Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 11, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    ).. V V -r t.
n 1IU Kft-PRT
Mend Erenlnf, Feb. 11
t:00 Gbrltl Hnllff KM '.
f: uu snow , ,
CM Around Town Navra
:M torn Hiyas, NWI MBI
:ls Bill Hinry MBS
1:00 Pilar alam MB3, .
7:30 Brlht Bur, 'J ' !
:00 Lai Gloria Do It MBS
CM Hollywood PliyhouM MBS
:S Dick Haymai snow
:M Qlann Hrdy-Nw MBS
a. it ruiion iwta Nwi mbs
1:30 Crlmi tniMerr MBS
:U -Mlnuta Final MBS
10:00 I Lov A ytry MBS
10IU Country ,Mulo - .
J0:S0 CrowelW Nasi MBS
11:00 Nliht Owli J?W.. ...
11:03 Nliht Owli Cub
11:00 BlRn urx
' Wl-UM K.-rST
Tawed Fb. 1
COO Mull Revillla
e-49 f irm nepwr.
CM Local Nwl ,- .
1:M Hemingway 1WMBS
:13 Braakfalt Gan MBS . .
1:M Htadllnei anU Byline!
1:9 But Buy' ''.-
COO Ctcll Brown MBS
8:15 Breakfast Gam MBS
C30 Haven of Rast MBS
0:00 Homemafctrs Harmony.
CIS Platler Part .
IM raralllaa-Fvot;ltalf '
10:00 Glenn rrardjr,. ffavrt MBS
10:13 Tello Tast . .,
10:30 La Polntea
10:43 Concert
10:30 Helen Doee
10:33 Ken -Carson MBS - -11:00
Ladles Talr MBS
11:23 Newa MBS
11:30 Queen for Day MBS
12:00 Nam Bands
12:13 Newa Headline!
12:30 Your Dance Tunei
12:41 Market and Uvejtoc.lt
1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS
1:30 Tun Tait
1:33 Newa
2:00 Local Newa
2:03 Net Newa MBS
2:13 Two at 2:13
2:45 Amwer Man MBS
3:00 Blcky'i Request
4:00 Speed Gibson MBS
4:15 Hemingway News MBS
4;30 Curt Maasey Time MBS
4:43 Sara Hayea MBS
0:00 Sergeant Preston MBS
5:30 Sky King MBS
5:35 Cecil Brown MBS
0:00 Gabriel Butter MBS
C15 Klamath Theater Qull
4:30 Around Town
4:45 Sam Hayea Newa MBS
4:55 Bill Henry MBS
,7:00 Black Museum MBS
7:30 Peter Salem, MBS
4:00 Count of Monte Crlsto MBS
C:M Roving at Rudy'a
4:43 Heidelberg Harmonalrea
4:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
.13 Fulton Lewis News MBS
. 4:30 Official Detective MBS
4:93 S-Mtnutt Final MBS
10:00 I Love A Mystery. MBS
1013 Here'a to Vets
10:30 Opera Concert, MBS
11KJ0 Night Owl Edition .
11:03 Night OwU Club
12:00 SUrn Off
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Monday Evening, Feb. 11
COO Sports Highlights
4:13 Home Town News
6:25 World Newt Summary
4:30 Suburban Serenade
a-aa Kaftlln Edition ABC
4:55 Coming Attrac. on ABC
7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC
7:30 Henry 1. Taylor ABC
7:43 Preview Of Tomorrow
40 Could Thla Ba You
4:30 "How Can We Improve the Value
of Sports -to the Klamath Baain?
J0 Piano Plarhousa. ABC
10:00 10 P.M. Headlines
10:13 Navy Star Tim
10:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:05 Sinn Off
KFLW 1450 Kr PST y
TueatUT, Feb. U
8:00 Sign On News Summary
4:05 Corn in th Morn
4:45 Farm Far
7:00 News, Bkfat Edition
Cuttnuova trim 1:45
WJ I HwlrlaVliTgatllJS
jsSJagaa Ciaf41i"i
i-.''' iaWMSa. Meet Tarror, Myetary
.PPn with...
i Ltr 0AHI
y' 1 W :,.. T0M " I
(mm i
Continubut From .1:45
T:18 Charlle'i Roundup
T:30 Bob Gtrrad, Ntwt ABC
7:40 Top of tht Morn inn
7:M John Cont ABC
:00 Brotk'ait Club ABC
B OO Hank lltnry Show
:30 Brctk the Bank ABC
10:00 Choi Hunllty ABC
10:15 Lona Journey ABC
10:30 My True Story ABC
10:53 Edward Arnold ABC
11:00 Betty Crocker ABC
11:1s Stop and Shop
11:30 Afalnit tha Storm ABC
11:45 h luteal Roundup
1 1:5.1 Market Report
12:00 Noon Edition Newt
12:15 Payleaa Sidewalk Show '
12 30 Lucky U ranch ABC
1:00 Paul Harvey ABC
1:15 Better Uvtnf
1:30 Standard School BdcsL
2 00 Bailn Brlefa
3:15 Accent on Melody
2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC
2:45 Rom. Kvelyn Winter ABC.
3:(0 When a Girl Marries ABC
3:13 Ted Malone ABC
3:30 Dean Cameron ABC
3:43 Mary Marl in ABC
4:00 Requestfully Yours
5:00 Tom Corbett. Space Cadet ABC
5:25 World Flight Reporter ABC
5:30 Chet Huntley ABC
5:45 Natl. Guard Show
e:oo Sporti hum. eh t
6:13 Home Town Newa
6:33 World News Summary
C:30 Suburban Serenade
:43 Headline Edition ABC
6:53 Coming Attractions on ABC
7:00 Greatest Story ABC
7:30 Newsund Theater ABC
5:00 Met Auditions of Air ABC
8:30 United or Not ABC
0:00 Town Meeting. ABC
9:45 Paul Canon at th nrnn.
40:00 10 P.M. Headline
10:13 Dream Harbor ABC
1C:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:03 Sign Off
Air Force
Reserve Open
Former Air Force nersnnriAl will
have the nnnnrtunitv TTaK 14 onH
IS to Join the Air Force Reserve.
Capt. Robert Roman, Air Force
liaison ofiicer for Southern Oregon
will be nt the rmv amt Atp Trfm
RecruitUiff office in the Fostoffice
uuiiuuijf ucrc on wose aates,
Capt. Roman said the reserve is
alsn ODen tn ' forme m.mh.
other armed forces branches.
a special meeunst will also be
held at 8 p.m., Feb. 14, at Cham
ber nf Commerce nffir.ee fa uin
women between ages of 18 and 34
ycurs imeresien in joininfc the
WAF's. Prospective enlistees must
be high school or college gradu-
Fishing Show
Jams Traffic
a fish story that beats them all.
Oklahoma City has contracted
with P. R. Seeberger to remove
predatory fish from Lake Over
holser. PTedatory fish prey on
game iisn.
City Water Commissioner Mr.
rison B. Cunningham, decided it
would be a nice thing if residents
here could watch the event. So he
scheduled It for Sunday, and ad-
verusea it.
About 20,000 cars turned out. 19.-
500 more than expected, ftoads
leading to the lake were snarled
for miles In all directions.
The fishermen couldn't tret
through the traffic Jam with their
two mats and a 750 loot seine, so
they gave it up for the day as a
bad Job.
it took the police three hours
and their whole force to untangle
the traffic. .
Truman Crack
Draws Reply
national Incident President Tru
man's remark about Franco which
brought ' a - quick note from the
the Spanish ambassador appar
ently was closed Monday, with
Spain getting In the last word.
Mr. Truman told his news con
ference Thursday that he had nev
er been very fond of the Franco
regime. Saturday, the State De
partment said it got a memo from
Spanish Ambassador Jose Felix de
Officials said the note was less
than a formal diplomatic protest
ana am not can lor a reply, its
contents were kept secret.
A United States mission is about
to negotiate for air and naval bas
es on Spanish soil to help defend
western turope.
New Angling
Laws Applied
Angling regulations adopted by
the game commission on January
25 are now In effect. The new win
ter regulations apply at present
and will remain in force until
March 18 in Zone 1, April 18 in
zone is, and May 2 in eastern Ore
gon. In Zones 1 and 2 which Include
all of western Oregon except the
Umpqua and Rogue systems, the
winter bag limit is two fish per
day and four per week, 12 inches
or over, embracing any combina
tion of trout, Jack salmon, steel-
neaa or ssimon.
In eastern Oregon the winter bag
limit is two steelhead or salmon
20 inches' and over per day or
iour sucn iisn per week.
On the Umpqua and Rogue sys
tems the winter regulations now
applying are identical to those of
last year.
Of Interest is the fact that the
practice of listing waters open to
winter angling as has been done
for several years in Zone 1 (coast)
has been adopted for Zone 2 and
all of the eastern part of the state,
Streams or lakes which names
do not appear on the listings are
closed entirely to winter angling.
Until the 1952 synopsis is avail
able in March, the February bulle
tin of the game commission should
be used for reference. Winter ang
ling waters are listed by sone in
that bulletin on pages 11 and 12.
Anglers must continue to use the
1651 steelhead-salmon tact card nn.
til it Is replaced by the 1952 punch
card which will become effective
on March 16.
. t.
I ifaWtaj-MaNrilaV-l I.
MATA AND HARI (above) and assisting artists are to ap
pear here Wednesday, 8 p.m., at the Pelican Theater, in
another of the Community Concert offerings. The famed
comic dance, stars are shown here in one of their most
popular numbers, "Carnegie Hall". Community Concert
memberships for next season may be obtained at Wednes
day's concert. All renewals are to be credited to the person
who sold the memberships last year.
Stunt Man Saves Granite
He Knocked off Monument
the Screen: It may be an eyebrow-lifter
tn Washington, but now
it can be told:
A Hollywood stunt man. Jimmy
Dundee, has a piece of the Lin
coln Memorial mounted on a ma
hogany base bearing the gold-
plated inscription:
"Knocked Off the Lincoln Me
morial by Jimmy Dundee Nov. 13,
Thd niece of granite, the size of
a walnut, was chipped off when
Dundee turned over an automobile
on the memorial steps for the
final scene in the Bob Walker
Helen Hayes co-starrer, "My Son
Hollywood's finally admitting
that television Is BIG competition.
Fiftv per cent of the movie wes
ters in the U. S. will be eliminated
bv TV. Dredicted Charles Skouras,
president of the Fox theater chain,
in a national magazine srucis. ira
laree theater chains, he claims.
will survive because of big-screen
The go-ahead has Deen given ai
MOM for Clark Gable s next
movie, which will De lumen in
French Africa in the spring. It's
Mogambo," a romatic adventure
Then he'll do a cloak-ana-aagger
th,.inAp "Twn If Bv Sea." the
story of a U.S: reporter who smug
gles his bride, a Russian ballerina,
out of Stalin-land. The latter may
b filmed overseas, too. keeping
Clark, and his money, out of Lady
Sylvia's reach for at least a year.
Hollywood-faces-life dept: The
wife of a star who hasn't worked
in months, so the- tale. Is told, de
cided to come to the aid of the
family finances by writing a cook
book. It should be a big popular nit,
she told a friend, "It's devoted en
tirely to different ways of pre
paring left-over pheasant."
lrie wora s out ai ailim mat
"The Merrv Widow" cute Fernan
do Lamas, the burning-eyed South
American, in the same heart-busting
league with John Gilbert and
Rudolph Valentino.
Lamas' sultry Latin lover act is
set for three more films "Mexi
can Village" and a remake of
"Flesh and the Devil, both with
Ava Gardner, and "Dangerous
When Wet" with Esther Williams.
And Lamas is said to be Lana
Turner's off-screen date.
Lana's a blonde and Ava's a
Do Latin lovers have a prefer
ence? "Really," Fernando grinned, "I
don't worry about colors." -
Rumor is rumoring that Hum
phrey Bogart's "African Queen"
performance will get him an Oscar
nomination . . , Eleven-year-old
Rickey Nelson, son of Ozzie and
Harriet, will play a role in MOM'S
"The Three Love stories."
Casting director Billy Grady
signed him up after seeing the UI
flicker) "Here Come the Nelsons."
Bob Hope to the audience, when
Marilyn Maxwell falls into Mickey
Rooney's arms instead of his In
rne Military policemen":
' "This doll needs a Seelng-Eye
Director George Marshall, same
picture, on whether Bob and Roon'
ey are trying to outmug one an
other: "Sometimes It's a struggle."
It's not being advertised but
This month only!
410 So. th
. ,. . .
Stanley Kramer's latest economy
achievement is the film. version of
the Broadway hit, "The Four-
poster," cc-fitarrlng Rex Harrison
and Llll Palmer.
The one-set film with a two-per
son cast cost $175,000, $600,000
LESS than the average 'B' film
at a major studio. Rex and LUli's
cut was saa.ooo each.
Hoiiywooos coming up with a
new triangle a boy, a girl and the
atomic bomb In "Eagle On His
tap." it s the true storv of Col
Paul Tlbbetts. the pilot who
dropped the first A bomb and how
all the secrecy almost cost him
his wife. Bob Taylor and Eleanor
ranter piay uie leads.
Veteran director Oeorge Cukor's
angle on Hollywood's rush to new
"It's a great relief. Hollywood
wore out the old faces with bad
stories. Now we're getting good
stories and fresh talent. . . .
Marlene Dietrich's "Chuck A
Luck" has a new title, "Rancho
Notorious." Personal choice of
doward Hughes.
Pretty Eugenia Ponoff's answer
when I popped off about her pro
posed marriage to Steve Cochran:
'Ask him. For my Dart. T think
It will be a long time before we
marry." .
NEW YORK (IP) A four engined
Pan American World Airways Con
stellation made a successful emer
gency landing at Idlewild Airport
Monday after being forced by en
gine trouble to turn back on a
flight to Puerto Rico.
Beautiful Valentines . . , Voight's
Pioneer Office Supply Co. 629 Main.
Amwica't Foramoit Commanlolbf'
en Nolionol AfToirs v
5000 F H50
won, V-J
Monday through Friday
9:15 p.m.
Sponsored By
Croter Lake Machinery
Caterpillar Tractor
(Appllfl (o molAri
wild ft qt. trunk
Ph. 4113
, .. .
Polar Scientific Group
Includes Pretty Blonde
PATUXENT, Md, Ifl A party
of 18 scientists, including a blonde
attractive 22-yenr-old woman, left
Here Sunday aboard two wavy
planes on a Uiree months expedl-
19 Skiers Die
In Avalanche
VIENNA I Nineteen skiers
were killed and 10 Injured curly
Monday when a huge avalanclio
burled an Alpine hut nrur the Ail
berg Pass, the Austrian News
Agency said.
Twenty oilier persons In Die hut
were dug out from the snow mass
by mountain rescue squads.
Most of the dead and Injured
were German skiers.
The avalanche occurred nn the
slopes of Hohe lien Mountain,
which marks the border between
Austria and Germany southwest of
the German town of Oberstdorf.
Grandma Having
Tough Time
LOS ANGELES 1H-Grandmotlv
er has it tough the;e days.
"She finds there Is little house-
work and there Is no one to need
her." Dr. Evelyn Mlllls Duvall.
Chicago, secretary of the National
Council of Family Relations, de
clared Sunday,
"Her husband Is at the nrlme of
life, probnbly at the peak of his
productive period, and so he feels
happy and contented. She finds
herself lost."
Bring th fang 1 1
for coffct . . .1 II
way to be certain. You can know by having a complete scientifi-
ic eye examination at least once every year. Have Dr. Alva
Custer, registered optometrist give you a complete examination,
, tomorrow. There's no appointment necessary. If glasses are
needed, wear "Stylish Dependable Eyewear."
DDdo Mvsa
. lion to Btutiy me poutr ice cap.
The nai'tv. wlili'h will oiiorute
out of Point Dai'iow, Alaska, hopes
to hind for the first time In history
on the polar Ice pack,
The woman aboard Is Mrs. John
Holmes, a chemist. She mid her
husband are members of the slnll
of the Woods Hole, Mass,, Occnu
ographlo Institute.
Sixteen other members of the
party plan to go north later tills
month to take part In the survey,
which tho Nuvy calls operation
"Skljiimn II." U Is n followup of
the smaller "Skljuinp I" held last
The purpnso of Uie mission Is to
study Ice churacteilHtlcs, weather
and occntl conditions, and tn lest
tho endurance of equipment ami
people In tho extreme, cold.
Headquarters for the group will
be the Johns Hopkins University
Arctlo reseuich laboratory at Point
Barrow. Temporary banes will be
linn. V..I..J ,
627 I'tne SI, ' I
SSf'' jjffjr Jjliifj)' Iwenly-tiulil or no lonurr
yMnMiWI J-tf Jm$T ?H tllln. nnllilnif will plen.e )
set up on the Ice pack,
Oilier members of Ihn party In
clude, U. CoitimuiKlor 0, I), Kephai t
pilot, of lliTinei ton, Wah., and
II, L, Rhodes, Seattle, Ciiinnulr,
V. J, Coley, Oakland, Calif,, Is In
Van run run I lovtljr ntw iiilntl pUtit
from tht I. auli H, RUtm I'Una Cuin
Pnjf K'fl N. HI., i low itionililir
ti, After rtmttiti.il It lima ynit run,
If you wlili, rliftitu (runt rvnl le pur
i'hnt trttmrnl. 'lUt rtnl klrtxtr lld
U til vrtillltd le y stir puri'li ftiU'UuiH
fttiil no olhtr diiwn imyitttiil It nti'tt
wtry. Tho nionllil)' pymtlt cun lit
IMlU hlilitr Ihftii rtnl, Or, If you pit
far, you n ooitlliiui lo rtitl.
Vou Can Study at llntna In Hpsra Tims and Karn a liiili Ni'llenl lllplama
I'HDI'Alll: NOW lo, fall,! or l.sacn a Trailt
otin (iiiADOAim iiavk iNTi.iirn ovr.n iuo lollkiim
Dept. Klo-2-ll 17S3 Broadwar Oakland 12, Calif.
Name Age
Addicn Apt
Cily Stela
how u.uch does inefficient vision take from
in a week, or a month, or a year? Are your
eyes robbing you of health, wealth, or happiness you
could enjoy if your eyes did their share? There's only one
cnmninnrt nf tho oprrutlon.
tf' KLAMATH 'Alkf, OMOOt,
Fee at Ihali eawtl
Ni. 44 Ui Oreeci T. Take Oat
Ion B. Loo, Mgr
or CANNOT Finish
Reg. Optometrist
f ilT f ii ii X