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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1949)
SATURDAY, SEPT. 24. 194V HERALD ANU NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACE THREI r WEATHER THM YKAR Tadale II H.I Ll .ar... II III Mwiiial...... . U M WKHTKHN OIIMION -- I'lumly Hll all.iniMMI anil Similar nwiliil'ia. In ill all.iiiiMH. lli.ll n (-.mat In.iIi il.y. Bft In Oil. nl liil.rlul liiUy Wl to 711 ni'ul TO lu IW ! Miulharit vllk a. HuiuIhv ll.ll 1" 1 .nil uiulll 7S lu art. Urn IniilS'il n In da. Niillliw."! In nmlll WIliO oft .Inn. III to lull. ait hmir. HAHiriiN iiMr.i.uN - r.nlv elouilv una afl.iii'.iii anil Hiiitda Migli Im.iii tl.a IS to . l ItHllelU M lu "sm.TitrriN c-Ai.iniHNiA rair ! it.V anil uniiav Willi paUliaa ul CiaMl.l log Unlay and UHilalil Interior linl.y bill w..mi.r In rilal action! ni.illi nl Hallnaa aunitay. N.iftli . olnila lu In HO mltoa an h"trKHHt HlVm VAI.I.gY '".."J aitM.fcy li.l.v llinmall Siintl.l' l"n i.-l.y at. L..W lulilalil W. I Hall SmiiiI.I 7 rlualiieas Trlp-OI'1 lllrntor Will ton I. I'urvine will leave in tlit? streamliner Mwidsy ulu-rnmiii f"r Portland fur conference Willi the regional veterans admltiMre lion nfllcr. Wednesday ! will be III Halelll for Hireling of III tl board of education. Harry Holvm. board member from Klain- Ih Full", will leave Tuesday to altrnd Uie letter meeting. Data ( lianied-Tha Townarnd elub meeting for next k hu been changed from Tuesday nliilil tn Monday. September M III the mmmunllt hll on Washburn way. Meeting time Is 1 p. m. All mem hri are urged to attend nd are reminded to now Hie change of dala. Hurt will be refreshments end carda. From Ubanon-VUHora here IhU have been Mr. Dull limn mid young daughter Molljr, and Mia. Keeies" niolrirr-lll-law. nil of Ubannn. They have been guenu of Mrs. Karl O. Cumnilngs. MI Wh Ington. Mm. Keevea will be remrm brrrd aJ Marrrt Cumnilngs of tins nty. Tliry returned norm I (Saturday mornlnl. Oprn llima-Calliollr DaUKlilrra rl Amrrlra will hold (li'lr auniwl oprn hoiiw Tui-day rvrnlnx. trmbr XI. t p m. at th KO hall. A program will b prrwnttd All mimliiri and frirndji are cordially lijvllrd to altrnd. At the eet "rarnlty Nlrht" will be obaervrd by the Tort Klamath frame at the trange hall ton m hi at I orlork. Oamra. a quia pro. (ram and olhr frolurea will be enjoyed and the public la Invited. Beerat Vtoltor VlalUnf recently at the bureau of reclamation here waa Lou Nations of Harramento. Natlnna waa formerly with the KlUD lulx.M ( ... Irr I a thej California city. I Mared Ted Oavu, mUalonarr with the Church of Jeaua Chrlal letter Day Balnu. hu been moved from Hillaide hnapital to Klamath Talley for further medical care. New Smart Slip MARIAN MARTIN To help you keep a smooth hlp llne under Uie new smooth skirts! Wonderful fit, youthful atyllng, large slsr-range. Best of all, It's easy TWO main pattern parts! Pattern 9324: 12, 14, Id, IS, 20: 30, 33, 34. 3D. 3S, 40, 42. Size 16. 1'a yds. 30-ln.; 3 '. yds. 4-ln. lace. This easy-to-use pattern Rives perfect fit. Complete, lllusiatl Sew Chart shows you every step. 8end TIYKNTY-HVK cenla In coliu for thla pattern to Klamath Falls Herald and News Pattern De partment, P. O. Box 6740. Chicago 60. III. Print plainly VOI R NAMK. ADDRKKN, ZONE, SI.E, ST VLB M'MIIKR. Just out our Marian Martin Fall and Winter Pattern Book I Smart, new cloUies to atw at home, nift Ideaa by Uie score. Send fifteen cents for this book Free Pattern la printed in the book a new wesklt to wear with your skirts and dresses! PXj!?r 9324 4 i Jzc?-r ij-20, jo- Hume l)r. and Mia. Juaeiili 1. Hiker and Or. and Mr a. 11 A. Leonard have returned from Cooa llr.y wnere Uie twu veterinarlaiia attended aeaaloiu of the Orrnon Biute Veterinary MrdUul atliool. Ur. Klkrr la lellrliig wifUiry. l'ne parly tuhrd for aaluion In Uie llonue ell route home. Klrat Meelliif All Olrl Htoill leailrra and co-lracler and board memliert are Invited to the f I r t nicrtlni ol the leailrra auociatlon on Turulay cvenlim at T.SO at Hit rliauibrr of Commerce. Mr. Clem Ilorlla will ieak on ceramlri and have a dlnpiay. Ilrat Meelllli-Hllaitn PTA will hold Ita flrat HTA lueelliiK Una year at 1 pin. WerllirMlny, Heplemlier M. Ill the school gym. A reception foi leaihera will be held. All In terealed parenu are Invited. A nur rry will be conducted for Uie children. Aboard Hhlp Heamall Jamea C. Lalliharl. UN, u aervlnf aboard the llllth aperd tralupurt UM3 Horace A. Haaa, which la partici pating In "Operation Mlkl." a Urge Kale ainphlbloua exerclae In the farlflr. He la Uie son of Mr. and Mrs. c. IL Lainhart ol Ounsmulr. Jadftw Mayor Robert A. Thorn p son, "llun" Larkm and Frank Rullane will serve aa Jurifea at the box social sponsored by loop lodge tonight In the IOOP hall. There will be Uirea awards. Proceeds go to the polio emergency fund. The party starts at 7:J0 p. m. C'ondlUon Maine Prlends of Stan ley Plener. manager o ( Buster Brown Hhoe store, will regret to learn his condition la unchanged and he remains critically 111 at Hillside hospital. He Is not per mitted visitors. Vacation Ouy Davis, building maintenance superintendent at Oregon Tech. la on va-stlon In the Wallowa country. He left last Thursday and la eipected back next week. Major Opera lien Hugh Cleek. tt W. Lowell, who underwent a major abdominal operation at Klamath Valley hospital on Wednesday of thla week, la recovering rapidly. Club Meeta The Happy Hour club will meet at Uie home of Mrs. T. II. Cofer, 1017 High. Tuea day, Beptemoer J7. Auditor Wanted GOP Only LANSING, Mich, Sept.' 34 (Pi The republican state central com mittee is going to make sure that no democrat gets a peek at OOP finances. The committee approved a pro posal that lu books be audited by the lowest bidder of three promi nent firms -provided that the resi dent msnger of tile low-bidding au diting firm Is a republican.'' Funds deposited before the 10th of each month will earn from the first. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS Mew Arthritis Remedy Not Plentiful Yet MiKTLAND, pt. if 4 llirltu uftriera trnut wait twu, I hi re ur prrhitM more yearn beor "nuLviUime K ' Uulennmed C'oril wnr 1 uvuilublc In qumitliy fur Uirlr relief. A ujn unlvenlty chemUt, Evereli HUnley Wallu, my Ut , ftiiwU Quantuir tre now vaiUble ' fur tvevrr cmach but Uie cumpound ' U ubUiimUJe only Ur priority U eAUbluhrU. WallU u one of the rrerdirr liu drveluprd Uie nutUiitc. The Mctujtl ynUjeti i wtu dune by une ol ... uludrnu in wurliine project Making a pro ' duct fur ue in uriiitl thuck. It Ulled Uiut tent, but u 1 dimiwiKully elfnctlve in umtltui I rliruiimtuld artiiritu a crippling 1 diMHrve of dtfrurd. deformed ! )oinu, fieuuenily painful. I Vtut tjuai.tltlrii uf Curtuune mill i be needed Lu treat an estimated 1 7.000.000 ufferem, he Mid. An wlli) ; liuulin fur diabetra, injectlotik muAft be continued ur Uie dlee ' rrKlim lu former hold. ! Hut when given ajid continued, i relief border on the mil atuiuiu, he kaid. One patient, bedridden fur 16 year, walked after 10 daya of treat ment. Unemployment Benefits Up WA8HINOTO!, Sept. 34 IJT) People out of work received 1170, ewouo a new high In unemploy ment benefits during August. The average weekly payment to beneficiaries In Hist month was y.vil. Uie highest such figure since Uie unemployment insurance pro gram went Into effect. It reflected boosts In benefit amounta by a number of alatee. Hubert C. Ooodaln. director of the labor department's bureau of employment security, said a down ward trend In new claims started lata In August but drd not bring about a reduction In benefits be caae of the ume lag between claims and start of payments. REfHT. TIME PORTLAND. Sept. 34 iPI Day light saving time will end In Oregon tomorrow. The last cttlea remaining on fast lime will set clocks back an hour, most following Portland's lead in changing the hands at 1:60 a. m. 1 Although there are hundreds of : thousands ot stars, only about 6000 ; are within range of the human eye. r-w. . .-r A0 S . . . m i -a nrt i UivAaJMUtU!. '''iliittUliiiii ' 'fWt DID YOU EVER SEE MONEY GROW? Plant a part of each pay check in a Savings Account at First Federal . . . you will be delighted with the in crease month by month . . . together with the generous dividend we add each De cember 31st and June 30th . . . start now to cultivate the thrift habit. " ' . -: r4 ' X A NEW PARISH HALL hot been o big project this summer ot St. Paul's Episcopal church, and the attractive structure is soon to be completed. The parish hall adjoins the church which is on the corner of Eighth and Jefferson. Woman Parked, Man Jailed CADILLAC, Mich.. Sept. 34 'JP-A woman friend parked outside the courthouse while his divorce e a s waa being heard proved embarrass ing for Morgan Clark, 30, of Man ton. Circuit Judge Howard L. Camp hell unterired him to seven aavs ! In the Wexford county Jail for perjury-Clark, testifying In the contested ' divorce suit, denied that anyone had ' ajtrnmnanleH him Ln the hearlnav But olllcers checked and found Uie acquaintance outside. Forest Grove Has $75,000 Fire FOREST OROVX. Sept. 34 ' A fire destroyed a part menu of 10 Pa cific University studenU and their families on the outskirts ot Forest Orove yesterday. The fumes also raced through four aparimenu still under con struction In the two-block-long, 23 unit moteL Owner Joe Vsndervelden said he valued the buildings at 114.000. Re said ha carried $30,000 Insurance. ....... t2 . 1 a I jv av - nri- yt LTI W V iiili I.' i.'- UeiK m J 1 l ' V a ea Public Works Fund Approved WASHINGTON. Sept. 24 otn The senate haa approved a 1100.000.000 program for planning public works projecu all over the coountry. I The MIL which haa been called Park View Nursing Home 906 Wast Main Street Medford, Oregon Phone 2938 Completely equipped Nursing Home for chronic and convalescents. Bed patients. specialty. Hot water heat throughout building. Licensed by the State of Oregon. 24 HOUR NURSING CARE Registered Nurse in Charge ipii iiw iaasrff!''V'w;w''''""'f 'H" yV tr'r.mjr m'.mmi. . i asiii Jamjiia n- ilnftlin i'ivi ii-iiiiMilammtimm iamiHI im'T -1 '' " "'" fnia mi- - ft' 'i illinlni- v' filmli ii ifinniM iiI'm inn'B ur iwr -v i .1 ai r mi iimimfli D luTANCE isn't the only which passes swiftly when you sit t the wheel of 1949 Cadillac. So does lime! You rest your hand on the beautiful steering wheel end press your toe ever so lightly against the obedient throttle , . . and you're off on a wonderful journey. Your ride is free and easy and rest ful. You just sit and relax and enjoy the scenery and the com panionship of those about you. Con. 'U r' an anU-depreasion measure" l n congress, waa passed yesterday by voice vote. It now goea to the house. It would make federal funds avail able to states and communities for advance punning of needed public works projecu. President Truman recommended such a program last July, aa a safeguard "if the busi ness downturn should become more serious." Caa the Want Ads for Quick ResulU! 'in ii ' T in ! aws iinamaiii i i "Where Sixty TWinutes Seem but Half an Hour ! thing versation is as easy as if ycu were sitting in your own drawing room for the car is so quiet you can hear the soft ticking of the electric dock. The labor of driving is almost non existent. The big" powerful motor moves you in and out of traffic as if by automatic propulsion. Steering is little more than a response to your wish. Brakes are light to the touch and velvety-smooth in action. You are as relaxed and care-free as the happy passengers around you. Klamath PTA Heads Attend State Meet Three Klamath county PTA of ficials atlended a meeting of the board of managers of Uie Oregon Congress of Parents and Teachers tn PorUand. September 15. Attending were Mrs. Ronald rsher, president of the county council. Mrs. Earl Sheridan, vice president of region 6. and Bam Smith, state PTA recreation chair man. Streas was placed on Infurmlni the public of Uie stale school biu law passed lant spring. The congress moved that the secretary of state's office be requested to Install per manent road signs so that people will know Uie law exists. Other objective proposed were pajwage of the referendum to In crease basic school support from ISO to S80 per census child, main tenance of salary levels for teach ers and continuation of scholar ship program. Freeze left-over coffee or tea Into cubes tor Iced coffee or tea. Fruit juices may be frozen to be added to fruit drinks. Stewed tomatoes may be varied by adding diceu sauteed eggplant u uku, spnnxie crisp buttered croutons over the top. MEET FRANK PADDED VANS MOVING IN OREGON, WASHING TON, CALIFORNIA, OR ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD! OK TRANSFER For you do little more than the thinking and the car does the rest. And then a familiar landmark looms in the distance. Can it be that you are there? You look at the clock and you look at the speedometer and, surely enough, the time and the distance have passed, and your journey is over. Better come in and tee for yourself that when you sit at the wheel of a Cadillac jiaTt minutes seem but half n hour! Lightning Kills Two Children DU BOIS, Pa . Sept. 34 (n A bolt of lightning crashed Into a group ot children playing In a grade school yard during the noon lunch recess. Two were killed and lour were stunned by the bolt. The victims were Jimmy Proas., 11. and John Hlllard. 11. Deputy Coroner T. I. Olllunf said the lightning went down the school chimney and then travelled out on the wet grass of the playground where the chlldjen were playlnc yesterday. Athena-Holdman Road To Be Improved PORTLAND One of the major contract awards In this week s record-setting stale highway commis sion bid opening Involves Improve ment of the Athena-Holdman sec ondary highway. On a tout bid of 1238.013. the eon tract went to Newport Construction company and Kern it Klbbee, Port rand. SOIlIGGIfH DRISCOLL . . . HOUSEHOLD GOODS Moving Expert.1 Frank hat been with OK nearly 30 years. He will estimate, pack your goods for moving or storage; in fact, take car of all your moving problems! Estimate gladly . . Phone 4 16S PUMICE TILE t.aharalerr laala erave Pamlea r,atfacla ara aaarlar In slrengUi and raalalanl la malalara. Tlmm Aluminum Windows Hold heal Waterproofing (iiild Meal Plaster Bund New Hire Pumice Work "sll"16" Klamath Pumice Tile Co. 'Permanent aa the Pyramids" "40AN ASSOCIATION 540 MAIN STREET' DICK B. MILLER CO. 7th & Klamath Phone 4103 n Phne 4l 'y-'r;.":.-'rKi.T:rrr'.'r,3ewiwwe I