I Main IU 1-1471 Does your child's sweet tooth leave him HUNGRY? Ihat sweet tooth can leave him "vitamin hunirry '. 5 PM i . fauft drinks don t supply all the vitamins he needs: NOON t : , '1 j. Cet the vitamins your children may need : . with any one of three delicious BEXEL CHILDREN'S VITAMINS Ctw1y-Wie Chew!' O'lftfe-""! linn"! Vmtii-iiivo'H r.pu's EVERY MOTHER knows kids wouldn't be kids if they didn't like sweets! It's a fact, and a sad one, that children skip meals, nkimp on food that's (rood and love food that's bad for them! : Yet, as a mother, it's your job to let that your children get their necessary daily vitamins and minerals. Children must have all the necessary vitamins for proper grow th, to convert food into energy, to help build hfalthy mufcle, bone and teeth. Don't let them suffer with "ritamin hunger". Products by (M)iMcKesson Cookery Topic when project leaders, Mrs. Mar garet Shannon and Joyce Callagon, finished their lesson on "Creative Cookery with Mixes." The meet ing was held at the Klamath Coun ty Fairgrounds. The food prepared was used for the lunch. Substituting for Teresa Kenne dy, program chairman Orlando Baker held a discussion on cloth ing, home furnishings and family finance. Twenty - nine members and guests, Frances Childers, Janie Bowman, Pat Barns, Betty Moon man, Freda Cornell, Verna Day and Lucie Lenniger attended the meeting. CONGER-FAIR VIEW Mrs. Fi ances Hall gave the les son on "Credit Buying II" to 11 members of the Conger-Fairview unit that met at the fairgrounds, Friday. Feb. I. A craft class was held at (lie i home of Mrs. Fran Hayes Feb. a. Twelve members attended. Two lessons in "Alteration in Dress" were held at the home of Mrs. William Moore, Feb. 15 and 22. Twelve members were giv en the lesson by leaders Mrs. Moore and Mrs. John Kloiber. POE VALLEV-OLENE Gladys Hunter and Ruth Rice were project leaders on "Creative Cookery," the lesson presented to the Poe Valley - Olene Extension Unit in February. Nineteen mem bers and one guest enjoyed the demonstration. The next meeting will be on "Facing the Middle Years." CRESCENT NITE-OCTS The Crescent Nite-Outs Home Extension Unit met on Monday, Feb. 18. at the home of Monn Bird in Gilchrist. The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Jan Martin. Roll call was an swered by eight members. Six new members who joined the unit at this meeting are Darlene Ramelcs. Fern Rametes, Rosalie Cole, Sher ry Austin, Eileen Staley and Vicki Campbell, all of Crescent. The project lesson for the eve ning was "Creative Baking With Mixes" demonstrated by Jean Al ien and Mona Bird. The mem bers sampled the baked goods and a variety of ideas for changing the recipes was discussed by the group. Next month's meeting will be "Facing the Middle Years." Proj ect leaders will be Sherry Austin SHARE TEMPLE Nepal's mountain people prac tice Buddhism, while inhabitants, of its valleys follow Hinduism, but people of. the two faiths live logether peacefully and often share the same temple. Kacin to school often means niissin;? breakfast ! n;uks don t provide the "buildini; blocks" of health! Bcxel Candy-Like Chewables, tiny Vanilla-Flavored Capsules or Orange Candy-Flavored Liq uid make vitamin time a happy time! Each has a delicious fla vor that satiofies achild's "sweet tooth" as it satisfies his vitamin needs! Yes, children like sweets -that's why they'll like either Bexcl Candy-Like Chewables, tiny Vanilla-Flavored Capsules or Orange Candy-Flavored Liq uid! Vitamins that satisfy child's "sweet tooth!" Get soma today! Money back guarantee if not satisfied! Jilt 1p ' Candy tastes line but vh:t uti'iut vitamins I Jfv-Z. a MeezBT i Of Extension Meetings and Phyllis Yates. The meeting will be held on March 18 at the home of Jan Hankins in Crescent. FA1RHAVEN The Fairhaven unit of home ex tension met Wedncsdav, Feb. 20. at the home cf Mrs. Inez Atkinson. for "Credit Buying II," with the county agent, Mrs. Frances Hall, presenting the lesson. Eight mem liers and guests, Mrs. J. H. Joiies and June Worley and daughter, at tended the meeting. Mrs. Hall discussed the ABC's ol credit; how to compare credit costs; and principal sources of Brown. Beth Williams, Ruth Hed consumer credit in Oregon. rick. Ida Grimes, Kathryn Billings, Jenny Fiegi and Bea Anderson completed discussion on pro gram planning. Tile next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fiegi on March 20 ise Borton. Helen Williams, at which time "Facing tlie MiddleiMrs. Helen Allen, Medford, Years" will be presented as a proj- cct lesson. Jo Harris and Jennv Hegi will be leaders. i HENLEY I The Henley Home Extension! Unit met Thursday. Feb. 21. at Joaas Kitchen at the fairgrounds, Protect leaders for the lesson! Creative Cookery were Li- leen Herringshaw and Sandy Mo ran. Edna Thomas and Joyce Mc- Kune were hostesses for the day. During the business meeting, the chairman, Myrtle Fleming, ap pointed a nominating committee consisting of Beth Williams, Joyce McKune and Sandy Moran. Beth Williams, program planning chairman, conducted a discussion and vote on programs for tlie coming year. The members voted to save Bet ty Crocker coupons for tlie OTI lounge project. Thursday. March 21. 9:30 a.m.. was designated as work day for s . " 1 i , ' tii' - i " i - - MARCH BRIDE Mrs. Charles Wyatt Taylor was Kath. erine Agnes Stewart before her marriage March 8 in the First Methodist Church. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stewart of San Angelo, Tex., where she was graduated from San Angelo Central High School, The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grady E. Tay lor, Klamath Falls, and is a graduate of KUHS. The bridal attendants were Judy Taylor, sister of the bridegroom, and Ronald Coleman. The newlyweds returned to Texas to visit the bride's parents before continuing to Colum bia, Miss., where he is stationed with the Air Force. Vern Owens Soys: Refrigerator Buy of fhe Year! 2 DOORS! 100 lb. FREEZER! FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR 1 cn FRIGIDAIRE These ore brand new ... at a Cascade (lie unit to clean the kitchen at the fairgrounds. The unit welcomed Mi s. W ilma Wright as a new member. The next meeting will be held a week early due to spring vacation. KLAMATH COUNTY ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Klamath County Advisory committee met at the fairgrounds Feb. 19 (or its monthly meet ing. Tile chairman. Pansy Jack son, welcomed several memoers of the county alumni. Those pres ent were Leah Farrcll. Ada Myrtle Fleming, Mrs. Loosley, Mrs. Rex High, Margaret Freuer, Bculah Kloiber, Neva Hayes, Mrs Lee Holiday. Mrs. Fletcher. Lou and who is director of District V, which iconsists of Klamath. Jackson and Josephine counties. Following the regular business meeting. Mrs. Allen gave a re port on the board meeting of state council held in Corvallis Jan. 14 The next state council meeting will be held April 30. May 1 and 2 at Corvallis. the theme being "Attitudes and Your Future. Josephine County will have its spring festival May 16 at the Central Point Grange Hall, and Jackson County will have its fes tival April 15. Leah F arrcll s name w as ac cepted for nomination for treasur er of state council. The balance of the meeting was devoted to discussion of festival plans for Klamath County. The alumni was asked to help with the plans of this festival, the 23th anniversary of home extension in Klamalh Counlv TRADE-IN Maori FD-13T-62 11.24 eu. ft. not rapacity VERN OWENS' Home Furnishings . s. .: . V- - j V. ' ;f ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waldreo announce the engagement of their daughter, Sheryl, to Ralph Williams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams. Both families reside in this city. The future bride is a graduate of Henlev Hirth School. Her fiance attends Southern Oregon College. No data has been set for the wedding. Shut DEAR POLLY A small child's two-piece pajamas often part com pany, leaving the middle exposed on chilly nighls. To prevent this. stitch two six-inch cotton tapes on the inside seams of the pa jama top at the waistline. Sew simibr tapes on the side seams of the pants. Tic the two logether and tuck the child in bed. C.H. DEAR POLLY - If that new high-crown felt hat gets dented easily, spray the inside of the crown generously with regular, quick-drying hair spray. Allow to dry thoroughly and the spray will reinforce the hat and save its shape. MRS. R.E.H GIRLS This spray treatment also helped a feather and veiling hat of mine that was getting a lit tie shabby looking. Shape hat. veiling, feathers or what have you before spraying, or at least, while (he spray Is net. POLLY DEAR POLLY Here is a sew ing tip. In a double thickness of material I work one buttonhole of each sue templet with my sew ing machine buttonhole attach ment. I lake these buttonholes along when buying buttons and always get the right sizes. MRS. O.S. DEAR POLLY This hint is for the handyman or woman. Cut a scrap of plywood which extends TIM 13.24 Cu. Ft. O No Defrosting Ever in Refrigerator Section! These ore '62 Models Priced to Clcor! Only 5 Left, So Hurry! $)))095 and your 10-year-old for newer) refriger ator, popular model in working condition. Newer models are worth more, older onci a little less. Seporore Insulated Doors Spacious Freezer terrific saving! POLLY'S POINTERS Out That Cold Air POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. a few inches past each end of the top of your stcpladdcr. Nail the board to the ton and drill holes to hold various tools such as pliers, hammer, scrcwilrive an so on. MRS. G.G GIRLS and boys, too I would certainly add a container f o r screws and nails. When I lay them on top of my ladder they always roll off and loo much time is wasted climbing up and down. POLLY tf (0 o D a o c D O Si An Organization of Klamath Basin Dairymen who work around th clock In freshest milk possible. (jJotnsw'A OldwitiQA ESCAPES ANCIENT KITE 1 NEW DEU1I UPI - Indian Express newspapers said today that a young widow was serious ly burned in a remote village wlien the residents tried to re vive tlie ancient Hindu custom of suttee and forced her onto her husband's funeral pyre. The reports said the incident occurred recently in tlie village of Makhober and that the widow was saved by police. Suttee, a practice under which widows were burned alive with their dead husbands, has practically been stamped out in India. Visitors to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington total 2.5 million a year. TFTTTTTTtTI in ixtiur mmmm LThis is a rose-covered cottage. Color 56 it rose red. It can be yours with a f5! home loan from Jim dSi t sn!!!! t IL la By Htlen Bachtn PAY-AS-YOU-GO INSURANCE? SOUNDS G00D1 WHO CAN GIVE HE DETAILS? Invettigatt our plan for insuring your homo, your car . . . EVERYTHING you own, on on taiy paymtnt botis. Get in touch with: MIDLAND EMPIRE INSURANCE AGENCY 1006 Main. St. Phono TU 4-6417 ill McKibbin and Clam Latuaur Tues., March 12, Herald ft Newt 1963 Page 7 Klamath Falli Your usable discards will klp us to htlp ethers. Don't throw 'em away. CALL: The SALVATION ARMY THRIFT STORE Ilk Hlmmilk TU 4-OHI See friendly Bill McKibbln 7? c I e a n 9 o tiiiiiiimi 3 order to bring you tht fifittt, 412 Main Ph. TU 4-8365