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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1963)
HERALD AM) NFWS. F.IW. Or. Thursday, hrtirv ISM PAGE 7-C BASIN BRIEFS SIMMER LAKE BISHOP METHOD SEWING rni'ltSE was orjanized rb. 11 at the parish hall with sis women rnrnllmg. Lora Carlnn is instruc t"r for the eight-week course. sie Campbell and Mr. and Mrs Clival DeVaul. MRS. NEAL JONES and Mrs. Rnb Jones of Klamath Falls took Mrs. Annie Jensen to Merrill to visit her daughter, Geraldine Moore. Mrs. Jensen spent sev- MR. AND MRS. S. D. HARRIS I1 Dairy with Mr. aie spending a few days with a ,ones- their daughters. Mrs. John Ixkis ley and Mrs. Lorraine Howard, at fioseburg and Cnrvallis. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE PIKE and son, Georeie, from Quilceme. Wash., spent a few days with her mother, Zilla fclder, and rela tives in Paisley. Their dauch ter. Merillee, arrived from Ore gon Stale University for an un (WpeiteH weekend visit. MR. AND MILS. DOIT. ELDER and family, Valley Falls, and Mina Taylor, Paisley, were here Sunday to celebrate Bob Elder's birthday a week late. They were unable to get out last bunflay because of high water. 'THE GEORGE CARLONS. Vern Maws and Glenn Harvey left Thursday for Portland to at tend weekend basketball games. BONANZA WILBER W'OMER of Klamath Falls will meet with interested persons to discuss and answer questions on social security on NEW PINE TREEK MRS. O. O. VINCENT, who was operated on more than a week ago, is now home and cnnvalcs- ing satisfactorily. WILLOW RANCH PTA spnn sored a field day last Thursday for 23 Willow Ranch school chil dren. The group had dinner at the Indian Village and toured the Schminck Museum in Lakciew Chaperones were Roman Pochop Faye Still. Vi Bishop, Betty Smith and the teachers, Floyd Wright and Joy Scott. MRS. BEDLAH BL'SSEY, Lake Tahoe. arrived last Friday for a visit with her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Cundiff. She was accompanied by a niece, Mrs. Alice Strazdas, and family. DOUGLAS PANTER was home on furlough last week from his Air Force base in Phoenix. He will next be assigned to Rhode Island for six weeks additional training before leaving for the turned Friday from a two-week vacation in California visiting rel atives and sightseeing in Wood land. San Francisco and Sacra tient. She reported the San Fran cisco weather as sunny and lear, which added to her good time. Mil. AND MRS. WOODIKI SCHOOLCRAFT a,ud sister-in-law. Mrs. Shirril Johnson, Corvallis, arrived Monday morning to be with his sister, Mrs. Verla Carter. EASTS1DE GRANGE members ill journey to Valley Falls Sat urday evening in answer to a previous invitation. MRS. MYRA ROBNETT re ELDON SETTLE of San Fran cisco spent a few days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Myrle Set tle. On Friday evening they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Lilly to help Francis cel ebrate his birthday. Others en joying the dinner were Mrs. Bes- f 1 f j I Bob Says COMPARE THIS RING VALUE! BOB SCHOLL Certified Watchmaker srvk Wedding 3-some 7 beautiful diamonds in th Iodic! wtdding bond and tn gagemtnt rinq plus 4 dia monds in fh (not t h o w n) Uroom'i ring. Your choiea of whitt or ytilow gold mounting 124" ST HaifPrieeSole i ', Reg. 59.95 ledie' J, 'i 17 . jewel Gmin ( (i Wotchei with brace- let bond. Not o close- i' out but current l model wotch priced I, ot juit ... 'i 2 95 plu' Mon'i Grutn Watch s S 'i Regularly priced ot J ji 59.95 , , . complete , .1 with etponiion bond, 'i Shock proof, water- ' i proof, unbreokoblt ( 1 4 mainspring. All cur- t rent models going at i1 29 95 pl1" We Tim The Air Fore Aiarcn , n p.m me nuiianta houto 1'ole and l'i years as a Elementary gym. r.vcryone is member of Operation Deep welcome in aucnn ine meeiiiiK, freeze. which is sponsored by the Home Extension units. MR. AND MRS. GLEN JOBE and son of Alturas visited the Vowel Brothers ranch to see the horse that the Vowells are break ing for them. They had spent a week at ML Hood skiing. BONANZA WOMEN'S CLUB will meet at the library at 2 p.m. March 5. Members are urged to allend and visitors are welcome. Mrs. Alyce Haley will show the members how to make clothes pin dolls: ; FUN NIGHT, given by the ponanza Women's Club, will be held in the elementary school gym March 2, p.m., with fun, prizes, and refreshments. Mrs. LaVern Haskins and Mrs. Os car Peterson are co-chairmen of the annual affair. MR. AND MRS. BUD BROWN and sons of Medford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hartley. .They also visited other friends in Bonanza and Langell Valley. .MR. AND MRS. LEON CHAM PION and son. Gary, arrived in NPC last week from Chicago. Champion is working on the Dar- vin Rohnett ranch and Gary en rolled in the primary room of the Kelley Creek Grade School Mon day morning. The family is living in the Cliff Partin house. DELBEBT BORS and Stanley Sullivan are still conducting church meetings in the Grange Hall on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:. 10 and at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoons. The public is invited to the evangelistic serv ices. NEW PINE CREEK NEEDLE CLUB met at the home of Mrs. Thelma Butler Feb. 16 with 11 memliers and one guest, Mrs. Freida Tilson, present. The wom en sewed and visited and re freshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Neva Morton at Willow Ranch. MOSE to the QRlMDSIDME C0NS0LIDAT YOUR BILLS INTO ONE, CONVENIENT PAYMENT! Yes, it's th simple way to take care of many smoll, nagging bills. You can borrow enough to pay off your small bills, then make one, conven ient payment eoch month. Your monthly payment is usually far less than the total you ore poying now. Come in end let us go over your money prob lems with you. Check These Loan Examples: LOAN No. PYMTS. AMOUNT $100.00 12 $10 05 $200.00 18 $14.54 $300.00 20 $20.16 $500.00 24 $28.86 $1000.00 24 $53.89 For Fast Service Call or Visit SUBURBAN Finance Company Town & Counfry Shopping Center Ph. TU 4-775? F RST r month BEST T & C m VS 3800 So. 6th SPRING COLORAMA FOR We're loaded with brand new short sleeve cottons that practically wash and iron themselves. New patterns ond new prints in bright new color combinations for '63. Plenty of ivys, too. See every one by famous Hol brook and Campus. 3.98 to 5.98 M B W . IS 1 FJ ' EASY WEARING KNITS ... by Campus and Munsingwear in o host of new pastels and pastel stripes. Here's the leisure shirt you'll wear from right now all through summer indoors and out. All washable, too. 3.98 . 8.98 NEW SPRING SWEATERS ... of just the right weight for brisk Spring days. Casual solids and patterns in cardigans ond pullovers. Wools and orlons by such excellent manufacturers os Campus, Jantzen and Penguin. 9.95 t0 22.95 Shop Till 9 Charge everything you nied en our revolving charge plan. Set your own limit ond monthly poymtnt. Take up to 6 months to pay. TEGRIN FOR PSORIASIS Dr. Grabow PRE-SMOKED PIPES Grand Dukt 1.50 Viicount .... 2.00 Royal 3. SO Crown Duk. 2.00 Storlin. .... 4.95 Suoy ........ 2.50 Royal Dukt 2.50 Viking 2.95 1.95 YELLOW BOWL PIPES Standard 1.95 Pr.mior 3 50 C.nlury 2.95 Thorn wlfh Twe.d 2.00 Klt.r item 3.95 Pu 2 00 Airoarot. 3.50 Imperial 2.50 V vAn 3 Way f 1 1 Worki to ft I Spdi Notur- II f'i 1 al Healing M Helpi lj j new icolt formation. vd J' 279 vft jj FALCON pipes I Rcvlon'i V QC Salon Proven VX FLEX 1 Lii!LJ M Holland House Imported m . mi it m i FOR THE HAIR A torreetivt protein rrtar mint tor dry, brittle, dam aged, over permaninred, tinted or iunbleachcd hair. The laton-proven treatment that penetratel without heating. plus tax IT'S NEW! PRETTY PERM Firlt and Only Color-condition ing Home Permanent. Created by Tecnique It gives a gorgeous wave It conditions the hair It revives color It hat no extra itepi It it for every woman It meant COMPLETE hair beauty Only $50 plus tax TOBACCO 40c ASK FOR FREE SAMPLE Open J65 dayi . year ... 366 an leap yean. Open 9 till 10 ... 9 ta 9 on Sundoyl I Holidayi. Druggiit an Duty at All Timet. Current charge cuitomeri moy charga anything in the Suburban Drug Bid, (except Comer. Dept.) at tha preieripti&n counter. TO FOR EVERY NEED AT DISCOUNT PRICES! Screwdrivers 2188c Shelf Brackets, pair 19c & 49c Paint Roller Refills 37c Hacksaw Blades, 20 Ass't. 69c Roto Rasps 88c 5-in-1 Hole Saw 79c Sharpen, Grind, Polish Set 4 pe 88c 6-Pc. Screwdriver Set 88c 10-Pc. Socket Set 88c Adjustable Circle Cutter 69c Yi Bench Vise 81 Tubing Cutter Tools 1.99 10" Crescent Wrench : 1.10 24 Artist's Brushes 59c Eyelet Tool with Eyelets 88c 12- Pc. Wood Carving Tool Set 59c Faucet Drip Stopper 88c 8" Pipe Wrench 88c 3- Pc. Crescent Wrench Set 2.4? 19-Pc. Socket Set 2.49 4- Pc. Cold Chisel Set 69c Metal Cutting Saw 88c All-Purpose Steel Brush 39c 9-Way Carpenter Saw 11.95 3-Pc. C-Clamp Set 69c 5- Pc. Open End Wrench Set 88c Screw Extractor Set 79c 13- Pc. Drill Set, 116 to 14" 69c Barrel Bolts (Hasps) 29c Ass't. Sanding Discs, pk. of 5 69c 11-Pc. Allen Wrench Set 59c and THRIFTY VARIETY