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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1948)
HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MARKETS and FINANCIAL Farm Bureau Head Blasts GRAINS STAGE BRISK RALLY CHICAGO, May 26 (flV-A brisk rally which started In wheat spread to other grains on the board of trade today. Buying ot wheat was based on news that the government was re-entering the export Hour market. Wheat closed higher, July $2.34V-$3.35. corn was J to S higher, July IS.lS'i-MM, oats were U to 3 cents higher, July 93W. and soybeans were 6 to o'.s cents nniucr, Wheat Open High Low July 3 33-'i 2354 2M Sept. "I!1. 2 33'. 3 33 5L 13V. a.34-4 t 2.41 rf.Ol May Close 2.3 V -335 2.33 2.33 V 2.33 ' Auto Stocks Hit Highs NEW YORK, May 26 irTV-Several leading automobile stocks pushed through their previous highs for the yr In today's market. Share prices achieved their first average advance of the week under the impetus of the demand for motors, steels, aircraft, farm im plements and other selected Indus trials and rails moved ahead. Closing quotations were around the day's best, ranging from frac- tlons to around two points higher. The influx ot new buying orders, which came after one of the quiet est first hours of the past two weeks, lifted total transactions to around 1,700,000 shares. General Motors, Hudson and Btudebaker hit new 1948 highs. Chrysler and Packard also registered gains. Holding higher levels elsewhere were U. 6. Steel, DuPont, General Electric (at a new high for the year), Douglas Aircraft, Boeing, Westing house Electric, Miami Copper and Western Union. Divided actions pushed Best Foods, American Ma chine etc Metals and United Mer chants and Manufacturers to new tops. Al Chem & Dye American Can Am Pow fe Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Atchison Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane - Calif Packing Canadian Pacific . Case J I Chrysler Comwlth fc Sou - Consol Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zellerback . Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft . Du Pont De Nem . General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodyear Tire Ot Northern Pfd . Int Harvester Int Paper Pfd Johns Manvllle Kennecott Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvmator Nat Dairy N T Central North Am Co Northern Pacific Pac Gas Sc Elec Pac Tel & Tel Pan American Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonier Rayonier Pfd Reynolds Metals Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific . Standard Brands . Standard Oil Cal . Btudebaker Corp Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft U 8 Steel Warner Bros Pic Westing Elec Woolworth .197 87H .. 10 i -.157 i 40" .113Ki 37 - 364 25H 36H 18 61 634 - 3i - 23-i 10-i 344 - 84 - 614 .1834 . 424 . 404 - 634 - 454 474 96 - 63 41 - 584 27 644 - 194 304 17 164 254 354 964 104 484 124 -. 334 344 28 284 204 - 404 264 - ROi -. 274 . 284 324 .187 174 - 304 - 794 - 134 .. 314 ... 474 POTATOES CHICAGO, May 26 UP) (USDA) Potatoes: Total U. S. shipments 1079: arrivals 129; on track 220; supplies moderate: demand fair for California, market slightly weaker; lor Alabama demand good, market stronger; Alabama Bliss Triumphs 4.20-75; California long whites $4.80-15.00; Mississippi Bliss Tri umphs 14.00, old stock; Maine Katahdlns $3.75; Minnesota-North Dakota Red River valley Cobblers $3.20. As late as the 1890s, persons who affected long fingernails were U ought to use them as a shield against doing any work. Mortgage Loans Basinets Property Borne Apartments Stock Ranches Long term, low Interest rate. Prompt Service. Prepayment privileges. No' brokerage. Monthly payments, Including principal and interest, as low as $6.06 per thousand. Howard Barnhisel AitkerlseS Broker for rradentlal Insurance Ce. II 1. Bth Pbene 41M LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. May 26 lAP-USDAI Salable cattle 200, calves; steers steady, odd head medium-good under 1000 lb. steers 28 00 30.00; good heifers salable 27.00: common down to 21.00: most she stock strong: good cows quoted 23.50-24.50; load common 1020 lb. range cows 21.50; colored North Coast cutter - common cows 18.00 20.00; canners largely 15.00-17.00; common sausage bulls 23.00-23.00; calves steady; 4 load good-choice 355 lb. Northern California vealers 30.00; sorted 6 at 27.50; common medium 23.00-26.00. Salable hogs 200; around 75 cents higher; load 199 lb. good-choice Idahos 25.75; most 180-240 lbs. good choice 35.50; odd good sows 17.00: steady. Salable sheep 300: spring lambs good-choice largely 35.00-50: sorted top choice higher; few good spring lambs 34.00-50; good fat wooled ewes 13.50 down. CHICAGO, May 36 (AP-USDA) Salable hogs 10.000, total 12.000; early trade 50-75 higher on weights around 330 lb. down but these closed with most advance lost; weights 340 lb. up and sows steady to 50 higher; bulk good and choice 170-230 lb. 24.75-25.75 ; 250-260 lb. 23.75-24.75; 270-390 lb. 2235-23.75; 300-350 lb. 21.25 - 22.25: around 375 - 425 lb. butchers 20J5-21.00; most good 350- 600 lb. sows 1735-19.25. Salable cattle 6000. total 6000; sal able calves 600, total 600: yearlings and light steers weighing under 1100 lb. including yearling heifers strong to 50 higher; medium weight and weighty steers averaging 1200 lb. upward steady to strong: slow on kinds weighing over 1400 lb.: top 35.50; most good and choice steers and yearlings 32.50-35.00; compar able hellers 31.50-34.00, with choice 1050 lb. heifers 3435. new recent high; cows 25-50 higher; bulk beef cows 20.50-25.00; good cows to 27.00; canners and cutters 15.50-20.00; bulls steady to strong: weighty sausage offerings to 25.50; vealers steady at 31.00 down; stock cattle scarce. Salable sheep 1000. total 2000: slaughter lambs slow; medium and good old-crop fed wooled and shorn lambs 50 or more lower than Mon day; no good and choice fed lambs offered; slaughter ewes scarce, about steady; load medium and good around 102-lb. wooled lambs 25.00; deck lighter weights to shearer buy er SEMA price: few medium and good shorn lambs around 24.50 with deck or so held higher; part-deck good and choice native spring lambs held above 30.00: few small lots good and choice shorn slaughter ewes 12.50. PORTLAND. Ore, May 26 (AP- USDA) Salable and total vattle 300, calves 100: part of supply cows and calves from nearby flooded islands; these offered as stackers: market fairly active on slaughter cattle, mostly stead yto strong with canher-cutter cows around 50 cents higher; few good fed steers 30.00 31.00; common-medium steers 23.00- 27.00; including load good 814 lb. feeders at 2635; ; common-medium heifers 22.00-26.00; canner-cutter cows largely 16.50-18.50; common cows 19.00-21.50; including fat dairy type cows up to 20.00; medium beef cows up to 22.50; odd good beef bulls up to 28.00; common-medium sausage bulls 21.00-24.50; vealers weak; good grades mostly 27.00 28.00; few choice 30.00; common grades mostly 19.00-25.00. Salable and total hogs 150; mar ket fairly active on strictly good choice ppoular weight iogs; heavy weights medium-good grades and sows under pressure; good-choice 180-330 lbs. 25.00 to mostly 25.50; 245-300 lbs. 23.00-50; odd 155-165 lbs, 23.50; good 420-530 lb. sows mostly 17.50; lighter weights up to 18.00 and above; feeder pigs lacking, good-choice under 100 lb. weights quoted up to 27.50. Salable and total sheep 50; mar ket steady on limited supply; few good-choice 85 lb. spring lambs 26.00; good 116 wooled lambs 23.00; odd good ewes 10.00; common down to 7.00. The North Portland livestock market will be closed Monday, May 31, Memorial Day. USBR Posts WASHINGTON, May S6 (TV The head of the California farm bureau federation accused the reclamation bureau Tuesday of "dawdling" on Ita construction Job In the California Central valley. At the same time, he said, the bureau Is wasting the taxpayers' money on publicity, propaganda and other extra-curricular activities "de signed primarily to establish a socialised agriculture." Ray B. Wiser, the federation's president, made the statement In testimony before house sub-com-mlttee on publicity and propaganda, headed by Rep. Harness iR-lnd.) Propaganda He said the bureau has five dis trict offices and 11 "satellite of fices" in California, the primary purpose of which "can be no other Ulan to serve as nuclei for publicity and propaganda purposes." "What little work Is done In con nection with the actual construction activities In the Klamath Falls. Central valley and Coaehella valley projects could, for the most part, be performed from central headquart ers with exceptional savings In per sonnel and expense." he said. He said he is Informed the bureau now has 2500 employes in region 2, with headquarters at Sacramento, with a payroll in excess of $7,500, 000 a year; this despite the fact that the bulk of the construction worK Is performed under contract with private organisations whose em ployes are not on the federal payroll. Some three billion tons of land material are dumped into the world's oceans every year by rivers, winds and other agencies. SI , Ml Bill INI I.HUp.UHHIUIUI $V.-., .., , TMygt. -riTt1 The custom of presenting gloves to funerU pallbearers Is a survival of an ancient use of gloves as a symbol of high position. Wanted Young Man Desirinr busfnesi experience and training In retail merchandliinir. Opportunity for advancement Hirh school education required. Earnings to start approximately $240.00 per month. Apply Standard Stations. Inc. 6th and Klamath BRIAN Born at Klamath Vallrr hos pital. Klamath Falli, Ore.. Hay 2J. 1948 to Mr. and Mrs. Lwoa Brian, 715 Jef ferson. Klamath Fall, a girL Weiht: 7 pounds 4 ounces. HEKHIXGSHAW Born at Klamath Valley hooptLal, Klamath FalU. Or., May 23. 1SM8 to Mr. and Mrs- Arthur Herrin&haw. Box 93. Maltn. Or., a gui. Weight: 8 pounds 7. ounce. REIGHTM1EK Born at Klamath Val ley hospital. Klamath Falls. Ore.. May 23. 19-ta to Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Reifht mier. Route 2. Box 371, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 8 ounces. YON Born at Klamath Valley hos pital. Klamath Falls, Ore., May 24. lEttd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Yon. Lent. Ore., a tirt. Weight: 7 pounds 6"-4 ounces. DOUGLAS Born at Klamath Valley hospital. Klamath Falls. Ore. May 24. IMS, to Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas. Tulelake. Calif a boy. Weight: S pounds 6 ounces. BAKER Bom at Klamath Valley hos pital. Klamath Falls. Ore.. May 24. 1048. to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baker, Klamath Falls, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds 1V ounces. WILLIAMS Born at Klamath Valley honpiUl. Klamath Falls. Ore., May 24. 1948. to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Williams. Lindley Heights, a boy. Weight: 7 pounds IS ounces. FUNERAL CHARLES FREMONT BECK Funeral service for the late Charles Fremont Beck, who passed away in this city on Monday. May 24. will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral home. 923 High, on Thursday. May 27, J&48. at a p m.. the Rev. Victor Phillips of the First Methodist church officiating. Commitment service and interment In Linkville cemetery. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend. CLASSIFIED RATES One day 3-day run . 2-day run . 4- da v run Week run Month run per word 4c per word 11c per word 8c per word 13c per word 13c .uer word oc Ads received by 1 p. m. will appear same as iwx "K-t Teuton" rnllimn New Today I hove told my Service Station ot 3249 South 6th, and wish to thank all my customers for their past patronage. (lay, MoUi FOR SALE 4 rooms and bath, near Altamont Drive. On l acre of good land. Newly papered- Concrete floored garage, wood shed, fruitroom with large finished room overhead; cow barn, chicken house, nice lawn, trees, shrubbery, strawberry patch.. S5300. 5 acre excellent land on Summers Lane. Fine old shade trees. Irrigated. 8030. 3-bed room modern home, plastered downstairs, papered upstairs; chicken house and yard. Good buy at 84730. 1 acre In Lakeshore Gardens, drained, free irrigation. Excellent soil for truck gardening. Less frost than elsewhere. 11000. See Verne McCIellan. with EDDIE RICHARDSON Real Estate Broker 22 Main Office phone 8241 (Evenings call 4259 1 CHROME breakfast set for sale, maple bedroom set. 2260 Garden. Phone 4209. WANTEryhambermald HarT Hotel. FARMERS? Solve your weed problems with a Sherwin-Williams tractor boom pray attachment, using Sherwln W ill Urns WEED-NO-MORE PEOPLESWAREHOIJSri MILLS ADDITION Furnished 1 -bedroom modern home, close to school and bus. Price $3500. Terms. ' DALE HOWES, REALTORS 311 East Main Phone 7260 or 0045 "Buy Now" FOR QUICK SALE By Owner Ideal 20-ft. by 67 ft. pumice tile com mercial building with 5-room modern home In rear. Good location. Building can be adapted to any use. Lot size 30 ft. by 200 ft. Will sacrifice! Phone 71 64. F6RS"ALE, 3-room furnished house on large lot with fruit and shade trees. Immediate possession. 83000. Small down payment. Call 4382. AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 7:30 P.M. H Ac H AUCTION MART iWocuii One dining room set. Electric stoves. Washing machines. Six hardwood chairs. Two chrome upholstered chairs. Many other arlidm for sale. BRING YOUR ITEMS FOR SALE Col. Fred Howard. Auctioneer Phone 0410 POrTSALE, 4 h,p. garden cultivator, practically new mbbes) S83.00 4427 Denver. Phone WHW. ' WANTED BARBER WITH GOOD REFERENCES FURNISHED SHOP On Monthly Rental Basts MALIN HOTEL BARBER SHOP Phone 177 Mslin FREE "TUITION "offered to two 'students In exchange for service. KLAMATH BEAUTY SCHOOL Phone 7446 133 N. Broad FOR SALE, 1941 Bulck special sedan, 1047 molor, radio, heater, new tires, S14O0. See at Klamath Falls Auto Court. KLfilTlPTH .SHOP New Today WELDERS! tie! rid of thai obsolete welding equipment. Trade It In m a new "A1HCO welding outfit. Liberal trad In PEOPLES WAREHOUSE "Alrvo" Dealer FOR "RAU?rbed daveno. WO. " Inquire IS 10 t.ettle, afternoons. ELEVATOR operator wanted-' Apply in perwon, Wlllard Hotel. WANT TO RENT Veteran and expectant mother urgently need furnished or unfurnished house inunettlatrly. Mint move front apartment on account of bahy. Phone 3AM. FOR SALE, gentle saddle horse. Shet land ponv to trade lor good milk cow. Phone V3H, 6ARDKN PLOWING with Rototlller. Prompt service. Call at 3421 Avalon, OR 8AI.K. extra Urge level lot. corner Eldorado, Van Ness. Phone 4tW. FOR SALE, tiaveno and a rhmrs, xl rug. bird's-eye maple dieser and dressing table, dining room table, full site bed springs and niattr. and mattress, round txvitstonal tble, small rooking chair. Phone I-OM3. 3.L.13 Harrow. FOR SALE, l-rivm" house, partly fur nished; outbuildings; t 10 acre. Phone 2-041A. WANTKlVwoman for work mornings. Hell Hotel. fOR SALE. 1948 Jeep and extras. Price S1300, terms. Inquire Dow Keaey, paint shop, at Lombard Motors. FOR SALE, hrand new home at StUOO: 4 large rooms. Urge bath, service porch, hardwood floors, automatic oil furnace. Located on paved stiret and sewer. In desirable neluhborhood. S2O00 down, balance terms. Phone 7073. REXAlR home cleaner for sale. Ex cellent condition. Call afternoons. Phone 8733. 4042 Delaware. FOR SALE by owner, a-bedroom home, strtctlv modern. xi acre, fruit trees, nice lawn with sprinkler system. H500. Phone 8!i70.29l3 Altamont Drive. FURNISHED: 2-bedroom, not modem home on Summers Lane, i acre, out buildings. 3000. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: Brand new. pumice tile 2-bedroom home on large lot. W730. HOMED ALE: 4-bedroom. large niodrrn home on corner lot. 73O0. Good terms. WINTERS On excellent acre and a very well built 2-bedroom home. 730U. Terms. CARL WU.DERMI TH. with JOHN C. ARUETSINliEK. REALTOR 101 Main St. 'tone 3393 Evenings 8046 or 92X9 BULL "SERVICE by registered Guernsey, or will bring bull to your place on request. Phone 3940. WANTED, car hop. must be over 18. Walker s Drive-in. S. lh and Martin. FOR SALE. B ft." refrigerator with conservadore. In excellent condition, $123. 827 Eldorado. . FOR "RENT, small furnished or unfur nished cottage. Adult only. 4362 S. 6th. LEST WE FORGET Order your cut flowers now for Memorial Day. Avail able May 29. Gladiolus, daisies, sweet 4-ROOM modern house for sale. $1000 down balance like rent. 22.18 Dixon. NEW MODEL APEX WASHER, f 1W 93, complete with pump. Terms. LUCAS FL'RNITUKE. 193 E. Main. LODGE AND RESORT In Rogue National Forest. Fisherman s headquarters. Has cabins, store, station, lodge and garage, tucked among tower ing trees, on year-around highway and numerous streams and lakes nearby. Had 3000 guests last year; grosses $40,000, For sale at 860.000. Carries automatic lifetime lease. EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. Bth Phone 8491 New Tud&j SALESWOMAN This vicinity, one woman with car. Earnings good. Weekly drawing account if you qualify. Home demonstrations, health method Stainless Steel Waterless heavy duty cooking utensils. Write Box lr care Herald-News. VACANCY at Hamel Apartments. fORSALE. upright piano. Phone 5B37. 10-DAY special for Fathers Day: Metal Bronze baby shoes on solid metal or Pedrara onyx base, by reliable Bronre craft firm. Bookends 86 93. ash tray 83.93, desk seta $6 93, paperweights, Elcture frames, wall brackets, etc. ifetim guarantee. Call 3H37. STORE In a bonded warehouse ... In Klamath its PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. FOR SALE. Fordson tractor and plows. In excellent condition. Phone 2-0039. DESPERATELY needed, 2-bedroom house to rent by June 7th. References fur nished. Call 4o23 after 4 pm. WANTED, mechanic. See Bob Ross, 2001 Oregon Ave., Buena Vista Garage. FOR SALE, electric lawnmower. Phone I 7294. S SACKSTcleanecTantrtreated. Hann- chen barley for seed. t. . KiipairicK, Merrill. Ore. FOR SALE, cream enamel wood range. complete with cons ana water iana, 830. Phone 6149. 1434 Johnson. 194 iT?HE V ROLET DUMP TRUCK, also a flatbed with tms inr saie or wi take over payments. Phone 3379. 1947 CHEVROLET pickup, like new; 2O00 miles, 4-speeo. spare, raaio, six ply, license: your terms. School Prin cipal, Newell. Calif. JFLOOR SANDING and reflnishlng. cleaning and waxing. Lloyd F. Pepple, nhnne 4H30. SEE the new 1948 Crosley Shelvdor refrigerator. ana iu cu. i. irrms. LUCAS FURNITURE. It3 E. Main FOR SALE. 60 sacks certified Blue Tag Gem seed. Call 46, Bruce uaaaia Farm. 1200 LEGHORN" putletar 3 weeks old. 30c each. They will move fast at this price, so hurry. OREGON STATE HATCHERY 2720 S. 6th Phona 8003 WANTED, salesman with experience In truck distribution of specialty foods. High sslary Job. Write Box ln. care Herald-News, giving full particulars, experience, age. references, etc. Storage packing shipping peoples warehouse U ACHE FARM, close In, on Merrill highway, all In pasture and alfalfa. KquipiHMt for Urade A dairy. Full pile UX30O, EVEItKIT DENNIS. REALTOR Salesman, At Long in ire 121 N Bth Phone 8491 LARGE stock of hahy high chair LUCAS FURNITURE, 193 E. Main. SALESMAN This vicinity, one man with ear. Earn ing" good. Weekly drawing account If you qualify. Home demonst rat Ions, health method Stainless Steel Waterless hrnvy duty cooking utensils. Write Box li4i, care Hemld-News, WANTED 111 gauge 'double-barreled hanuiierleu snotsun. Wrlle Uleim Reich. Ilox BUU, Klamath Falls. FOR SALE or trade, llendlx outboard motor, SM or trade for eo nib I nation wood-electric range. Phone 9400. WANTED- " - Pine Grader ll'erllfledi Top waites for top man. None other need apply. Permanent work, 13-month operation. PHOENIX LUMBER MFG. CO. PHOENIX. ORE Phone Medford 8633 MOVING - - l ocal and long distance. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE SEWING MACHINE for sale. 'While Rotary electric, 890 cash. 1218 Owens after 6 p.m. FOR SALE. Singer sewing machine;' out board motors. Ice boxes, variety used radios HUDY'S FURNITURE EX CHANGE, am S 6lh. FOR SALE. LIS ft. all" spruce wood boat, 3-passenger. and 3 h p. out toard motor. Priced for quick, sale, 821HV Inquire 4310 Shasta Way after 6 p m. Phone 2-0032. WANTED tn rent. 3 or 4-room furnished or unfurnished house. Write P.O. Box FOR SALE, "i-bedroom" home with full basement, furnace, utility travs, break fast nook, nice yard. 83000, $1300 down 910 Hanks St. FOR RENT. ' electric concrete mixers. Jack hammers. We sell sand, rock and cement. MATERIAL SUPPLY CO., 336 Broad. FOR SALE" 3oOsarW Canadian Blue Tag seed potatoes. R. S. Adams Jr., phone lit. Merrill. FOR SALE, solid oak caned " buffet dining table and 8 chairs. In excellent condition: walnut bed; bed springs; 8 spring mattresses: 7 ft. davenport with slip covers: Utile top electric range; bvm' blrvcle. In excellent condition. Phone 3817. FOR SALE. Rlvcrvlew Addition. 3-bed-room house, incomplete. Bulana equipped, with furniture, Good loca tion for Weyerhaeuser employe. 83300. Phone 3-01KO after 12 p m. WASTED, young lady as assistant and model by photographer. Wrlle Box trWt. care Herald-News. FRESH CUT FLOWERS" Gladiolus', daisies, sweet peas. Order now for Memorial Dav, May 30. Available Saturday. May 39. KLAMATH VARIETY STORE FOR " SALE. New J -bed room house. Garage. GI or FHA terms. 1303 Cali fornia HOr"N-BHEWSTER poultry and dairy feeds. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WANTED marker and checker. Re liable Cleaners. MALE or female, full or part time. Klamath Falls and vicinity 91 00 to 8.T 00 per hour. Write Real Silk Hosiery Mills. PO. Box 1312. Medford. Ore. WANTED, students, ages It to 3D. who are dissatisfied with their school marks, at the Oregon Equipment Co . 127 South Bth. they will see the Royal Portable typewriter and Smith Corona Dpewriter which helps make school work quicker, easier and cuts down margin of error. BEDDING PLANTS Perennials ' and annuals. Tomato and pepper plants. Nursery stock, evergreens, flowering shrubs and shade trees. Klamath Flower Shop Greenhouse. 3614 S Bth. CSED RECORDS for sale Southern Oregon Music Co.. 1330 Klamath Ave. FOR SALE. Urge 3-room modern h use on S acre, furnished or unfurnished. New furniture. All electrical appli ances. Good buy. 3440 Cottage. Phone 794H WOULD Hke to rent r 2-bedroom partially furnished house or apartment. Contact Mr. Bell. Mgr Singer Sewing Machine Co Phone 8402. GOING to San Francisco, can Uke 3 passengers. Phone 8349. FOR RENT. 3-bedroom home on Cottage Ave. See at 3104 Cottage. 1 Mooting Notices WANTED Man to assist In parts department of local auto dealer. Experience deslrnhle but will consider Intelligent, ambitious young man, willing to learn, State age, education and present employment, to P.O. Box 732, Klamath Falls. Ore. Wanted to lease Large house 3 or more bedroom), or rooming house, close In, north of Main. Consider purchase later If sulUble. Phone 4963. 3 ROOMS, bathTTasement. good founda tion, in city. Full price 82650, with furniture. ALSO ATTRACTIVE 4 rooms and bath on California Ave., only 83730. See Al Longmlre. Salesman with EVERETT DENNIS, REALTOR 121 N. Bth Phone 84fll FOR SALE, large unfinished cabin at Lake o' Woods. Call at 120 Washington or phone 3790. ATTENTION. PARENTS: Many high school students have seen our smart little radios and wished they had one. Why not surprise them with one for graduation? Many colors to choose from, for only 814.30. See them at Walker Oil Co, 140 East Maln " ATTENTION " SHERIFF'S POSSE A fancy horse, beautiful high stepper for parading, Will sell fancy bridle, martingale and saddle with horse for 8273. 6 years old. Must see this animal to appreciate It. May see this horse any day Including Sunday. FOR SALE Pinto Welch pony, $179. Also 4-year-old Morgan. 8130. A perfect ladles horse, 800 lbs., very gentle, nicely reined, 175' See at the OREGON TRADING POST MERRILL Phone 4001 from 0 a.m. till 6 p.m. After p.m., 0803. rOITRKNT, large upstairs hnl!, suitable for meetings, shop or storage. Corner Main and Payne, Vacant about June lit. Phone 3402. FORlBALE, tm Stiidebnker. State Com mander, excellent condition. Phona 5427. 1019 Jefferson St. sfdSnHAl-E. a-hedroom modern home, $2300 cash or 82fioo terms. 3146 Mary- 1nrf Phnn 3-0171. FOR SALE, milking Shorthorns; "heifers. Rt. 2, Box 444, norm oi mmrui-um He view Junction. fJtGN SPACE onhlghwV M available. Write Box !7, care Herald-News. "KOVINO STORAGE CRATING PEOPLES WAREHOUSE FlOWER SHOP 4JOMAIN tmn M7ltrS44 ' frsVS05c CALVARY COMMAND ERY No. 16. K. T., will hold IU regular meet ing Wednesday, May 26, at 7 30 pm All Sir Knlghta Invited. KLAMATH FALLS AERIE NO. 2O90 Regular meeting every Tuesday night 7:43 p. m . F O. B. .Oflattr' Visiting members cordially invneo t LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY and ji iniiiaiinn vwij I f I Thursday. w r HOOPER. CSX ' 1010 Pine secretary 2 Lost ond Found LoSfln"Mrore Park." April 188, girl's Elgin gold wrist watch, gold band. Please call 4390. LOST, last Saturday oh Main St., a rhlnestone necklace. Finder please call 8724. General Notices SPECIAL NOTICE This Is to announce the openings of trailer sales lot at Altamont Trailer Park. New and used trailers. 8493 to 31843. KLAMATH TRAILER MART (Ashland Branch) STANLEY-Home Products "phona has been changed from 9363 to oooo. WAS Two' Sisters Inn. now 97 Supper Club. Dial (same number) 9000 jxnXLri-rD-u-ijivii' !----- si' Personals PRACTICAL NURSING EASY TO LEARN AT HOME Prepare now for this Interesting, well paid work. Nurses are needed many earn while learning. Spare time training plan welcomed hy doctors. High school not necessary. Information FREE. Write today. Wayne School of Practical Nurs ing, Box ino, co Herald St News. GOOD 'PAY "Jobs offered" trained auto body fender men In dally "want ads." Put In a few hours weekly learning welding, painting, meUI work, etc. Chance for high wages or your own business. Veterans and civilians. Write for free Information. Auto Crafts Training. 139 co Herald News; " PRIVATE DETECTIVE MEL LOMBARD Bv appointment. Phone P2ffT. 8 Transportation ForHavy Hauling, Crane or Wlncfi work, call 7 7 Hi KLAMATH FREIGHT LINES 101 Klamath Ave. WAUL bilk e ride from BtewarTAddltlon to town, hours 9 a,m. till 5 p.m. Phona 2-0871. VVVWVVSfV'lss1ssMl,sslss,ASA,ki 10 Services WE FIX SMOKY FURNACES Tufts Furnace Co. Phone: 6595 P TTIT7 NflK fn tori I riifTTh terJor-6fx-terlor work. Phona 4040, Flower Shop IIIIIVKIIV (At Greenhouses) 3014 8. 6th. Phonri 6.135 and 0340 Frra Deliver? flowers by Wirt Funeral Designs Our 8pecllty They'll Do It Every Time Jimmy llatloj JAUifUAJAr UAlto Vr-VI TAKES ABOUT 40 CVtyS T PAI I RAM VtkJIP -TUB i MEDITERRANEAN. MAVBB fcfcYHl- have wo dor AN FOLDERS ABOUT, BONGO BOAXSO f, r TtiAT amacniA TDtiCiST 1 UAS BfFW fbnlNa OVER. WORLD CRUISES ALU LUNCH H0(lRlb LlkE VTO SAIL HIM RIGHT 00TV LTflE FRONT VOOHj-j : AWYtj-AND rSTOvVWAV.HEl-t i USB TH05B MAPS AND BROCHURES ) STUHF OH 1MB l HOLES IN HIS- only us Just came im to coca. opp. Afford an Air? . COOLED MOVIc. ' TT3AVC- LI HELL FvER DO IS OUTATDWM J A RAIL." .SHOES" IK! i-ora in, ri All the barnacles aren't on ships- S?AaiX AM) A VP Of TUB HATLO HAT 7U &F.B. NORSE. M,jSK SAM 'FWISCO, IWiC 10 Services s ure YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE $50.00 or to SALARY $300 00 And On $50 00 YOUR to CAR $500 00 And Repay From Future Income. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. Slh 81. Lie. 8251 M323 Phone Till Tom O'Dwyer. Mier. Watch Repairing All Makes Southern Oregon's Most Complete Shop 34-hour to one-week K-rvIre on ny fatch. All work personally supervised by J. C. Renie Jpwelrm 1019 Mnln We Clean DIRTY FURNACES Tufts Furnace Co. Phone 6595 PROFESSIONAL 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Fully Insured "Our Experience Is Your Protection" PHONE 347S EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel snd Trench Hoe Bulldozer Pill Dirt Topsoll Driveway Cinders CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 4S77 Fertilizer and Dirt NOW Is the time to put It on new and old lawns, Dowers and gardens. Also landscaping. J. A. WEST Phone 2-0895 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Newest Sanitary Method Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Etc. Phone 984 1 or 3230 ED H. KINO 2412U New Method Rug and Furniture Cleaners Most modern plant In Southern Oregon. Wall to wall carpets clean ed In your home. Complete Insur ance. Phone 4471 1453 Esplanade PIANO TUNINrt'snrt repulr. Hive your Jlano tuned st taunt ones a ynsr. Phnna m Jlmerton, rngUtAred tunar, 3-027B. rl.OOR 8ANDIN6 " and rtflnlihlnl. Norman Vralay, phona 0.M6, ' fcVANB CAniNKf B!IOI ' Ini7 It. Main Phona MSB PAINTING, Inferior anrTasierlor. Kam- toning. H. L. Brown, phona 422A. PICTIIRK FRAMINO Camao BhopTWf Main. Phona S4II7. CllEHHMAKma, altaratlbns. Mrt. Jonar Phone enfl.1. PCOWINO. DliclnrVOIarmwlhiraf. dan or aoraasa. No loti too lame or loo small. Maynard Smith, 4.118 Win ter ave. Phone 7M. DrMONlNlV dr.mklnf, alterations. Grace Caaey, phona 7167, Pelican Theatre Apta, WINDOW CLEANING, home' and com mercial janitor work. Painted walls cleaned, floora cleaned and waxed, jmsr. imnnAnu a sons Phone 7U7R or B47B R(JrY",B"F.PAIR BMOP. Sewlnf ml- chlnea. PhonaJMIB. CI.MRR'lMITK Cement contractor. Phona 4(:w. 2040 Palteraon. Curtains laundered, pfefcup and delivery, Phona 4000. 10 Services For Ambulance Service Phone 8530 J4-Hmir Hrrvlcr Anywhere Anytime Killer's Ambulunre Her vice (New Ctitllllnc) FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER U:tS Miir tin Htrrrt !hune N77 KI.ECTIItrY YOl'H HKVVINU MACHINE Motor und lljfhU ou rr4 ifuUllatiun tlmats) furnUhvtl la advnr nlN(KI1 IKWINQ MACIIINK CO 4m Mln Vhnnm OJ l.f.uNAkO WART Cmicrl rnnlrartor. MitlvwAlki. flutm. drive) wayi. miIIusi. Ilun 4TIM tsafur And ttT ft. " Lfsra and I-ong Duianr Mnvtitj C'rlln. Pur king aitd Hlfra ki.amatii ritemiiT Phon 771 1DI Klamalh Avsj Al.TCH ATtONS, ladlsra lallitrinf. Wctrli fiaranlad. Cottaa-a. Phoita PA1NTINO. dctratln. MPfhantlt.ff. plaaUrttuard (InUlitnff and palnllfif KatUnalM flvcn I'hona YJA WV. DO MrMHriTCHISO. lor yd tt coltnn. la yd for ilh Art Ndl work Shop. Xtt Main, uptalr (.AWN MOW KM (IKItVU'r Hharpvnlni and rvpatrlng Tuli tin-It ( narta Naw hand and power mnisvara Term. ir dird nunr.siuur.K nri-Atn MHO,' w V. Main 12 Educational RonK KEEPING. Bhnrlhend. TrplnS Klmlreil sutDerti. offlre merhlnet KI.AMATII Hl fllNCHH CC)l.l.riK 7X1 Pine Phone 4700 14 Help Wanted. Female General Electric Co. Needs . . . STENOGRAPHERS OFFICE MACHINE OPERATORS MEDICAL LABORA TORY TECHNICIANS LABORATORIANS MEDiCAL HELPERS TELEPHONE OPERATORS LABORERS at HANPORD WOBK8 Operated by O. E. for the U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission at Richland, Wash. Salary rates for these positions as members of the permanent or atlna personnel of llanford Works are based on a 6-day, 40-hour work week. Rooms are available at reasonable rates.- Single women or women without dependents preferred as there are no family housing c commodatlons available In Rich land at this time. If your rxiwrlcnce qualifies you for one of the above positions, and you can pass the usual Industrial medical examination, apply In person to Employment Office GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Richland, Washington 1:00 A. M. to 4:45 P. M. Daylight Saving Time Monday through Friday or write for application blank EXPERIENCED Telephone Operator wanted. Apply In person. Wlllard hotel. WANTED! An axperienced rhldrlleased houiekeener. Must have raferencea Phone 3719. w-ANTKD'Dlnlne room caahler, mtisl he ahle to typo. Apply In parson. Wlllard .Hotel. WANTED', car hop Apply In'peraon, Glno's Drlve-ln. No phona calls. WANTED"" Pllll-tlma noliaekeeper Th modern home, care for one child. Phone S02:i efter 0V m. tXPEItlENCED rKMAI.Eboolilieeper wanted. Call office manager, phona 4411 for appointment. WANTED," full time housekeeper In fine home, every convenience, excellent wagea. Phona 034.1. " TYPIST AND RECEWlONIRf Excellent opening for young woman In construction huatneaa. Miut provide own transportation to and from work. Phona oool. WANTEtt bookeeper typist, shipping clerk, by Klemalh Marnlne Si Loco motive works, Hprlng and Elm. 16 Help Wanted, Mala WANTED Trimmerman ond setter, 5Vi days a week. Year around work. Best Lumber Co. Barnett Road Phone 9232 or 4163 Medford. ffAT.ERMArT; ealary and cnmmlaalon" Leroy E. Hunt, 1401 Esplanade. 16Holp Wanted, Male General Electric Co. Needs ... DRAFTSMEN ELECTRICIANS LINEMEN INSTRUMENT MECHANICS CHEMICAL ENGINEERS CHEMISTS PATROLMEN RODMEN llANFORO WOHKS Oratori by, O. K. for the U. B. Atomic Knrrtty Commission al KlchUml. Wash. Salary rains fur these positions as members of the permanent oper ating prrsnnnr! of llnlltord Works are based on a ft-tlny, 40-huur wurk week. Rooms are available at reasonable rntcs. There are no family housing acrommnclaUons available In Rich land at this tune. However. siMre Is available In company-oKrate4 trailer village. If your Krlriire qualities you fur one of the above positions, and you can pmia the usual Industrial medical examination, apply In person to Employment Ollut CENERAL ELECTRIC CO I 00 A. M to 4 43 P. M. Daylight Saving Time Monday through Krlday . or mrite for application blatiA First Class Mechanic Wanted fur Griirrul Oarage Repair Good Guarantee Steady Job Anderson Auto Service Pl.une airja RJ3 Walnut WANTEII young man. M to in yeara old. long lime t.i,lnt of Klamath ralu. who la Int,ealci1 in a Nlllon with a future Mut have goMl education, tte a g,M ptnmin end like In ileal with, people Me Mr. Duncan Iiral Loan Compaor. YOl'Na MAN. 14-4A. blah Interested In lnve.llatlon work, to operate Klamath Ealla office far nrrrmrv. Sin tnveatotent rr.iulterl. gee representative, deya, at Sou Ore- gt.n Ave , Apt. la. WANTEfl, ftrat claaa ' mechanic," fully experienced, heat of working Condi, tlona. Sea jack Foreman. Link River Motora. WANTED, contractor" to" take up IS track mllea of railroad Inquire Ewau na floaCo Phone AI44 WANTED, ooe flral-rla.a combination auto tHiity. fender end paint man, noa flral-claaa mechaolc Earl'a Aulo He. pair iDotlce and Plymouth). Phone 774. Ikevlew, Ore. '8 Situations Wanted WILL wsah snd stretch rurlslna. Phona 2-(ms:i HOUSEWORK wsntcd by hour. Phona .14.1 J LADY dealrea"'"ateiiographlc "" poaltlnn!' Shorthand, general office work. Ilox 104, care llereld-Newa. 20 Room ond Board 22 Rooms For Ron! AOflMrTSM Jcffcraon tooMH in:i4' llish ' OR RrfNT. onmtorlahlehnmellke log rfMirna 1.14 N .Ird. ROOM rOR" itENT-AUo gerege.-SJS nigh. rtlllNISIIED- ROOMS - Weekly- rales! Aacot Hotel, 1411 Main. flOOM "for rent. S07 Pine." Ph." MI3.-" EOR RENT: Rmm. IMS freacen! I'hone SMI after S p. m. Uentleman pre ferred. r 23 Housekeeping Rooms VAMNCV-furnlaheH light houaekeept Ing rooms 1404 Klamalh Ave. IIOIISEKEEI'INO and sleeping oo cloae In. Phone :i.142 26 Houses For Kent CArtlNfl by day or week Reasonable' n North XM U"hn' '"s1""' fon llENTrpna and Iwn room Mrnlahei canine. All ullllllra paid. Weekly rales. Altamont Aulo Court, 3S40 So. ro',,imK,'Tf 1 "bin" and 1-room, lllllltlca furnished. SM Ilrnad 28 Miscellaneous For Rent TlttlCKR for rent. Drive yourself, dft Tranafer. Phona 44.1ft "!."H.KN,'r . '!!."" "nderracrew ..kk: SKJUIlr "","U"' ,,!'-AMATII VALLEY MIMnER CO HMO South Slh Ph. 4SIS TRIICKR and care for rent" You drive Move yourself eave halt Ntllea neaooa Service, lam t. Main. Phone SM4 VAClltllv CI.EANEII EOn RENT, II s week Phone g-oui. fori RENT, large upalalra ball, aultabl for meellog ahop or alorage. Corner .."i1 Phone Urn' V"C"" 30 Root Estate For Salt fOR'RAI.E. 4 ' room ' hmtae, U strerat ground, SSS4S-SI.TIS down. J1 jE,ih 1004 Hummers Lane, afler B10 p"1 tnJfZH.. """ bouae. cement 47 rJ!!";. '"'S"1"1' WW.