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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1963)
HFRALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls. Ore. Wednesday, Marrh S, 1961 PAGE 5 I Cc ommiiniiu Ccdcmlar WEDNESDAY DEGREE OK HONOR. Carna tiun Club. 7:30 p.m.. meeting Deola Wryn. 4323 Anderson Ave nue. MIDLAND GRANGE, 8 p.m.. meeting. Grange Hall. KLAMATH ARCHF.RS. fi:3n p.m.. potlurk dinner. Twyia Ker- guon School gym. League shoot ing follows. . I'ASK'KX'HilkV 7:30 p.m., meeling, pie. AL'SarLIARV. La tar Tern- MILLS .SCHOOL Pl'A, 7:30 p.m.. Meeting, Mills auditorium Entertainment, Melody Mothers. CASCADE CREST. Chapter 139. 8 p.m., Stated Meeting, Chilo quin Masonic Hall. PROSPERITY CHAPTER 160 OES, Malin Social Club, 8 p.m Home of Mrs. Cecil Jackson. THURSDAY GREENSPR1NGS GARDEN CLl'B, 12 noon. Social hour. Home of Mrs. John Parisotto. If ROSPERITY REBEKAII LODGj 104, 7:45 p.m., Formats, 10OK Hall. FRIENDLY CIRCLE, 12:30 p.m., Luncheon. Meeting, Maymc Cammock, 2042 Vine. CONGER - FAIRVIEW HOME EXTENSION UNIT, 10 a.m.. Fair grounds. Lesson, Facing the Mid dle Years. FREMONT JR. HIGH PTA. 7:30 p.m., school auditorium. Pro gram, "High School Counseling." ROYAL XE1GHRORS OF AMERICA, 8 p.m., Meeting, KC Hall, Main and loth. NORTHSIDE GARDEN CLl'B. (130 a.m. to 12 noon. Coffee, Mrs. Bernard Volk, 2712 California. Driftwood and weathered wood display. OREGON TECH HOME EX TENSION UNIT. 10 a.m., Facing the Middle Years, home of Wil ma Dickerman. WESLEYAN SERVICE GUILD, 7:43 p.m.. meeting. Mrs. Loy Barker, 1037 Melrose. VENTURE CLUB, 7:30 meeting, W'inema Hotel. p.m. , TAUIUS - APR 2i i Sr3 may 2i S 9-10-18 yl 44 7 1 -s: 89 GtMJNt JUKE 2: J I- 6-45-48 CANCEI July 23 400-79 j JULY 24 AUG. 23 33-38-43 49l 165-77-81 By CLAY R. POLLAN- yt Your Daily Activity Guid According (o th Start. To develop message for Thursday, read words corresponding to numbers ot your Zodiac birth sign. 1 Gucrd 31 Help 6 -.rr' e 2 Your ' ? 3k .ng 2 I tm 3 C .-or' a urn 3Va.e f'TfA 4 Voo r.of"i"a'i 5 vtmm 6 J3 3'fil Fpric-riotity 9 V. r.t 10 Sr jdv 12 0r,g rial 1 3 Frcrtj 1 4 V. no 15 And 17 V.onrs 13 AnJ 19 For 20 fim 23 As 24 Tc 2b ot Z& Ard 35 FaTrrti 39 F an"tl 40 H-rng 41 Secret 4? Pjrchtji 43 On 44 's 45 V'sp'orifq Art V.nrot.on 47 Rejrwtion 4fi Pew Loans 50 finance 5 1 2 C-.o-ge 53 favor Hfad 55 Ff .enH So Ecuiomenf fcb P-;-t "ur ft? bf p9 Ycur 70 Perianal 7? our 72Hi3nl(ahl 73 S a 74pft 75 V, cry 7r Vniuob 7? Yoor 79 Evt-i fOCosh PI Ee 82 Answer Pi Preienr P4 Jealous B5 Ard f ft fMmn UUA SEPT 23 rfl OCT 23 4- 5- 7-U(T 17-24-31 ML i tCOffO XT 24 '27-56-581 K 1 43-85-60 f iAGITT AKIUS NO- 23 , DEC 21 f 3j 1 50-55-59-42 v t72-78-83-88: CAPttCOtN JAN. VV 1 3-25-35-41 ? IT4 O -Q4-0 v AOUAIIUS AN. 21 P7 37.S9 VSt, , ... tiP.. jOMoney 60 In 90 PuncruaJ MAR 21 '" VSHfn Grf AJWn 'c3u,Ll Persing Missile Shot From Mobile Launcher CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla.l ' L'PI The U.S. Army is wean ing its maturing Pershing missile from the launching pari. Within a few w eeks, the sturdy I little rocket should be ready to take over its job of bolstering the1 ballistic missile striking force on the European continent. Pershing then w ill have shed its reliance on the launching pad. This is one of the last steps to ward making it combat-ready. So far, the results look good. Monday night, missile experts wheeled a Pershing missile off the concrete firing pad and shot it from a mobile transporter-erec tor, launcher parked at a slight angle on a sand bank. The needle-nosed missile bolted from Ihe vehicle and struck out on a successful 200-mile shot into target area in the Atlantic- Ocean. The Pershing thus racked up its 4.1st success in 4!) shots tin- from the caie. a record equalled among ballistic rockets being tested here. Army experts are anxious to break Pershing from dependence on a launching pad because the missile was designed a "shoot and scoot' weapon that could be carted around a rugged country side and set up and fired on a few minutes' notice. Pershing, in effect, is the might iest field artillery piece vcr de veloped, at least in the Free World. The two-stage missile will place the Army's Redstone mis sile in the European defenses this year. Redstone is reliable but it is cumbersome and uses difficult-to-handle liquid fuels. Pershing is considerably lighter and uses comparatively safe solid fuels Senate Angered At Hatfield 'Bare-Knuckle' Challenge SALEM it PI i The Senate Tuesday exploded in wrath at Gov. Mark Haltield's promise of u bare-knuckled fight to save Civil Detense and Education. An hour-long outburst in re sponse to comments made by the governor at a press conference! Monday was sparked by Sen Thomas Mahoucy, D - Portland. Republican senators defended the governor. Mahoney charged two lives were Inst in the Columbus Dav torin because of Civil Defense inadequacies. He said "the laver nor's political education has not advanced vorv far." and claimed Hatfield's stand would be hard to explain when "Hatfield goes out lor national office." Power Intertie Seen Certain SALEM a;Pl A power inter tie between the Northwest and Southern California is inevitable. an Interior Department spokes man said Monday. Kenneth Kasebcrg. assistant re gional solicitor for the U.S. De triment of Interior at Portland. testified liefore the House State and Federal Affairs Committee Kaseberg said Bonneville Power Administration was not taking any position at this time on whether such an intertie should be built by the federal government or pri vate power interests. He noted, however, an intertie would help EPA erase its delicit by selling surplus power to tlie South. Crash Victim THE DALlJiS, Ore. (UPD -Lawrence Michael Rach, 41, Van couver, Wash., was killed Monday in a car-truck collision about 211 miles cast of here on the Colum bia Hi vcr Highway. Workshop Set SALEM (L'PI ' A workshop on standards for public libraries will lie held here March 7-8. Main speaker will lie Rose Vainstein, associate professor of the School of Lihrarianship at the University of British Columbia. WE HAVE MOVED TO... FIRST FEDERAL BLDG. 538 Main Ph. TU 2-2902 Our Services Include INCOME TAX BOOKKEEPING STENOGRAPHY MIMEOGRAPHING PERSONAL PLACEMENT SERVICE BETH ANDERSON OFFICE SERV. AND EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Sen. Alfred Corbett. D - Port land, charged Hatfield had "mis led" the people by saying CD cut-l backs would cost the state mil-i lions of dollars. He cited a tele phone call he made to CD offi cials Tuesday in which he was assured most federal programs would not be eliminated. Sen. Walter Pearson. D - Port land, also lashed out at Civil De fense and said the agency offered no assistance during the l!'5!i lioseburg explosion. On education. Pearson charged there were loo many administra tors and not enough teachers, and said the state administrative stall id grown from 18 to 3(10 in 12 vears SeiiW" took, 1) 1 aid the Ways and .Means Com mittee was unimpressed with Hat lield's threat of a fight. We intend to continue our work," Cook said. Sen. Dwight Hopkins, D-Imbler. charged Hatfield had attacked the incgrity of the Ways and Means Committee. 'I am ready to move to table the Civil Defense bill in view ol this outburst." Sen. Edward Fadelcy. D - Eu gene, charged Hatfield was a bet ter lighter than thinker, and criti- i.ed Hatfield for not answering letters. Senate President Ben Musa said "this helps clear the atmosphere," md added "our committees are working hard and fine." Minority leader Sen. Anthony LET SNOW'S ANSWER YOUR gAME QOUP BLUES ADDS FLAVORIETY TO LENTEN MENUS NATIONAL FEDERATION OF FEDERAL EMPLOYES. Local 704. 7:30, meeting. County Li brary. Air Force lilm. BETHEL NO. fi, Job's Daugh ters, 7:30 p.m., meeting, Masonic Temple. Y - NE - MA TWIRLERS, 7:30 p.m., round dance instruction, R p.m.. square dance. YMCA. Bring sandwiches or cookies. FRIDAY ALL-DAY COFFEE HOUR. Bo- naiua Cafe. Proceeds from al coffee sales to go to Intercom munity Hospital fund. FAVAUNA LADIES ENCAMP MENT AUX. 40, 8 p.m., meeting. lOOF Hall. EAGLES AUXILIARY. 8 p.m.. meeting, cancer film, upper FOE Hall. SONS OF NORWAY. 8 p.m., meeting. Shasta Grange Hall. y ik ing handbags 1 1 ECOHO-CLEAN DRY CLEANING PROFESSIONALLY cleaned and spotted 4 lbs- $ 1(K2 If you bring In and pickup. Pick-up and Delivery Service 50c per order extra. QUICK SERVICE! New shipment of spring's latest fashions and colors just arrived. Skillfully deco rated travelers, real leather bucket bags, patents, deco rated wickers, and many ether styles to choose from. Your choice . . . Any Garment beautifully fioished out of the obove service at regilar charge. CASCADE Laundry & Cleaners Opp Peit, Office Ph. 4-illl ot 2-253 1 BROADWAY CLEANERS 4615 So. t(h Ph. 4-6403 NEW METHOD CLEANERS 1453 tiplixgdr Ph. 4-4471 flit cr? Hair Brushes PROLON SETS Neighborhood Service! Uptown Prices! Brush, mirror and comb. All for 3" Pro Natural Bristle Yellow, blue, pink backs. All with natural bristles. 1.98 and 2.98 PROLON HAIR BRUSH 1 Pink, Blue, Yellow or Green, your choice 69 plus tax 1 KiNl MIRRORS -for Home, Office 1 29 19c rs 3 go 1" 2 oo Beauty Begins With Our Fine Cosmetics Look your loveliest using fine cosmetics ond bcoufy ouis. We stock oil your favorite brand. Our repu tation is your ossuronce of lop quohty oIoys. MAKE UP MIRROR Hongs oround neck PURSE MIRROR Beouty Componion HAND MIRROR Pink, Blue or Yellow MAGNIFYING MIRROR Reg. mirror on opposite side ROSE BUD MIRROR Hand mirror with rosebud bock MIRROR & STAND Place for bobby pins, eye pencil, lipstick "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" fcUd ifk PHARMACY t m b k a 808 East Main Always Plenty of Free Parking Ph. TU 4-6776 Vlurri. n ontaiio, deiendod Hat- lield's right lo light fur his budg- Ilr lnuldn't hide in his olticc whon the lcRbkiture is in scs- ion,' Vturri said. "It is coura geous fur him to present his posi tion as strongly as lie can." Sens. I,. XV. Xcttbry. R-Ashland. Walter Leth, R Salem, joined in delcnding the governor's stand. Other highlights: A bill providing that neither tudents nor teachers need attend schools on countv-widc election days was introduced in the House hy Hep. Juanila Orr, U - Lake tirove. nie measure would allow pay ment ol Ituchciir ,mi r i""1' days. Hep. Berkeley Lent, I)-Cortland. introduced a bill which would make a dog owner or keeper lia ble for damage or injury caused ly a dug. 11 1 1 1 1 "t A bill by Hep. Shirley Field, ft- Cortland, would prohibit advertis-j by used car dealers unless the ilicense plate number was includ ed in the advertisement. Hep. Gerald Detcring. R Harris- burg. introduced a bill which would authorize the establishment 'of elementary school counseling programs. The measure would appropriate ;$i0,000 annually (rom the basic school supixirt fund fur the coun- .elmg program. Hitfc-drliriouHs Skiuijt nmpm A measure introduced by Rep. house trailers certified as "travel Norman Howard. D Cortland, trailers." The money would be would create an annual license paid to the state highway fund (cc of $1 per foot of length for lor stale park improvement. Dept. K P.O. Box 2589, Portland 3, Ore. We Are Pleased to Announce That ANNETTE BARNES Was the winner in our Ping Pong Ball Contest ot the Home Show. Actual Count 920 Miss Barnes' Guess 921 Thanks To All Who Entered! DIVISION INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO. Main & Spring Ph. TU 4-3144 Malin CSE Market Malta's Largest Super Market! 4-H CLUB WEEK MARCH 2 - 9 congratulations Good Work C&E Market is proud of the young people and leaders In our area who are active in 4-H work, and we salute you on this special week! Always Free Parking in Downtown Malin! ESSH6 anKins Soflin Toilet 2 Rolls Silk - Ass't. Colors, Pkgs. of 60 Dr. Ross 25-Lb. Bag AS Fresh, Green Tender Shoots on Food PARAGUS MS 2J Ifiuw . Xjt Cream F mm 1 $98 ri Salte Sea 15-Oz. Clam Chowder or Salte Sea 7ViOx. Minced Clams Snoboy - Tender OQr Hearts Bag. ZL Celery Cauliflower Bananas Golden Ripo Cucumbers 19c 3 Lbs. 39c Large Sliccrs 3129c cans lake Spun Honey Bradshaw QC 16-oz. Tub 37 Haley's Drink Orange or Grape (Q C 46-oz. Tins 3? Spic 'N Span Giant Size "JO C Reg. 99c Solid Pak Tuna horfening r Pancake Flour White Star Reg. 43c 3H Tea Lip,on', 48-Ba9Pk9. 59c Spinach5, 7IS1 Beef Stew Armour's 24-Oz. 289c CHEESE SALE Klamath's Own Crater Lako COTTAGE CHEESE S 25 c J? 49 c Crater Lake Mild Cheddar or Monterey Jack Cheese b. 45 rim H Hungry Jock 4.,b.bo3 Swift Premium Skinless ! $100 ib 63 , 49 c D.J. iU.Mr- S"ift Premium I Ul l VIIUU9 Tender Spare Ribs CZZT., m MM veai Roast Bs::i:;cn, ,b. 69 c Ground Beef SLlTLi. .b 39 c USDA Grade Good Cut & Wrapped Locker Beef 53i,r;;, 47 c MARKET Downtown Malin, Oregon Prices Effective Thurs. thru Sat. Right Reserved to Limit