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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1949)
HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUESDAY, SEPT. 27, 1949 PACE TWO Masons Give Degrees At Crater Lake An unusual meeting was held bv Crster Lake lodge No. 311. AF&AM, when It conferred lta first Master Mason degree, under charter a t Cloud Cap, one ol the highest points In Crater Lake national park, Sat urday afternoon. ranged through tha courtesy of tht national park service. Tht degret was conterred on Clarence Robert Barr. ton of Clar ence R. Barr, 111 Main. R. R. Sim monds, muter of No. ill, presided and was assisted by tht following ofllcert: James Hunter, L. K. Phelps, D. W. Pence. L. A. Baker, S Charles Yorkeland. L French. Allen Beisch, Les Harold Tealt and Bill Nelson. er. Phelpa and Ogden wtrt pro tern officers and art members of Klam ath lodge No. 77. Annual Event 1 j The lodge plans to make tht out- j door session an annual affair. Vis-! I tors vera present from Oregon City, Jefferson and Roseburf . I Alter the meeting, a buckaroo style dinner was served. Members ol tht Square and Compass club ol OTI served on the committee head ed by H. A. Pederson and Dave Free land. Arthur Reinhart was gen eral chairman, assisted by Harold Teale, L. A. Baker, Harold Young and Charles Yorkeland. Members ot Klamath lodge No, 77 also cooper ated In the affair. Potatoes Dug For Shipment Some tanners in tht Klamath ba sin art digging potatoes tor im mediate shipment but spuds art not being harvested for storage, with tht peak of harvest still about 10 days away. Jack Almetcr ot the Oregon slats employment service said today. Almetcr added that tha harvest should be well under way next week t but the peak is not expected until week after next. . . ; Labor supply at tht present time Malin Car Thefts Is plentiful and no shortage at II' I J pected. Transients art beginning toidUSpcCIS rieiU " flow into the basin for the spud nar-! mm who nrdly stole a vest and. unlike last year, tht ma-' , ,. i,u c-,rd. arc Jority ot them art finding jobs on; .... -... .ZZ. I - J. 1 ",.w k k aTn. ho.. el- n --. . the grain harvest and hauling grain and hay. YOU CAN ENJOY TX CAS SERVICE Prtttassa Ttflki For Rot No NtwtJ To ly UTIUTYSLRVICE 111 Main St 7411 ... . .s- --v. 4 " : " "" I . . y''".,'''i!''., ' .V '-:-''f . z, f i j v , "1 . , ' - j " b'wwwelflr' -t ' $ lillfvWl's BREAD ' w you Has a mhiion rxxiait TOU COVlON't SUT SI II II SI I AO Parents Hit For Curfew Violations "Two parent havt been jive n 1& Bay probationary sentence by Mu nicipal Court Judg Leigh Acker man for violation ol tht city cur few law (or young children. -' Put on probation this morning were Chesie Lewis. I Il'i , Wall.1. complaint to the United Nationa as whose ll-year-old daughter wat.mbly Uyi, charging RuM, u Uken home by police alter midnight backing tht Chines communist war oui.u.j. ..m ju.n niuniosa. i ! ? ,",",'fLhc!" Wear-old daughter waa taken homt by po lice late Sunday night from Main street. Tht ordinance requires young sters It or less to be off tht streets after II o'clock at Bight unless hav ing a good excuse. City Council To Continue Budget Study Tht city council will continue Its Investigation of the lMa-4 budget i and expenditure of funds and make I a complete study ot tht recently completed auditor's report. ; Tht decision waa made Monday night when Councilman Alfred Con- ; drey attempted to obtain tht coun cil's approval for payment of some 12500 due on tht auditing Job done ! this year by J. Paul Matthews. I It was intimated that the audit revealed an over expenditure In one ! city department Payment Opt seed Several of the councilors were oo- posed to pavment of tht $2400 audit- ' Ing sua until they art able to make I a full study of the report. They stressed that they want to be sure the report is drawn up according j to specifications set down earlier by j the council I c ",,. a.a. .,nml i tht desire to havt the report made I known to tht public through tht press. Tht auditing report will be read ' In lis entirety at a later session ot tht council.' m eustodv at Reno snd returned to Klamath county ; 1 pmecuuon. I Sheriff Jack Franey said ht had , noU,i i warrants lor e two men. jaenu- flH) iJ Ubera and Ralph ' I Ronald Roder. They wert arrested In Lovelock. Nev. and the automobile, a IMS Chevrolet owned by 8tnley Ander son ot Malin, was recovered. Fra ney said. Iron Lung Keeps Salem Boy Alive SALEM. Sept. 27 ti A 13-year-old Salem boy, John Relnwald, was being kept alive In a hospital hert today by a portable Iron lung. He. was taken to the hospital with polio last Saturday. Tht lung had been on display downtown to sup port a polio fund drive... ' ' China Tells UN Russia Behind War I.AKS SUCCESS. Sept. n UP) Nationalist China made formal u, overthrow the Kuomintarut gov. , trnmfnt canton. The case was presented by T. F. Tsisng. chief Chinese Nationalist delegate in tht U.N. He asked ur gent assembly action against tht Chinese communists. Details ot the charges were not madt public Immediately. Twt Letters Tsisng presented the cast In two letters. One was addressed to As sembly President Carlos P. Room lo, an outspoken foe of communism. Tht other letter was addressed lo Trygve Lie. U.N. secretary-generaL The Chinese delegate told the as sembly last week for tht first time thst Russia waa directing and aid- tag the forces ot Mao Tse-tung. ho has proclaimed a -people's repub- Uc of China" based at Pelping. YA Hospital For Klamath Hope 'Bright' CouncUmen A. F. Condrey and O c. Taiman informed members of tht citv council last night that pros- pecte look bright for erection of a veterans hospital In Klamath coun-! ty. j This assurance was obtained by , tht informants at tht democratic "d. . " W,8M eonlerenc hld ta S"1 Prandsco a week ago. , Condrev told a Herald and News' reporter last night that at the time of their visit to the eonlerence. the vet t hospital bill was a aeao i duck" in the eyes ot congress. Separata Bill , However, it to now possible that Klamath county's bid for a hospital will be put through congress as a separate biD. In fact Condrey ex pected that the measure would bt voted upon yesterday in tht house. Secretary ot Veterans Affairs 1 Moore told tht local councllmcn tht original plan tor building U veteran hospitals had been cancelled. This. - - -- ( .7 ' , - ,ri . J learnthattner areSO MO veterans ! In this area ot some 43.000 square i miles, and that they are without any Wd 01 overnment controlled hospi tal cart. Condrey said. -These facta were Instrumental," said Condrey. "In emphasising tht need for building a hospital In thla area. Assurance was also obtained at other comerenct sessions thst funds would bt sought for fencing and lin ing of the government canal. It was estimated that a sum of (1U.0O0 will be needed to do the Job. . 'Tokyo Rose' Jury Still Out SAN FRANCISCO. Sept UP) Tht fste of !vs Togurl D'AQUina charged with treason as tht Tokyo Rose" of wartime Radio Tokyo, waa aull In the hands of tht Jury today. At 11:11 p. m, last night weary court attaches, newsmen and scat tered spectators were Informed that the Jury of six men and six women was retiring for the night Deliber ations were resumed today. Tht Jury received tnt case from : Federal Judge Michael J. Roche at I 11:44 a. m. yesterday. Tht 33-year-old defendant L 0 1 1 Angeles-born Nisei, was probably w.. .vu -,)n uiitv uuiiuf t II C forenoon recess. When the Jurors filed out to suit deliberations. It required five minute and two ef fort to get her out of in court room. An inexpensive Want Ad today till mean I for you tomorrow I t3 I t t ? ? ? X t ? t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? I f ? t r ? ? We have a good stock of USED RANGES Token in on new F rig ida ires ot BARGAIN These are clean, , Reconditioned, and Priced to Sell! ' IF YOU NEED at GOOD used ELECTRIC RANGE, come in. .We're cleaning house! VERN OWENS' CAS FURNISHINGS CO. t 124 No. 4th Phone 836S Y XmXXmXXmXXmXXXX Auditorium Acceptance Set Oct. S Change In tht data ot acceptance and dedication ot tin new Mills au ditorium waa learned at a Joint meetings ot school board 'I and 1 last nnhi, and present plans csll 'or an official turn-over ot tht building to tht board tht night of October . Routine business took up tht tlmt ot board members. It was learned that a turn-around has been com pleted for the Lakashort run buses at tht end of the road on property ! owned by Don Hunt. B. A. Oeary assisted with equipment to build tht turn-around. Bus Diacwasloa Membera also head a discussion ot tht Riverside but turn-around on property in the rear ot Hrlken'i mo tel at the tool of tht school hill A part-tlmt traffic guldt has been i hired by Board 1 to serve at Mills' school corner at Orchard and E. Main. Mary Anderson, who taught last year at Grants Pass, has been hired j by tht elementary board to teach , a second grade room at Mills. Tht addition was made necessary oy tnt Increased enrollment In that divl sion. Baa Purchase Three board members. Nelson Reed, Jsck Unman and Scott War ren, met Tuesday morning on ap proval of other members, to com plett purchase ot new school bus. Bids were opened last night. A report from' tha professional growth committee, Including Mrs. Aubra Griffiths, Paul Deller and Oarry Robertson, was accepted by the boards. Tht report had to do with credit earned by tea.-hera for travel and special committee as signments. Marines Lease Airport BOQ's former navy bachelor officers quarters at the municipal airport h.. h,n ud to tha U. . marina . . unlt headnuart- era but tht marines failed to get a portion ot a big hangar tor Indoor drill space. Tht city council last night okayed a least for tht BOft built by tht navy when tht airport was used aa a wartime naval air station and tht papers wert signed this morn- Artillery I nit An artillery unit of tht martnt corn reserve probably will tablished htrt. Marine C.pUln O Connor, representing tht 13th naval district, said that tht government possibly will spend almost 1100.000 improving' the building this year and another half-mllllon dollars on activities ot tht reserve unit In the next five years. v Tht lease waa granted tor on year with options renewable annual ly for tht next 3 years. Consider able objection was raited around the council tablt to a long-time The marine also wanted to lease hangar epac for Indoor drill and the lute but tht council reportedly has worked out another deal to least the hangar to a tractor re pair outfit and tht martnt reserve was unable to obtain us of that building. Hot Pineapple Being Landed TILLAMOOK. Ore.. Sept 77 A pineapple barge from Hawaii slipped Into port htrt torn lltnt during tht night and today began unloading, hours before CIO pickets caught up with th maneuver. CIO longshoremen, alerted along the coast to watch for "hot cargo" from Hawaii, where a dock strike has been In effect more than 100 days, rushed Into tht city from As toria In mld-moming and set up a picket line. Unloading continued, however, a nd thert was no violence. A spokesman said unloading would bt completed' at 4 p. m. f T t ? t PRICES! t ? ? ? T ? ? t CADELOrJlE; Cattle Moved Early Account Dry Weather Cattle shipments going out of Klamath county art front three lo four weeka earlier this year thsn normally, tht haste due primarily to tht prolonged drouth which has """" '"" uiuwir an uiv uvvi came wiucn I grated on Klamath Marsh thla sum- , mer hsvt been shipped and about hslf tht Wood River valley art gone. Shipments so far thla fall j from Klamath county total around 1V0OO head, with another tooo or so due to movt out lo market or to I winter pasture within tht next ten j days or two weeks. Normally some 15.000 head ot Klamath and Lake-owned whltefae- ea art winter-led on grass in the Sacramento valley but that section has been dry all summer. Lata Etpeclet) Only about half that number art I expected to bt shipped down for pasture during tht coming wlnttr and those only If much-needed rains come. All stock cattlt havt been moved from higher rangea to pasture and between 4000 and MOO art now in teed Iota In tht Klamath area now. Beef orirea are still eniwt Thi Portland livestock market yester day quoted lop beeves at IM a hundred pounds and medium grass feds at (34 to (U a hundred. Tht San Francisco market waa some what lower. Bark in Chicago top grades ot beef wert quoted at from Ml 50 to 133, with shipping costs figured In. Laeaba Early Lambs moved to market from thla area earlier this year, also be es use ot dry rangea and tht Port land market quoted good lambs at 131 a hundred pounds. Chicago's price on top lambs was 133. Slaughter horse shipments from tht Klamath area art averaging IM head a month, some to government Inspected slaughter plants for event ual human consumption while moat go for chicken and animal food. Tht hay crop In thla area was normal this year and grain " feed pastures art opening now, Thert ht expected to bt amplt feed for all livestock left In tht Klamath coun try this winter. .Municipal Court Jerry Beckham, no operator's 11 cense. Recogged. Alfred 8. Msnkerta, vagrancy. Pin. 1100 and 30 days. Donald Eugen Freeman, ran rtd light Pott si bail James Bryan Stephens.- drunk f a CI I A driving. Post 100 bail j 1X0(0 5X616X011 Thorn aa Newton Walker, drunk, i , , Pine. 110 or S days. i Identified Thorn N.wton Walker, allowing , YREOA A akeleton found In the unlicensed person to drlvt. yin..nllu ,wo m1 of Vrrtll nu 10- - . been Identified a remains ot 71- lyn Alden Olberg. no operator yejd JnM L Kupp wno dlJ. license. Poet to ball. - appeared from hert on Junt . lti Paul Franklin Tipton, passing positive Identification was nude with Insufficient clearance. Post to by the elderly man s son. Ksrl K. ball. i Rupp, Yreka automobile dealer, who Ernest Wayne Bryan, violation i baste rule. Post lit ball. Francis Prank Ferrari, drunk drrvtng. Post tlOO ball. John E. Hess, meter tickets. Post M ban. Oeorgf Howard Jones, fall yield right of way. Post to ball. Doris Prances Simmons, violation basic rule. Recogged. Bobby Let Mitchell, reckles driv ing. Post M0 bail. Bobby Let Mitchell, fall to leave name.' address a t accident scene. Port tlO ball. Willi Mitchell drunk.. Fine. 110. Jack Miller, drunk. Pl'ne, 110 or I days. Ol Westlln, drunk. Pint, 110 or I days. Fred Burkhart, drunk. Pin, 110 or I days. John Siemens, drunk. Plead not guilty. John A. Cook, drunk. Pint. 110 or I days. Laura Butler, drunk. Forfeit 110 ball. Bobby Oeorge, drunk. Forfeit 110 ball. Thomas A. Wilson, drunk. Forfeit $10 ball. Thomas A. Wilson, drunk. Forfeit 110 balL Clyde Lewis, drunk. Forfeit tlO ball. Jamea Kan, drunk. Fine, 110 or I day. Leo Davit, drunk. Pine, tlO or I daya. j Jos Valencia, drunk. Pine, $10 or ( days. Oscar Oray, drunk. Pint, 110 or d,r- James Chlumsky, vagrancy. Pint $100 and 30 daya. Jo D. Johnson, no operators license. Pine . Jot D. Johnson. U-turn. Pine I). Ivan Johnson, no operators li cense. Forfeit $6 ball Dan Schonchln, allowing un licensed person to drlvt. Forfeit $t ball. William R. Parker, fall yield right of way. Forfeit to ball. Chesie Lewis, violation curfew ordinance. No Judgment. Juan Esplnosa. violation curfew ordinance. Sentence It days sus pender. John A, MoCall, ran rtd light. Pint 13 JO. Jack Elmer Leek, drunk. Pint $10 or C daya suspended. H. H. Cavlns, drunk. Pint $10 or ( days. Jim O'Neal, drunk. Pint $10 or days Wreck Burns Kill Eugene Man SALEM, Sept. 37 lOWllllam Mellor,. 47, Eugene, died yesterday of burns received when ht waa thrown from his car Into a pool ot burning gasoline. His widow, Agnes, was dismissed from tht hospital aft er treatment for minor Injuries. Their car had collided Sunday night with a cattlt truck. Tha gaso line spilled from a broken gasoline tank. Old Riverside Bell May Bong At Grid Tilts For a long time tht klJt al Klam ath Union high school, egged on by tht rally squad, havt yearned for a big bell to bong al football gamea. Today they havt two bells! Last night tht clly council meet. lng , ,,lh,r,y .;, , i give tht kids the bell In tht city nsu tower. Last night tht Joint school boards meeting in equally fatherly land maternally) session, decided to g:vt tht kids tht bell In tht River side school tower. Jim Manning, KUHS yell king, said tht squad would look over tht bells and male a decision today. Thert la tradition behlnf tht old Riverside bell which ceased to ring when automatic buaaera Invaded "'""M'- Thert was qultt a to-do onul 11 " "me m")' P" ents who were former Rlversidera themselves, thought tradition was gelling a boot In tha belfry. Tht city haU bell has been used tor such Iras-edurailonal purpose aa tolling for curfew and fires. Hew Building At Main, 11th Construction started today on a new concrete and steel building which la going up at th 11th and Msln street corner. Tht one-story structure Is being built by Andrew M. Collier, well known Klamath Fills businessman and Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Ill of this city, now In New Haven. Conn. Cost ot the structure, which la being built for Western Auto Supply company, will run In tht neighbor hood ot (30.000. Collier said. Contractor on tht Job Is Howard Burkhard. Renvw(Ua F tanned Tht adjoining building which hat housed Palla Appliance, will bt re novated along with tht new work. Collier advised. Palls Appllsnct hs relinquished It leas aa ot October It. Western Auto will us th corner structure and th present garage on adjacent property. Plana hart been furnished by Western Auto Supply company and art typical ot tht firm's latest coast stores. Plana feature an all laa front with 111 trim. Western Auto expect to be In th new building not later than January 1. and present plana call for occu pation by th holidays. has made a continuous search for hia father. Bob Shaffer, deer hunting In Iht i area, found a skull and par's of a leg bone let Sunday. H marked th spot and officers Investigated Monday afternoon. Park rata hsi I made off with much of tht mam - ADVANCE SALE BOX OFFICE OPENS TOMORROW AT 12:00 Win n opn nitv t'Niii a . . SPECIAL ROAD SHOW ENGAGEMENT Oc later l-l Two Evenlsvr Perientancta At l:M r. M. ALL SCATS HESEKVCO frkti Isxl. Taa ILM Lags tlU A MOTION riCTUtl DESTINED FOR CREATNESSI 1NGRID BERGMAN Sptttal' STUDENT MATINEI Thurtd.y, Oct 4 One Day' Only kEDUCED PEICE Inel. Tax ii i Joan -Arc tMOutawoi I t A PELICAN THEATRE Roadside Trcg Loses Dog, PORT KLAMATH Weston Km le received painful hand injuries Wed nesday atternoon in an unusual and somewhat sad accident which occurred on tnt road beside tht Wil liam Klttredgt ranch house on tlit upper Klamath Marsh. Knglf, employed aa water truck driver by the Weyerliaruser Tim ber .omiwiiy at camp 11, has been taking his dug. Busle, to ramp tarli week with him after spending tht week-end her with his parents. tr. and Mrs. Harry tuglt, and on Wed- Couple Struck, Mother Killed ORKOON CITY. Sept. J7 Wv-A Calgary woman tourist waa fatally Injured and her husband was not expected to survive after being struck by an automobile last night as they walked serosa highway DO near hert. Thtlr thrtt children were In tht cart of th Red Cross. Stale police said Mrs. Charles Warren, J4. died three houra after the mishap. She was carried 4 feet by a car driven by Carl M. Zern, Oregon City. Pollc said Zern swerved his car In trying to avoid the couple. Ht waa not cited by po lice. They wert staying al a molel north of Gladstone and wert walk ing across th road lo a rale at about T:lft pm. Police said Zern re ported they hesitated in crossing and then ran directly Into tht path of his car. Tht youngsters, age 11. t and ( years, were being cared for bv the Red Cross until relative could be advised. City Firemen Nip Small Grass Fire On small grass fir was all th excitement reported by city firemen today. Th lull blase broke out about 1 M p m. Monday al 3 Past Main and soon was extinguished by tht fire department with no damage. Duke Snider, No. 1 hitter with tht Dodgers this spring, waa groomed for Iht spot two years ago when Brooklyn trained In Havana. I ; clothing and Mr. Rupp'a glasses i were found on lop of out nest and in another nest was his wsirh which Karl Raipp had given his fsther. Gable' mats rr OUOH l... mfj ALEXIS SMITH ' W atatu cam . aaaan itrm -TTT Both Mitt,' V1 vr mast in IB M ot 8:30 ML v?T5ii-Vi I X EntteM.'nsnerir edy; Trucker Gets Bad Bite nesday, had his pet with him on tht truck as ususl while hauling water. Somehow Susie Jumped out ol Iht truck, and beliut Kngl could slop It h had .run over Die dog. Ht got out of tnt truck aa soon as ht stopped, and attempted to lift Iht Injured dog lnm the road, not re alising how badly sht waa hurt Tht auflerlhg animal gripped his right hsnd with her tetth, and In trying lo loosen her hold with hit left hand a finger on II waa also caught la th death lock of tha pitifully hurl dog. digit managed to Irar his handi free and ran to th nearby Kltt reuse House, where ranch employe rendered first aid before rushing tht Injured youth to Weyerhatuser camp, from where h waa taken to Klamath Palls by Don Wimar lor Immediate medical cart. Kanrh tmplnvea mcrrllully ended poor Busies euffrrlngi, burying her on th ranch. Aa a result of Ui accident in which he lost hit bt loved pet Kngl sustained a badly mangled right hand, requiring many stitches to close th lacerations, and th finger on his left hand waa In jured so severely that part ot the flesh had to bt rut away. Ht will bt unable lo work whilt under iht doctor'i cart for tht next two weeka. Student Night TONIGHT! Lions Fun Frolic Admission S0 with Student lody Tlcktt, Includlnf OTI itudtfiN. Xwo4n-0n FUN 1 ' SB 1 A 2 mm Want Ail don't coat they payl