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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1963)
J 1 f . I I I f '- IF ! J " f w .V f 1 I , ' t 1 II I M 1 . I 1 ' liA. iuaMMiMHMBnMi tT mm n aan - "iLJHat. Mis. fcn ladi 'i - ir I tm&mma liMWu-ii.naniii Beard. Stan Larson and Ai SamDlos. Center view is the Elmer's Texaco team WINNING TEAMS OF TOURNEY Thess three teami topped the best efforts in the men's city bowling tournament. At lef:, the Crater Enterprises club which cap tured Class A team honors. Members, left to right, are Doug Baldwin, Earl Taber, Frank which won the Class B event. Left to right are Duff Konopasek, Jesse Floming, Glen Graybill, Lee Hobbs and Bob Benson. Far right, the Tulelake Cabinet Shop, winners of the Class C team action. Left to right are Austin Tarry, Galen Lesh, Joaquin Barr, Bud Greenbank and Bill Huse. Team action in the tourney ended Wednesday and doubles and singles concluded on Sunday. ' HERALD AND NEWS, Klamath Falls, Ore. .Monday, March 4, 1363 PAGE I L 1 LONG AND SHORT OF IT Bill Dole, left, and Larry Jones, right, turned in the best individual efforts in the Class A singles and Class AA singles, respectively. Dole had a 701, best individual total, and Jones a 699. CLASS B WINNER Murel Long is shown with the trophy for capturing top place in the Class B singles with a pin total of 685. Class C singles winner Earl Cul- limore wasn t present tor picture taking. ( t ) '. k ii I .t,, . - '-'tTmriliftifflltyr i Mr LiiiTnil IIV Jones, Dole, Long And (ullimore Top Field In Men's Annual City Bowling Tournament The firinc has ended in the an nual Men's City Bowling Toutna-j mcnt and Larry Jones, Bill Dole. Murel Long and Earl Cullimore proved to be best men in tlieii i class in individual eft cuts. Jones toppled fii)9 pins in the top bracket Class A A section to lead me second place timsner, Bill Hawlcy by 5H pins. Dole turned in the best individu al total of any bracket as lie oiled a 701 for ton honors in the A singles, followed by Cliff Bax ter 20 pins behind at Ml. Huskies Win SEATTLE lUPU-Washincton's Huskies held off a strong chal lenge by Oregon to successfully defend their Kar West swimming championship Saturday night. Washington .outscored Oregon 154-127'j in the two-day, five-team meet. Oregon Slate collected 49, points, Idaho 54'a and Washington State 38. CLASS AA WINNERS AI Hakenweth, left, and Bill Hawley, display trophies earned for best Class AA dou bles effort of 1 2 14 pins. BEST A TANDEM John Quinn, left, and Jim Dyer topped the Class A doubles of the men's tourney with a 1264 total. OSU, Oregon Meet In Final Pair Beavers Win Mat Honors v ASHLAND (UPI) - Oregon State's Beavers captured their fifth straight Pacific Coast Inter collegiate wrestling championship with Kl points Saturday night. Len Kauffman and Lee Rosen hurg won individual titles for the Beavers in the 191 and 157-pound divisions. Portland Slate, which held a three-point lead after the opening day's competition in the two-day meet Friday, finished second with 59. Central Washington was third with 3fi points. Oregon fourth with 34 and Long Beach Slate fifth with 33. The other individual champions were Dale Deflner. Long Beach Stale, 115; Roy Stuckey. Fresno Stale, !23; John Arnold. ICLA 130; Len Pettyjohn. Portland State. 137; Gerald George. Ccn tral Washington. 147; Bob Keeney. Oregon. 167; Rich Bell. Washing ton. 177, and Randy Cooper Washington Slate, heavyweight. Bell was the only delending champion. ARGENTINE RACER KILLED OLAVARR1A. Argentina UPI ,Uian Galver.. 46. Argentine champion and three time winner ol the grand national prize, was killed Sunday when he crashed in the third lap of the Olavarria auto race. Hu car slid and hit a small bridge as h went around a curve. Galvei was picked up by a heli copter at the scene of Uie acci dent and flown to the city hos pital, where he died. By L'nited Press International Oregon State's NCAA playoff- bound Beavers and the Oregon Ducks end their regular basket ball seasons next weekend against each other. The Beavers and the Ducks tan gle next Friday night at Eugene and meet next Saturday night at Corvallis. The archrivals split two earlier games this season. Oregon State defeated Washing ton State 74-65 at Pullman and Oregon dropped a 78-71 decision to Seattle at Eugene Saturday night. Plavmaker Terry Baker scored 21 points and 7-foot Mel Counts tallied 18 as the Beavers rolled up their 17th win in 24 games. They were ahead 37-32 at half-time. It was Oregon State's fourth win in tour starts against tne Cougars. Sharpshonting Eddie Miles pro pelled Seattle to its victory over Oregon w ith 32 points. He hit 14 of 26 field goal attempts. The Chieftains, trailing 38-32 at halltimc and. behind most of the second half, recorded their 20th win in 25 starts. Ernie Dunston scored 19 points and follected 13 rehnunds for the winnt- s. For Oregon, foni "ds Steve Jones and Jim Johnson each scored 21 points and jrabbed 11 rebounds apiece and Glenn Moore tallied 18. OREGON STATE (74: Paulv , Kraus 4, Counts IS. Raker 21. PMcin H. Rnsl J. Tnrgernon. Jar vis 10. Hayward 2. WASHINGTON STATE (651 -Thompson 13, Carlson. 5 Imery Vadsrt l i. Font S. Werner 14. Walton II), Hammer 1. Knottman Drew I. Pot. Halflime Ore jon Mate 17 Washington Mate 32. SEATTLE I7i Dunslnn 11 Sllher i. Tresvant . Prrslon 2. Miles 32, Vermillion 2, Williams 9. Oregon (711 Jones 21. Johnson 21, Moore 18, Gleason 7. Mack 4, Yates. Halflime Oregon 38 Seattle 32. High School Scores By L'nited Press International Astoria 81 Centennial 51 Springfield 57 Thurston 48 Cottage Grove 53 North Bend 39 South Eugene 69 Willamette 52 Marshticld 61 Roseburg 52 Grants Pass 58 Klamath Falls 53 Crater 64 Ashland 53 Pendleton 58 La Grande 52 Baker 73 Milton-Freewater 56 Hermistnn 52 Prineville 48 The Dalles 64 Madras 41 North Catholic 66 Hood Itivcr 50 Star of the Sea 70 Clatskanie 68 Santiam 50 Canby 45 Kiddle 51 Glide 43 Douglas 62 Sutherlin 42 Myrtle Creek 75 Glendale 61 Eagle Point 62 Illinois Valley 52 Vale 71 Eherman 56 Lowell 59 Alsca 55 Monroe 57 Coburg 40 Crow 49 Mohawk 43 Tulelake 'Calif. 33 Merrill 32 Paisley 50 Bly 30 McEwen 52 Riverside 34 Weston 58 lone 56 Prairie City 59 Ml. Vernon 39 LMBRICHT HOSPITLIZED HOUSTON (UPD - Jim Um- bricht, relief pitcher for the Houston Colls, underwent minor surgery Sunday for removal of a growth on his thigh. He is ex pected to be hospitalized for scv eral davs. Long nosed out Chet Stonecy- pher in the B singles with a 685. only nine pins better than Stone- cypher. In the C singles, Cullimore amassed a total of 662 pins to better second place Jim Matte son by eight pins. Al Hakenwcrth and Bill Haw ley teamed up talents to capture the doubles honors with a com bined total of 1214 while Bob Bur is and Wall Palczcwski had 10 pins less for second place. John Quinn and Jim Dyer top pled 12f4 pins to grab (i.c- title in the A doubles with Jack Angle and Ralph Beard only five pins behind at 1259. Bob llarslibaiger and Modesto Jimenez topped all contenders in the B doubles with a total ot 1355. some 58 pins better than second place finishers Merle Woodlcv and Ken Duncan. The C doubles event was cap tured by Norman Unis and Cy McColgin with 1293. Jnck Slezak and Ron Balcy had 1280 for sec ond place. Larry Jones was the only dou blc-trophy winner in the tourney adding the Class AA all-events to his singles crown with a com bined nine came total of 1880. some 14 pins belter than second J 'place Ralph Burnett. Bill Pickett tumbled 1945 pins for top honors in the A all-events, while Dooyan Vee was second with 1918. Perry Hudson had the best pin total for any bracket as lie com piled a nine-game total of 1984 pins to take the B all-events. He topped second place Bud Green bank by 32 pins. Norman unis was the winner in the C all-events with a pin total of 1943. This was 66 pins better than second place finisher Ed lioufs at I8U3. Team events were run of ear lier in the week at Holiday Bowl and the singles and doubles events at Lucky Lanes. The final results arc as follows Merit WMdltv-Kn Duncan Virgil Ntlson-Hugn Vtndtrhoff to Kc-uli'Uitn Routs Jtrry Ptltrien-Bob Kindra C. JWOrlfv-w. Cuebitr Ptrry Hudion-Jack Bothwfll Hubert Bralton-Art Brooks Bernard Grltlln-Louli Holioang Pilar Loretto-Rlclwd Haiklni "C" Norman unli-Cy McColgin Jack Sleiak-Ron Balay Bud Greanbank-Austin Tarry Bruce Haoerman-Dave Carman bd Carle-Robert Nelson "AA" Slnglaa Larry Jones Bill Hawley Bromo Smelcer Gene Plgue "A" Singles Bill Dole Cliff Baiter Mill Fiegl Russ Cotter Floyd Wynne Richard pick Andy Sllanl Dooyan Yea Bill Picket! Bob aklund "AA" DOUBLES Al HakenwertrvBill Hawley 1?M Bob Burris-Wall Pelciewskl 1204 "A" DOUBLES John Qulnn-Jlm Over 1144 Jack Anqle-Ralph Beard m George Chin-Don Ferguson 11SB Bill BAley-Johnny Baley 1734 Btaln Breltaln-Floyd Hescock 1735 Milt Fiegi. Ralph Clough 1331 Orval Musgrove, Cerl Peterson 1730 Fred Stemler-Cllff Slemler 121 Ted Bingham-Cherlle Booth 1208 "B" DOUBLES Bob Hershbarger-Mo Jimenez 1355 UH 12IB lita I2W! 12U 125 1256 1255 1793 1210 1721 I20 1200 Murel Long Chet Stonecypher Kollh Vokach Chuck Fllli Chllden William Nicholson Marl Jones Las Fischer Ron King Ken Beghotl "C" ! Eerl Cullimore Jim Matteson "B" Singles Robert L. Jonea Norman Unis Andy Hontel Laron Grlgg) Adoiph Braiill Jim LOltermen "AA" ALL 1 VENTS Larry Jones Ralph Barnett "A" ALL EVENTS Bill Pickett Oooyan Yea Ed Baley Don Nabakowskl John Franks Andy Sllanl Russ Cotter Gunnerd Blorson t Fran Ramsey Jpltnny Baley Jr. "8" ALL EVENTS Perry Hudson Bud Greenbank Bill Nicholson Wos Guderian Virgil Nelson Red Bingham Bob Harshbarger Don Brady Jerry Peterson Don De Frain Jim Morley Philip Wade Ron King Bob Kent Keith Vokecrt Jeck Metier Jr. "C" ALL BVBHIS Norman Unis Ed Rouls Earl Cullimore Bruce Hege-man Glen Darrow Bill Huse Bob Baker Jeck Sunltsch r L-C Grabs NAIA Berth PORTLAND iL'PH- Lewis and Clark's Pioneers are going to the NAIA basketball tournament again. Tlie Northwest Conference champions rolled past Oregon Col lege of Education 80-63 Saturday night to capture the NAIA District playoffs. They defeated the Wolves 56-50 in the first game of the best- of - three scries Friday night. Lewis and Clark earned tlif! right to represent the district at the small college tourney at Kan sas City March 11-16. It also went to the meet last year. Paul Bishop scored 26 points and Bob Fox tallied 16 for the Pioneers, who led 42-29 at half j time. Star center Jim Boutin. I hobbled with an ankle sprain, did not play. Gary Morton hit 21 and Bobl Marr added 16 for the Wolves. INDERGOES SIRGERV VERO BEACH, Fla H'PI- Manager Danny O'ark of Spo kane, the Los Angeles Dodgers' farm team in the Pacific Coast leasue. underwent an emergency appendectomy at Indian River Hospital Sunday. Ozark, whose condition was described as "good." is in Florida anuting the Dodger team this spring. FUEL OIL DELIVERED 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 7 DAYS A WEEK Ph. TU 4-6788 Jay Hawk PETROLEUM 213S So. 6th or So. 6th and Crest cEEPiEMIIJ urns gRilij j 11 Wi -?.-t ".'.'""nmm emu. ritii f .. 1 1 m rc - -n n i m t-Vi'iTH Tfre$fotie ;0 Adjust Brakes and Repack Front Wheel Bearings -i2..Sv3? 1 pu' .1 Balance Both J Front Wheels Q50 1 1 COMBINATION OFFER... W plut weights Align Front Wheels Raplacsmant parte If nMdad and torsion bar adjuit mant not Included. ANY AMERICAN MADE CAR Just Say Charge-" to pa Alii)UiriiltMyAVV:f whtrt your dollar buys MILES more Mf$ STOGIE m 6rh & Pino TU 4-8109 1 L FIRESTONE NEW TREADS APPLIfO ON SOUND T1RB BODIES OR ON YOUR OWN TIRES 4TUBELESS WHITEWALLS (Narrow or wide) ANY SIZE Our New Triad, identified bf Mtdafibm ond $hop mark art GUARANTEED f . Afitntrt rfstfuHa tn orkmaitthtp aa4 natinials rfurfmr of tr4. 3. Arainst Bormal rod hatHa (ixevt rtrptlrabl puBCtorts) aookOua ird in n try Aj pnit car dm for 12 tnontiw. HpiactjraBt proraudi oo lf4 mlt n4 bd oa list prfet canni Al lima of djuitmtnU tlrts m 049 HBO 1166 15 1911 1912 1909 1195 1155 1152 ' 1S6I If 40 1156 19S4 1952 1947 19JI 1920 1914 190B ll2 1I7S 1B4I 1B47 1B45 H14 1B33 11)2 1949 1B13 IBM 1961 1B14 1176 1172 IS07 i- I, I,,, , , , iT'iPimib TP"