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About Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1948)
PACE EIGHT 1 ERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, MAY 17, 1948 KU Band Sells Travel Ducats , Members of the Klnnmth Union hlKli school band, Invited to take part In tlio famous Portland Hose Festival in June, were determined to make the trip and today were work ing Willi the dlllnence of beavers selling ticket which will make their J tick north possible. The band will march In the big J floral parade and present a 12-mln-,ute skit In Multnomah stadium. In oidcr to finance the trip, band ; members are selllnR $3 tlrkels which !may be exchanged at Klamath County chamber ol commerce ot ' flees for Rose Festival buttons. These buttons admit the wearer to i 111 Rose Festival events. ! Andrew Loney Jr.. director of mu- flc education In the city schools, pointed out today that purchase ol tickets Is also a contribution to show i appreciation for the community i work the band has done through J their participation in parades, com i munlty events, during football and basketball games and other func- Hons. jMrs. Persell ;ls Chaplain i At a special meeting of the Eagles ' auxiliaries of Oregon held Sunday in Eugene, Mrs. Stella Persell of I Klamath Falls was named to the ol ifice of state chaplain. , Mrs. Persell was one of 14 state i officers chosen from several hun ' dred auxiliary members by FOE Past Grand President Lester Loble. I About 250 members of auxiliaries throughout Uie state attended the , meeting. The six delegates Irom the i KlamaUi Falls group were Betty Ketsdever, Ruth Meek. Mary Mel , ton, Frances Herbert, Costal Coch 1 ran and Mrs. Persell. Main purpose of the meeting was I to affiliaie the auxiliary with Uie i grand aerie. ; House Sale jHere Told Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kohn have an nounced the sale of their home, , 623 Pacific Terrace, to Jerry Short, Wocus farmer. The Kohns will re- ' main in Klamath Falls, but future .plans are, indefinite. ; The house, built of stone, was constructed In 1928. Stones used are from many sections of the coun- ' try, brought home by the Kohns on various trips. Kohn is a filer at the Ewauna Box company. Short will take residence in about two months. Hero Is Site of the Upper Klamath Regatta 4 S .nrW ; t This air xiew shows the southern end of I'pper Klamath lake, where the Klamath County Junior chamber of commerce will stage a regatta on June 11. The dock extending Into the lake at lower center will be the regatta operating headquarters. Faces Death Twice Daily ill 'A i n $ u-rjl ' j t)S ff lA- Ni-.JtJv- , ' X,'',' " , Human Growth Film Slated MERRILL. May 17 A motion picture, sponsored by the University of Oregon medical school, will be shown to all interested adults Wed nesday eventng in the Merrill high school gym. The film. "Human Growth." will be shown for adults only Wednes day, and the following day to high shool students who wish to see It, All parents of high school and Jun ior high school students are parti cularly invited. Clyde Beatty. world's foremost wild animal trainer, whose startling arenic exhibition Is a feature of the Clyde Beatty circus. Mills Gets Title Mills school now wears the city grade school class A Softball title by virtue of a 4-2 win over Fremont In the championship .fame of the double elimination tourney. Wayne Elliott allowed but fivp hire r. mont, but Gaylor Snow let Fre- ! mont have only wo hits. Board Session There will be a j meeting of the executive board of the Women of the Moose tonight, ; Monday, at 7:30 in the Moose halL : Laugh At Hell? You would not have snickered I and sneered and made jokes about i hell in those days. Men then left off everything to find God. Amer- lea was on her knees crying God ' be merciful to me a sinner. It was the revival of the 1850 s with God mightily convicting men of their lost state. Do you of today picture God as I being old and all love and so soft : as to wink at sin? Then listen to Rev. 20:15 Whosoever was not j found written in the Book of Life, ' was cast into the Lake of Fire, j To escape the wrath to come, believe In Christ as the Lord and 1 Saviour who died for you. Believe ' God, that your sins are blotted out. At that, God adopts you. sets you for glory and takes up in your heart to make you his New Creation. See 2nd Cor. 5:17. I "I received Christ as my person- I al Saviour 25 years ago. He now I looms greater in my heart and thinking than when I first be- ' heved. No investment yields so : sure a return as a life committed I to the Lord." ERLING C. OLSEN, Vice Pres. Fitch Bros., Wall Street, j New York City. Portland-I-Ore. This space . paid for by a Portland Family. Most men. who have escaped death once or twice feel they have pushed their luck lar enough, but not Clyde Beatty. Twice each day Beatty faces death in its most hideous form when he presents his spectacular wild animal act in the Clyde Beatty Rail I road Circus coming to Klamath j Falls May 19. ! At any moment, any one of his big cats may fly into a blind fury j clawing, slashing, and roaring with ' rage. Beatty s lions and tigers have done it before and he knows that they will do it again. Surgery has saved his face from being perm anently scarred, but his body bears scores of horrible mementos of his I close, personal encounters with kill- bent beasts. Completely refurbished and en hanced with a galaxy of famous European acts and artists, the Beatty show is this year offering an overwhelming feast of extra ordinary features. Performances are slated for 2:30 and 8 p. m. with ! doors to the menagerie and horse I fair opening at 1 :30 and 7' o'clock. Two Killed In Sunday Wrecks CATHLAMET, Wash., May 17 im Two Clatskante. Ore., men were killed when a light plane crashed on Puget island In the Columbia river near here Saturday. R. L. Goodfellow. acting Wahkia kum county coroner. Identified the victims as LeRoy Herman Howe, the pilot, and Theodore Pfiele. a student pilot. The plane crashed about 3:50 p. m. Civil aeronautics administration In spectors are investigating cause of the mishap. Easy Money Jitters Program Mae Logan, hospital guild chairman of the Women of the Moose, will have charge of the program at the group's regular meeting Tuesday at 8 p. m. made-to-order fdee powder by Clerics c! Lc Jts, By UtANK THIPP When you mind your youngster it five spot mid he givca you the Icy stare, do you ever try In ftgmu how today's kids got that way? For nil evening more strenuous than a stroll In the park five dol lars Is about as useless to our utf spring as a quarter used to be. This Is particularly true If the youngster doesn't have to pain it; If the old man Is flniiiulnu his advent Intu the modern Juvenile swim. It's easy to flume that the poor kid Is not to bluuie; that everything he does costs four to 10 tunes ulial It cost hla dad to court his mniher. That part of it Is plain aiithmei tic and Amos As . Andy economics. "One billion, two billion, three bil lion, 253 billion" roll glibly off the tongues of people who have no con ception of what a billion Is. But that's not what really miikea modest sums so insulting to the lads and lassies of today. At least so thinks ono victim of their greed. He says it's the ease with which they hear big sums of money can be had. A father who has trouble to make ends meet wept on my shoulder the other day. Ho Is a drudge lor his family. What with high prices lie never has anything fur himself. He even quit his little fun of weenly bowling so he could give more to his boy who's beginning to step out. He could take his sacrifice with a smile If the lad appreciated It. In stead the boy broke the poor tel low's heart. The young Ingrote wanted to know how come his father's poverty, why he hadn't gone out and got himself some dough. That to struggling father from an upstart who has yet to earn his first suit of clothes. But he can blow In five or ten of the old man's hard earnings of an evening every Ume he can get hold of It. What do you think the father said to me? "Hes a good ooy. I don't blame him and I want him to have a happy youth," he said. "But I wish to Ciod that a radio program never could be heard In my house again." We have heard prattle of the in fluence of the movies on the am bitions of iieople of modest means. That the luxury and lavishnerus thnt j Hollywood portrays have brought discontent and covetousness which can lead to crooked thinking, to dis honesty and crime. How much of this is renl we all have questioned. Maybe what the father said enn be equally discounted. His rebel lion against radio damns all pro. grams because of his hatred of a few. He blames them for his son s cheap estimate of money and of life. "I trv to get the boy to carry pa pers after school." the father said. "And ho tells me: 'For a lousy six or seven bucks a week? Why a guy got l'J dollars on the air last night lor knowing what three coins make it quarter, Working to get money Is out of date. Nobody but a suck er does that any more'." "tjulte Interesting," I suld, "but surely such thinking can't cause you to blame radio." "These birds who give away the moon have the country on the ropes," ho insisted. "At my house the whole family listens, answers the questions, adds up their score and takes In anywhere from f0 to IMHI a utghl-ln their minds. Then they spend It their way also 111 their uiiiids. While I guard the piti ful tl'J.7A thins got to run the whole outfit till next pay day." In that man's opinion It Is bad In parade so much easy money before people who have a hard time to get along. He says It riuphiislrrs their wants, the futility of democracy, the cheapness of money, the hopeless ness of the masses and Inflates the ideas of youth. He talked about saving fats to et pennies and Increase the supply of soaps then listening to soap makers giving away thousands, sevcrm thousand, to people for doing tilings lo make folks laugh. While he slaves to keep a home together. Strange reasoning? , Here Is a frustrated man. haras- I sed almost out of balance. Deluded to blame his economic plight upon t a proxluet of progress which brings 1 the world to his door. Deluded or I not, he Is possessed of thoughts j which create national unrest and : have brought revolution to older ' lauds. I write nts story only to tell you 1 what a dtscoiirak'cd honiemaker. who may be typical of millions, is thinking. (Copyright 19t8. General Features Corp. i RHEUMATISM YIELDS TO SPECIALIZED SYSTEM OF TREATMENT Excelsior Springs, Mo., May 17 ao successful has a niieclallted sys tem pmvcu tor treat lug rheuma tism and arthritis thnt an aiuita lug new book will be sent free to any reader of this paper who will write for It, The book enlltled, "Itheuma tlsm," fully explains why drius and nirdlrlnea give only tempor ary relief and full lo remove Uie causes of the trouble. The Hall Clinic, Kxeelslnraprlngs Mo., has perfected specialised system of treatment for rheuma tism and arthritis combined with the world famous mineral walen and baths. This new system of treatment l ftilly described In the book and (ells hov It may be pus. slble for you W find freedom from rheumatism. You incur no obligation In send ing tor this Instructive book, It may Be the tneaHs of saving you years of untold misery. For writ lug promptly, the l.'llnlo will tend their newly combined hook en titled "Itheumallsm-Oood Health. Life's Greatest lllraalng." Address your letter lo The Hall Cllnlo, Dept. 200H, Excelsior Hprlngs, Mo., but be sure lo wrlto loday. rotlurk l.unrhron The Wednes day club of St. Paul's Fplscopal church will hold a meeting and pol lock suniier at 7 p. m. Wednesday. The affair will be the last meet ing of the year. All those who have not already been contacted are a-rd to call Mrs. Hoy Whytal. tele phone r.'OO. for Information about the iHitluck supiM'r. ARROW SHIRTS COWBOY BOOTS FAMOl'S STEWART BOOTS l Hirfl" ' ' If f'1' I Ml r A 7. jaw V 1 iiilii Vint IralhrrB with drromtrd dr ill ni found only In fine boo I. Valufi to S3'i.i0 NOW 23.50 Values to (1150 NOW 31.75 Westex Boots Cowboy Work Styles. All Klics Values to $2.1.50 SJ Q ff now 10. 3 Sine 1911- ' t r I ii I 94 ad. Ofr Comm., 31? Dkvs lido , foMlofid. Ralph 0. Mtt( Oft. Mgr. . ajaksmluBBHtsaSBMKJt. vim 7K VI Your face powder li your own . , , hand-blended exclusively for you by the Charles of the Ritz consultant who creates your formula and keeps it always on file. ' There's not another powder like it anywhere. Come In and watch It blended to order right before your eyes, $2, 3, 5 the box plus tax $1 Introductory size Surprisingly - mode-fo-order face powder coils no more fhon other face powdtrt. COSMETIC BAR - 2nd Floor MANSTORl- 711 Male Nunn-Bush Shoes' ii i IG iitniiM O iOi iOi CLfimaTM colls ORfeson TIME FOR A CHANGE Rogordlosi of where you may live in the city or in the country, you con NOW enjoy the convenience of . TANK GAS ... the BEST OF FUEL for ALL your needs Cooking Water Hooting Refrigeration or Heating. Equipment Now Available Please write, phone or call of our office for complete details. OA(.iroMHiA'FAieie UTILITY W SERVICE Uviuvise OeMeAMV 1011 Main Klsmsth Falls fhone 7411 Successful Businessman Veteran Both World Wan State Senator Since 1935 ON THE 21st Or MIT TOTE TOR DOUG McKAl Some of Doug McKay's Constructive Proposals 1. Reduce state income taxes by restoring the higher exemptions in effect prior to the 1947 legislative session. 2. Repeal the state withholding tax. ( 3. Amend the state income tax to provide deductions for unusual medical ex penses and for moderate life insurance premiums up to $250.00 a year. 4. Profits from the liquor commission should go into the state's general fund. 5. R e a f f i r m re "CLEAN, VIGOROUS tptct for the se PR0GRESSIVE curity of public trust funds to preserve the heritage of pub lic lands that help sustain our educational sys tem. 6. Develop Ore gon's post-war highways on a pay-as - you - go basis and as rapidly as pos sible. 7. Co-ordinate the various state agencies wo r Ic ing for the con servation of na t u ra I resources and wildlife. 8. Plan Oregon's industrial development without seasonal unemployment, slums, stream pollution or poverty and vice. CHEVROLET OWNERS! New cars are still hard to obtain . . . shortage of steel . . . strikes . . Marsh all plan . . . and what have you ... Make your present Chevrolet like new FOR ONLY $20 Pei ro011'1 WI WILL INSTALL A Him MoTO (not REBUILT) CONTACT OUR SERVICE DEPARTMENT AND MAKE ARRANGEMENTS NOW! 3g FIX YOUR CAR FOR SUMMER DRIVING! , ASHLEY CHEVROLET PHONE 4113 PAY AS YOU DRIVE . . . SEI 410 SOUTH th