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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1948)
PACE TEN HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMAtH FALLS, ORECON THURSDAY, MAY 20, IMl Directors Of ChamberGet Assignment Assignment of directors to various departments of chamber of com merce work has been completed by Al Halun. new president of the Klamath county chamber. Here they are: Service fund A. M. Collier. Industrial development Oeorge f. Davis. State legislation William Gall on?. Taxation, vocational school ad visory, Ed A. Geary. Agriculture Dick Hcnwl. Aviation P. S. Hitchcock. Community advertising and tour istFred Hoagland. Intercity, vocational school pro motion John Houston. National affairs Frank Jenkins. Civic affairs and education, vet erans affairs N. E. Long. Membership Veni Moore. Roads and highways Sam Ritchey. Indian affairs L. Orth Slsemore. Finance E. H. Thompson. These directors will name chair men within a week or so, the full membership of the committees will then be chosen. Begin Railroad Negotiations l..-.,......,- ., (4P Representatives of railroads and unions beain netoliationa in Waahlniton toward a irUlrmmt of lha dispute which forced government seiiure. In rroup are, lett to right, H. A. Henton, vice ehairman, South eastern committee: D. P. Loomis, Western committee chairman; H. A. Enochs, Eastern committee chair man, representing the railroads: A. J. Clover, switchmen's union president: Alvanlev Johnston, rrand rhl,.f of engineers, and D. B. Roberlaon, firemen's and enginemen'a brotherhood oresldrnL Wax Seen As -Product By PORTLAND. May 30 iPv Daily Reduction of wax worth $3937.50 is possible as a by-product of the wood-waste conversion plant at Springfield, Ore., a forest industries scientist reports. Dr. E. F. Kurth. chief of chemi cal utilization at the Oregon Forest Products Laboratory, Corvallis, said the commercial wax could be pro duced from the wood-sugar llgnin. The lignin also has other commer cially valuable uses. Other speakers yesterday before the Northwest section of the Forest Products Research society spoke on n developments for the lumber Industries. Frank Roehr. Portland architect, said doors and frames and window frames complete to weather -Stripping should be packaged. Terry Soule, Wenatchee, outlined the use of moulded trays and boxes for packaging fancy fruit for gift and holiday sale. , 3520 Veterans Finish Course Of the 56.423 Oregon veterans who have at some time entered school or training with federal aid. 3520 have completed a full course and 33,690 arc now taking classroom or on-the-job instruction. Zeno Dent, veterans administra tion representative for this area, thus summarized today a regional report on education compiled by the ; :ncy. as of May 1. An additional 29.213 ex-service men and women, who had enrolled in some course since the G. I. pro gram began, have discontinued. c" er stopping with a non-vocation al subject or dropping out of regu-li..- training. Most of these are elig ible to resume training, since only 138 have used up all their entitle ment. Dent pointed out Oriental tinge that seems humor ous to Occidents. For instance: One man wrote that he grasped the full meaning of democracy at a track meet while watching a three-legged race. Tills "fullest co operation" impressed him as the "key to peaceful relations within the nation." Another was sold on democracy because after his home was bur glarized. the thief was caught and the stolen items were returned. NEW ENGINE DETROIT. May 30 iv-The Ford Motor company said today an im proved V-8 engine and a new six cylinder engine will be available on all models of the 1949 Ford car. Each will assure gasoline savings, the company said. Navy Clubs Head Passes At 47 CHICAGO. May 30 i' Harry M. Wilcox, national senior executive officer of the navy clubs of the United States, died yesterday on his 4?Ji birthday. Wilcox, from Elgin. 111., was con sidered an outstanding candidate for election next month as com mandant of the navy veterans group which claims some 400.000 members. Wilcox had been ill for several months. Liquor Ad Regulation Bill Killed WASHINGTON, May 30 MV-Tlw senate commerce committee today killed a bill to regulate liquor ad vertising. By a vote of to 6. it rejected a proposal to amend the federal trade commission act to make "mlslead ln" any advertisement which represented alcoholic beverages as: 1. Beneficial to health or contri buting to physical upbuilding. 3. Increasing social or business standing or prestige. 3. Traditional In American family life or is or should be part of tha atmosphere of the American home. The bill was Introduced by Bon n's Reed iR-Kas.) and Edwin C. Johnson iD-Colo.l They also have an alternate measure pending be tore the committee, but no action Is considered likely in view of today's decision. The Reed-Johnson bills were of fered as a substitute to a measure Introduced by Senator Capper iR Kas.), which would have, in effect, banned all liquor advertising. The Capper bill was tabled last year. after being In the ley water for an hour, Minkee first radioed medical In structions. After the nhlM met through the fog, Murku and nil assistant transferred to the other ship by oiwii boat and brought the seaman bark to the llundy. The patient was able to walk off the ship when It reached here yesterday. Copco Income $1,715144 The California Oregon Power com pany today rcporled net Income lor the 12 months ending April 30, IU4H, r" $1,7111.144 which, ndcr ilrilucllnil for preferred stock dividends of $414,7(11) la equivalent tn $2 3d pre hare un (ha SDU.MK) shares of out standing common stock. 'y Net Ini'iimo available for dividends ' (n the four months ending Aprl 30, 11148, amounted to flMllJltil. ex. reeding dial of the rorienpiindlnf period of 11)47 by JH00 per cent. A black leopard and a spoiled leopard may be born In the sain llller. Oregon Doctor Aids In Rescue SEATTLE, May 20 (AV- An armv doctor from Canby. Ore., figured In inter-ship treatment of a stricken man at sea. the captain of one of the ships reported here Wednesday. The doctor was Lt. Franklin K. Markee. surgeon on the army trans port Omar Bundy. The Bundy and Durango Victory were 180 miles apart, 900 mllea from Japan, when an In lured flnanlah Alaska has a population about I seaman on Uie Durango fell over-one-half that of Omaha, Neb. I board and contracted pneumonia Japs Write To Mac About Democracy TOKYO. May 20 MV-A thou sand Japanese a day write General MacArthur about their conception of democracy. Many show intelligent under standing o their new-found freedom. Some although serious, have an I Cool, flavorful Societe W!jX0awi6?lSE I Mints are delicious ' I Slf t tiff tj iZf T Mine (p; Market ACROSS FROM THE MEDICAL DENTAL BUILDING Phone 5374 9th and Main iiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti;ii:iiiii!iiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinu PLENTY FISH that are PLENTY FRESH Sole Perch Salmon Halibut Ling Cod Herring Sandabs Catfish Red Snapper Ocean Smelt Halibut Cheeks Ocean Crab King Crab BAKED BEANS In Individual Servings. POULTRY f SPECIAL J 9 Fresh p Fricassee 2 Cold Lunch Meats 2 SALADS PICKLES i Chicken 295 j Crab Meat' Shrimp Meat Prawns Scallops KIPPERED SALMON KIPPERED SALMON TIPS HOME-MADE TARTAR SAUCE Don't complain about the weather . . . It' only 217 days 'til Xmoi! STATI-WIDI NETWORK KEX Portland KBND ....Bend KWIN Ashland KSI-M Salem KRNR Roseburg KFIW Kla math Falls "WIL Albony K0Rt Eugene KWRC Pendleton KBKR Baker 00s v Coo Bay KUIN-" Grant Pat K0DL"" The Dalle KSRU..,, Ontario KLBM.rrr.-rrri...,, La Grand K AST (,4S t. M.) Alforio 0 0 famous nn DG3 UTJ O ft Oven'baked with and rich molasses sauce, $YELU)W Fruit Needs Good Dusting Reasonably dean fruit, free of In sects and disease, can be produced from backyard plantings of apples i or pears, by the using of a crank type hand duster. However, the dusting must be done at the right time. The time of application tor the ; first dust to coin rol scab and powdery mildew is the green bud aUige, when the little leaves separate Just enough to expose blossom bud clusters. Either dusting sulphcr, or 10 to 20 per cent fcrmaie, or car barn black dust may be used for the first application. Regardless of the type of duster used, thoroughness of application Is essential. Oust the top of a hum tree from a ladder. The dust ma terials used are extremely flue and light and drift badly If there la any breese. so dust early In the morning when there Is no breese. Dusting at frequent Intervals may be necessary. A complete dusting schedule for pear and apple trees Is contained in extension circular 400. available at your county aarl- cultural agents' office. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR (M i-viii hflrTon ?a VI J " Sheriff Political advertisement by Marlon Committee J. K. Smlti), Hwritary The first V. S. census, taken 111 KM, listed 3.893.836 persons. mm mmm 94 mi lew ft. . 511 Dm Ptt4. tola 0 Mwtt. Ort. M. m I 1 I niioi H lift 1UU I 1 111 I'll 1 1) AT THE PALACE WI.H'KI) BACON lb. 55c PORK ROAST, lb. WAc (iKNt'lNK l.OSti ISLAM) DUCKLING lb. 49c THE l'Mi! mm 524 MAIN WHERE YOU NEVER GET A BUM STEER! Ok) - SC ALICE... mm "IN KLAMATH FALLS IT'S PIGCLY WIGCLY" SPECIAL OFFER ACT NOW U .m w iwi fen, if a. a m t,m "" I ltt HI (1 M . ewM v" t. o"a. jr".ttj'V !" J.ttrM"mi," "St - viVf 5c.t Zei i . z -ir " tw f k IN aji alia aart aa i Ua- mm t m hm ftm- mti Ma jaH m mm cvt ma cocrroM ak bcmsm at rtooiv inuoir SUGARcH1089c Fancy Long Grata Rlct . , ) Quaker Hominy CriU ic Bnrbank Coldtfl Hominy u.,.XU Welch'! Concord Crapt JtUy , 17c CIgartttes UKM . . 1 38 OXYDOL - DUZ - RINSO 33 "KLAMATH f KOCKISS DAYS" ADMISSION IUTTONS ON SAH AT PIGGLY WIGGLY - Gel Yaurt Today Nalley's Hamburger Relish ... , lm ktmhmim llOVLAt M tAB , 2 lor 25c Tomato Preserves 39c JELLO m, , 3. 25c Kitchenette Paper Towels 2- 29c Sushiac Catci'lt Crackers ... M 17c Swialilnt Kritpy Crackers u, 49c AVOSET WMr W at ikv mm u hmM 41c 5 U COFFEE TINMI UAF TIA COUKNI SIOIIMAILI fOI IS, ON ANT Mil TINDfRLIAF TU OS TIA IAOS Potato Salad 29 Bargain Galore Thla Week-end m etm FROSTED FOOD CABINET . X9c Fresh Frozen Peas , Apricots 10c Strawberries XQc Wafc aatat aataaal rrMi of ONtea hul I ts ft Klo Nectar Bcrrict fllli Orm H Betal raWy 29c Marshmallow Creme taVf Fl thai ft Z)C ta aaawtow fr ue asU tmmti Uawaj , rr) Dlrlch Morgarln cSTn! Now Stwh Aoin 1 Ilia PRODUCE DEPT. Giant Pansy Plants - 69c Mart of IhaBf rfeM MaHf aleau intUW aa U,h oaat.aWi Shafter Mew Potatoes .-39c naM l-a mum PotaUw w' 3 ..29c -2J?C Dry Onions Oregon Rhubarb rwi aram ..... ara M Ih4 an-taMfciat . 4ka rata 19c 29c Coraod Beef - - - 49c raicu irTW.TTvm rmcoAr lAnmMf MAT II ) M mcium MtUVtRT uncs HANSON'S MARKET "WE SAVE YOU MONEY' Tenderized HOfTfS a w 55' lb. Sugar Cured Bocon wtiM 59? Pork Steak 49 c lb. 5Ht Pork 2fc lb. For ROOStS aw ( 39k Fresh Dressed Hens 39 c lb. Sliced Bacon 651 Pork Hocki 2fc lb. i