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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1948)
THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1948 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON PACE THREH Former Klamaihites Tell Vivid Tale Of Flood Area In a IolUr la Mr. unci Mm. Jin k Ouittmi, 44JI lluiiriliiiull. Mm. O. It. Ilnri In recently wrote n mnplilu uc niunt of (luoil conillllniia In On' Vuniiorl in til. Mm. Hindu mill lii'i' hnnliiilitl uwn mid iipeiulu u mimll mui rry Mini) III Vuiiiiouver, lull I 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 y II vol III Kliiiniilll Kulln, where Hun In wnrknl lur Kwiiitiiu Hox ciiinimiiy. Tiny Were III Klnllllllll Kulln VIMtllljl till) (luatona when Ihn Vniiiorl illka broke unil Hid IIimhI wiw ut It worst. Kulluwlnu uir excerpt li dim Milt Hun In' liMiiilliy teller: "Wt ciime an I'uitluiiui by the wny yuu aincwnti'tl unci liiiinil the rnutl iiikkI unil nol much Unfile except tlio IiikI 60 ur III) inllca Iniin Ml. HikhI. Arrlvrd buck In I'ort lu i ul ill 7 p. in. mid liiiinil lint nnllie illy In it iniMllioiiiie nl excite ini'iil, 1'ullce unil ahcillt rum, Kill I.'iiim unil Hnlnilliui Aiiny trucka lull ttf brdtlluu, coin ttnd IihhI, "Kvery Intcritrrlloit hud five or nix pnllccinrn ur iinllnnnl ifunnla ill vrrllnu i urn on In alirctn Unil li'il nwny from the flontlnl. ilvera. I've never ween more people on the alrecUi itl a blu l(oe r"ctivnl piirntle. . . . Home with mm 111 tin miiu-um. anine villi ulnnkctn, aoino In luiuae allppera mid hull drewed. "Kvcry achool itnd chinch . . . crnwttrtl with iicople Inriltle mid nut. And thiouuh the ntrccta dump trucka . . . limilrd with mind lirndlnu lur Denver nve. "... Kverylhlnii wna under innrtliil tiw mid the cntn were inure reudy ui hiMt thnn to xiiir , . . II nil nn Idea we inlithl net throiiitli . . . over "llrldiie of the Cloria" , , . we tinted lo tuke the chiineo of lictthiK stranded up thrill. ", , , Wo learned thul u ainiill fly Inn outlll iiiIkIU In Inn us across In u aciiplmif. Wit rushed to their Inke uff duck on Hwiiii In ii l ill , , , The iippinnch In Ihn Islmid win flooded und we hud lo Icnvo the eur unil wulk a quiutcr of it mile across poll tool in, "The pilot mild lie would luke un but he wna nfruld to du It In Hie (lurk uccuuso of floutliui lill , , . (lol up ul b.M , , . Uol on Ilia pliiuo, he could only tuke three Hi it time . , . Wo liMjk off mi the river ovrr there ii ml liindml on whnl wiui the ulrporl here but In river now . , . nut In the more ul H:16 to find the phono rlhlf IliK liluilly. " "Do you Imve Buy oreud? Cmi I Inive a muk of flour, npudn, auwir, whnl me we koIiik lo eul? Will we nil alnivo here, Viincnuver In tilt off from the world, how Iiiiik run we hold out?' mid no on nil duy. . . . (Inn inulii mill telephone inblen wenl out with the illken nnd we emit ciMik, heul wuter or teliiihone lo I'orllund yet. People wenl crinty wllh punk: here yesterday Uuiie I). Kven iniide runn on the buukn to Krt their money no they could buy mid luy In fitod. "Wuter . . , on rond ... up lo tlrldite of the Clods . . . ifoue now no (Jin (Mr. Ilurrlni rode lo f'oiilund with niileniuun . . . not the cur nod drove buck the mime wny. . . . We never thouuht we'd ever hnve to drive OH mllen to come from I'orl lund when It'n renlly only iibout eluhl mllen. ThliiKn were xettlnit nilnier loduy, mid nil the breed truc-kn. produce nnd delivery trurkn nre comlnu from Portland . . . poor fellow lire working iiIkW mid duy lo do It, but we are being supplied encept with mcut. , . . I'orllund Hack IhK houna under wuter , . , locnl pluco where wu nl meul each duy cunt opernte until the una U turned buck on . . ". . . Wo nre roUIiik by with hot plnte und electric percolntor mid It's no hoi u colli nhower feela kwh) no we mo piclly lucky. It'n xurprlalnif that people will del to upncl uboul Utile IhliiKn when no muiiy have lost, ao much. ". . , Worth everything lo aee thin whole uren from the Hlr. There ire no Words lo describe II. To aee each fiimlllnr bulldliiK, ntreel nnd limine the wuy 11 la now la ao horrible. To aee tluino lull two-atory Vanport hounen unci iipurtmenla with only the chlmneya nliuwIiiK, thul I the very few Unit nre left, Ifundreda of them Junl dlmippciircd like klndlliiK. "Now Unit , . , river la dropplmi nlowly It'n kciIiik to tuke a lonii time j for Unit wnter loaccp nwny. Through I hoi weulher It 'a koIiiii to be a stlnk IllK luena , . . There la tlilk of KlvlliK everyone typhoid ahota. The flood Ilii-v hud here In IHU4 took 60 dnya for the wnter lo dlmippeiir. ". . . lIlKhwny crewa working . . . will be linked buck to Pnrtlnnd In nboul two weekn. Home Irnln aervlce will be rentored Hiindny, Clua la to be tinned nn by the week-end and telephone nervlce noon. "Anywny Ihln la aomethlng we nlmll never forget." IIKAT U'AVK IIITH MOKC'OW AGAIN MOHCOW. June 10 (A'i Mowrow'a hent wuvc conllnued Wediienduy. Tile weiillirrmnn mild yenterdny'a Vi di'Kreo heul wna the hliihent tem pei'ulurc hi the Hovtet cnpltul In '27 yeurn und predicted the mercury would climb to 03 dciireea before thin duy la over. i Mm Yttesarc( J '1 NU MADE m, MAYONNAISE Nn Maile it maile to ailil junl the riplit degree of dell cole luni;...uiailc an you'd muke inuyonnuine at lioma ...with rf;t, pure oil and vincgnr, aclectcd npicea. Thnt'a whr you can't liny a better mayonnaise than Nu Made Mayonnaiae...iiirnnfe(f frtsh. NU MADE TASTES HOMEMADE iaar SAFEWAY STORES I I nn . r , r.rr w aniarjv H0THIHC SAYS 'FOOR HOUSIKUFIK' OUICKCK THAN A SOUP, ST AWlt, OK STALL SMUtINC RtfRieiRATOX. fo AHt SUCH A RIWCTRATOR CAH ft HARMFUL! IT MAY SPOIL TOOT) THR0UCH M0LV OR SACTCRIAL CONTAMINATION! THAT'S WHY.., V.7 mm a millions or Housewives use cloroxin R0UTINC RlFRieeRATOR CLCAHINC. C10R0X RCMOVCS STAINS, VCODORUCS AND VISINFTCTS... UAVIS RITRIBIRATORS SPARKLINC-CUAN, mSH-SMULINC, SANITARY! SO, TOR PRIDC... TOR AMD HIALTH PROTICT0N..MSI CL0R0X RIOULARLY IN R0UTINC KITCHIN AND BATHROOM CLCANINC! .... .uuirr i rum 1LIAi i ... ,,i;lMM-r. ..i CL0R0X AimtcAis fousavives esuux rofmss W7M: 1 -,niiin ll Diretlioni I on label CENTUR Blaaihlng Action... Lengtr LIU for Llnonil There'! no gentler bleach than Clorox in laundering. For Clorox It free from touilic and other harih lubilancoi , . . made by an excluiive formula protected by U. S. patentl GREATER Disinfecting tfflcloncy . . . AdcUd Health Protactlonl Became Clorox It cauitlc-frat, It workt faitar In killing germt . . doat a better ob of disinfecting. Give your family the extra health protection of a Clorox-clean homel CLOROX IUACHES REMOVES STAINS DEODORIZES DISINFECTS There't only en CLOROX . . . It'l alwoyt uniform . . . alwayt deptndoblel 4lTT 1 '1 WFfl T-fl'IT fl llTTTf fTTfTTT mm Tailor-made to your order no ID WOT V SAVES YOU UP TO $50! I. ' -' r: "ay , A. Du-O-Bed Reg. 164.95 The bed-divan for the small living room. Easily made into a double bed or reclining lounge. Available in rose, tan, blue or green. 14.00 down B. Modern Divan Set Reg. 279.95 Upholstered in a patterned all-wool frieze. Famous double coil spring con- cfpurfinn. AvnilnKIn in rn.o lurnuniui grey and red. 23.00 down I A? J HARMONY HOUSE CONSTRUCTION FEATURES Famous Flex-o-Lator Insulation L. A. Young Lazy-Flex Coil Springs Approved One-Piece Suspended Base Opens to Double Bed Roomy Bedding Storage Compartment Positive Locking Hinge Expertly Tailored. Your Choice of Color and Covers Five-Year Construction Guarantee C. 2-Pco Diven Set Reg. 239.95 Covered in long wearing nynel velour. Piped arms to give massive appear ance. Available in wine, rose, green, alica blue and royal blue. D. 2-Pc. Divan Set Reg. 199.95 Covered in rich velour, Modern styled back, wine, rose, green and blue, 21.00 down . Rounded arms. . Available in II M U 17.00 down W i 11 ' 'mm i in n imiii i .wmiot r 1 kfaac&cm yuiZ4&en pent twney tc " ftf Blare Ilourtl 0:00 to 6:30 133 So. Sill Ph. MM ''A I