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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1948)
FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1948 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE THREE High School By WV'l MARY LOU I A case uiiasa Ilnct-nlniirrulti service lor the rndiintliiu chins u( ItitH will bo held III the hluh n-hiHil nuillliiiliim Hun liny nlulil, Miiy :io, nt 8 p. in. Kni'li year thin ni'ivli'i' In niwiiiturrd III ciiiipcriltliill Willi till- Kliiliiulh Fulls rhiiri-hrn. The Urv, HrlmiT JnriihM'ii ul the l'lmt Covi'iiunl church will pirnlile. llev. Iliiwiird I ItitililiiN ill the Klrol Christum church, Ili'V. iivln Tweet ill the Klninnlli Lutheran cliurcli, mill Hev. I". O. Wlnnrnbiirh iif HI. Paul Kpliuiipiil church will handle the Imix'iitlmi, iurlilui ri'iiilluii mul br indic t inn Ihr mriumiin, "What In ill) Willi l ife Today." will lw delivered hy Ihr Ucv. Vlclnr 1'hllllpe, piintnr nt thi! Methodist rhuriii. The hllili iichii"! iiniicntra will pluy the piiM-rtMoiuil unit ri'i'eii mmiul. illrn Icil liv Jnlm OCiiniinr. The Klrlii nice club will iiImi ptir llmlP. The puhllc In Invited to attend. . Junior member nt Hip llnnnr society wilt imhcr nt bttcnilttiiipnto urn-Ices. Tluie unhrrluK will bo llnyd CarMi'iiiuin, Oullyit K.lrhen- dnrf, Muruurrt llnrlrll. Hub thinker, llrlni JurkMin, lint barn I'rrklns. Ilnnald Itrdmnil. Kvrlyn rtnwlnnd, Mnruuret Wrdrl, Pnlny Wnrd mid Hlminn Wllllnmv At Ihr 1 itr. t iiirrlluu o( Hip yrnr. lhp members nf lle-ln-Cn, thr rntllu club, plrctnl l.i'llny l.udli.hl m tliclr president Inr iiphi yrtir. tithrr iit llicrs will ! Wallace t.rlrllty. Vice ptpfildrnl; Hlnnlry Htibrr. nrcrrtiiry; I Mi: k Lee, Irrusuirr mid llrrbrrl All lunn. BrrKratil-iil-nrliut. IfcHl Pnll Irllp In Hip rPllrlltK prcnlilrnt; Wll llnm Kink In nih iM-r. Itr -1 ii-Cn I Ihr rlub which covers thr Irchulrnl iildp ol radio mid Is roinplrtrly srp miilr Itom thp rtdli-!HTch drpnrl mrnt. Hrnliim were IMiltcriibty nbnrnt (tniti thp I'lnftAriMiiini Uxlny nil lhp juniors mid iiiutrri'litsjiincii started Ihrlr f Hint exams. T'rw'llre Inr bur rnlnurpiilp win ihr only Ihlm Ihry rrKirlrd tn school Inr. Fxntim are bring hrld In thr siinic wny Ihpy wprp lnnt scincver. nil thr tlrst period rxnnis Irom II 'JO to 10 tm Ftldny: second wrind exnm Irmn I to 3'30 Krldny altcrnoon mid Mi no Last rxnin will bp Wednesday afternoon. Farm Labor Need Gains A Midden reversal In the employ i t slluulliiii III the Klninnth I....I,, I,.... Iic.n iirfeett'll bv LltB lulu wenl lief I'hiiiiKu which threw in in wink Into lull awliui. With the IiiUi liood wrnthrr fiumer urn working nluht mid dny to ltd their crop III tirfnre tliii season Item lim Into and overy uvullnbln until In UclllK Used. i ..uuiiiu iiimi'itl liiim urn also ucl- tlnit miller wny mid n more Jubn open up thr number ol claim lur lllirlllpluyilienl compensation in droppliiK. Unly persons skilled In oilier linen mid thoMi unublo to handle lienvy oiildoor work nre mill slttliiK mound wnltliuc lor pinployiiinil. .Ii,,-k Allllelrr. IllllllllUPr Ol till fttlltO pinltviiH')it oilier hrr, mild ln dny. Thrrp In lt numbnr ol women mill uiieiuiloyed, ho mild. Colonel Biddlo Dies At Ago Of 73 HYOHHr.-r. N. V, Muy 2H (fl'i Col. Anthony J. Urnxel lllddlo, 7J, dletl Into ThuiMluy. Thr denth ol Diddle, noclnllte who luuuht innrlno rnrpx buyniirltliiii mid ju-jlUiti in World Wnr II. miiiiiiiiicrd by ii ton, UvIukkUiii Lud low Middle II. Illddtr wim tho fntlier uf Anthony ,1. Urexel llitldle, now u colour) with Hip U. H iK'cuptillnn tureen In Clrr iiiitny mid Iiiriurrly Aincrlcun mill Intrr to Norwuy mid mnbnioindor to I'olnnd. ITHIiiif The liilHurl l.flllfr rlnl4 br muil nl b V snivr Ihsti AIM wr4i. inwil hm tiiui l.niiir n 'ink mm; tin i I mn4 iimal b Im4 bv lh I rwrrvel NAMI. A Nil A II II II run ( I lha wfllvr. ranlrlliullam ImIImwIhi I Hit rl Mrirml wltni4. HIIKUK TO HI'KNI) IT KlnmnUi Kiill, Ore. 1T0 tho Editor) I hnvo Drloro nic tho let U'rn from Mm. Cleo. CiuiM-r, Mrn. Wuttrnburii, Mm. Iliinkn unkluii In. upiKirt ol the hull mill tor thr cem etery. I wrote Intern twice uxklnic lieople with loyrd one burled theru lo Uke noiiin net Ion hut no one pnlil any ntlentlon tn tliein. Ilie city uk tor tumU lor the cruictery twice, niiylnv they would tlx up Mnkvlllr mid whnl win left they would apply to Meinurliil purk. They didn't tin ruiytliliiK nt Link vllle hint IJrronilloii Day It liHikrU worno thiin ever. They nny In I hurnduv" pnper that they hnd nljout IMKKI left In the Llukvllle iinU Why wnim't It urd there? I voted lor the null mill but I mn wnnderliiK It It will be urd there. It'i iilmiil time the city niacin l do luimrtliliiK. It beloiiKi lo the city mid It will nlwnyn be there. Ho I hope they will une the money for whiit It wun voted tor. I mn a In x pnyer mid linve been lor MOUIITAIII F. O. EAGLES Prc-Convention Dance Sponsored by tho Drill Team Saturday, May 29th ARMORY Dnnrlni ( till 1 Fralurlnc Mnry Jo lUllrtl, Vocnllut PUBLIC INVITED Music by Morrison and McDonald Clniulllrd Ad llrluii Itenl Itemiltnl HOTELS OSBORN HOLLAND Kl t.KSK. OKK. AlKDKOilD Tharouiihly Modern mi t-t Hit. i. r. fun l,nirlltB (yes -its eoNoto ) fon Qw VlS-rTS A DIM6 60TTLC FOR ONLY To lluy. Brll or Trndr It pny lo rend llrinld mid Nrwn ClniLilflrd Act It pny.i lo Advrrtlur) I For I Give B Keep For Groduotion Gift h , Givi"9 Camera J Choot Iron our largo .election oil type 01 priccl. ; cr.-i THE FINEST SPARKLING WATER! A Timlin t tf Pn-0t Cofnpinr rmnrhunl fldldrr: I'tttMl-CoU HnlUinf Compny or Kitmmn rm taking TOP HONORS on the I'm day l A SUIT from Drew's On Hint prnud orensluu, ytnir ynuiic mnn denrrvei the bent . , mill our rlntlirn lit exnrlly Into tlmt clnnnlllrnllon. ' OUR COMPLETE STOCKS INCLUDE NAILHEADS PLAIDS CHALK STRIPES HERRINGBONES GABARDINES from 39.50 733 Main Street Prion. 3463 about 20 year. Mnybe other peoplo will wntch to nee Junt what will be done. Thone burled there are the one who mnde Klnmnth Fnlln mid where weedn will grow, rn will grow. rXtt mnke It plrnxiint place for thou who llerp there. Martha Barron. Hangar Dance Set For Saturday A biff time U promised by flight nervier o pern tori at the hangar dance Saturday night. Thin dance aponaored by Klamath airport flight aervlce operator la torn where I sit Joe Marsh -(Qi being held In conjunction with the big Klnmnth Prog reus Daya two-day air show thla week-end. Plight operatora are offering free airplane rldea over the city aa special awardi to be presented during the dance. No fewer than 53 different Items have been found In the atomnchi of crows. To Buy, Bell or Trade, it pay to read Herald and Newt Classified Ad It pay to Advertise I It's Leap Year, Girls! First girl In our towa to "get her man" on Leap Year waa the Cup per' daughter, Jane, who wed Bill Webster' boy last Saturday. When I asked Bill Jr. If it wss true that Janey really did the pro posing, Bill said: No, but she made it plain she'd make an ideal wife. Instead of looking for diversion or excitement avery evening, she waa content to chat beside the fire. "I could plainly see." aay Bill, "that we'd really hers a happy home life which I just exactly what I want froai marriage." I know it' usual for older folks to shake their heads over the younger generation. ( It' gone on for hun dreds of years, now.) But from where I sit, young people of marrying age today are every bit a commendable as their elders were in their temperance (a glass of beer for instance), tol erance, and common sense. So to Jan and Bill the beat of luck! Copyright, 1948, United Stattt Brewers Foundation Memorial Day A SUNDAY NITE May 30th MERRILL BALDY'S BAND "JtST GOOD pA.N'CE MUSIC" II PER PERSON DANCING to 1 mm t i i ' t J. 5 .--v.-J ' I. m la1 t 9 radio phonograph Regular Price 99.95 Radio Phonograph Regular 114.95 99'5 A modern table model In smart mahogany finish. 6x9 In. otbJ dynamic apeaker.' Automatic changer play 10 and 12-lnch record Inter mixed. 10.00 down, 8.00 per month (.00 down, 5.00 per month '0 Again Silvertone end Sear bring you good quality priced way down! Big handsome combination radio and phonograph with live tubes, two of which are dual purpose for seven-tube performance. Six-inch dy namic speaker gives rich tones. Automatic arm, single record player. See this! Smart Clock Radio Awaken to Music Reg. 31.95 It's a radio, alarm clock, and mantel clock, all tn one! Sets to play automatically. Ghost diet. Brown plastic, gold trim. 3.50 down, 5.00 per month k -v . itr--rt?Wl ? eft Y I 1 PS v. - - i 1 . : 1 1 3i. Smart Modern Design Table Silvertone Reg. 49.95 Blond Mahogany Finish ' 4.00 down, 5.00 per month When you get Silvertone you get quality and perform once far above the thrifty prices. Here again Is top-flight value a strikingly handsome modern radio that gives sweet, mellow tones from its 5 -in. dynamic speaker. Ghost dial visible only when operating. Rich Silvertone Table Model Radio Reg. 36.95 195 Easy Term 3.00 down, 5.00 per month Look to Silvertone for splendid quality at prices to save you real moneyl Handsome table model radio in a rich walnut veneer cabinet gives crystal-clear per formance. A tubes plus rectifier and 5V4-in. dynamic speaker for depth and clarity. Built-in antenna. Beautiful Silvertone Console Radio Value Reg. 99.95 "57095 Low-Boy Cabinet tSS 8.00 down, 7.00 per month handsome console with the kind of quality and beauty that make for a grand buy! Rich low-boy style cabinet of selected walnut veneers. 8-in. dynamic speaker gives you thrilling clarity. Broadcast and shortwave bands. Built-in "Radionet" antenna. Easily read dial. BUY ANYTHING TOTALING $10 OR MORE ON SEARS EASY PAYMENT PLAN! Ttinf ST0RE hours 9 T 5:30 .mill 133 SO. 8th Phone 5188