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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1963)
HERALD AND NEWS. Klamath FalU. Or. Thursday, March 7, 1963 PAGE! Homemokers Learn Alteration Mure than 100 humemakers in Klamath County participated in a I - J&JS- g,..T.!T.. ....linif .;' - -V. COW BELLES Klamath County Cow Belles met recently In the Pelican Party Room for a breakfast and card party. Co-chairmen were Mrs. Rodney Wright, left, and Mrs, Stuart Heniel, center, pictured with Mrs. James Lane, Cow Belle president. Photo by Kettler Will diii immmmmmm-mmrmmimmwm'vmtmm nimimf'mimwummwtmmisimTmmmmmmMmm :,- --vt ,.g,'A : COW BELLE PARTY Klamath County Cow Belles and their guests enjoyed bridge after their recent breakfast in the Pelican Party Room. Pictured at one table, left to right, are Mrs. Richard Beasley, Mrs. Louis Randall, Mrs. Henry Weller and Mrs. Fran Hales. Photo by Kettler workshop on "Altering Ready-to-; Wear Dressess" during the month of February, reports Mrs. Ruth G. Dyer, county extension agent. These workshops have been held through home extension units and church groups. Homemakers learned they should be wise consumers when shopping for ready-to-wear. They learned that quality and color ol fabric, workmanship, suitability o( the dress design, regardless of the price of the dress, all depend fit to achieve attractiveness. They ere encouraged to try on the garment and check the fit before saying. "I'll lake it." leaders were trained irt meet iifrys coiulucltuijiie"ftink rlco-' nomics Extension agent in Feb ruary. These leaders in turn taught it to the homemakers. These leaders include: Mrs. Nor man Knauss, Mrs. A. R. Stump, Mrs. Archie McClurg. Mrs. Ber nard Valk. Buena Vista; Mrs. H. L. Willey and Mrs. Don Red- field. Altamont: Mrs. Jack Lar son and Mrs. Monte Cline, Bly. Mi s. William J. Moore. Mrs. John Kloiber, Conger-Fairview. Mrs. John Taylor, Henley; Mrs. M. E. Barrett," Lindley Heights- Midland; Mrs. J. Bunnell and Mrs. Lee Martin. Malin; Mrs. lrven Johnson and Mrs. Dal Reed. Merrill; Mrs. Tony Polsak and Mrs. Jack Brandon. Fairhaven. Mrs. V. H. Barleen and Mrs George Blanas. Klamath Falls; Mrs. Wilbur Reiling and Mrs. John Mathes, Poe Valley-Olene. Mrs. Loyce Leech and Mrs. Rus sell Brackman, Shasta-Homedale; Mrs. Mabel Bchnke and Mrs. Jacqueline Lake, Latter - day Saints Church; Mrs. Raymond Bently and Mrs. Wilbur Harper, Community Extension Group; Mrs. R. B. Neth. Mrs. M. R. Bonner. Mrs. Lela Evins,. Cres-cent-Gilchrist; Mrs. Les Martin and Mrs. Phyllis Yates, Crescent Niteouls. V 4t t v -1 Z ISflve 20o to 40 SMALL MEDIUM LARGE EASY TO KNIT EASY-KNIT JERKIN! Large needles and knitting worsted make fast knitting of this long jerkin to be worn with slim skirts or slacks. No. P-295-N has knit directions for sizes small U0-121, medium (14-16) and large (18-201. To order send 35 cents in coins for each pattern to: Creative Woman, care of Her aid and News. Box 43B, Midtown Station, New York 18, N.Y. Add 10 cents for first - class mailing. Print name, address with zone, style number and size. Order your copy of the new, big album of needlework designs ' Fifty cents a copy. Officer Visits Lodge MOUNT SHASTA-District Dep uty Mrs. Clara Henderson attend ed the last meeting of Castle Lake Rebekah Lodge No. 6. She was introduced by Mrs. Marie Johnson. Both women are from Yreka. Mrs. Henderson congrat tilated oflicers on their work after being escorted to the altar by Mrs. Anna Douglas, Mrs. Ola Ho- warch. Mrs. Barbara Simcox and Mrs. Delia Barlow. Mrs. Greta Kottinger rcpre5ented the lodge in a gift presentation. Mrs. Doug las gave a talk on "Friendship, Lovo and Trutii." A George Washington birthday theme was used for decorations and refreshments by Mrs. Olive Wheeler.- Mrs. Stella Hurlburt and Mrs. Hazel Richardson. Printed Pattern 0 1 9028 ly tiffed 11T&tf5 EASYSEW Are you shorter-w aisled, fuller' This sheath-slim jumper is for you! Scooped neck shows off blouse smartly. Printed Pattern !Kr28: Half Sizes 12'i, 14'.. 16i. W'i, 204, 22' Size lfi'j jumper takes l'i yards 54-inch; blouse 2 yards 39-inch Fifty cents in coins for this pat ternadd 10 cents for each pat' tern for first-class mail. Send to Marian Martin, Herald and News, Pattern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York 11, N.Y. Print plainly name, address with zone, size and style number. First time ever! Glamorous mo vie star's wardrobe plus 110 excit ing styles to sew in our new Fs!l Winler Pattern Catalog. Send 35 cents. if POLLY'S POINTERS Neat Sewing Trick POLLY CRAMER Newspaper Enterprise Assn. ANNOUNCED The engagement of Gwen Kirkpatrick and Nick Johnson is announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kirkpatrick. She will be graduated from Malin High School this spring. The future bridegroom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, is attending Oregon Stats University. Both families are residents of Malin. No data has been set for the wedding. Photo by Ferebee Sojourners Sojourners hold Iheir regular! meeting Feb. 27 at the Willard Hotel. Hostesses for the day wc Mrs. Gene Jackson, Mrs. Ji Blackburn and Mrs. E. F. N son. Bridge honors went to Mrs Hal Kotrock. lirst. Mrs. Delbcrt Blake, second. Pinochle winners were Mrs, D. E. Miller and Mrs. Pete Walt Mrs. L. t. Bales won in ca nasta. The next regular meeting will lie March 13 at the Willard Hotel. BIRTHDAY PARTY DAIRY - Mrs. Nelson Wood gave a hirthriay parly lor hot- son, 1 eddy, who was six years old Feb. 20. The children enjoyed games and contests, followed by party re fieshmenls. An elephant birthday cake was the center of attraction for the guests who were Denicc Xelsnn, Barbara Jean and Char lie Short, Barney Angel and Deb bie Jaeobsen. iiiiiiiiiiniifcmrtiirimii J For your loved one, choose one of these new modern style L CARAT TOTAL WEIGHT DIAMOND RINGS OR DAINTY PENDANT Exceptional values in quality diarionds set in your choice of beautifully crafted mellow white or yellow gold. YOUR Tf"00 CHOICE li. J w h DEAR POLLY Here is anotherl idea for sewers: after sewing straps or a bell for a dress, most of us have trouble and waste time trying to turn them right side out. Try this simple trick! When sewing the strap or belt al tne wrong side, simply sew a piece of cord or bias binding (long er than the belt) into one end of the belt on the inside and then stitch the long side of the belt, being careful not to catch the cord in the stitching. When the sewing is finished, pull the string with one hand and (at the same time with the other hand work the material over the end of the belt where the cord was sewed. Presto! The belt is turned very quickly. Trim off the cord. BONNIE GIRLS I know 1 thanked my lucky stars the day I learned this solution to a sewing prob lem that has never failed to baf fle me. POIXY DEAR POLLY Sew your door key on a piece of narrow clas tic and pin it to the lining of vour purse. It is easy to find and stretches out of the purse to reach the lock. To simplify finding a certain kev on a chain with others, dab a little nail polish on that most often-used key. It can be felt in the dark and seen readily in the light. MRS. E.S. PEAR POLLY Keep a loaded toy water pistol on the outdoor grill when barbecuing. Makes an easy, method of extinguishing flames while cooking. If you have forgotten to include post script in one of your let ters, just roll a pencil under the scaled flap of the envelope. You will find it can be opened again and resealed. ANN DEAR POLLY Mine is a tip for teen-age baby sitters. My daugh ter keeps a baby-sitting kit ready with story books, hand puppets and various items suitable for oil ferent age children. Needless to say, she is a popular sitter with the young charges. We also keep a few toys on hand to amuse visit ing children. MRS. A S GIRLS No matter how many toys a child has. the now and novel always appeals. This sitter has a real eye fur business. POLLY DEAR POLLY To prevent tod dlers from opening adjacent kitch en cabinet doors, use metal show er curtain hooks. Attach as many hooks as needed to adjacent door handles, one hook connected to the other. MRS. R.B Share your favorite homemaking ideas . . . send them to Polly in care of Herald and News. You will receive a bright, new silver dollar if Polly uses your ideas in Polly's Pointers. Ask ebouf daily "Busine.f Card" SPOT ADS TU 4-8111 Mod. DM 09 DE LUXE CAN-OPENER KNIFE SHARPENER JO-Yeor Cutter Guarantee e i z . h'i Chr, NOW 11 f9Q ONLY II II 2.00 U U Month F1fiqrtip Touch CltrkHy Optnlti Cit Opintr d inrpt.r MqMl Ultt d Safely Hold. Cn L-dt )ptfli Any Standard Cm Shrpnt Knivct Like, New tardy All-Metal Coflitrwctlon Handiome Enml and irome Fiftnh ftatractabla Cord for Lais Outtar WE WILL GIVE YOU UP TO TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD WATCH Rtqardlact of Aqe, Mokt or Condition When You Purchase A WORLD FAMOUS Brand New I7-Jewel WATCH . . 3-YEAR A) LADIES' 17 JEWEL wlltt yellow odd color loo. ihork proof movement, unbreakable mainspring and dparnion bracelet. MEN'S 17 JEWFL waterproof, oil stainless ttel case, shock proof movement, sweep second hondi unbreakable mainspring and txpansioa bracelet. BENRUS . IN A GRAND SELECTION WITH UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE. our AOs PRICE ' TRADE-IN (00 AS MUCH AS ZU YOU PAY AS LITTLE AS 150 OUR PRICE fill LADIES 17 JEWEL new Teardrop design, Florentine 1 flntitt bevel. hock proof move- f menf, expansion bracelet. f TRAni.lM MEN'S 1 JEWEL WATER- V AS MUCH At PPOOF, yellow gold eolOf top. shock proof movement, un - breakable mainspring, sweep l YOU PAY second hand, ontt moanetlc. I A I ITT I V ma i cm rig exponnon oracerer I 59" -2000 3950 PUJS OH.r Modtli with TradflM up roJQ j-TJ1 Smbeam fERMS Vftlfal "i low as M 3.00 MONJHk-; LIGHTWEIGHT Mod. )C STEAM or DRY IRON PAY ONLY Bonanza Parents and Patrons Club Annual Sweethearts Ball BONANZA HIGH SCHOOL Saturday, March 16 9:00 to 1:00 MUSIC BY THE SMOOTHIES Door Priio ... Do Not Hove To B Present To Win $1.00 Per Person M NTHKON PARTY LANGELL VALLEY Mrs. Retty Vowcll pa'e a luncheon at her horn on Feb. 22 when her puests were Mrs. Floy Johnson. Mrs. Irene Ticc. Mrs. Sue Jen nings. Mrs. Odella Antlcy and Mrs. LaVonno Martin, all of Klam ath Falls, and Mrs. Mollie O'Kecffe of Newell. Largest conical prehistoric In dian burial mound in Ohio is the Miamisburc Mound in Montgom ery County. SEAFOOD BUFFET S S. Different Every Friday aw I S&W Served 5:30 8:00 P.M. f& We Alwoyj Have An Excellent Selection of Fresh Fish! 722 Main PELICAN CAFE AND WING LOUNGE Ph. TU 4-8855 JimJ,lUIJJiU'RU'JIJ.l d88 I J 1.00 MONIt Ixcluslv tamflow vntt glv all evar cushion ef rolling ttoam, Iron U hot in 30 Mconds; iitami In 3 minufot. Cofri 90-Ooy Worronry a, Extremely fftit typing action Rugged die-cost magnesium frame Wide carriage, takes 9'j " envelope . standard American keyboard r . w 'S . Famous Sunbeam Electric family-size FRYPAN COMPLETELY (MMERSISLE YOURS FOR ONLY eOWlETE WITH WMOVAItt AOIOMAIIC HlT CONTIOL AND METAL COVER EvclMive SwNbni vt hill d,ilr,bwl,o E4tv-o-t4d IfV Ovid Ottlck, ty wihi4 AY ONLY 2.00 MONTH BUY ON TERMS - NO MONEY DOWN - 2 Years to Pay! 701 Main St. Open 9:30 a.m. 5:30 .m. 0 :